Completing a RightsLink (open access) transaction
To check if your institution has an institutional open access agreement with Cambridge, please use our eligibility checker tool. Guidance on alternative transaction processes is also detailed below.
For authors eligible to publish under an institutional open access agreement
In a majority of cases, authors will not be required to interact with RightsLink and will only receive an e-mail from [email protected] to confirm the transaction is complete.
If your institution requires you to request or seek funding, you will receive an email to start this process. Please follow the instructions to avoid any delay in your article's publication. Further support is available via the ‘How to request funding’ video from CCC's Author Resource Center.
Authors eligible for a waiver or discount
Please see our funding options for Cambridge journals authors for more information about available funding routes.
Entering a waiver or discount code
In RightsLink, you will be prompted to enter any discount or waiver codes previously provided to you, such as discretionary and Society discounts.
Guidance for applying a wavier or discount is available via the ‘How to complete author charges’ video from CCC's Author Resource Center.
Research4Life support
Authors eligible for support under the Research4Life scheme may either receive a 50% discount for their article processing charge (APC) or a full waiver, depending on which country they are located within. This will be applied upon selection of the relevant country in the ‘country discount’ field during the transaction process.
Please take care to note any terms or conditions for receiving a waiver/discount. If an author is entitled to multiple discounts, the highest discount available will be applied. Multiple discounts cannot be applied.
Paying your Article Processing Charge (APC) or requesting an invoice
For information relating to paying via credit card or requesting an invoice, further support is available via the ‘How to complete author charges’ video from CCC's Author Resource Center.
Additional support
For queries relating to an invoice or payment, contact CCC’s customer support team at [email protected]
Should you have any other questions, please use this Contact Us form .