Welcome to the mathematics research hub for papers categorised under MSC 2010 classifications as Commutative Algebra. Papers on this page are organised in collections from 13- through 13P, although not all collections may have papers published in that area at this time. Visit the MSC2010 database from MathScinet for a full list of codes.
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13-xx: Commutative algebra 13Axx: General commutative ring theory 13Bxx: Ring extensions and related topics 13Cxx: Theory of modules and ideals 13Dxx: Homological methods 13Exx: Chain conditions, finiteness conditions 13Fxx: Arithmetic rings and other special rings 13Gxx: Integral domains 13Hxx: Local rings and semilocal rings 13Jxx: Topological rings and modules 13Lxx: Applications of logic to commutative algebra 13Mxx: Finite commutative rings 13Nxx: Differential algebra 13Pxx: Computational aspects and applications