APSA Preprints

Introducing APSA Preprints
We are delighted to announce that after a successful launch at the APSA 2019 Annual Conference, APSA Preprints is now live!
APSA Preprints is a free-to-access pre-publication platform dedicated to early research outputs in political science and related disciplines, and developed through the collaboration of the American Political Science Association and Cambridge University Press.
APSA Preprints delivers the very latest research and data, prior to the application of formal peer review or production processes. It makes these materials available for free to anyone with an internet connection within 3-5 business days of submission, greatly accelerating the speed, transparency, and impact of research communication in political science. Authors can deposit their papers for free and will retain copyright to their work. Submissions will not be peer reviewed. More details can be found in the FAQs .
Authors and readers can benefit from comprehensive article-level metrics and the latest social sharing tools, as well as the powerful search and discovery features already in place on the Cambridge Core platform.
APSA Preprints gives researchers and members of the wider public an early window into academic insights and analysis, and extend the support provided to researchers across the research cycle by connecting early research outputs with the submission, peer review, and production process of journals such as American Political Science Review, PS: Political Science & Politics or Perspectives on Politics.
Find out more in the FAQs of APSA Preprints in Cambridge Open Engage .