Cambridge’s economics list is renowned for the breadth and quality of its publishing. Our book list is home to the work of some of the most important economists in the history of the discipline, most notably John Maynard Keynes, as well as the work of almost 30 Sveriges Riksbank Nobel Prize laureates, including Kenneth Arrow, Herbert Simon, Robert Solow and Joseph Stiglitz. This is complemented by a cluster of key journals such as Econometric Theory, Journal of Economic History and Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis.
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New to Cambridge in 2025: Experimental Economics and JESA
- 12 December 2024,
- Cambridge University Press is pleased to announce that it will publish Experimental Economics and the Journal of the Economic Science Association (JESA) from...

New to Cambridge in 2024: Finance and Society
- 08 December 2023,
- Cambridge University Press is pleased to announce that it will publish Finance and Society from January 2024, in partnership with the Finance and Society Network....

The Capital Structure Puzzle: What Are We Missing?
- 04 February 2022,
- The Holy Grail of corporate finance is a theory that explains the capital structure behavior of real-world firms. It’s been 63 years since Modigliani and Miller’s...
Interview with Laurence M. Ball, author of The Fed and Lehman Brothers
Interview with Martin Fransman, author of Innovation Ecosystems
Enterprise and Society to Launch New Fifth Issue
- 16 Nov 2017, by
- Enterprise and Society to Launch New Fifth Issue Enterprise and Society: The International Journal of Business History and Cambridge University Press are pleased to announce an exciting new initiative designed to extend the reach and impact of business history by promoting interdisciplinary dialogue and tackling the most pressing questions within and beyond the field
1584 Blog
Cartels Diagnosed: New Insights on Collusion
Agrarian Elites’ Representation, Democracy and Inequality in Latin America
Principles of Finance