1 Introduction
Quasi-hereditary algebras are finite-dimensional associative algebras of finite global dimension occurring in areas like algebraic Lie theory, homological algebra and algebraic geometry. Further, all finite-dimensional algebras are centralizer subalgebras of quasi-hereditary algebras (see [Reference Dlab and RingelDR89, Reference IyamaIya04]). Given a finite-dimensional algebra of infinite global dimension, we can ask to resolve it by a quasi-hereditary algebra so that their representation theories are connected by a Schur functor with nice properties. Such resolutions appear quite frequently as split quasi-hereditary covers in the sense of Rouquier [Reference RouquierRou08]. Well-known examples are Soergel’s Struktursatz (see [Reference SoergelSoe90]) and Schur–Weyl duality between Schur algebras
$S_k(d, d)$
and symmetric groups
(see, for example, [Reference GreenGre81]). In both cases, we are approximating a self-injective algebra with a (split) quasi-hereditary algebra. The quality of these resolutions was determined in [Reference FangFan08, Reference Fang and KoenigFK11] and recently in [Reference CruzCru24c] for the integral case using dominant dimension and relative dominant dimension as developed in [Reference CruzCru22b], respectively.
Each quasi-hereditary algebra comes with a characteristic tilting module, whose endomorphism algebra is again quasi-hereditary (see [Reference RingelRin91]), and it is known as the Ringel dual.
Schur algebras
$S_k(d, d)$
and blocks of the BGG category
$\mathcal {O}$
possess a particular symmetry; they are Ringel self-dual [Reference DonkinDon93, Reference SoergelSoe98], which means they are their own Ringel dual. One would like to understand the role (if it exists) of Ringel duality in Schur–Weyl duality and Soergel’s Struktursatz.
A common feature in these three dualities is the existence of a double centralizer property on a summand of a characteristic tilting module. In [Reference Koenig, Slungård and XiKSX01], Schur–Weyl duality was proved using dominant dimension and the self-injectivity of the group algebra of the symmetric group.
However, Schur algebras
$S(n, d)$
, in general, are not Ringel self-dual. Nonetheless, a version of Schur–Weyl duality still holds between
$S(n, d)$
on a module M. The object M is a summand of the characteristic tilting module of
$S(n, d)$
and a right
-module, although it is not necessarily faithful as
-module. This means that the double centralizer property occurs between
$S(n, d)$
and a quotient of the group algebra of the symmetric group. In [Reference Koenig, Slungård and XiKSX01], this double centralizer property was proved using the quasi-hereditary structure of
$S(n, d)$
and a generalization of dominant dimension which we shall discuss below. In addition, the quasi-hereditary structure of
$S_k(n, d)$
is still deeply connected with the representation theory of
via the above double centralizer property. More precisely, Erdmann showed in [Reference ErdmannErd94] that standard filtration multiplicities of summands of the characteristic tilting module are related to decomposition numbers of the symmetric group.
This situation raises the following question: Is Schur–Weyl duality arising from the existence of a quasi-hereditary cover that extends the connection between
$S_k(d, d)$
$n\geq d$
? If so, how is Ringel duality related with such a cover?
The aim of the present paper is to give precise answers to these questions and develop new techniques on quasi-hereditary covers and Ringel self-duality continuing the approach developed in earlier papers [Reference CruzCru22b, Reference CruzCru24c]. In particular, we continue to use the integral setup and split quasi-hereditary covers since they are quite flexible under change of rings, and all the above examples fit in such a setup.
Motivation to generalize dominant dimension.
A module M (over a finite-dimensional algebra A) has dominant dimension at least n if there exists an exact sequence
$0\rightarrow M\rightarrow I_1\rightarrow \cdots \rightarrow I_n$
$I_1, \ldots , I_n$
projective and injective modules over A. In [Reference Fang and KoenigFK11], it was observed that dominant dimension is a crucial tool to understand the quality of quasi-hereditary covers of self-injective algebras, and more importantly of quasi-hereditary covers of symmetric algebras having a simple preserving duality. This uses the Morita-Tachikawa correspondence, a theorem by Mueller [Reference MuellerMue68], and the fact that any generator is also a cogenerator over a self-injective algebra. Generator (resp. cogenerator) means a module whose additive closure contains all finitely generated projective (resp. injective) modules.
Recall that
$(A, P)$
is said to be a split quasi-hereditary cover of B if A is a split quasi-hereditary algebra, P is a finitely generated projective A-module, B is isomorphic to
$\operatorname {End}_A(P)^{op}$
and the canonical map
$A\rightarrow \operatorname {End}_B(\operatorname {Hom}_A(P, A))^{op}$
induced by the A-module structure on
$\operatorname {Hom}_A(P, A)$
is an isomorphism of algebras. But, in general,
$\operatorname {Hom}_A(P, A)$
is only a generator (but not a cogenerator). So, A might have dominant dimension equal to zero. So, how to evaluate the quality of split quasi-hereditary covers, in general? Furthermore, quotients of group algebras of the symmetric group are not in general self-injective; thus, a new generalization of dominant dimension is required.
(1) In this paper, we provide a generalization of dominant dimension to be used as a tool to control the connection between the module category of an algebra B with the module category of the endomorphism algebra of a generator (not necessarily cogenerator) over B. In particular, it is a tool to determine the quality of (split) quasi-hereditary covers.
Generalizations of dominant dimension have appeared several times in the literature. In [Reference MoritaMor70], the concept of U-dominant dimension was introduced, where the additive closure of U replaces the projective-injective modules. When U is a certain injective module, this invariant was used in [Reference Adachi and TsukamotoAT21] to characterize a generalization of Auslander-Gorenstein algebras in terms of the existence of tilting-cotilting modules (see also [Reference Li and ZhangLZ21]).
In [Reference Koenig, Slungård and XiKSX01], this concept was applied to study Schur-Weyl duality between
$S_k(n, d)$
for a field k. That is, in [Reference Koenig, Slungård and XiKSX01], it was proved without using invariant theory that the canonical homomorphism, induced by the right action given by place permutation of the symmetric group on d-letters
$(k^n)^{\otimes d}$
$kS_d\rightarrow \operatorname {End}_{S_k(n, d)}((k^n)^{\otimes d})^{op}$
is surjective for every natural numbers
$n, d$
. Here,
$S_k(n, d)$
denotes the Schur algebra
$\operatorname {End}_{kS_d}((k^n)^{\otimes d}).$
The case
$n\geq d$
follows from
$(k^n)^{\otimes d}$
being faithful over the self-injective algebra
, and so it is also a generator-cogenerator. Therefore, this case can be seen as a consequence of Morita-Tachikawa correspondence and the pair
$(S_k(n, d), (k^n)^{\otimes d})$
being a (split) quasi-hereditary cover. In the case
$(k^n)^{\otimes d}$
is no longer projective, in general, over the Schur algebra but still belongs to the additive closure of the characteristic tilting module. To obtain the assertion then, they used the
$(k^n)^{\otimes d}$
-dominant dimension together with the quasi-hereditary structure of the Schur algebras to transfer the double centralizer property from the easier case
$n\geq d$
to the case
. This technique also works in the quantum case replacing the Schur algebras with q-Schur algebras. The problem in both cases is the absence of a characterization of U-dominant dimension in terms of homology or cohomology like in the classical dominant dimension. Moreover, it is not strong enough to give us information if some cover is lurking around.
In [Reference CruzCru22b], an integral version of dominant dimension was proposed to extend the theory of dominant dimension of finite-dimensional algebras to Noetherian algebras which are projective over the ground ring. This invariant was then used in [Reference CruzCru24c] to understand the quality of the integral versions of the pair
$(S_k(d, d), (k^d)^{\otimes d})$
. These developments raise the following questions (to be answered in Theorem 5.3.1):
(2) Is the above case
$n<d$ a particular case of some quasi-hereditary cover? If so, does such cover admit an integral version?
Contributions and main results.
We propose and investigate a generalization of the relative dominant dimension introduced in [Reference CruzCru22b] that we call relative dominant dimension of a module M with respect to a module Q over a projective Noetherian algebra (Noetherian algebra whose regular module is also projective over the ground ring). We denote it by
$Q\!\operatorname {-domdim}_{(A, R)} M$
. The projective relative injective modules are replaced by the modules in the additive closure of Q using again exact sequences which split over the ground ring and imposing an extra condition: the exact sequences considered should also remain exact under
$\operatorname {Hom}_A(-, Q)$
. Such a condition trivially holds for the relative dominant dimension studied in [Reference CruzCru22b]. This extra condition is also trivial when U is injective, and so the concept discussed here coincides with U-dominant dimension in the cases that U is an injective module. This invariant also generalizes the concept of faithful dimension studied in [Reference Buan and SolbergBS98]. This relative dominant dimension with respect to a module admits a relative version of a theorem by Mueller (see [Reference MuellerMue68, Lemma 3]) which characterizes dominant dimension in terms of cohomology:
Theorem (Theorem 3.1.1 and Theorem 3.1.3).
Let R be a commutative Noetherian ring. Let A be a projective Noetherian R-algebra. Assume that Q is a finitely generated left A-module which is projective over R so that
$DQ\otimes _A Q$
is projective over R. Denote by B the endomorphism algebra
$ \operatorname {End}_A(Q)^{op}$
. For any finitely generated A-module M which is projective over R, the following assertions are equivalent.
$Q\!\operatorname {-domdim}_{(A, R)} M\geq n\geq 2$ ;
(ii) The map
$\operatorname {Hom}_A(DQ, DM)\otimes _B DQ\rightarrow DM$ , given by
$f\otimes h\mapsto f(h)$ , is an A-isomorphism and
$\operatorname {Tor}_i^B(\operatorname {Hom}_A(DQ, DM), DQ)=0$ for all
$1\leq i\leq n-2$ .
This result extends [Reference Buan and SolbergBS98, Proposition 2.2], [Reference Gao and KoenigGK15, Corollary 2.16(1),(2)] and [Reference CruzCru22b, Theorem 5.2].
For nice enough modules
$Q, M$
computations of relative dominant dimension can be reduced to computations over finite-dimensional algebras over algebraically closed fields (see Theorem 3.2.5).
To understand (1), we study relative codominant dimension of a characteristic tilting module with respect to a summand of a characteristic tilting module. This leads us to one of our main results:
Theorem (Theorem 5.3.1).
Let R be a commutative Noetherian ring. Let A be a split quasi-hereditary R-algebra with standard modules
$\Delta (\lambda )$
$\lambda \in \Lambda $
, with a characteristic tilting module T and
$R(A):=\operatorname {End}_A(T)^{op}$
the Ringel dual of A. Assume that Q is in the additive closure of T and fix
$B:=\operatorname {End}_A(Q)^{op}$
. If
$Q\!\operatorname {-codomdim}_{(A, R)} T \geq 2$
, then
$(R(A), \operatorname {Hom}_A(T, Q))$
is a split quasi-hereditary cover of B and the Schur functor
$F=\operatorname {Hom}_{R(A)}(\operatorname {Hom}_A(T, Q), -)\colon R(A)\!\operatorname {-mod}\rightarrow B\!\operatorname {-mod}$
induces isomorphisms

for all modules
$M, N$
admitting a filtration by standard modules over the Ringel dual of A. The converse holds if R is a field.
Theorem 5.3.1 clarifies that the relative dominant (as well as codominant) dimension of a characteristic tilting module with respect to some summand Q of a characteristic tilting module measures how far Q is from being a characteristic tilting module. Equivalently, it implies that the faithful dimension of Q measures how far Q is from being a characteristic tilting module.
Recall that in Rouquier’s terminology, if the Schur functor associated with some split quasi-hereditary cover
$(A, P)$
is fully faithful on standard modules, then
$(A, P)$
is called a 0-faithful (split quasi-hereditary) cover of the endomorphism algebra of P. Theorem 5.3.1 implies that any
-faithful split quasi-hereditary cover of a finite-dimensional algebra can be detected using relative codominant dimension with respect to a summand of a characteristic tilting module and, furthermore, the quality of such a cover is completely controlled by this generalization of codominant dimension. When the quasi-hereditary cover admits a simple preserving duality, the relative dominant dimension of a characteristic tilting module with respect to Q coincides with the relative codominant dimension of a characteristic tilting module with respect to Q, where Q is a summand of a characteristic tilting module.
We answer Question (2) by picking A to be the q-Schur algebra
$S_{R, q}(n, d)$
in Theorem 5.3.1 and fixing Q to be
$(R^n)^{\otimes d}$
Technically, the relative dominant dimension with respect to
$(R^n)^{\otimes d}$
is different from the one used in [Reference Koenig, Slungård and XiKSX01], but the approach taken in [Reference Koenig, Slungård and XiKSX01] also works and is perhaps even better with the setup that we investigate here. In fact, using the Schur functor from the module category over a bigger q-Schur algebra
$S_{k, q}(d, d)$
to the module category over
$S_{k, q}(n, d)$
, we can deduce that
$(R^n)^{\otimes d}\!\operatorname {-domdim}_{(S_{R, q}(n, d), R)} T$
is at least half of the relative dominant dimension
$\operatorname {domdim} {(S_{R, q}(d, d), R)}$
. The computation of the relative dominant dimension of
$S_{R, q}(d, d)$
is due to [Reference Fang and KoenigFK11, Reference Fang and MiyachiFM19, Reference CruzCru22b]. In particular, the relative dominant dimension of
$S_{R, q}(d, d)$
is at least two, independently of R and d. Combining this with deformation techniques, we obtain the following:
Theorem (Theorem 8.1.3).
Let R be a commutative Noetherian regular ring with invertible element
$u\in R$
$n, d$
be natural numbers. Put
. Let T be a characteristic tilting module of
$S_{R, q}(n,d)$
. Denote by
$R(S_{R, q}(n, d))$
the Ringel dual
$\operatorname {End}_{S_{R, q}(n,d)}(T)^{op}$
of the q-Schur algebra
$S_{R, q}(n, d)$
(there are no restrictions on the natural numbers n and d). Then,
$(R(S_{R, q}(n, d)), \operatorname {Hom}_{S_{R, q}(n, d)}(T, (R^n)^{\otimes d}))$ is a split quasi-hereditary cover of
$\operatorname {End}_{S_{R, q}(n, d)}(V^{\otimes d})^{op}$ ;
$(R(S_{R, q}(n, d)), \operatorname {Hom}_{S_{R, q}(n, d)}(T, (R^n)^{\otimes d}))$ is an
$((R^n)^{\otimes d}\!\operatorname {-domdim}_{(S_{R, q}(n, d), R)} T-2)$ -faithful (split quasi-hereditary) cover of
$\operatorname {End}_{S_{R, q}(n, d)}(V^{\otimes d})^{op}$ in the sense of Rouquier.
The existence of this split quasi-hereditary cover clarifies why the quasi-hereditary structure of the Ringel dual of the Schur algebra can be used to study the decomposition numbers of the symmetric group [Reference ErdmannErd94]. This result also explains why [Reference Koenig, Slungård and XiKSX01] were successful in using tilting theory to establish Schur-Weyl duality (see Remark 3.1.11). If
$n\geq d$
, Ringel self-duality implies that the split quasi-hereditary cover constructed in Theorem 8.1.3 is equivalent to the split quasi-hereditary cover
$(S_{R, q}(n, d), (R^n)^{\otimes d})$
. The quality of the latter was completely determined in [Reference CruzCru24c, Subsections 7.1, 7.2]. In general, the usual strategy is not sufficient for
. In such a case, going integrally is crucial, and we make use of deformation techniques (see Corollary 5.3.5).
In [Reference SoergelSoe98, Corollary 2.3], Soergel proved that the blocks of the BGG category
$\mathcal {O}$
are Ringel self-dual by constructing the explicit functor giving Ringel self-duality. Unfortunately, such proof does not offer much information on which structural properties of
$\mathcal {O}$
force its blocks to be Ringel self-dual. Later in [Reference Futorny, Koenig and MazorchukFKM00, Proposition 4], a different proof of Ringel self-duality of the blocks of the BGG category
$\mathcal {O}$
was presented using as main tool the Enright completion functor.
In [Reference CruzCru24c, Subsection 7.3], the author studied projective Noetherian algebras
$A_{\mathcal {D}}$
that encode the representation theory of any block of the BGG category
$\mathcal {O}$
. The Ringel self-duality of blocks of the BGG category
$\mathcal {O}$
is reproved in Theorem 8.2.1 by applying Theorem 5.3.1 to the algebras
$A_{\mathcal {D}}$
making use of integral versions of Soergel’s Struktursatz. In particular, we can now regard Ringel self-duality of the blocks of the BGG category
$\mathcal {O}$
as an instance of uniqueness of covers from Rouquier’s cover theory.
This paper is structured as follows: Section 2 sets up the notation, properties and results on covers, split quasi-hereditary algebras, relative dominant dimension over Noetherian algebras and approximation theory to use later. In Section 3, we give the definition of relative dominant (resp. codominant) dimension with respect to a module over a projective Noetherian algebra (Definition 3.0.1). In Subsection 3.1, we explore a characterization of relative dominant (resp. codominant) dimension with respect to an A-module Q in terms of homology over
$\operatorname {End}_A(Q)^{op}$
(Theorems 3.1.1-3.1.4). As an application of this characterization, we see how the relative dominant dimension with respect to a module varies on exact sequences and long exact sequences in general. In Subsection 3.2, we study how computations of the relative dominant dimension
$Q\!\operatorname {-domdim}_{(A, R)} M$
can be reduced to computations over finite-dimensional algebras over algebraically closed fields under mild assumptions on Q and M (Theorem 3.2.5 and Lemma 3.2.3). In Section 4, we discuss the relation between the relative dominant dimension with respect to a module with the concept of reduced cograde with respect to a module. In Section 5, we investigate relative codominant dimension with respect to a module as a tool to establish double centralizer properties (Lemmas 5.1.1 and 5.1.2), to discover (Theorem 5.3.1 and Corollary 5.3.5) and to control (Corollary 5.3.1(d)) the quality of split quasi-hereditary covers. In Subsection 5.4, we discuss how under special conditions dominant dimension can be used as a tool to study Ringel self-duality. In Section 6, we clarify what the relative dominant dimension with respect to a summand of a characteristic tilting module measures. In Section 7, we explore how to obtain lower bounds to the quality of a split quasi-hereditary cover of a quotient algebra
using the quality of split quasi-hereditary covers of B. In Subsection 8.1, we construct a split quasi-hereditary cover of the quotient of the Iwahori-Hecke algebra involved in classical Schur-Weyl duality constituted by a Ringel dual of a q-Schur algebra using relative dominant dimension with respect to
$(R^n)^{\otimes d}$
(Theorem 8.1.3). In Subsubsection 8.2.1, we use cover theory and relative dominant dimension to reprove Ringel self-duality of the blocks of the BGG category
$\mathcal {O}$
(Theorem 8.2.1). In Subsubsection 8.2.2, we see how these techniques can be used for Schur algebras.
2 Preliminaries
Throughout this paper, we assume that R is a Noetherian commutative ring with identity and A is a projective Noetherian R-algebra, unless stated otherwise. Here, A is called a projective Noetherian R-algebra if A is an R-algebra so that A is finitely generated projective as R-module. We call A a free Noetherian R-algebra if A is a Noetherian R-algebra so that A is free of finite rank as R-module. The module category of left A-modules is denoted by
$A\!\operatorname {-Mod}$
. We denote by
$A\!\operatorname {-mod}$
the full subcategory of
$A\!\operatorname {-Mod}$
whose modules are finitely generated and by
$A\!\operatorname {-Proj}$
the subcategory of
$A\!\operatorname {-Mod}$
of projective modules. Given
$M\in A\!\operatorname {-mod}$
, we denote by
$\operatorname {add}_A M$
(or just
$\operatorname {add} M$
) the full subcategory of
$A\!\operatorname {-mod}$
whose modules are direct summands of a finite direct sum of copies of M. We write
$A\!\operatorname {-proj}$
to denote
$\operatorname {add} A$
. By
$\operatorname {End}_A(M)$
we mean the endomorphism algebra of an A-module M. By
, we mean the opposite algebra of A. We denote by
(or just D) the standard duality functor
${\operatorname {Hom}_R(-, R)\colon A\!\operatorname {-mod}\rightarrow A^{op}\!\operatorname {-mod}}$
. We say that
$M\in A\!\operatorname {-mod}\cap R\!\operatorname {-proj}$
${({A}, {R})}$
-injective if
$M\in \operatorname {add} DA$
. By
$(A, R)\!\operatorname {-inj}\cap R\!\operatorname {-proj}$
we mean the full subcategory of
$A\!\operatorname {-mod}\cap R\!\operatorname {-proj}$
whose modules are
$(A, R)$
-injective. By an
$ {(A, R)}$
-exact sequence we mean an exact sequence of A-modules which splits as a sequence of R-modules. By an
${(A, R)}$
-monomorphism we mean an homomorphism
$f\in \operatorname {Hom}_A(M, N)$
that fits into an
$(A, R)$
-exact sequence of the form
$0\rightarrow M\xrightarrow {f} N$
. By a generator we mean a module
$M\in A\!\operatorname {-mod}$
$A\in \operatorname {add} M$
. Given
$M\in A\!\operatorname {-mod}$
, we denote by
$\operatorname {pdim}_A M$
$\operatorname {idim}_A M$
) the projective (resp. injective) dimension of M. Change of rings.
We denote by
$\operatorname {MaxSpec}(R)$
the set of maximal ideals of R and by
$\operatorname {Spec} R$
the set of prime ideals of R. By
$\dim R$
we mean the Krull dimension of R. We denote by
$R_{\mathfrak {p}}$
the localization of R at the prime ideal
$\mathfrak {p}$
, and by
$M_{\mathfrak {p}}$
the localization of M at
$\mathfrak {p}$
for every
$M\in A\!\operatorname {-mod}$
. In particular,
$M_{\mathfrak {p}}\in A_{\mathfrak {p}}\!\operatorname {-mod}$
. We say that a local commutative Noetherian ring is regular if it has finite global dimension. In such a case, the global dimension coincides with the Krull dimension. We say that a commutative Noetherian ring is regular if for every
$\mathfrak {p}\in \operatorname {Spec} R$
$R_{\mathfrak {p}}$
is regular. We denote by
$R(\mathfrak {m})$
the residue field
$R/\mathfrak {m}\simeq R_{\mathfrak {m}}/\mathfrak {m}_{\mathfrak {m}}$
. For each
$M\in A\!\operatorname {-mod}$
, by
$M(\mathfrak {m})$
we mean the finite-dimensional module
$R(\mathfrak {m})\otimes _R M$
$A(\mathfrak {m})=R(\mathfrak {m})\otimes _R A$
. By
$R^\times $
we denote the set of invertible elements of R. We write
$D_{(\mathfrak {m})}$
to abbreviate
$D_{R(\mathfrak {m})}$
for every
$\mathfrak {m}\in \operatorname {MaxSpec} R$
. The functor
$Q\in A\!\operatorname {-mod}\cap R\!\operatorname {-proj}$
$DQ\otimes _A Q\in R\!\operatorname {-proj}$
. By
(or just F when no confusion arises) we mean the functor
$\operatorname {Hom}_A(Q, -)\colon A\!\operatorname {-mod}\rightarrow B\!\operatorname {-mod}$
, where B is the endomorphism algebra
$\operatorname {End}_A(Q)^{op}$
. In particular,
$B\in R\!\operatorname {-proj}$
$B\!\operatorname {-mod}$
is an abelian category. Hence, B is a projective Noetherian R-algebra. Given two maps
$\alpha \in \operatorname {Hom}_A(X, Y)$
$\beta \in \operatorname {Hom}_A(Z, W)$
, we say that f and g are equivalent if there are A-isomorphisms
$f\colon X\rightarrow Z$
$g\colon Y\rightarrow W$
$g\circ \alpha =\beta \circ f$
. By
$\mathbb {I}_Q$
(or just
$\mathbb {I}$
when no confusion arises) we mean the left adjoint of F,
$Q\otimes _B -\colon B\!\operatorname {-mod}\rightarrow A\!\operatorname {-mod}$
. We denote by
$\upsilon $
the unit
$\operatorname {id}_{B\!\operatorname {-mod}}\rightarrow F\mathbb {I}$
$\chi $
the counit
$\mathbb {I}F\rightarrow \operatorname {id}_{A\!\operatorname {-mod}}$
. Thus, for any
$N\in B\!\operatorname {-mod}$
$\upsilon _N$
is the B-homomorphism
$\upsilon _N\colon N\rightarrow \operatorname {Hom}_A(Q, Q\otimes _B N)$
, given by
$\upsilon _N(n)(q)=q\otimes n$
$n\in N, q\in Q$
. For any
$M\in A\!\operatorname {-mod}$
$\chi _M$
is the A-homomorphism
$Q\otimes _B \operatorname {Hom}_A(Q, M)\rightarrow M$
, given by
$\chi _M(q\otimes g)=g(q)$
$g\in FM, q\in Q$
. By projectivization, the restriction of F to
$\operatorname {add} Q$
gives an equivalence between
$\operatorname {add} Q$
$B\!\operatorname {-proj}$
. Further, for every
$X, Y\in A\!\operatorname {-mod}$
and every
$M, N\in B\!\operatorname {-mod}$
$\upsilon _{M\oplus N}$
is equivalent to
$\upsilon _M\oplus \upsilon _N$
$\chi _{X\oplus Y}$
is equivalent to
$\chi _X\oplus \chi _Y$
, respectively. We shall write
$\chi ^r$
$\upsilon ^r$
for the counit and unit, respectively, of the adjunction
$-\otimes _B DQ \dashv \operatorname {Hom}_A(DQ, -)$
. Given a left (resp. right) exact functor H between two module categories, we denote by
$\operatorname {R}^iH$
$\operatorname {L}_i H$
) the i-th right (resp. left) derived functor of H for
$i\in \mathbb {N}$
. Recall that
${}^\perp Q=\{M\in A\!\operatorname {-mod}\cap R\!\operatorname {-proj}| \operatorname {Ext}_A^{i>0}(M, Q)=0 \}$
is a resolving subcategory of
$A\!\operatorname {-mod}\cap R\!\operatorname {-proj}$
. Analogously,
$Q^\perp $
is defined. Filtrations.
Recall that for a given set (possibly infinite) of modules
$\Theta $
$A\!\operatorname {-mod}\cap R\!\operatorname {-proj}$
$\mathcal {F}(\Theta )$
denotes the full subcategory of
$A\!\operatorname {-mod}\cap R\!\operatorname {-proj}$
whose modules admit a finite filtration by the modules in
$\Theta $
. Given a set of modules
$\Theta $
$A\!\operatorname {-mod}\cap R\!\operatorname {-proj}$
, we denote by
$\tilde {\Theta }$
the set of modules
$\{\theta \otimes _R X_\theta \colon \theta \in \Theta , X_\theta \in R\!\operatorname {-proj} \}$
. The following well-known lemma allows us to identify the set
$F_Q\tilde {\Theta }:=\{F_QX\colon X\in \tilde {\Theta } \}$
with the set
$\widetilde {F_Q\Theta }$
, where
$F_Q\Theta :=\{F_Q\theta \colon \theta \in \Theta \}$
Lemma 2.0.1. Let
$M, N\in A\!\operatorname {-mod}$
$U\in R\!\operatorname {-proj}$
. Then, the R-homomorphism
$\varsigma _{M, N, U}\colon \operatorname {Hom}_A(M, N)\otimes _R U\rightarrow \operatorname {Hom}_A(M, N\otimes _R U)$
, given by
$ \ g\otimes u\mapsto g(-)\otimes u$
, is an R-isomorphism. Basics on approximations.
$T\in A\!\operatorname {-mod}$
. An A-homomorphism
$M\rightarrow N$
is called a left
$\mathbf {\operatorname {add}} T$
-approximation of M provided that N belongs to
$\operatorname {add} T$
and the induced homomorphism
$\operatorname {Hom}_A(N, X)\rightarrow \operatorname {Hom}_A(M, X)$
is surjective for every
$X\in \operatorname {add} T$
. A map
$f\in \operatorname {Hom}_A(Y, M)$
is called a right
$\mathbf {\operatorname {add}} T$
-approximation of M if
$Y\in \operatorname {add} T$
$\operatorname {Hom}_A(X, f)$
is surjective for every
$X\in \operatorname {add} T$
. So,
$f\in \operatorname {Hom}_A(Y, M)$
is a right
$\operatorname {add} T$
-approximation of M if and only if the map
$\operatorname {Hom}_A(T, f)$
is surjective and
$Y\in \operatorname {add} T$
Lemma 2.0.2. Let
$M, T\in A\!\operatorname {-mod}\cap R\!\operatorname {-proj}$
$N\in \operatorname {add} T$
. An A-homomorphism
$f\colon M\rightarrow N$
is a left
$\operatorname {add} T$
-approximation of M if and only if
$Df\colon DN\rightarrow DM$
is a right
$\operatorname {add} DT$
-approximation of
Proof. Clear since
$\operatorname {Hom}_A(T, f)$
$\operatorname {Hom}_A(Df, DT)$
are equivalent (see [Reference CruzCru22b, Proposition 2.2]).
$M, T\in A\!\operatorname {-mod}\cap R\!\operatorname {-proj}$
. It is easy to check that an
$(A, R)$
-exact sequence
$X_t\xrightarrow {\alpha _t}\cdots \rightarrow X_1\xrightarrow {\alpha _1}X_0\xrightarrow {\alpha _0}M \rightarrow 0$
remains exact under
$\operatorname {Hom}_A(T, -)$
$X_i\in \operatorname {add} T$
if and only if for every
$i=1, \ldots , t$
, the induced maps
$X_i\twoheadrightarrow \!\operatorname {im} \alpha _i$
$\alpha _0$
are right
$\operatorname {add} T$
-approximations. Dually, an
$(A, R)$
-exact sequence
$0\rightarrow M\xrightarrow {\alpha _0}X_0\xrightarrow {\alpha _1}X_1\rightarrow \cdots \rightarrow X_t$
remains exact under
$\operatorname {Hom}_A(-, T)$
$X_i\in \operatorname {add} T$
if and only if the
$(A, R)$
$\!\operatorname {im} \alpha _{i+1}\hookrightarrow X_{i+1}$
$\alpha _0$
are left
$\operatorname {add} T$
-approximations with
$i=0, \ldots , t-1$
2.1 Split quasi-hereditary algebras
Quasi-hereditary algebras were introduced by Cline, Parshall and Scott in [Reference Cline, Parshall and ScottCPS88], and were defined in terms of the existence of a certain idempotent ideal chain reflecting structural properties of the algebra like the finiteness of the global dimension. In [Reference Cline, Parshall and ScottCPS90], the concept of quasi-hereditary algebra was generalized to Noetherian algebras. Among them are the split quasi-hereditary algebras which possess nicer properties with respect to change of ground rings. In particular, every quasi-hereditary algebra over an algebraically closed field is split quasi-hereditary. A module theoretical approach to split quasi-hereditary algebras over commutative Noetherian rings was considered in [Reference RouquierRou08]. In [Reference HashimotoHas00], a comodule theoretical approach was developed to split quasi-hereditary algebras over commutative Noetherian rings.
Definition 2.1.1. Given a projective Noetherian R-algebra A and a collection of finitely generated left A-modules
$\{\Delta (\lambda )\colon \lambda \in \Lambda \}$
indexed by a poset
$\Lambda $
, we say that
$(A, \{\Delta (\lambda )_{\lambda \in \Lambda }\})$
is a split quasi-hereditary
$\mathbf {R}$
-algebra if the following conditions hold:
(i) The modules
$\Delta (\lambda )\in A\!\operatorname {-mod}$ are projective over R and
$\operatorname {End}_A(\Delta (\lambda ))\simeq R$ , for all
$\lambda \in \Lambda $ .
(ii) Given
$\lambda , \mu \in \Lambda $ , if
$\operatorname {Hom}_A(\Delta (\lambda ), \Delta (\mu ))\neq 0$ , then
$\lambda \leq \mu $ .
(iii) Given
$\lambda \in \Lambda $ , there is
$P(\lambda )\in A\!\operatorname {-proj}$ and an exact sequence
$0\rightarrow C(\lambda )\rightarrow P(\lambda )\rightarrow \Delta (\lambda )\rightarrow 0$ such that
$C(\lambda )$ has a finite filtration by modules of the form
$\Delta (\mu )\otimes _R U_\mu $ with
$U_\mu \in R\!\operatorname {-proj}$ and
$\mu>\lambda $ . Moreover,
$P=\underset {\lambda \in \Lambda }{\bigoplus } P(\lambda )$ is a progenerator for
$A\!\operatorname {-mod}$ .
Under these conditions, we also say that
$(A\!\operatorname {-mod}, \{\Delta (\lambda )_{\lambda \in \Lambda }\})$
is a split highest weight category. We use the terms split quasi-hereditary algebra and split highest weight category interchangeably. The modules
$\Delta (\lambda )$
are known as standard modules. Much of the structure of a split quasi-hereditary algebra is controlled by the subcategory
$\mathcal {F}(\tilde {\Delta })$
, where
$\tilde {\Delta }_A$
or just
$\tilde {\Delta }$
(when there is no confusion on the ambient algebra) denotes the set
$\{\Delta (\lambda )\otimes _R U_\lambda \colon \lambda \in \Lambda , U_\lambda \in R\!\operatorname {-proj} \}$
. This subcategory contains all projective finitely generated A-modules, it is closed under extensions, closed under kernels of epimorphisms, and closed under direct summands. Hence,
$\mathcal {F}(\tilde {\Delta })$
can be viewed as the full subcategory of
$A\!\operatorname {-mod}\cap R\!\operatorname {-proj}$
whose modules admit a finite filtration by direct summands of a direct sum of copies of standard modules.
Given another split quasi-hereditary algebra
$(C, \{\Delta _C(\lambda )_{\lambda \in \Omega }\})$
, A and C are Morita equivalent as split quasi-hereditary algebras if there exists an equivalence of categories
$G\colon A\!\operatorname {-mod}\rightarrow C\!\operatorname {-mod}$
and a bijection of posets
$\Phi \colon \Lambda \rightarrow \Omega $
such that for all
$\lambda \in \Lambda $
$G\Delta _A(\lambda )\simeq \Delta _C(\Phi (\lambda ))\otimes _R U_\lambda $
for some invertible R-module
$U_\lambda $
. Split heredity chains.
An alternative way to define split quasi-hereditary algebras is via split heredity chains. An ideal J is called split heredity of A if
$A/J\in R\!\operatorname {-proj}$
$J\in A\!\operatorname {-proj}$
and the R-algebra
$\operatorname {End}_A(J)^{op}$
is Morita equivalent to R. A chain of ideals
$0=J_{t+1}\subset J_t\subset \cdots \subset J_1=A$
is called split heredity if
is a split heredity ideal in
$1\leq i\leq t$
. The algebra A is split quasi-hereditary if it admits a split heredity chain. Given an increasing bijection
$\Lambda \rightarrow \{1, \ldots , t\}$
$\lambda \mapsto i_\lambda $
, the standard modules and the split heredity chain are related by the following identification:
$\!\operatorname {im} (\tau _i) \simeq J_i/J_{i+1}$
, where
$\tau _i$
is the map
$\Delta _i\otimes _R \operatorname {Hom}_{A/J_{i+1}}(\Delta _i, A/J_{i+1})\rightarrow A/J_{i+1}$
given by
$\tau _i(l\otimes f)= f(l)$
. For more details on this equivalence, we refer to [Reference CruzCru24a, 3.3] and [Reference RouquierRou08, Theorem 4.16].
2.1.1 Costandard modules and characteristic tilting modules
A split quasi-hereditary algebra
$(A, \{\Delta (\lambda )_{\lambda \in \Lambda }\})$
also comes equipped with a set of modules
${\{\nabla (\lambda )\colon \lambda \in \Lambda \}}$
known as costandard modules. These modules satisfy the following properties.
Proposition 2.1.2. Let
$(A, \{\Delta (\lambda )_{\lambda \in \Lambda }\})$
be a split quasi-hereditary algebra. Then,
$(A^{op}, \{D\nabla (\lambda )_{\lambda \in \Lambda }\})$ is a split quasi-hereditary algebra;
$\mathcal {F}(\tilde {\nabla })=\{X\in A\!\operatorname {-mod}\cap R\!\operatorname {-proj}\colon \operatorname {Ext}_A^1(M, X)=0, \ \forall M\in \mathcal {F}(\tilde {\Delta }) \}$ , where
$\tilde {\nabla } $ denotes the set
${\{\nabla (\lambda )\otimes _R U_\lambda \colon \lambda \in \Lambda , U_\lambda \in R\!\operatorname {-proj} \}}$ ;
(iii) For any
$\mu \neq \lambda \in \Lambda $ ,
$\operatorname {Hom}_A(\Delta (\lambda ), \nabla (\lambda ))\simeq R$ and
$\operatorname {Hom}_A(\Delta (\mu ), \nabla (\lambda ))=0$ ;
(iv) The choice of costandard modules satisfying the previous assertions is unique up to isomorphism;
$\mathcal {F}(\tilde {\Delta })=\{X\in A\!\operatorname {-mod}\cap R\!\operatorname {-proj}\colon \operatorname {Ext}_A^1(X, N)=0, \ \forall N\in \mathcal {F}(\tilde {\nabla }) \}$ ;
(vi) For any
$M\in \mathcal {F}(\tilde {\Delta })$ , the functor
$-\otimes _A M\colon \mathcal {F}(D\tilde {\nabla })\rightarrow R\!\operatorname {-proj}$ is well defined and exact;
(vii) For any
$N\in \mathcal {F}(\tilde {\nabla })$ , the functor
$DN\otimes _A -\colon \mathcal {F}(\tilde {\Delta })\rightarrow R\!\operatorname {-proj}$ is well defined and exact;
(viii) For any
$M\in \mathcal {F}(\tilde {\Delta })$ and
$N\in \mathcal {F}(\tilde {\nabla })$ , it holds
$\operatorname {Hom}_A(M, N)\in R\!\operatorname {-proj}$ .
Proof. For (i), (ii), (iii), (iv), (v), we refer to [Reference CruzCru24b, Proposition 3.1, Theorem 4.1] and [Reference RouquierRou08, Proposition 4.19, Lemma 4.21]. For (vi), (vii), (viii), we refer to [Reference CruzCru24b, Proposition 4.3., Corollary 4.4.].
The subcategories
$\mathcal {F}(\tilde {\Delta })$
$\mathcal {F}(\tilde {\nabla })$
are determined and determine a characteristic tilting module. We call T a characteristic tilting module if it is a tilting module satisfying
$\operatorname {add} T=\mathcal {F}(\tilde {\Delta })\cap \mathcal {F}(\tilde {\nabla })$
. By a tilting A-module we mean a module of finite projective dimension, with
$\operatorname {Ext}_A^{i>0}(T, T)=0$
, and the regular module has a finite coresolution by modules in
$\operatorname {add} T$
. Let T be a characteristic tilting module of A. So, we have
$\operatorname {add} T=\!\operatorname {add} \bigoplus _{\lambda \in \Lambda } T(\lambda )$
so that each
$T(\lambda )$
$\lambda \in \Lambda $
fits into exact sequences of the form

$X(\lambda )\in \mathcal {F}(\tilde {\Delta }_{\mu <\lambda })$
$Y(\lambda )\in \mathcal {F}(\tilde {\nabla }_{\mu <\lambda }).$
Here, the set
$\{\Delta (\mu )\otimes _R U_\mu \colon \mu \in \Lambda , \ \mu <\lambda , U_\mu \in R\!\operatorname {-proj} \}$
is denoted by
$\tilde {\Delta }_{\mu <\lambda }$
. Analogously, the set
$\tilde {\nabla }_{\mu <\lambda }$
is defined. A fundamental difference between the classical case is that, in general, we cannot choose
$T(\lambda )$
to be indecomposable modules. But two distinct characteristic tilting modules have the same additive closure. These can be chosen to be indecomposable when the ground ring is a local commutative Noetherian ring. The philosophical reason is that any split quasi-hereditary algebra over a local commutative Noetherian ring is semi-perfect ([Reference CruzCru24a, Theorem 3.4.1]). Let
$T=\bigoplus _{\lambda \in \Lambda } T(\lambda )$
be a characteristic tilting module. It follows, by construction, that a module
$M\in A\!\operatorname {-mod}\cap R\!\operatorname {-proj}$
belongs precisely to
$\mathcal {F}(\tilde {\Delta })$
if and only if there exists a finite coresolution of M by modules in
$\operatorname {add} T$
. Dually, a module
$M\in A\!\operatorname {-mod}\cap R\!\operatorname {-proj}$
belongs precisely to
$\mathcal {F}(\tilde {\nabla })$
if and only if there exists a finite resolution of M by modules in
$\operatorname {add} T$
. For details on these statements, we refer to [Reference CruzCru24b] and [Reference CruzCru24a, Section 3, Appendix A and B]. Change of rings.
An important feature of split quasi-hereditary algebras is that they behave quite well under change of rings. This manifests itself in the subcategories
$\mathcal {F}(\tilde {\Delta })$
$\mathcal {F}(\tilde {\nabla })$
as follows:
Proposition 2.1.3. Let
$(A, \{\Delta (\lambda )_{\lambda \in \Lambda }\})$
be a split quasi-hereditary R-algebra. Let
$M\in A\!\operatorname {-mod}$
. Let Q be a commutative R-algebra and Noetherian ring. Then, the following assertions hold.
$(Q\otimes _R A, \{Q\otimes _R\Delta (\lambda )_{\lambda \in \Lambda }\})$ is a split quasi-hereditary algebra over Q. The costandard modules of
$Q\otimes _R A$ are the form
$Q\otimes _R \nabla (\lambda )$ ,
$\lambda \in \Lambda $ .
$M\in \mathcal {F}(\tilde {\Delta })$ if and only if
$M(\mathfrak {m})\in \mathcal {F}(\Delta (\mathfrak {m}))$ for all maximal ideals
$\mathfrak {m}$ of R and
$M\in R\!\operatorname {-proj}$ .
$M\in \mathcal {F}(\tilde {\nabla })$ if and only if
$M(\mathfrak {m})\in \mathcal {F}(\nabla (\mathfrak {m}))$ for all maximal ideals
$\mathfrak {m}$ of R and
$M\in R\!\operatorname {-proj}$ .
(d) Let T be a characteristic tilting module.
$M\in \operatorname {add} T$ if and only if
$M(\mathfrak {m})\in \operatorname {add} T(\mathfrak {m})$ for all maximal ideals
$\mathfrak {m}$ of R and
$M\in R\!\operatorname {-proj}$ .
(e) Let
$M\in \mathcal {F}(\tilde {\Delta })$ and let
$N\in \mathcal {F}(\tilde {\nabla })$ . Then,
$Q\otimes _R \operatorname {Hom}_A(M, N)\simeq \operatorname {Hom}_{Q\otimes _RA}(Q\otimes _R M, Q\otimes _R N).$
Proof. For (a), we refer to [Reference RouquierRou08, Proposition 4.14], [Reference CruzCru24a, Proposition 3.1.1] and [Reference CruzCru24b, Proposition 5.9]. For (b), (c) and (d), we refer to [Reference RouquierRou08, Proposition 4.30] and [Reference CruzCru24b, Proposition 5.7]. For (e), we refer to [Reference CruzCru24b, Corollary 5.6].
2.1.2 Ringel duality
Applying the methods of [Reference Auslander and ReitenAR91] to Artinian quasi-hereditary algebras, Ringel, in [Reference RingelRin91], discovered that the endomorphism algebras of characteristic tilting modules admit a quasi-hereditary structure. As seen in [Reference CruzCru24b, Section 7], split quasi-hereditary algebras over commutative Noetherian rings also come in pairs. The Ringel dual of a split quasi-hereditary
$\boldsymbol {R}$
$(A, \{\Delta (\lambda )_{\lambda \in \Lambda }\})$
is, up to Morita equivalence, the endomorphism algebra
$R(A):=\operatorname {End}_{A}(T)^{op}$
of a characteristic tilting module T of A. The standard modules of
$\Delta _{R(A)}(\lambda )=\operatorname {Hom}_A(T, \nabla (\lambda ))$
$\lambda \in \Lambda ^{op}$
, where
$\Lambda ^{op}$
is the opposite poset of
$\Lambda $
. The Ringel dual functor
$\operatorname {Hom}_A(T, -)\colon A\!\operatorname {-mod}\rightarrow R(A)\!\operatorname {-mod}$
restricts to an exact equivalence
$\mathcal {F}(\tilde {\nabla })\rightarrow \mathcal {F}(\tilde {\Delta }_{R(A)})$
; it sends costandard modules to standard modules, (partial) tilting modules to projective modules and modules in
$\operatorname {add} DA$
to tilting modules.
A split quasi-hereditary R-algebra is called Ringel self-dual if there exists an exact equivalence between
$\mathcal {F}(\tilde {\Delta })$
$\mathcal {F}(\tilde {\nabla })$
– that is, if A and
are Morita equivalent as split quasi-hereditary algebras. For split quasi-hereditary algebras over local commutative Noetherian rings, it is enough to test Ringel self-duality after applying extension of scalars from the local ground ring to its residue field. For more details, we refer to [Reference CruzCru24b].
2.1.3 The quasi-hereditary structure of
Given a split quasi-hereditary algebra
$(A, \{\Delta (\lambda )_{\lambda \in \Lambda }\})$
over a field k, we call an idempotent e of A cosaturated if there exists a subset
$\Gamma \subset \Lambda $
such that
$e\operatorname {top} \Delta (\lambda )=0$
precisely when
$\lambda \leq \mu $
for some
$\mu \in \Gamma $
. Using cosaturated idempotents, we can construct new split quasi-hereditary algebras from bigger ones without using necessarily quotients by split heredity ideals.
Theorem 2.1.4. Let
$(A, \{\Delta (\lambda )_{\lambda \in \Lambda }\})$
be a split quasi-hereditary algebra over a field k. Then,
(i) Let e be an idempotent of A and define
${\Lambda '=\{\lambda \in \Lambda \colon e\operatorname {top} \Delta (\lambda )\neq 0 \}.}$ Then,
$\{e\operatorname {top} \Delta (\lambda )\colon \lambda \in \Lambda ' \}$ is a full set of simple modules in
$eAe\!\operatorname {-mod}$ .
(ii) Assume that there exists a cosaturated idempotent e. Set
${\Lambda '=\{\lambda \in \Lambda \colon e\operatorname {top} \Delta (\lambda )\neq 0 \}.}$ Then,
$(eAe, \{e\Delta (\lambda )_{\lambda \in \Lambda '} \})$ is a split quasi-hereditary algebra. The costandard modules of
$eAe$ are of the form
$\{e\nabla (\lambda )\colon \lambda \in \Lambda '\}$ . Moreover,
$e\Delta (\lambda )=e\nabla (\lambda )=0$ for
$\lambda \in \Lambda \setminus \Lambda '$ .
(II) The (Schur) functor
$\operatorname {Hom}_A(Ae, -)\colon A\!\operatorname {-mod}\rightarrow eAe\!\operatorname {-mod}$ preserves (partial) tilting modules. Moreover, the partial tilting indecomposable modules of
$eAe$ are exactly
$\{eT(\lambda )\colon \lambda \in \Lambda ' \}$ and
$eT(\lambda )=0$ for any
$\lambda \in \Lambda \setminus \Lambda '$ .
(III) Let
$M\in \mathcal {F}(\Delta )$ and
$N\in \mathcal {F}(\nabla )$ . Then, the Schur functor
$\operatorname {Hom}_A(Ae, -)\colon A\!\operatorname {-mod}\rightarrow eAe\!\operatorname {-mod}$ induces a surjective map
$\operatorname {Hom}_A(M, N)\rightarrow \operatorname {Hom}_{eAe}(eM, eN)$ .
Proof. Statement (i) actually holds for finite-dimensional algebras, in general. We refer to [Reference GreenGre81, Theorem 6.2g]. For (I), see [Reference DonkinDon98, Proposition A3.11]. For (III), see, for example, [Reference ErdmannErd94, 1.7] or [Reference DonkinDon98, Lemma A3.12]. For (II), see [Reference DonkinDon98, Lemma A4.5].
2.2 Covers
A module
$M\in A\!\operatorname {-mod}$
is said to have a double centralizer property if the canonical homomorphism of R-algebras
$A\rightarrow \operatorname {End}_{\operatorname {End}_A(M)^{op}}(M)$
is an isomorphism.
The concept of cover was introduced in [Reference RouquierRou08] to evaluate the quality of a module category with an approximation, in some sense, by a highest weight category. Let
$P\in A\!\operatorname {-proj}$
. We say that the pair
$(A, P)$
is a cover of
$\operatorname {End}_A(P)^{op}$
if there is a double centralizer property on
$\operatorname {Hom}_A(P, A)$
(as a right A-module). Equivalently,
$(A, P)$
is a cover of
$\operatorname {End}_A(P)^{op}$
if and only if the Schur functor
${F_P=\operatorname {Hom}_A(P, -)\colon A\!\operatorname {-mod}\rightarrow \operatorname {End}_A(P)^{op}\!\operatorname {-mod}}$
is fully faithful on
$A\!\operatorname {-proj}$
. Fix
$B=\operatorname {End}_A(P)^{op}$
. Since
${\operatorname {Hom}_A(P, -)\colon A\!\operatorname {-mod}\rightarrow B\!\operatorname {-mod}}$
is isomorphic to the functor
${\operatorname {Hom}_A(P, A)\otimes _A -\colon A\!\operatorname {-mod}\rightarrow B\!\operatorname {-mod}}$
, it follows by Tensor-Hom adjunction that
${\operatorname {Hom}_{B}(\operatorname {Hom}_A(P, A), -)\colon B\!\operatorname {-mod}\rightarrow A\!\operatorname {-mod}}$
is right adjoint to the Schur functor
${\operatorname {Hom}_A(P, -)\colon A\!\operatorname {-mod}\rightarrow B\!\operatorname {-mod}}$
. We denote by
$\eta \colon \operatorname {id}_{A\!\operatorname {-mod}}\rightarrow G\circ F$
the unit of this adjunction. Observe that
$\operatorname {Hom}_A(P, A)$
is a generator as a B-module and since
$P\in A\!\operatorname {-proj}$
, the functor
$\operatorname {Hom}_{B}(\operatorname {Hom}_A(P, A), -)\colon B\!\operatorname {-mod}\rightarrow A\!\operatorname {-mod}$
is fully faithful.
$(A, \{\Delta (\lambda )_{\lambda \in \Lambda }\})$
is a split quasi-hereditary algebra and
$(A, P)$
is a cover of B, then we say that
$(A, P)$
is a split quasi-hereditary cover of B. Let
$\mathcal {A}$
be a resolving subcategory of
$A\!\operatorname {-mod}$
and let i be a non-negative integer. Denote by
the functor
$\operatorname {Hom}_A(P, -)\colon A\!\operatorname {-mod}\rightarrow B\!\operatorname {-mod}$
and by
its right adjoint. We say that the pair
$(A, P)$
is an
${i}\text{-}\mathbf{\mathcal {A}}$
cover of B if the Schur functor
induces isomorphisms
$ \operatorname {Ext}_A^j(M, N)\rightarrow \operatorname {Ext}_B^j(F_PM, F_PN), \quad \forall M, N\in \mathcal {A}, \ 0\leq j\leq i. $
We say that
$(A, P)$
is an
$\mathbf {(-1)}\text{-}\mathbf{\mathcal {A}}$
cover of B if
$(A, P)$
is a cover of B and the restriction of
$\mathcal {A}$
is faithful. In Rouquier’s terminology, when
$(A, \{\Delta (\lambda )_{\lambda \in \Lambda }\})$
is a split quasi-hereditary algebra, an i-
$\mathcal {F}(\tilde {\Delta })$
cover is known as an i-faithful cover. The optimal value of i making
$(A, P)$
an i-
$\mathcal {A}$
of B is called the Hemmer-Nakano dimension of
$\mathcal {A}$
(with respect to P). In [Reference CruzCru24c, Section 4], the author proved, for example, that the number of simple B-modules is an upper bound to the quality of a split quasi-hereditary cover, if the Schur functor associated with it is not fully faithful. We refer to [Reference CruzCru24c] for further details. Furthermore, we refer the reader to [Reference CruzCru24c, Subsection 4.3] for the definition of the concept of equivalent covers and for sufficient conditions for the uniqueness of a cover.
2.3 Relative dominant dimension over Noetherian algebras
In [Reference Fang and KoenigFK11], it was established that dominant dimension of certain modules over finite-dimensional algebras control the quality of many
$A\!\operatorname {-proj}$
-covers and
$\mathcal {F}(\Delta )$
-covers of a finite-dimensional algebra B. Such covers that are controlled in this way are formed by the endomorphism algebras of generator-cogenerators over B.
In [Reference CruzCru22b], the author generalized the concept of dominant dimension to projective Noetherian algebras. In [Reference CruzCru24c], the author showed that this invariant does not fully control the quality of a cover in the integral setup, since more factors influence the cover. But, this invariant can be exploited together with change of rings to compute the quality of a cover which is formed by an integral version of the endomorphism algebra of a generator-cogenerator. Such integral versions first appear in [Reference CruzCru22b, Theorem 4.1] which we call relative Morita-Tachikawa correspondence.
$M\in A\!\operatorname {-mod}$
, the relative dominant dimension of
, denoted as
$\operatorname {domdim}_{(A, R)} M$
, is

We just write
$\operatorname {domdim}_A M$
when R is a field.
We denote by
$\operatorname {domdim}{(A, R)}$
the relative dominant dimension of the regular module A. This concept behaves well under extension of scalars. In particular, if
$\operatorname {domdim}_{(A, R)} A\geq 1$
, then
$\operatorname {domdim}_{(A, R)} M=\inf \{\operatorname {domdim}_{A(\mathfrak {m})}M(\mathfrak {m})\colon \mathfrak {m}\in \operatorname {MaxSpec} R \}$
for any
$M\in A\!\operatorname {-mod}\cap R\!\operatorname {-proj}$
(see [Reference CruzCru22b, Theorem 6.13]).
$M\in A\!\operatorname {-mod}$
, we say that M is an
${({A}, {R})}$
-injective-strongly faithful module if M is
$(A, R)$
-injective and there exists an
$(A, R)$
$A\hookrightarrow X$
for some
$X\in \operatorname {add} M$
. By a RQF3-algebra we mean a triple
$(A, P, V)$
formed by a projective Noetherian R-algebra A, a projective
$(A, R)$
-injective-strongly faithful left A-module P and a projective
$(A, R)$
-injective-strongly faithful right A-module V.
We recall the following properties relating relative dominant dimension with cover theory.
Proposition 2.3.1. Let
$(A, P, V)$
be an RQF3-algebra over a commutative Noetherian ring R. The following assertions hold.
(a) If
$\operatorname {domdim}{(A, R)} \geq 2$ , then
$(A, \operatorname {Hom}_{A^{op}}(V, A))$ is a cover of
$\operatorname {End}_A(V)$ .
(b) Let
$(A, \{\Delta (\lambda )_{\lambda \in \Lambda }\})$ be a split quasi-hereditary algebra. Assume that T is a characteristic tilting module of A. Then,
$(A, \operatorname {Hom}_{A^{op}}(V, A))$ is an
$(\operatorname {domdim}_{(A, R)} T-2)$ -
$\mathcal {F}(\tilde {\Delta })$ cover of
$\operatorname {End}_A(V)$ .
Proof. For (a), see [Reference CruzCru24c, Proposition 2.4.4.]. For (b), see [Reference CruzCru24c, Theorem 6.0.1, Theorem 6.2.1].
3 Relative (co-)dominant dimension with respect to a module
In this part, we study a new generalization of relative dominant dimension over projective Noetherian algebras and how it can be used to obtain information about the functor
, for some
$Q\in A\!\operatorname {-mod}\cap R\!\operatorname {-proj}$
, where we do not assume Q to be necessarily projective.
Definition 3.0.1. Let
$T, X\in A\!\operatorname {-mod}\cap R\!\operatorname {-proj}$
. If X does not admit a left
$\operatorname {add} T$
-approximation which is an
$(A, R)$
-monomorphism, then we say that relative dominant dimension of
$\boldsymbol {X}$
with respect to
$\boldsymbol {T}$
is zero. Otherwise, the relative dominant dimension of
$\boldsymbol {X}$
with respect to
$\boldsymbol {T}$
, denoted by
$T\!\operatorname {-domdim}_{(A, R)} X$
, is the supremum of all
$n\in \mathbb {N}\subset \mathbb {N}\cup \{0, +\infty \}$
such that there exists an
$(A, R)$
-exact sequence
$ 0\rightarrow X\rightarrow T_1\rightarrow \cdots \rightarrow T_n $
which remains exact under
$\operatorname {Hom}_A(-, T)$
with all
$T_i\in \operatorname {add} T$
By convention, the empty direct sum is the zero module. So, the existence of a finite relative
$\operatorname {add} T$
-coresolutions implies that
$T\!\operatorname {-domdim}_{(A, R)} X$
is infinite. In the same way, we can define the relative dominant dimension of a right module with respect to a right module Q. We write
$Q\!\operatorname {-domdim}{(A, R)}$
instead of
$Q\!\operatorname {-domdim}_{(A, R)} A$
. We just write
$T\!\operatorname {-domdim}_A X$
if R is a field.
Definition 3.0.1 generalizes the concept of relative dominant dimension introduced in [Reference CruzCru22b].
Proposition 3.0.2. Let R be a commutative Noetherian ring. Let A be a projective Noetherian R-algebra with
$\operatorname {domdim}{(A, R)} \geq 1$
with projective
$(A, R)$
-injective-strongly faithful left A-module P. Then, for any
$X\in A\!\operatorname {-mod}$
, we have
$P\!\operatorname {-domdim}_{(A, R)} X=\operatorname {domdim}_{(A, R)} X.$
Proof. See [Reference CruzCru22b, Proposition 3.15].
In order to avoid changing from left to right modules systematically in the coming sections, we can introduce the relative codominant dimension with respect to a module.
Definition 3.0.3. Let
$Q, X\in A\!\operatorname {-mod}\cap R\!\operatorname {-proj}$
. If X does not admit a surjective right
$\operatorname {add} Q$
-approximation, then we say that relative codominant dimension of
$\boldsymbol {X}$
with respect to
$\boldsymbol {Q}$
is zero. Otherwise, the relative codominant dimension of
$\boldsymbol {X}$
with respect to
$\boldsymbol {Q}$
, denoted by
$Q\!\operatorname {-codomdim}_{(A, R)} X$
, is the supremum of all
$n\in \mathbb {N}\subset \mathbb {N}\cup \{0, +\infty \}$
such that there exists an
$(A, R)$
-exact sequence
$ Q_n\rightarrow \cdots \rightarrow Q_1 \rightarrow X\rightarrow 0 $
which remains exact under
$\operatorname {Hom}_A(Q, -)$
with all
$Q_i\in \operatorname {add} Q$
In particular,
$DQ\!\operatorname {-domdim}_{(A, R)}DM = Q\!\operatorname {-codomdim}_{(A, R)} M$
$Q, M\in A\!\operatorname {-mod}\cap R\!\operatorname {-proj}$
. As we will see later, these two invariants coincide in our main cases of interest.
3.1 Relative Mueller’s characterisation of relative dominant dimension with respect to a module
In this section, we study a version of Mueller’s theorem for the relative dominant dimension with respect to a module. The arguments for these results are inspired by [Reference Auslander and SolbergAS93, Proposition 2.1].
Theorem 3.1.1. Let R be a commutative Noetherian ring. Let A be a projective Noetherian R-algebra. Assume that
$Q\in A\!\operatorname {-mod}\cap R\!\operatorname {-proj}$
satisfying in addition that
$\operatorname {Hom}_A(Q, Q)\in R\!\operatorname {-proj}$
. Denote by B the endomorphism algebra
$ \operatorname {End}_A(Q)^{op}$
. For
$M\in A\!\operatorname {-mod}\cap R\!\operatorname {-proj}$
$n\in \mathbb {N}$
, the following assertions hold.
(i) The counit
$\chi _M\colon Q\otimes _B \operatorname {Hom}_A(Q, M)\rightarrow M$ is surjective if and only if
$DQ\!\operatorname {-domdim}_{(A, R)}DM\geq 1$ .
$\chi _M\colon Q\otimes _B \operatorname {Hom}_A(Q, M)\rightarrow M$ is an isomorphism if and only if
$DQ\!\operatorname {-domdim}_{(A, R)}DM\geq 2$ .
Proof. Assume that
$\chi _M$
is surjective. Since
$\operatorname {Hom}_A(Q, M)\in B\!\operatorname {-mod} $
, there exists
$X\in \operatorname {add} Q$
and a surjective map
$\operatorname {Hom}_A(Q, X)\twoheadrightarrow \operatorname {Hom}_A(Q, M)$
, say g. The functor
$Q\otimes _B -$
is right exact, so
$Q\otimes _B g$
is surjective as well. Define
$f:=\chi _M\circ Q\otimes _B g \circ \chi ^{-1}_X\in \operatorname {Hom}_A(X, M)$
. The map f is surjective, and it satisfies
$\operatorname {Hom}_A(Q, f)=g$
. So
is an
$(A, R)$
$DM\rightarrow DX$
which remains exact under
$\operatorname {Hom}_A(-, DQ)$
. Thus,
$DQ\!\operatorname {-domdim}_{(A, R)} DM\geq 1$
. Conversely, assume that
${DQ\!\operatorname {-domdim}_{(A, R)} DM\geq 1}$
. So, there exists
$X\in \operatorname {add} DQ$
and an
$(A, R)$
$f\colon DM\rightarrow X$
which is also a left
$\operatorname {add} DQ$
-approximation. Since
$\chi $
is a natural transformation between
$Q\otimes _B \operatorname {Hom}_A(Q, -)$
$\operatorname {id}_{B\!\operatorname {-mod}}$
, the map
$Df\circ \chi _{DX}={\chi _{DDM}\circ Q\otimes _B \operatorname {Hom}_A(Q, Df)}$
is surjective. In particular,
$\chi _{DDM}$
is surjective. As
$DDM\simeq M$
$\chi _M$
is surjective, and (i) follows.
Now, assume that
$DQ\!\operatorname {-domdim}_{(A, R)} DM\geq 2$
. Then, there exists an
$(A, R)$
-exact sequence
$0\rightarrow DM\xrightarrow {f_0} X_0\xrightarrow {f_1} X_1$
, with
$X_0, X_1\in \operatorname {add} DQ$
, which remains exact under
$\operatorname {Hom}_A(-, DQ)$
. As
$Q\otimes _B -$
is right exact, the following diagram is commutative with exact rows:

By diagram chasing,
$\chi _{DDM}$
is an isomorphism. Since
$DDM\simeq M$
$\chi _M$
is an isomorphism. Conversely, assume that
$\chi _M$
is an isomorphism. B is a Noetherian R-algebra, so we can consider a projective B-presentation for
$\operatorname {Hom}_A(Q, M)$
of the form
for some integers
$m, n$
. Since
$\operatorname {Hom}_A(Q, -)_{|_{\operatorname {add} T}}$
is full and faithful, there exists
$f_1\in \operatorname {Hom}_A(Q^m, Q^n)$
such that
$\operatorname {Hom}_A(Q, f_1)=g_1$
. Fix
$f_0=\chi _M\circ Q\otimes _B g_0 \circ \chi _{Q^n}^{-1}$
. In particular,
$\operatorname {Hom}_A(Q, f_0)=g_0$
. Hence,

is a commutative diagram. Since the vertical maps are isomorphisms and the upper row is exact, it follows that the bottom row is exact and by construction, and it remains exact under
$\operatorname {Hom}_A(Q, -)$
. As
$M\in R\!\operatorname {-proj}$
, it is, also,
$(A, R)$
-exact. By applying the standard duality D, we obtain that
$DQ\!\operatorname {-domdim}_{(A, R)} DM\geq 2$
Remark 3.1.2. Note that, for each
$M\in A\!\operatorname {-mod}\cap R\!\operatorname {-proj}$
, the map
$\chi _M$
is equivalent to the map
$\delta _{DM}$
studied in [Reference CruzCru22b, Lemma 3.21] when
is a projective
$(A, R)$
-injective-strongly faithful module.
Similarly, we can write the dual version of Theorem 3.1.1.
Theorem 3.1.3. Let R be a commutative Noetherian ring. Let A be projective Noetherian R-algebra. Assume that
$Q\in A\!\operatorname {-mod}\cap R\!\operatorname {-proj}$
satisfying in addition that
$\operatorname {Hom}_A(Q, Q)\in R\!\operatorname {-proj}$
. Denote by B the endomorphism algebra
$ \operatorname {End}_A(Q)^{op}$
. For
$M\in A\!\operatorname {-mod}\cap R\!\operatorname {-proj}$
, the following assertions hold.
$\chi ^r_{DM}\colon \operatorname {Hom}_A(DQ, DM)\otimes _B DQ\rightarrow DM$ is surjective if and only if
$Q\!\operatorname {-domdim}_{(A, R)} M\geq 1$ .
$\chi ^r_{DM}\colon \operatorname {Hom}_A(DQ, DM)\otimes _B DQ\rightarrow DM$ is an isomorphism if and only if
$Q\!\operatorname {-domdim}_{(A, R)} M\geq 2$ .
In fact, Theorem 3.1.1 characterizes the smaller cases of relative codominant dimension with respect to a module. Now, the second part of the Mueller version for relative (co-)dominant dimension with respect to a module is as follows:
Theorem 3.1.4. Let R be a commutative Noetherian ring. Let A be a projective Noetherian R-algebra. Assume that
$Q\in A\!\operatorname {-mod}\cap R\!\operatorname {-proj}$
satisfying in addition that
$\operatorname {Hom}_A(Q, Q)\in R\!\operatorname {-proj}$
. Denote by B the endomorphism algebra
$ \operatorname {End}_A(Q)^{op}$
. For
$M\in A\!\operatorname {-mod}\cap R\!\operatorname {-proj}$
$n\in \mathbb {N}$
, the following assertions hold.
$Q\!\operatorname {-codomdim}_{(A, R)} M\geq n\geq 2$ if and only if
$\chi _M\colon Q\otimes _B \operatorname {Hom}_A(Q, M)\rightarrow M$ is an isomorphism of left A-modules and
$\operatorname {Tor}_i^B(Q, \operatorname {Hom}_A(Q, M))=0$ ,
$1\leq i\leq n-2$ .
$Q\!\operatorname {-domdim}_{(A, R)} M\geq n\geq 2$ if and only if
$\chi ^r_{DM}\colon \operatorname {Hom}_A(DQ, DM)\otimes _B DQ\rightarrow DM$ is an isomorphism and
$\operatorname {Tor}_i^B(\operatorname {Hom}_A(DQ, DM), DQ)=\operatorname {Tor}_i^B(\operatorname {Hom}_A(M, Q), DQ)=0$ ,
$1\leq i\leq n-2$ .
Proof. We shall prove (i). Assume that
$DQ\!\operatorname {-domdim}_{(A, R)} DM\geq n\geq 2$
. By Theorem 3.1.1,
$\chi _M$
is an isomorphism. By definition, there exists an
$(A, R)$
-exact sequence
$ { \delta \colon DM\hookrightarrow X_0\rightarrow X_1\rightarrow \cdots \rightarrow X_{n-1}} $
which remains exact under
$\operatorname {Hom}_A(-, DQ)$
$X_i\in \operatorname {add} DQ$
$i=0, \ldots , n-1$
. In particular,
${\operatorname {Hom}_A(X_{n-1}, DQ)\rightarrow \cdots \rightarrow \operatorname {Hom}_A(X_0, DQ)\rightarrow \operatorname {Hom}_A(DM, DQ)\rightarrow 0}$
is exact and can be continued to a left projective B-resolution of
$\operatorname {Hom}_A(Q, M)$
. Consider the following commutative diagram:

Observe that the bottom row is exact since the exact sequence
$\delta $
$(A, R)$
-exact. Since all vertical maps are isomorphisms, it follows that the upper row is exact. Thus,
$\operatorname {Tor}_i^B(Q, \operatorname {Hom}_A(Q, M))=0$
$1\leq i\leq n-2$
Conversely, assume that
$\chi _M$
is an isomorphism and
$\operatorname {Tor}_i^B(Q, \operatorname {Hom}_A(Q, M))=0$
$1\leq i\leq n-2$
. Let
$\operatorname {Hom}_A(Q, X_{n-1}) \xrightarrow {g_{n-1}} \cdots \rightarrow \operatorname {Hom}_A(Q, X_0)\xrightarrow {g_0} \operatorname {Hom}_A(Q, M)\rightarrow 0$
be a truncated projective B-resolution of
$\operatorname {Hom}_A(Q, M)$
$X_i\in \operatorname {add}_A Q$
. Furthermore,
$\operatorname {Hom}_A(Q, -)_{|_{\operatorname {add} Q}}$
is full and faithful, so each map
can be written as
$\operatorname {Hom}_A(Q, f_i)$
$\chi _M$
is an isomorphism, where
$f_i\in \operatorname {Hom}_A(X_i, X_{i-1})$
$f_0\in \operatorname {Hom}_A(X_0, M).$
So, we have a commutative diagram

By assumption,
$\operatorname {Tor}_i^B(Q, \operatorname {Hom}_A(Q, M))=0$
$1\leq i\leq n-2$
. So, the upper row is exact. By the exactness and the vertical maps being isomorphisms, the bottom row becomes exact. Since
$M\in R\!\operatorname {-proj}$
, it is also
$(A, R)$
-exact, and so it remains
$(A, R)$
-exact under D. By construction, the bottom row remains exact under
$\operatorname {Hom}_A(Q, -)$
; thus,
$DQ\!\operatorname {-domdim}_{(A, R)} DM\geq n\geq 2$
. The statement (ii) is analogous to (i).
Remark 3.1.5. The condition
$\operatorname {Hom}_A(Q, Q)\in R\!\operatorname {-proj}$
is used to enforce that B is a projective Noetherian R-algebra same as A. Having only the criteria in Theorems 3.1.4 and 3.1.1, we can observe that the arguments carry over if B is just a Noetherian R-algebra.
3.1.1 Identities on relative dominant and codominant dimension
An immediate consequence of Theorems 3.1.4 and 3.1.1 is the following.
Corollary 3.1.6. Let R be a commutative Noetherian ring. Let A be a projective Noetherian R-algebra. Assume that
$Q\in A\!\operatorname {-mod}\cap R\!\operatorname {-proj}$
satisfying in addition that
$\operatorname {Hom}_A(Q, Q)\in R\!\operatorname {-proj}$
. Then,

Proof. By Tensor-Hom adjunction, there are bimodule isomorphisms
$\psi \colon \operatorname {Hom}_A(Q, DA)\rightarrow DQ$
${\omega \colon Q\rightarrow \operatorname {Hom}_A(DQ, DA)}$
. In particular,
$\psi $
is a left B-isomorphism, while
$\omega $
is a right B-isomorphism. Moreover,
$\chi ^r_{DA}\circ \omega \otimes _B \psi =\chi _{DA}$
. By Theorems 3.1.1 and 3.1.3,
$DQ\!\operatorname {-domdim}{(A, R)} \geq i$
if and only if
$Q\!\operatorname {-domdim}{(A, R)} \geq i$
$i=1, 2$
. By Theorem 3.1.4,
$DQ\!\operatorname {-domdim}{(A, R)}=DQ\!\operatorname {-domdim}_{(A, R)} DDA_A\geq n\geq 2$
if and only if
$\chi _{DA}$
is an isomorphism and
$0=\operatorname {Tor}_i^B(Q, \operatorname {Hom}_A(Q, DA))=\operatorname {Tor}_i^B(Q, DQ)=\operatorname {Tor}_i^B(\operatorname {Hom}_A(DQ, DA),DQ)$
$1\leq i\leq n-2$
. The latter is equivalent to
$Q\!\operatorname {-domdim}{(A, R)} \geq n\geq 2$
It follows, by Theorem 3.1.4 and Corollary 3.1.6 (see also [Reference Assem, Simson and SkowrońskiASS06, A.4]), that the relative dominant dimension of the regular module with respect to a module Q over a finite-dimensional algebra coincides with the faithful dimension of
$\boldsymbol {Q}$
introduced in [Reference Buan and SolbergBS98].
There is a version of Corollary 3.1.6 for (partial) tilting modules, if the split quasi-hereditary algebra admits a duality functor on
$A\!\operatorname {-mod}\cap R\!\operatorname {-proj}$
$\Delta (\lambda )$
$\nabla (\lambda )$
(or a simple preserving duality if the ground ring is a field). Here, by a duality functor on
$A\!\operatorname {-mod}\cap R\!\operatorname {-proj}$
we mean an exact, involutive and contravariant autoequivalence of categories
$A\!\operatorname {-mod}\cap R\!\operatorname {-proj}\rightarrow A\!\operatorname {-mod}\cap R\!\operatorname {-proj}$
Proposition 3.1.7. Let
$(A, \{\Delta (\lambda )_{\lambda \in \Lambda }\})$
be a split quasi-hereditary R-algebra with a characteristic tilting module T. Let
$V\in \operatorname {add}_A T$
and assume that
${}^\natural (-)\colon A\!\operatorname {-mod}\cap R\!\operatorname {-proj}\rightarrow A\!\operatorname {-mod}\cap R\!\operatorname {-proj}$
is a duality satisfying
${}^\natural \Delta (\lambda )=\nabla (\lambda )$
${}^\natural V\simeq V$
for all
$\lambda \in \Lambda $
. Then,
$V\!\operatorname {-domdim}_{(A, R)} T=V\!\operatorname {-codomdim}_{(A, R)} T$
Proof. Assume that
$V\!\operatorname {-domdim}_{(A, R)} T\geq n\geq 1$
$n\in \mathbb {N}$
. By definition, there exists an
$(A, R)$
-exact sequence
$ \delta :0\rightarrow T\rightarrow V_0\rightarrow V_1\rightarrow \cdots \rightarrow V_{n-1}, \ \text {with} \ V_i\in \operatorname {add}_A V,$
which remains exact under
$\operatorname {Hom}_A(-, V)$
. Applying the duality
${}^\natural (-)$
$\delta $
, we obtain the exact sequence
$ {}^\natural \delta :{}^\natural V_{n-1} \rightarrow \cdots \rightarrow {}^\natural V_1 \rightarrow {}^\natural V_0 \rightarrow {}^\natural T\rightarrow 0.$
${}^\natural (-)$
to the exact sequences defining
$T(\lambda )$
, we obtain that
${}^\natural T$
is also a characteristic tilting module and so
$\operatorname {add} T=\!\operatorname {add} {}^\natural T$
. In particular,
${}^\natural \delta $
$(A, R)$
-exact. It remains to show that
${}^\natural \delta $
remains exact under
$\operatorname {Hom}_A(V, -)\simeq \operatorname {Hom}_A({}^\natural V, -)$
. To see this, note that for every homomorphism
$f\in \operatorname {Hom}_A(N, L)$
, the maps
$\operatorname {Hom}_A({}^\natural V, {}^\natural f)$
$\operatorname {Hom}_A(f, V)$
are equivalent since
${}^\natural (-)$
is a duality. Hence,
$\operatorname {Hom}_A({}^\natural V, {}^\natural \delta )$
is an exact complex since
$\operatorname {Hom}_{A}(\delta , V)$
is so (see also Lemma 2.0.2). Hence,
$V\!\operatorname {-codomdim}_{(A, R)} T\geq n\geq 1$
. Conversely,
$V\!\operatorname {-codomdim}_{(A, R)} T=DV\!\operatorname {-domdim}_{(A, R)} DT\geq DV\!\operatorname {-codomdim}_{(A, R)} DT = V\!\operatorname {-domdim}_{(A, R)} T$
3.1.2 Behavior of relative dominant dimension on long exact sequences
Using Theorem 3.1.4, it is now clear how the relative dominant dimension with respect to a module behaves on short exact sequences.
Lemma 3.1.8. Let R be a commutative Noetherian ring. Let A be a projective Noetherian R-algebra. Assume that
$Q\in A\!\operatorname {-mod}\cap R\!\operatorname {-proj}$
satisfying in addition that
$\operatorname {Hom}_A(Q, Q)\in R\!\operatorname {-proj}$
. Let
$M\in R\!\operatorname {-proj}$
and consider the following
$(A, R)$
$ 0\rightarrow M_1\rightarrow M\rightarrow M_2\rightarrow 0 $
which remains exact under
$\operatorname {Hom}_A(-, Q)$
. Let
$n=Q\!\operatorname {-domdim}_{(A, R)} M$
$n_i=Q\!\operatorname {-domdim}_{(A, R)} M_i$
. Then, the following holds.
$n\geq \min \{n_1, n_2\}$ .
(b) If
$n_1<n$ , then
$n_2=n_1-1$ .
- (c)
$n_1=n\implies n_2\geq n-1$ .
$n_1=n+1\implies n_2\geq n$ .
$n_1\geq n+2\implies n_2=n$ .
$n<n_2\implies n_1=n$ .
- (e)
$n=n_2\implies n_1\geq n_2$ .
$n=n_2+1\implies n_1\geq n_2+1$ .
$n\geq n_2+2\implies n_1=n_2+1$ .
Proof. By assumption,
$0\rightarrow \operatorname {Hom}_A(DQ, DM_2)\rightarrow \operatorname {Hom}_A(DQ, DM)\rightarrow \operatorname {Hom}_A(DQ, DM_1)\rightarrow 0$
is exact. The remaining of the proof is exactly analogous to Lemma 5.12 of [Reference CruzCru22b].
Corollary 3.1.9. Assume that
$Q\in A\!\operatorname {-mod}\cap R\!\operatorname {-proj}$
satisfying in addition that
$\operatorname {Hom}_A(Q, Q)\in R\!\operatorname {-proj}$
. Let
$M_i\in A\!\operatorname {-mod}\cap R\!\operatorname {-proj}$
$i\in I$
, for some finite set I. Then,

Proof. The argument given in [Reference CruzCru22b, Corollary 5.10] works in this setup replacing the use of [Reference CruzCru22b, Theorem 5.2, Proposition 3.23] by Theorems 3.1.1 and 3.1.4.
Usually, proving that a certain exact sequence remains exact under a certain
$\operatorname {Hom}$
functor might be difficult. Sometimes, we can assert that the existence of an
$(A, R)$
-exact sequence implies the existence of another whose morphisms can be factored through
$\operatorname {add} Q$
-approximations for some module Q.
Lemma 3.1.10. Let R be a commutative Noetherian ring. Let A be a projective Noetherian R-algebra,
$Q, M\in A\!\operatorname {-mod}\cap R\!\operatorname {-proj}$
$n\in \mathbb {N}$
$X_i\in \operatorname {add} Q$
$1\leq i\leq n$
. Assume that there exists an
$(A, R)$
-exact sequence
$ \delta \colon 0\rightarrow M\rightarrow X_1\rightarrow \cdots \rightarrow X_{n}$
, with
$ X_i\in \operatorname {add} Q$
, which remains exact under
$\operatorname {Hom}_A(-, Q)$
, that can be continued to an
$(A, R)$
-exact sequence
$ 0\rightarrow M\rightarrow X_1\rightarrow \cdots \rightarrow X_{n}\xrightarrow {h} Y $
$Y\in \operatorname {add} Q$
. Then,
$Q\!\operatorname {-domdim}_{(A, R)} M\geq n+1$
Proof. Consider the exact sequence
$D\delta $
. Denote by
$\alpha _i$
the maps
$DX_i\rightarrow DX_{i-1}$
, where we fix
$X_0:= DM$
. The map
admits a factorization through
$\ker \alpha _{n}$
, say
$\nu \circ \pi $
. Since B is a Noetherian R-algebra, there exists
$Z\in \operatorname {add} DQ$
such that there exists a surjective map
$g\colon \operatorname {Hom}_A(DQ, Z)\rightarrow \operatorname {Hom}_A(DQ, \ker \alpha _{n})$
. Further, by projectization, the map
$\operatorname {Hom}_A(DQ, \nu )\circ g$
is equal to
$\operatorname {Hom}_A(DQ, f)$
for some
$f\in \operatorname {Hom}_A(Z, DX_{n})$
. By construction, the sequence
$Z\xrightarrow {f} DX_{n-1}\rightarrow \cdots \rightarrow DX_1\rightarrow DM\rightarrow 0$
becomes exact under
$\operatorname {Hom}_A(DQ, -)$
, and if exact, it is
$(A, R)$
-exact. So, it is enough to show that
$\ker \alpha _{n} =\!\operatorname {im} f$
. This is clear since
$\chi _Z^r$
is an isomorphism, and so
$\alpha _n\circ f=0$
which, in turn, implies that
$g= \operatorname {Hom}_A(DQ, s)$
for some
$s\in \operatorname {Hom}_A(Z, \ker \alpha _n)$
. By construction, this map is therefore surjective since
$\pi $
must factor through s. So, the result holds.
Remark 3.1.11. Observe that Theorem 2.8 of [Reference Koenig, Slungård and XiKSX01] and Theorem 2.15 of [Reference Koenig, Slungård and XiKSX01] are particular cases of Lemma 3.1.10 (when
) and Theorem 3.1.3.
In contrast to Lemma 3.1.10, if we know the last map in an exact sequence and its cokernel, then we can deduce the value of the relative dominant dimension with respect to a module using that exact sequence.
Proposition 3.1.12. Let R be a commutative Noetherian ring. Let A be a projective Noetherian R-algebra and
$Q\in A\!\operatorname {-mod}\cap R\!\operatorname {-proj}$
so that
$\operatorname {Hom}_A(Q, Q)\in R\!\operatorname {-proj}$
$\operatorname {Ext}_A^{i>0}(Q, Q)=0$
. Suppose that
$M\in {}^{\perp }Q$
. An
$(A, R)$
-exact sequence
$ \delta \colon 0\rightarrow M\rightarrow Q_1\rightarrow \cdots \rightarrow Q_n$
$Q\!\operatorname {-domdim}_{(A, R)} M\geq n$
if and only if
$Q_i\in \operatorname {add} Q$
and the cokernel of
$Q_{n-1}\rightarrow Q_n$
belongs to
${}^\perp Q$
Proof. Denote by
the cokernel of
$Q_{i-1}\rightarrow Q_{i}$
and fix
. Assume that
$Q_i\in \operatorname {add} Q$
$X_n\in {}^\perp Q$
. So,
$X_n\in R\!\operatorname {-proj}$
$\delta $
$(A, R)$
-exact. It follows that
$\operatorname {Ext}_A^1(X_i, Q)\simeq \operatorname {Ext}_A^{n-i+1}(X_n, Q)=0$
. This means that
$\delta $
remains exact under
$\operatorname {Hom}_A(-, Q)$
, and so
$Q\!\operatorname {-domdim}_{(A, R)} M\geq n$
Conversely, assume that
$\delta $
$Q\!\operatorname {-domdim}_{(A, R)} M\geq n$
. By assumption,
$Q_i\in \operatorname {add} Q$
$\delta $
$(A, R)$
-exact. Hence,
$X_n\in A\!\operatorname {-mod}\cap R\!\operatorname {-proj}$
. Combining the conditions of
$\operatorname {Ext}_A^{i>0}(Q_i, Q)=0$
$\operatorname {Hom}_A(-, Q)$
being exact on
$\delta $
$M\in {}^\perp Q$
, it follows by induction on i that
$X_i\in {}^\perp Q$
We note the following application of Lemma 3.1.8 useful in examples.
Corollary 3.1.13. Let R be a commutative Noetherian ring. Let A be a projective Noetherian R-algebra. Assume that
$Q\in A\!\operatorname {-mod}\cap R\!\operatorname {-proj}$
satisfies in addition that
$\operatorname {Hom}_A(Q, Q)\in R\!\operatorname {-proj}$
$\operatorname {Ext}_A^{i>0}(Q, Q)=0$
. Let
$M\in A\!\operatorname {-mod}\cap R\!\operatorname {-proj}$
and an
$(A, R)$
-exact sequence
$0\rightarrow M\rightarrow Q_1\rightarrow \cdots \rightarrow Q_t\rightarrow X\rightarrow 0.$
$\operatorname {Ext}_A^i(X, Q)=0$
$Q_i\in \operatorname {add} Q$
$1\leq i\leq t$
, then
$Q\!\operatorname {-domdim}_{(A, R)} M=t+Q\!\operatorname {-domdim}_{(A, R)} X$
Proof. Let
be the image of the maps
$Q_i\rightarrow Q_{i+1}$
$i=1, \ldots , t-1$
. Since
$Q\in {}^\perp Q$
, it follows that
$\operatorname {Ext}_A^1(C_i, Q)\simeq \operatorname {Ext}_A^{t-i+1}(X, Q)=0$
. So, the exact sequences
$0\rightarrow C_i\rightarrow Q_{i+1}\rightarrow C_{i+1}\rightarrow 0$
are exact under
$\operatorname {Hom}_A(-, Q)$
(also with
). By Lemma 3.1.8 and induction on i, the result follows. Projective dimension as an upper bound for relative dominant dimension.
We should point out that under certain conditions, the relative dominant dimension of the regular module with respect to a module Q is bounded above (if finite) by the projective dimension of Q.
Proposition 3.1.14. Let R be a commutative Noetherian ring and A be a projective Noetherian R-algebra. Let Q be a module in
$Q\in A\!\operatorname {-mod}\cap R\!\operatorname {-proj}$
$Q\in {}^\perp Q$
$B:=\operatorname {End}_A(Q)^{op}\in R\!\operatorname {-proj}$
so that the projective dimensions
$\operatorname {pdim}_A Q$
$\operatorname {pdim}_B Q$
are finite. If
$Q\!\operatorname {-domdim}{(A, R)}> \max \{\operatorname {pdim}_B Q, 2\}$
, then Q is a tilting A-module.
Proof. Fix
$n=\operatorname {pdim}_B Q$
. By assumption,
$DQ\!\operatorname {-codomdim}_{(A^{op}, R)} DA\geq n+1$
, and so
$\operatorname {Tor}_i^B(Q, DQ)=0\ \mathrm{for}\ i=1, \ldots , n-1$
$Q\otimes _B DQ\simeq DA$
by Theorem 3.1.4. Therefore, applying
$-\otimes _B DQ$
to a projective resolution of Q over B yields an exact sequence
$0\rightarrow X_n\rightarrow \cdots \rightarrow X_0\rightarrow Q\otimes _B DQ\rightarrow 0$
$X_i\in \operatorname {add} DQ$
. By applying D to this exact sequence, we obtain that Q is a tilting A-module.
3.2 Change of rings on relative dominant dimension with respect to a module
We now show that the relative dominant dimension with respect to a module behaves well under change of rings techniques. As usual, the following results also hold for right A-modules and consequently with codominant dimension in place of dominant dimension. For brevity, we consider only the left versions. In the following, we say that a module
$Q\in A\!\operatorname {-mod}\cap R\!\operatorname {-proj}$
has a base change property if
$\operatorname {Hom}_A(Q, Q)\in R\!\operatorname {-proj}$
and for every commutative R-algebra Noetherian ring S, the canonical map
$S\otimes _R \operatorname {Hom}_A(Q, Q)\rightarrow \operatorname {Hom}_{S\otimes _R A}(S\otimes _R Q, S\otimes _R Q)$
is an isomorphism.
Lemma 3.2.1. Let R be a commutative Noetherian ring. Let A be a projective Noetherian R-algebra. Assume that
$Q\in A\!\operatorname {-mod}\cap R\!\operatorname {-proj}$
has a base change property. Denote by B the endomorphism algebra
$ \operatorname {End}_A(Q)^{op}$
. Assume that
$M\in A\!\operatorname {-mod}\cap R\!\operatorname {-proj}$
satisfies the following two conditions:
$\operatorname {Hom}_A(M, Q)\in R\!\operatorname {-proj}$ ;
2. The map
$R(\mathfrak {m})\otimes _R \operatorname {Hom}_A(M, Q)\rightarrow \operatorname {Hom}_{A(\mathfrak {m})}(M(\mathfrak {m}), Q(\mathfrak {m}))$ is an isomorphism for all
${\mathfrak {m}\in \operatorname {MaxSpec} R}$ .
Then, the following assertions are equivalent.
$Q\!\operatorname {-domdim}_{(A, R)} M\geq 1$ ;
$S\otimes _R Q\!\operatorname {-domdim}_{(S\otimes _R A, S)} S\otimes _R M\geq 1$ for every commutative R-algebra and Noetherian ring S;
$Q_{\mathfrak {m}}\!\operatorname {-domdim}_{(A_{\mathfrak {m}}, R_{\mathfrak {m}})} M_{\mathfrak {m}}\geq 1$ for every maximal ideal
$\mathfrak {m}$ of R;
$Q(\mathfrak {m})\!\operatorname {-domdim}_{A(\mathfrak {m})} M(\mathfrak {m})\geq 1$ for every maximal ideal
$\mathfrak {m}$ of R.
Proof. Let S be a commutative R-algebra. Denote by
the standard duality with respect to S,
$\operatorname {Hom}_S(-, S)$
. The result follows from the following commutative diagram:

where the map
$\theta _{S, M}$
is the isomorphism given in Proposition 2.3 of [Reference CruzCru22b], while
$\varphi _S$
is the tensor product of the canonical map given by extension of scalars on
$\operatorname {Hom}$
(which is not claimed at the moment to be an isomorphism) with the one providing the isomorphism
$S\otimes _R DQ\simeq D_S(S\otimes _RQ)$
The implications
$(b)\Rightarrow (c)\Rightarrow (d)$
are immediate. Assume that
holds. Then,
$\chi _{DM}^r$
is surjective. By the commutative diagram,
$\chi _{D_SS\otimes _R M}^r$
is surjective, and so
follows. Assume that
holds. By condition 2,
$\varphi _{R(\mathfrak {m})}$
must be an isomorphism for every
$\mathfrak {m}\in \operatorname {MaxSpec} R$
. Thus, by the diagram,
$\chi ^r_{DM}(\mathfrak {m})$
is surjective for every maximal ideal
$\mathfrak {m}$
of R. By Nakayama’s Lemma,
$\chi ^r_{DM}$
is surjective and
Lemma 3.2.2. Let R be a commutative Noetherian ring. Let A be a projective Noetherian R-algebra. Let
$Q\in A\!\operatorname {-mod}\cap R\!\operatorname {-proj}$
$\operatorname {Hom}_A(Q, Q)\in R\!\operatorname {-proj}$
. Denote by B the endomorphism algebra
$ \operatorname {End}_A(Q)^{op}$
. For
$M\in A\!\operatorname {-mod}\cap R\!\operatorname {-proj}$
, the following assertions are equivalent.
$Q\!\operatorname {-domdim}_{(A, R)} M\geq n\geq 1$ ;
$Q\!\operatorname {-domdim}_{(S\otimes _R A, S)} S\otimes _R M\geq n\geq 1$ for every flat commutative R-algebra and Noetherian ring S;
$Q\!\operatorname {-domdim}_{(A_{\mathfrak {m}}, R_{\mathfrak {m}})} M_{\mathfrak {m}}\geq n\geq 1$ for every maximal ideal
$\mathfrak {m}$ of R.
Proof. By the flatness of S, the vertical maps of the commutative diagram (6) are isomorphisms. So, by Lemma 3.2.1, the implication
$(a)\Rightarrow (b)$
is clear for
$n=1, 2$
. Again, since S is flat and B is finitely generated projective over R,
$S\otimes _R -$
commutes with
$\operatorname {Tor}$
functors over B. Therefore,
follows by Theorem 3.1.4. Analogously, we obtain
$(c)\Rightarrow (a)$
It is no surprise that the relative dominant dimension with respect to a module remains stable under extension of scalars to the algebraic closure. For the sake of completeness, we give the result.
Lemma 3.2.3. Let k be a field with algebraic closure
$\overline {k}$
. Let A be a finite-dimensional k-algebra and assume that
$Q\in A\!\operatorname {-mod}$
. Then,
$\overline {k}\otimes _k Q\!\operatorname {-domdim}_{\overline {k}\otimes _k A}\overline {k}\otimes _k M=Q\!\operatorname {-domdim}_A M$
Proof. Of course,
$\overline {k}$
is free over k. Therefore,
$\operatorname {Tor}_i^B(\operatorname {Hom}_A(DQ, DM), DQ)=0$
if and only if
$\operatorname {Tor}_i^{\overline {k}\otimes _k B}(\operatorname {Hom}_{\overline {k}\otimes _k A}(\overline {k}\otimes _k DQ, \overline {k}\otimes _k DM), \overline {k}\otimes _k DQ)=0$
. By the same reason,
$\chi ^r_{DM}$
is surjective (or bijective) if and only if
$\chi ^r_{\overline {k}\otimes _k DM}$
is surjective (or bijective).
Lemma 3.2.4. Let
$Q\in A\!\operatorname {-mod}\cap R\!\operatorname {-proj}$
with a base change property. Denote by B the endomorphism algebra
$ \operatorname {End}_A(Q)^{op}$
. Let
$M\in A\!\operatorname {-mod}\cap R\!\operatorname {-proj}$
$\operatorname {Hom}_A(M, Q)\in R\!\operatorname {-proj}$
. Assume that S is a commutative R-algebra and a Noetherian ring such that the canonical map
${S\otimes _R \operatorname {Hom}_A(M, Q)\rightarrow \operatorname {Hom}_{S\otimes _R A}(S\otimes _R M, S\otimes _R Q)}$
is an isomorphism.
$Q\!\operatorname {-domdim}_{(A, R)} M\leq S\otimes _R Q\!\operatorname {-domdim}_{(S\otimes _R A, S)}S\otimes _R M$
Proof. Assume that
$Q\!\operatorname {-domdim}_{(A, R)} M\geq n\geq 1$
for some
$n\in \mathbb {N}$
. Then, there exists an
$(A, R)$
-exact sequence
$\delta \colon 0\rightarrow M\rightarrow X_1\rightarrow \cdots \rightarrow X_n$
which remains exact under
$\operatorname {Hom}_A(-, Q)$
, where
$X_i\in \operatorname {add}_A Q$
. The functor
$S\otimes _R -$
preserves R-split exact sequences. Hence,
$0\rightarrow S\otimes _R M\rightarrow S\otimes _R X_1\rightarrow \cdots \rightarrow S\otimes _R X_n$
$(S\otimes _R A, S)$
-exact and
$S\otimes _R X_i\in \operatorname {add}_{S\otimes _R A}S\otimes _RQ$
. Since
$\operatorname {Hom}_A(M, Q)\in R\!\operatorname {-proj}$
, the sequence
$\operatorname {Hom}_A(\delta , Q)$
splits over R, and thus,
$S\otimes _R \operatorname {Hom}_A(\delta , Q)$
is an exact sequence. Using the commutative diagram

it follows that the bottom row is exact. Hence,
$S\otimes _RQ\!\operatorname {-domdim}_{(A, R)} S\otimes _R M\geq n$
Finally, we reach the main result of this section.
Theorem 3.2.5. Let R be a commutative Noetherian ring. Let A be a projective Noetherian R-algebra. Assume that
$Q\in A\!\operatorname {-mod}\cap R\!\operatorname {-proj}$
has a base change property. Denote by B the endomorphism algebra
$ \operatorname {End}_A(Q)^{op}$
. Assume that
$M\in A\!\operatorname {-mod}\cap R\!\operatorname {-proj}$
, satisfies the following two conditions:
$\operatorname {Hom}_A(M, Q)\in R\!\operatorname {-proj}$ ;
2. The canonical map
$R(\mathfrak {m})\otimes _R \operatorname {Hom}_A(M, Q)\rightarrow \operatorname {Hom}_{A(\mathfrak {m})}(M(\mathfrak {m}), Q(\mathfrak {m}))$ is an isomorphism for every maximal ideal
$\mathfrak {m}$ of R.
$Q\!\operatorname {-domdim}_{(A, R)} M=\inf \{Q(\mathfrak {m})\!\operatorname {-domdim}_{A(\mathfrak {m})} M(\mathfrak {m})\colon \mathfrak {m}\in \operatorname {MaxSpec}(R) \}$
Proof. By Lemma 3.2.4,
$Q(\mathfrak {m})\!\operatorname {-domdim}_{A(\mathfrak {m})} M(\mathfrak {m})\geq Q\!\operatorname {-domdim}_{(A, R)} M$
for every maximal ideal
$\mathfrak {m}$
of R. Conversely, assume that
$Q(\mathfrak {m})\!\operatorname {-domdim}_{A(\mathfrak {m})} M(\mathfrak {m})\geq n$
for every maximal ideal
$\mathfrak {m}$
of R. We want to show that
$Q\!\operatorname {-domdim}_{(A, R)} M\geq n$
. If
, then there is nothing to show. Using the commutative diagram (6), we obtain that if
$n\geq 1$
$n\geq 2$
), then
$\chi ^r_{DM}(\mathfrak {m})$
is surjective (resp. bijective) for every maximal ideal
$\mathfrak {m}$
of R. By Nakayama’s Lemma,
$\chi ^r_{DM}$
is surjective, and since
$DM\in R\!\operatorname {-proj}$
$\chi ^r_{DM}$
is bijective in case
$n\geq 2$
. So, the inequality holds for
$n=1, 2$
. Assume now that
$n\geq 3$
. In particular,
$Q\!\operatorname {-domdim}_{(A, R)} M\geq 2$
, and therefore,
$\operatorname {Hom}_A(DQ, DM)\otimes _B DQ\in R\!\operatorname {-proj}$
. By assumption,
$\operatorname {Tor}_i^{B(\mathfrak {m})}(\operatorname {Hom}_{A(\mathfrak {m})}(M(\mathfrak {m}), Q(\mathfrak {m})), D_{(\mathfrak {m})}Q(\mathfrak {m}))=0$
$1\leq i\leq n-2$
for every maximal ideal
$\mathfrak {m}$
of R. Let
$Q^{\bullet }$
be a deleted B-projective resolution of
. So the chain complex
$P^{\bullet }=\operatorname {Hom}_A(M, Q)\otimes _B Q^{\bullet }$
is a projective complex over R since
$\operatorname {Hom}_A(M, Q)\in R\!\operatorname {-proj}$
. Consider the Künneth spectral sequence for chain complexes (see, for example, [Reference WeibelWei03, Theorem 5.6.4])

$\operatorname {Hom}_A(M, Q)\otimes _B DQ\in R\!\operatorname {-proj}$
$\operatorname {Hom}_A(M, Q)\otimes _B Q^{\bullet }(\mathfrak {m})$
becomes a deleted projective
$B(\mathfrak {m})$
-resolution of
$DQ(\mathfrak {m})$
We shall proceed by induction on
$1\leq i\leq n-2$
to show that
$\operatorname {Tor}_i^B(\operatorname {Hom}_A(M, Q), DQ)=0$
. Observe that
$\operatorname {Tor}_1^B(\operatorname {Hom}_A(M, Q), DQ)\otimes _R R(\mathfrak {m})=0$
for every
$\mathfrak {m}\in \operatorname {MaxSpec} R$
(see for example [Reference CruzCru22b, Lemma A.3]). Hence,
$\operatorname {Tor}_1^B(\operatorname {Hom}_A(M, Q), DQ)=0$
. Assume now that
$\operatorname {Tor}_i^B(\operatorname {Hom}_A(M, Q), DQ)=0$
for all
$1\leq i\leq l$
$1\leq l\leq n-2$
for some l. Then,
$E_{i, j}^2=0$
, for
$1\leq i\leq l$
$j\geq 0$
$E_{0, j}^2=0$
. It follows that
$\operatorname {Tor}_{l+1}^B(\operatorname {Hom}_A(M, Q), DQ)(\mathfrak {m})=0$
for every
$\mathfrak {m}\in \operatorname {MaxSpec} R$
(see [Reference CruzCru22b, Lemma A.4]). Therefore,
$\operatorname {Tor}_i^B(\operatorname {Hom}_A(M, Q), DQ)=0$
$1\leq i\leq n-2$
. By Theorem 3.1.4, the result follows.
Remark 3.2.6. The condition
$DQ\otimes _A M\in R\!\operatorname {-proj}$
implies both conditions required in Theorem 3.2.5 and
$DQ\otimes _A Q\in R\!\operatorname {-proj}$
implies that Q has a base change property (see, for example, the first part of the proof of [Reference CruzCru22b, Theorem 6.14.].)
Remark 3.2.7. We can, of course, drop the condition
${}^\natural V\simeq V$
in Proposition 3.1.7 by doing first the field case and then consider the integral case using Theorem 3.2.5.
Combining Theorem 3.2.5 with Lemma 3.2.3, we obtain that, in most applications, the computations of relative dominant dimension with respect to a module over a commutative ring can be reduced to computations of relative dominant dimension with respect to a module in the setup of finite-dimensional algebras over algebraically closed fields.
Considering the condition
$DQ\otimes _A M\in R\!\operatorname {-proj}$
may seem unnatural, but projective modules and characteristic tilting modules of split quasi-hereditary algebras do satisfy such a condition. The following result suggests that there are many modules with such a condition (see also [Reference Cline, Parshall and ScottCPS96, 1.5.2(e), (f)]).
Lemma 3.2.8. Let
$Q\in A\!\operatorname {-mod}\cap R\!\operatorname {-proj}$
. If
$\operatorname {Ext}_{A(\mathfrak {m})}^1(Q(\mathfrak {m}), Q(\mathfrak {m}))=0$
for every maximal ideal
$\mathfrak {m}$
of R, then
$DQ\otimes _A Q\in R\!\operatorname {-proj}$
Proof. For each
$\mathfrak {m}\in \operatorname {MaxSpec} R$

$Q^{\bullet }$
be a deleted projective A-resolution of Q. Since
$Q\in R\!\operatorname {-proj}$
$Q^{\bullet }(\mathfrak {m})$
is a deleted projective
$A(\mathfrak {m})$
-resolution of
$Q(\mathfrak {m})$
. Consider the Künneth Spectral sequence with
$P=DQ\otimes _A Q^{\bullet }$
, (see, for example, [Reference WeibelWei03, Theorem 5.6.4])
$E^2_{i,j}=\operatorname {Tor}_i^R(\operatorname {Tor}_j^A(DQ, Q), R(\mathfrak {m})) = \operatorname {Tor}_i^R(H_j(DQ\otimes _A Q^{\bullet }), R(\mathfrak {m}))$
. It converges to
$H_{i+j}(DQ\otimes _A Q^{\bullet }\otimes _R R(\mathfrak {m}))=\operatorname {Tor}_{i+j}^{A(\mathfrak {m})}(DQ(\mathfrak {m}), Q(\mathfrak {m})).$

for every maximal ideal
$\mathfrak {m}$
of R (see for example [Reference CruzCru22b, Lemma A.3]). Hence,
$DQ\otimes _A Q\in R\!\operatorname {-proj}$
4 The reduced grade with respect to a module
In [Reference Gao and KoenigGK15], Gao and Koenig compared the Auslander-Bridger grade with the dominant dimension. The same method works also for relative dominant dimension over any ring with respect to a module if we replace the
$\operatorname {Ext}$
in the notion of grade by
$\operatorname {Tor}$
, motivating the terminology: cograde. There is, however, another modification to be considered. We are not interested in the case of grade being zero, and so we will study (the dual notion of) reduced grade (see, for example, [Reference HoshinoHos90]).
Definition 4.0.1. Let R be a Noetherian commutative ring and A a projective Noetherian R-algebra. Let
$X\in A^{op}\!\operatorname {-mod}\cap R\!\operatorname {-proj}$
$M\in A\!\operatorname {-mod}\cap R\!\operatorname {-proj}$
. The reduced cograde of X with respect to M, written as
$\operatorname {rcograde}_M X$
, is defined as the value
$ \operatorname {rcograde}_M X=\inf \{i>0| \operatorname {Tor}_i^A(X, M)\neq 0 \}. $
Analogously, we can define the reduced cograde of a right module with respect to a left module.
The following is based on Theorem 2.3 of [Reference Gao and KoenigGK15].
Theorem 4.0.2. Let A be a projective Noetherian R-algebra over a commutative Noetherian ring. Let
$Q\in A\!\operatorname {-mod}\cap R\!\operatorname {-proj}$
$\operatorname {Hom}_A(Q, Q)\in R\!\operatorname {-proj}$
and write
$B:=\operatorname {End}_A(Q)^{op}$
. For each
$Q_0, Q_1\in \operatorname {add} Q$
$Y\in A\!\operatorname {-mod}\cap R\!\operatorname {-proj}$
with an exact sequence
$ Q_1\xrightarrow {f} Q_0\rightarrow Y\rightarrow 0, $
$X=\operatorname {coker} \operatorname {Hom}_A(f, Q)\in B^{op}\!\operatorname {-mod}$
. Then,
$Q\!\operatorname {-domdim}_{(A, R)} Y\geq n\geq 1$
if and only if
$ \operatorname {rcograde}_{DQ} X\geq n+1.$
Proof. Write
$C:=\!\operatorname {im} \operatorname {Hom}_A(f, Q)$
. Applying
$-\otimes _B DQ$
to the exact sequences
${C\hookrightarrow \operatorname {Hom}_A(Q_1, Q)\twoheadrightarrow X}$
$\operatorname {Hom}_A(Y, Q)\hookrightarrow \operatorname {Hom}_A(Q_0, Q)\twoheadrightarrow C$
, we get that
$\operatorname {Tor}_i^B(\operatorname {Hom}_A(Y, Q), DQ)\simeq \operatorname {Tor}_{i+1}^B(C, DQ)\simeq \operatorname {Tor}_{i+2}^B(X, DQ)$
for all
$i\geq 1$
. Moreover,
$\operatorname {Tor}_2^B(X, DQ)\simeq \operatorname {Tor}_1^B(C, DQ)\simeq \ker \chi _{DY}^r$
. Hence, by Theorems 3.1.3 and 3.1.4, the result follows once we prove that
$\operatorname {coker} \chi _{DY}^r=0$
if and only if
$\operatorname {Tor}_1^B(X, DQ)=0$
. This is true since the following commutative diagram

yields that
$\operatorname {Tor}_1^B(X, DQ) \simeq \ker g \simeq \operatorname {coker} \chi _{DY}^r$
, where the last bijection follows from the use of Snake Lemma on the diagram with vertical maps
$\chi _{DY}^r, \chi _{DQ_0}^r$
and g.
5 Fully faithfulness of
$\operatorname {Hom}_A(Q, -)$
on subcategories of
$A\!\operatorname {-mod}$
We will now use Theorems 3.1.1 and 3.1.4 to establish relative codominant dimension with respect to Q as a measure for the strength of the connection between A and
$\operatorname {End}_A(Q)^{op}$
via the functor
$\operatorname {Hom}_A(Q, -)\colon A\!\operatorname {-mod}\rightarrow \operatorname {End}_A(Q)^{op}\!\operatorname {-mod}$
$Q\!\operatorname {-codomdim} {(A, R)} \geq 2$
as a tool for double centralizer properties
Lemma 5.1.1. Let
$\mathcal {X}$
be the full subcategory of
$A\!\operatorname {-mod}\cap R\!\operatorname {-proj}$
whose modules X satisfy
$Q\!\operatorname {-codomdim}_{(A, R)} X\geq 2$
. Then,
$\operatorname {Hom}_A(Q, -)$
is fully faithful on
$\mathcal {X}$
Proof. By Theorem 3.1.1,
$\chi _{X}$
is an isomorphism for every
$X\in \mathcal {X}$
. Fix
$F_Q=\operatorname {Hom}_A(Q, -)$
$\mathbb {I}$
its left adjoint. Then, if
for some
$f\in \operatorname {Hom}_{\mathcal {X}}(M, N)$
, we obtain
$f\circ \chi _M=\chi _N\circ \mathbb {I}F_Qf=0$
. Hence, in such a case,
. So,
is faithful. To show fullness, let
$g\in \operatorname {Hom}_B(F_QM, F_QN)$
$M,N\in \mathcal {X}$
. Fixing
$h=\chi _N \circ \mathbb {I} g\circ \chi _M^{-1}$
, we get
The next result says that the fully faithfulness of
$\operatorname {add} DA$
is related to a double centralizer property. Such a result is exactly a version of [Reference RouquierRou08, Proposition 4.33] for general double centralizer properties. This result is known in the literature for Artinian algebras (see, for example, [Reference Auslander and SolbergAS93, Corollary 2.4]).
Lemma 5.1.2. Let A be a projective Noetherian R-algebra. Let
$Q\in A\!\operatorname {-mod}\cap R\!\operatorname {-proj}$
$\operatorname {Hom}_A(Q, Q)\in R\!\operatorname {-proj}$
and denote by B the endomorphism algebra
$\operatorname {End}_A(Q)^{op}$
. The following assertions are equivalent.
(i) The canonical map of algebras
$A\rightarrow \operatorname {End}_B(Q)^{op}$ , given by
$a\mapsto (q\mapsto aq)$ , is an isomorphism.
$D\chi _{X}$ is an isomorphism of right A-modules for all
$X\in (A, R)\!\operatorname {-inj}\cap R\!\operatorname {-proj}$ .
(iii) The restriction of
$F_Q$ to
$\operatorname {add} DA$ is full and faithful.
Proof. Denote by
$\psi $
the canonical map of algebras
$A\rightarrow \operatorname {End}_B(Q)^{op}$
and denote by
$\omega _X$
the natural transformation between the identity functor and the double dual
$X\in A\!\operatorname {-mod}$
. The equivalence
$(i)\Leftrightarrow (ii)$
follows from the following commutative diagram

with horizontal maps being isomorphisms, where
$\sigma _Q\colon \operatorname {Hom}_A(Q, DA)\rightarrow DQ$
$\theta $
are isomorphisms given by Tensor-Hom adjunction.
For each
$M, N\in A\!\operatorname {-mod}$
, consider the map
$F_{M, N}\colon \operatorname {Hom}_A(M, N)\rightarrow \operatorname {Hom}_B(F_QM, F_QN)$
, given by
$f\mapsto F_Qf=\operatorname {Hom}_A(Q, f)$
. Observe that the maps
$\psi $
$F_{DA, DA}$
are equivalent since the isomorphisms
$A\simeq \operatorname {Hom}_A(A, A)\simeq \operatorname {Hom}_A(DA, DA)$
$\operatorname {Hom}_B(Q, Q)\simeq \operatorname {Hom}_B(DQ, DQ)\simeq \operatorname {Hom}_B(F_QDA, F_QDA)$
are functorial (see, for example, [Reference CruzCru22b, Proposition 2.2]). As
$F_{M\oplus X, N}$
is equivalent to
$F_{M, X}\oplus F_{X, N}$
$F_{M, X\oplus N}$
is equivalent to
$F_{M, X}\oplus F_{M, N}$
for every
$M, X, N\in A\!\operatorname {-mod}$
it follows that
$(iii)\Leftrightarrow (i)$
Remark 5.1.3. Let
$(A, P, V)$
be an RQF3-algebra over a commutative Noetherian ring R. If
$\operatorname {domdim}_{(A, R)}A\geq 2$
, then the Schur functor
$\operatorname {Hom}_A(P, -)\colon A\!\operatorname {-mod}\rightarrow \operatorname {End}_A(P)^{op}\!\operatorname {-mod}$
is fully faithful on
$(A, R)\!\operatorname {-inj} \cap R\!\operatorname {-proj}$
(see [Reference CruzCru22b, Theorem 4.1] with Lemma 5.1.2).
Remark 5.1.4. Let A be a finite-dimensional algebra so that
$\operatorname {domdim} A\geq 2$
. Let P be a faithful projective-injective A-module. The Schur functor
$\operatorname {Hom}_A(P, -)\colon A\!\operatorname {-mod}\rightarrow \operatorname {End}_A(P)^{op}\!\operatorname {-mod}$
is fully faithful on
$A\!\operatorname {-proj}$
and on
$A\!\operatorname {-inj}$
if and only if A is a Morita algebra (see [Reference CruzCru22a]).
Following the work developed in [Reference Mazorchuk and StroppelMS08, 2.2], we will see in the following lemma that every split quasi-hereditary algebra has a (partial) tilting module with a double centralizer property. In the worst case scenario, this (partial) tilting module coincides with the characteristic tilting module.
Lemma 5.1.5. Let
$(A, \{\Delta (\lambda )_{\lambda \in \Lambda }\})$
be a split quasi-hereditary algebra and let T be a characteristic tilting module of A. Then, there is an exact sequence
$0\rightarrow A \rightarrow M\rightarrow X\rightarrow 0$
, where
$M\in \mathcal {F}(\tilde {\Delta }_{A})\cap \mathcal {F}(\tilde {\nabla }_A)$
$X\in \mathcal {F}(\tilde {\Delta }_{A})$
. Moreover, there exists a (partial) tilting module
$Q\in A\!\operatorname {-mod}\cap R\!\operatorname {-proj}$
such that
$DM\in \operatorname {add} Q$
$Q\!\operatorname {-domdim} (A, R)\geq 2$
. In particular, there exists a double centralizer property on Q.
Proof. Denote by
the Ringel dual
$\operatorname {End}_A(T)^{op}$
. Let
$P\twoheadrightarrow T$
be a right projective presentation of T over
. Then,
$P\in \mathcal {F}(\tilde {\Delta }_{R(A)^{op}})$
. Note that
$T\simeq \operatorname {Hom}_A(A, T)\simeq \operatorname {Hom}_{A^{op}}(DT, DA)\in \mathcal {F}(\tilde {\Delta }_{R(A)^{op}})$
. Since
$\mathcal {F}(\tilde {\Delta }_{R(A)^{op}})$
is resolving, so the kernel of
$P\rightarrow T$
belongs to
$\mathcal {F}(\tilde {\Delta }_{R(A)^{op}})$
. Since
$\operatorname {Hom}_{A^{op}}(DT, -)$
gives an exact equivalence between
$\mathcal {F}(\tilde {\nabla }_{A^{op}})$
$\mathcal {F}(\tilde {\Delta }_{R(A)^{op}})$
, there exists an exact sequence of right A-modules
$ 0\rightarrow K\rightarrow M' \rightarrow DA\rightarrow 0, $
is a (partial) tilting module and
$K\in \mathcal {F}(\tilde {\nabla }_{A^{op}})$
. Applying D, we obtain the desired exact sequence. By [Reference RouquierRou08, Proposition 4.26], since
$DK\in \mathcal {F}(\tilde {\Delta }_A)$
, there exists an exact sequence
$0\rightarrow DK\rightarrow M"\rightarrow K"\rightarrow 0$
, where
is a (partial) tilting module and
$K'\in \mathcal {F}(\tilde {\Delta }_A)$
. Put
$Q=DM'\oplus M"$
. Hence, Q is (partial) tilting module, and the
$(A, R)$
-exact sequence
$0\rightarrow A\rightarrow DM'\rightarrow M"$
remains exact under
$\operatorname {Hom}_A(Q, -)$
. This means that
$Q\!\operatorname {-domdim} (A, R)\geq 2$
. By Corollary 3.1.6 and Lemma 5.1.2, the second assertion follows.
$Q\!\operatorname {-codomdim}_{(A, R)} M$
controlling the behavior of
$\operatorname {Hom}_A(Q, -)$
To address how the relative dominant dimension with respect to a module Q can be used as a tool to deduce what extension groups are preserved by the functor
$\operatorname {Hom}_A(Q, -)$
, the following result is crucial.
Lemma 5.2.1. Let
$M\in A\!\operatorname {-mod}$
. Suppose that
$\operatorname {Tor}_i^B(Q, F_QM)=\operatorname {L}_i \mathbb {I}(F_QM)=0$
$1\leq i\leq q$
. For any
$X\in \{Y\in A\!\operatorname {-mod}| \operatorname {Ext}_A^{i>0}(Q, Y)=0 \}$
, there are isomorphisms
$\operatorname {Ext}_A^i(\mathbb {I}F_QM, X)\simeq \operatorname {Ext}_B^i(F_QM, F_QX), 0\leq i\leq q$
, and an exact sequence

Proof. Let
$X\in A\!\operatorname {-mod}$
such that
$\operatorname {Ext}_A^{i>0}(Q, X)=0$
. The desired isomorphism for
follows immediately by Tensor-Hom adjunction. To obtain the result for higher values, we will use Theorem 10.49 of [Reference RotmanRot09]. Fix
$f=\operatorname {Hom}_A(-, X)$
$g=Q\otimes _B -$
. So, f is a contravariant left exact and g is covariant. We note that
is f-acyclic for any
$P\in B\!\operatorname {-proj}$
. In fact,
$\operatorname {R}^{j>0}f(gP)=\operatorname {Ext}_A^{j>0}(gP, X)=0$
, since
$gP=Q\otimes _B P\in \operatorname {add}_A Q$
. So, for each
$a\in B\!\operatorname {-mod}$
, there is a spectral sequence
$ E_2^{i, j}=(\operatorname {R}^if)(L_j g)(a)$
which converges to
$\operatorname {R}^{i+j}(f\circ g)(a).$
By Tensor-Hom adjunction,
$f\circ g(N)=\operatorname {Hom}_A(Q\otimes _B N, X)\simeq \operatorname {Hom}_B(N, \operatorname {Hom}_A(Q, X))=\operatorname {Hom}_B(-, F_QX)(N)$
for every
$N\in B\!\operatorname {-mod}$
. Hence, the spectral sequence
$E_2^{i, j}=\operatorname {Ext}_A^i(\operatorname {Tor}_j^B(Q, a), X)$
converges to
$\operatorname {Ext}_B^{i+j}(a, F_QX).$
For each
$M\in A\!\operatorname {-mod}$
, fix
. By assumption,
$\operatorname {Tor}_i^B(Q, F_QM)=0$
$1\leq i\leq q$
. Hence,
$E_2^{i, j}=0$
$1\leq i\leq q$
. By the dual of Lemma A.4 of [Reference CruzCru22b], the result follows.
5.3 Ringel duality in cover theory
As we saw, fully faithfulness of
$\operatorname {Hom}_A(Q, -)$
on relative injectives is related to the existence of a double centralizer property on Q. In this subsection, we explore the meaning of fully faithfulness of a functor
$\mathcal {F}(\tilde {\nabla })$
for relative projective objects Q in
$\mathcal {F}(\tilde {\nabla })$
. This leads us to one of our main results, connecting Ringel duality with Rouquier’s cover theory.
Theorem 5.3.1. Let R be a commutative Noetherian ring. Let
$(A, \{\Delta (\lambda )_{\lambda \in \Lambda }\})$
be a split quasi-hereditary R-algebra with a characteristic tilting module T. Denote by
the Ringel dual
$\operatorname {End}_A(T)^{op}$
(of A). Assume that
$Q\in \operatorname {add} T$
is a (partial) tilting module of A, and denote by B the endomorphism algebra of Q. Then, the following assertions hold.
$Q\!\operatorname {-codomdim}_{(A, R)} \mathcal {F}(\tilde {\nabla })= Q\!\operatorname {-codomdim}_{(A, R)} T = Q\!\operatorname {-codomdim}_{(A, R)} \displaystyle \bigoplus _{\lambda \in \Lambda }\nabla (\lambda )$ .
(b) If
$Q\!\operatorname {-codomdim}_{(A, R)} T\geq n\geq 2$ , then the functor
$F_Q$ induces isomorphisms
$$ \begin{align*} \operatorname{Ext}_A^j(M, N)\rightarrow \operatorname{Ext}_B^j(F_QM, F_QN), \quad \forall M, N\in \mathcal{F}(\tilde{\nabla}), \ 0\leq j\leq n-2. \end{align*} $$
(c) If
$Q\!\operatorname {-codomdim}_{(A, R)} T \geq 3$ , then the functor
$F_Q$ induces an exact equivalence
$\mathcal {F}(\tilde {\nabla })\rightarrow \mathcal {F}(F\tilde {\nabla })$ .
(d) If
$Q\!\operatorname {-codomdim}_{(A, R)} T \geq n\geq 2$ , then
$(R(A), \operatorname {Hom}_A(T, Q))$ is an
$(n-2)$ -
$\mathcal {F}(\tilde {\Delta }_{R(A)})$ split quasi-hereditary cover of
$\operatorname {End}_A(Q)^{op}$ . The converse holds if R is a field.
Proof. The proof of
is analogous to [Reference CruzCru24c, Theorem 6.2.1]. Thanks to
and D being exact on short exact sequences of modules belonging to
$\mathcal {F}(\tilde {\nabla })$
, we obtain that we can apply Lemma 3.1.8 to the filtrations by costandard modules. Further, for every
$X\in R\!\operatorname {-proj}$
so that
$R^t\simeq X\oplus Y$
for some
$t\in \mathbb {N}$

$Q\!\operatorname {-codomdim}_{(A, R)} \displaystyle \bigoplus _{\lambda \in \Lambda }\nabla (\lambda )= Q\!\operatorname {-codomdim}_{(A, R)} \mathcal {F}(\tilde {\nabla })$
. Now using the exact sequences (1) together with Lemma 3.1.8 and the reasoning of Theorem [Reference CruzCru24c, Theorem 6.2.1], assertion (a) follows.
By Proposition 2.1.2,
$DQ\otimes _A Q\in R\!\operatorname {-proj}$
. Any
-injective module being projective over R belongs to
$Q^\perp $
(see, for example, [Reference CruzCru22b, Proposition 2.10]). By Lemma 5.1.1 and Theorem 3.1.1,
is fully faithful on
$\mathcal {F}(\tilde {\Delta })$
. By Theorem 3.1.4,
$\operatorname {Tor}_i^B(Q, F_QM)=0$
$1\leq i\leq n-2$
for every
$M\in \mathcal {F}(\tilde {\nabla })$
. By Lemma 5.2.1,
$\operatorname {Ext}_B^i(F_QM, F_QX)\simeq \operatorname {Ext}_A^i(\mathbb {I}F_QM, X)$
$0\leq i\leq n-2$
, where
$M, X\in \mathcal {F}(\tilde {\nabla })$
. Since
$\chi _M$
is an isomorphism for every
$M\in \mathcal {F}(\tilde {\nabla })$
, (b) follows.
By the exactness of
$\mathcal {F}(\tilde {\nabla })$
and according to Lemma 2.0.1,
$F_Q(\nabla (\lambda )\otimes _R X)\simeq F_Q\nabla (\lambda )\otimes _R X$
for every
$\lambda \in \Lambda $
$X\in R\!\operatorname {-proj}$
, and the restriction of the functor
$\mathcal {F}(\tilde {\nabla })$
has image in
$\mathcal {F}(F_Q\tilde {\nabla })$
. By (b), it is enough to prove that for each module M in
$\mathcal {F}(F_Q\tilde {\nabla })$
, there exists
$N\in \mathcal {F}(\tilde {\nabla })$
so that
$F_QN\simeq M$
. By (b), the functor
$\mathbb {I}=Q\otimes _B -$
is exact on short exact sequences of modules belonging to
$\mathcal {F}(F_Q\tilde {\nabla })$
. Thanks to
$Q\otimes _B F_Q\nabla (\lambda )\otimes _R X\simeq \nabla (\lambda )\otimes _R X$
for every
$X\in R\!\operatorname {-proj}$
$\lambda \in \Lambda $
, we obtain that
$\mathbb {I}$
$\mathcal {F}(F_Q\tilde {\nabla })$
$\mathcal {F}(\tilde {\nabla })$
. So, (c) follows.
Assume now that
$Q\!\operatorname {-codomdim}_{(A, R)} T\geq n\geq 2$
. Fix
$B=\operatorname {End}_A(Q)^{op}$
. By Ringel duality (see, for instance, [Reference CruzCru24b, Lemma 7.1]), for each
$M\in \mathcal {F}(\tilde {\nabla })$
, we have

In particular,
$\operatorname {Hom}_{R(A)}(\operatorname {Hom}_A(T, Q), R(A))\simeq \operatorname {Hom}_A(Q, T)$
$(B, R(A))$
-bimodules. By (c),
is fully faithful on
$\mathcal {F}(\tilde {\nabla })$
. Hence,
$ \operatorname {End}_B(\operatorname {Hom}_A(Q, T))^{op}\simeq \operatorname {End}_A(T)^{op} $
$\operatorname {End}_{R(A)}(\operatorname {Hom}_A(T, Q))^{op}\simeq B$
. So,
$(R(A), \operatorname {Hom}_A(T, Q))$
is a split quasi-hereditary cover of B. By (b) and [Reference CruzCru24b, Lemma 7.1],

and these
$\operatorname {Ext}$
groups vanish if
$1\leq i\leq n-2$
. By [Reference CruzCru24b, Lemma 7.1] and [Reference CruzCru24c, Proposition 3.0.3, 3.0.4], the first part of (d) follows. Since the maps
$\operatorname {Hom}_A(T, DA)\rightarrow \operatorname {Hom}_B(F_QT, F_QDA)$
${DT\rightarrow \operatorname {Hom}_B(F_QT, DQ)}$
are equivalent, the second assertion follows by equations (10) and (11), together with Theorem 3.1.4 using
$\operatorname {Ext}$
when R is a field (see [Reference Assem, Simson and SkowrońskiASS06, A.4]).
Remark 5.3.2.
$T\!\operatorname {-codomdim}_{(A, R)} \mathcal {F}(\tilde {\nabla })=T\!\operatorname {-codomdim}_{(A, R)} T=+\infty $
for a characteristic tilting module T. Of course, the Ringel dual is an infinite cover of itself.
Remark 5.3.3. The cover constructed in Theorem 5.3.1 makes the following diagram commutative:

Since every projective module is the image of a (partial) tilting under the Ringel dual functor, every quasi-hereditary cover can be recovered/discovered using this approach. More precisely, every split quasi-hereditary algebra A is Morita equivalent to the Ringel dual of its Ringel dual
, and every projective over
can be written as
$\operatorname {Hom}_{R(A)}(T_{R(A)}, Q)$
for some
$Q\in \operatorname {add} T_{R(A)}$
, where
is a characteristic tilting module of
. Hence, every split quasi-hereditary cover can be written in the form
$(R(A), \operatorname {Hom}_A(T, Q))$
for some split quasi-hereditary algebra A, T a characteristic tilting module and
$Q\in \operatorname {add} T$
. Further, the second part of Theorem 5.3.1(d) indicates that the quality of faithful split quasi-hereditary covers of finite-dimensional algebras is controlled by the relative codominant dimension of characteristic tilting modules with respect to (partial) tilting modules.
5.3.1 An analogue of Lemma 5.1.2 for Ringel duality
Lemma 5.3.4. Let R be a commutative Noetherian ring. Let
$(A, \{\Delta (\lambda )_{\lambda \in \Lambda }\})$
be a split quasi-hereditary R-algebra with a characteristic tilting module T. Denote by
the Ringel dual
$\operatorname {End}_A(T)^{op}$
(of A). Assume that
$Q\in \operatorname {add} T$
is a (partial) tilting module of A, and fix
$B=\operatorname {End}_A(Q)^{op}$
. Then, the following assertions hold.
(a) If
$D\chi _T\colon DT\rightarrow \operatorname {Hom}_B(\operatorname {Hom}_A(Q, T), DQ)$ is an isomorphism, then
$(R(A), \operatorname {Hom}_A(T, Q))$ is a split quasi-hereditary cover of B.
(b) If
$D\chi ^r_{DT}\colon DDT\rightarrow \operatorname {Hom}_B(\operatorname {Hom}_A(DQ, DT), DDQ )$ is an isomorphism, then
$\operatorname {Hom}_A(T, Q)$ satisfies a double centralizer property between
$R(A)$ and B.
Proof. By projectivization,
$\operatorname {Hom}_A(T, Q)\in R(A)\!\operatorname {-proj}$
$\operatorname {End}_{R(A)}(\operatorname {Hom}_A(T, Q))^{op}\simeq \operatorname {End}_A(Q)^{op}=B$
. By
and Proposition 2.1.2, we have as
$(R(A), R(A))$

$F_QR(A)=\operatorname {Hom}_{R(A)}(\operatorname {Hom}_A(T, Q), \operatorname {Hom}_A(T, T))\simeq \operatorname {Hom}_A(Q, T)$
, assertion (a) follows.
Now using the isomorphism
$\chi _{DT}^r$
and Proposition 2.1.2, we obtain

We have not yet addressed the case of
$Q\!\operatorname {-codomdim}_{(A, R)} T=1$
. For this case, we can recover the Ringel dual being a cover using deformation theory.
Corollary 5.3.5. Let R be a commutative regular Noetherian domain with quotient field K. Let
$(A, \{\Delta (\lambda )_{\lambda \in \Lambda }\})$
be a split quasi-hereditary R-algebra with a characteristic tilting module T. Let
be the Ringel dual of A,
$\operatorname {End}_A(T)^{op}$
. Assume that
$Q\in \operatorname {add} T$
is a (partial) tilting module of A so that
$Q\!\operatorname {-codomdim}_{(A, R)} T\geq 1$
${K\otimes _R Q\!\operatorname {-codomdim}_{(K\otimes _R A)} K\otimes _R T\geq 2}$
. Then,
$(R(A), \operatorname {Hom}_A(T, Q))$
is a split quasi-hereditary cover of
$\operatorname {End}_A(Q)^{op}$
. Moreover,
$(R(A), \operatorname {Hom}_A(T, Q))$
is a
$\mathcal {F}(\tilde {\Delta })$
cover of
$\operatorname {End}_A(Q)^{op}$
Proof. If
$Q\!\operatorname {-codomdim}_{(A, R)} T\geq 2$
, then this is nothing more than Theorem 5.3.1. Assume that
$Q\!\operatorname {-domdim}_{(A, R)} T=1$
. By Theorem 3.1.1,
$\chi _T$
is surjective. In view of Lemma 5.3.4, it is enough to prove that
$D\chi _T$
is an isomorphism. Since
$T\in R\!\operatorname {-proj}$
$\chi _T$
is an
$(A, R)$
-epimorphism, and therefore,
$D\chi _T$
is an
$(A, R)$
-monomorphism. By assumption,
$K\otimes _R Q\!\operatorname {-codomdim}_{K\otimes _R A} K\otimes _R T\geq 2$
. Hence, thanks to the flatness of K,
$K\otimes _R D\chi _T$
is an isomorphism.
Denote by X the cokernel of
$D\chi _T$
. Since
$D\chi _T$
is split over R,
$X\in \operatorname {add}_R \operatorname {Hom}_B(\operatorname {Hom}_A(Q, T), DQ)$
. As we saw,
$K\otimes _R X=0$
. In particular, X is a torsion R-module. We cannot deduce right away that
$\operatorname {Hom}_B(\operatorname {Hom}_A(Q, T), DQ)$
is projective over R, but we can embed
$\operatorname {Hom}_B(\operatorname {Hom}_A(Q, T), DQ)$
$\operatorname {Hom}_R(\operatorname {Hom}_A(Q, T), DQ)$
which is projective over R due to both
$\operatorname {Hom}_A(Q, T)$
being projective over R. So,
$\operatorname {Hom}_B(\operatorname {Hom}_A(Q, T), DQ)$
is a torsion-free R-module. However, the localization
$\operatorname {Hom}_B(\operatorname {Hom}_A(Q, T), DQ)_{\mathfrak {p}}$
is projective over
$R_{\mathfrak {p}}$
for every prime ideal
$\mathfrak {p}$
of height one, and so
$K\otimes _R X=0$
yields that
$X_{\mathfrak {p}}=0$
for every prime ideal
$\mathfrak {p}$
of height one. Applying Proposition 3.4 of [Reference Auslander and BuchsbaumAB59] to
$D\chi _T$
, we obtain that
$X_{\mathfrak {p}}$
must be zero, and consequently,
$D\chi _T$
is an isomorphism. Denote by
$F_{\operatorname {Hom}_A(T, Q)}$
the Schur functor and
$G_{\operatorname {Hom}_A(T, Q)}$
its right adjoint of this cover. Observe that
$\operatorname {Hom}_A(T, DA)$
is a characteristic tilting module of
. Since
$D\chi _T$
is a monomorphism and

the claim follows (see also [Reference CruzCru24c, Proposition 3.1.1, Proposition 3.1.2]).
5.4 Ringel self-duality as an instance of uniqueness of covers
We will now see how Ringel self-duality can be related to the uniqueness of covers. For the definitions of relative Morita R-algebras and relative gendo-symmetric R-algebras, we refer to [Reference CruzCru22b].
Corollary 5.4.1. Let
$(A, P, DP)$
be a relative Morita R-algebra. Let
$(A, \{\Delta (\lambda )_{\lambda \in \Lambda }\})$
be a split quasi-hereditary algebra, Assume that
$\operatorname {domdim}_{(A, R)} T, \operatorname {codomdim}_{(A, R)} T\geq 3$
for a characteristic tilting module T. Then, there exists an exact equivalence
$\mathcal {F}(F_P\tilde {\Delta }_A)\rightarrow \mathcal {F}(F_P\tilde {\nabla }_A)$
if and only if A is Ringel self-dual.
Proof. By Theorems 5.3.1 and Proposition 2.3.1,
$(A, P)$
is a 1-faithful split quasi-hereditary cover of
$\operatorname {End}_A(P)^{op}$
$(R(A), \operatorname {Hom}_A(T, P))$
is a 1-faithful split quasi-hereditary cover of
$\operatorname {End}_A(P)^{op}$
. As illustrated in Remark 5.3.3, F restricts to exact equivalences

Therefore, there exists an exact equivalence between
$\mathcal {F}(F_P\tilde {\Delta }_A)$
$\mathcal {F}(F_P\tilde {\nabla }_A)$
if and only if there exists an exact equivalence between
$\mathcal {F}(\tilde {\Delta }_A)$
$\mathcal {F}(\tilde {\nabla }_A)$
. Hence, A is Ringel self-dual.
This is an indication that the phenomenon of Ringel self-duality behaves better the larger the dominant dimension of the characteristic tilting module. As before, for deformations, we can weaken the conditions on the dominant and codominant dimension of the characteristic tilting module.
Corollary 5.4.2. Let R be an integral regular domain with quotient field K. Let
$(A, \{\Delta (\lambda )_{\lambda \in \Lambda }\})$
be a split quasi-hereditary R-algebra. Let
$(A, P, V)$
be a relative Morita R-algebra. Fix
$B=\operatorname {End}_A(P)^{op}$
. Assume the following conditions hold.
$(K\otimes _R A, K\otimes _R P)$ is a 1-faithful split quasi-hereditary cover of B;
$K\otimes _R P\!\operatorname {-codomdim} K\otimes _R T\geq 3$ for a characteristic tilting module T;
$\operatorname {domdim}_{(A, R)} T$ ,
$\operatorname {codomdim}_{(A, R)} T\geq 2$ for a characteristic tilting module T;
(iv) There exists an exact equivalence
$\mathcal {F}(F_P\tilde {\Delta }_A)\rightarrow \mathcal {F}(F_P\tilde {\nabla }_A)$ .
Then, A is Ringel self-dual.
Proof. We need to show that
$\mathcal {F}(\tilde {\Delta }_A)$
$\mathcal {F}(\tilde {\nabla }_A)$
are exact equivalent. Note that
$\operatorname {domdim}_{A(\mathfrak {m})} T(\mathfrak {m})\geq 2$
$\operatorname {domdim}_{A^{op}(\mathfrak {m})} DT(\mathfrak {m})=\operatorname {codomdim}_{A(\mathfrak {m})} T(\mathfrak {m})\geq 2$
for every
$\mathfrak {m}\in \operatorname {MaxSpec} R$
. By Theorem 5.3.1,

is a 1-faithful split quasi-hereditary cover of
$K\otimes _R B$
, and
$(R(A(\mathfrak {m})), \operatorname {Hom}_A(T, P)(\mathfrak {m}))$
is a
-faithful split quasi-hereditary cover of
$B(\mathfrak {m})$
for every
$\mathfrak {m}\in \operatorname {MaxSpec} R$
. By Proposition 2.3.1(b),
$(A(\mathfrak {m}), P(\mathfrak {m}))$
is a
-faithful split quasi-hereditary cover of
$B(\mathfrak {m})$
for every
$\mathfrak {m}\in \operatorname {MaxSpec} R$
. By [Reference CruzCru24c, Proposition 5.0.5, Theorem 5.0.9],
$(R(A), \operatorname {Hom}_A(T, P))$
$(A, P)$
are 1-faithful split quasi-hereditary covers of B. By Remark 5.3.3 and [Reference CruzCru24c, Proposition 3.1.4], there exists an exact equivalence,

6 Wakamatsu tilting conjecture for quasi-hereditary algebras
Theorem 3.1.4 is the main advantage of Definition 3.0.1 compared to [Reference Koenig, Slungård and XiKSX01, Definition 2.1] giving a meaning to what this relative dominant dimension measures. Another point of view to be referred to is the Wakamatsu tilting conjecture (see [Reference WakamatsuWak88]). In this context, the Wakamatsu tilting conjecture says that if Q has finite projective A-dimension and it admits no self-extensions in any degree, then
$Q\!\operatorname {-domdim} {(A,R)}$
measures how far Q is from being a tilting module. In particular, for split quasi-hereditary algebras, this amounts to saying that for a module Q in the additive closure of a characteristic tilting module,
$Q\!\operatorname {-domdim} {(A, R)}$
measures how far Q is from being a characteristic tilting module of A.
Theorem 6.0.1. Let R be a Noetherian commutative ring and
$(A, \{\Delta (\lambda )_{\lambda \in \Lambda }\})$
be a split quasi-hereditary R-algebra. Assume that T is a characteristic tilting module and
$Q\in \operatorname {add}_A T$
is a partial tilting module.
$Q\!\operatorname {-domdim}{(A, R)}=+\infty $
, then Q is a characteristic tilting module of A.
Proof. Consider first that R is a field. By assumption,
$DQ\!\operatorname {-codomdim}_{(A^{op}, R)} DA=+\infty $
$\operatorname {Hom}_{A^{op}}(DQ, -)$
is exact on
$\mathcal {F}(\tilde {\nabla }_{A^{op}})$
, and so,
$DQ\!\operatorname {-codomdim}_{(A^{op}, R)} \mathcal {F}(\tilde {\nabla }_{A^{op}})=+\infty $
by Lemma 3.1.8. By Theorem 5.3.1,
$(\operatorname {End}_{A^{op}}(DT)^{op}, \operatorname {Hom}_{A^{op}}(DT, DQ))$
is an
$+\infty $
faithful split quasi-hereditary cover of
$\operatorname {End}_{A^{op}}(DQ)^{op}$
. By [Reference CruzCru24c, Corollary 4.2.2],
$\operatorname {End}_{A^{op}}(DT)^{op}$
is Morita equivalent to
$\operatorname {End}_{A^{op}}(DQ)^{op}$
. In particular, by projectization,
have the same number of indecomposable modules. Therefore,
$\operatorname {add}_{A^{op}} DQ= \operatorname {add}_{A^{op}} DT$
, and so Q is a characteristic tilting module. Assume now that R is an arbitrary Noetherian commutative ring. By Theorem 3.2.5 and the first part,
$Q(\mathfrak {m})$
is a characteristic tilting module for every
$ \mathfrak {m}\in \operatorname {MaxSpec} R$
; that is,
$\operatorname {add} Q(\mathfrak {m})=\mathcal {F}(\Delta (\mathfrak {m}))\cap \mathcal {F}(\nabla (\mathfrak {m}))$
. By Proposition 2.1.3, the result follows.
6.1 Measuring
$Q\!\operatorname {-domdim}_{(A, R)} T$
using projective resolutions
We can also try to compute
$Q\!\operatorname {-domdim}_{(A, R)} T$
using projective resolutions over a Ringel dual of A. Moreover, this perspective leads us to reformulate that
$Q\!\operatorname {-domdim}_{(A, R)} T$
measures how much the projective module
$\operatorname {Hom}_A(T, Q)$
controls projective resolutions of characteristic tilting modules over the Ringel dual.
Proposition 6.1.1. Let
$(A, \{\Delta (\lambda )_{\lambda \in \Lambda }\})$
be a split quasi-hereditary R-algebra with a characteristic tilting module T. Denote by
the Ringel dual
$\operatorname {End}_A(T)^{op}$
(of A). Suppose that
$Q\in \operatorname {add}_A T$
is a partial tilting module. Then,
$\operatorname {Hom}_A(T, Q)\!\operatorname {-codomdim}_{(R(A), R)} DT=Q\!\operatorname {-domdim}_{(A, R)} T$
Proof. Observe that
$\operatorname {End}_{R(A)}(\operatorname {Hom}_A(T, Q))^{op}\simeq \operatorname {End}_A(Q)^{op}$
$Q\in \operatorname {add} T$
. Denote by B this endomorphism algebra and by H the Ringel dual functor
$\operatorname {Hom}_A(T, -)\colon A\!\operatorname {-mod}\rightarrow R(A)\!\operatorname {-mod}$
. Note that the maps
$\chi _{DT}^r$
$\chi _{DT}\colon \operatorname {Hom}_A(T, Q)\otimes _B \operatorname {Hom}_{R(A)}(HQ, DT)$
are equivalent. Indeed by Ringel duality, Tensor-Hom adjunction and [Reference CruzCru22b, Proposition 2.2], the following R-modules are isomorphic:

The result now follows from Theorems 3.1.3, 3.1.1 and 3.1.4.
7 Going from bigger covers to smaller covers
In this section, we explore whether the quality of a split quasi-hereditary cover is preserved by truncation by split heredity ideals and by Schur functors between split highest weight categories.
7.1 Truncation of split quasi-hereditary covers
Theorem 7.1.1. Let
$(A, \{\Delta (\lambda )_{\lambda \in \Lambda }\})$
be a split quasi-hereditary Noetherian R-algebra. Assume that
$(A, P)$
is an i-
$\mathcal {F}(\tilde {\Delta })$
cover of
$\operatorname {End}_A(P)^{op}$
for some integer
$i\geq 0$
. Let J be a split heredity ideal of A. Then,
$(A/J, P/JP)$
is an i-
$\mathcal {F}(\tilde {\Delta }_{A/J})$
cover of
$\operatorname {End}_{A/J}(P/JP)^{op}$
, where
$\mathcal {F}(\tilde {\Delta }_{A/J})=\mathcal {F}(\tilde {\Delta })\cap A/J\!\operatorname {-mod}$
Proof. Fix
$B\kern1.3pt{:=}\kern1.3pt\operatorname {End}_A(P)^{op}$
. The map
$A\kern1.3pt{\twoheadrightarrow}\kern1.3pt A/J$
induces the fully faithful functor
${A/J\!\operatorname {-mod}\kern1.3pt{\rightarrow}\kern1.3pt A\!\operatorname {-mod}}$
. Hence,
$\operatorname {End}_{A/J}(P/JP)^{op}\simeq \operatorname {End}_A(P/JP)^{op}$
. We wish to express
$B_J:=\operatorname {End}_{A/J}(P/JP)^{op}$
as a quotient of B. To see this, consider the exact sequence of
$(A, B)$
$ \delta \colon 0\rightarrow JP\rightarrow P\rightarrow P/JP\rightarrow 0.$
$\operatorname {Hom}_A(P, -)$
$\delta $
, we get the exact sequence
$ \gamma \colon 0 \rightarrow \operatorname {Hom}_A(P, JP) \rightarrow B \rightarrow \operatorname {Hom}_A(P, P/JP) \rightarrow 0,$
while by applying
$\operatorname {Hom}_A(-, P/JP)$
$\delta $
we get the exact sequence

Thanks to
, we have
$\operatorname {Hom}_A(JP, X)=0$
for every
$X\in A/J\!\operatorname {-mod}$
. Combining (19) with
$\gamma $
, we obtain the exact sequence
$ 0\rightarrow \operatorname {Hom}_A(P, JP)\rightarrow B\rightarrow B_J\rightarrow 0. $
$\delta $
is exact as
$(A, B)$
-bimodules, the latter is exact as
$(B, B)$
-bimodules. Thus, the functor
$B_J\!\operatorname {-mod}\rightarrow B\!\operatorname {-mod}$
is fully faithful. Denote by
the functor
$\operatorname {Hom}_{B_J}(\operatorname {Hom}_{A/J}(P/JP, A/J), -)=\operatorname {Hom}_B(\operatorname {Hom}_{A/J}(P/JP, A/J), -)\colon B_J\!\operatorname {-mod}\rightarrow A/J\!\operatorname {-mod}$
$F_{P/JP}=\operatorname {Hom}_{A/J}(P/JP, -)=\operatorname {Hom}_A(P/JP, -)\colon A/J\!\operatorname {-mod}\rightarrow B_J\!\operatorname {-mod}$
To assert that the truncated cover is a
$\mathcal {F}(\tilde {\Delta })$
cover, it is enough to compare the restrictions of the functors
$G_P\circ F_P$
$\mathcal {F}(\tilde {\Delta })\cap A/J\!\operatorname {-mod}$
with the restriction of the functors
$G_{P/JP}\circ F_{P/JP}$
$\mathcal {F}(\tilde {\Delta }_{A/J})$
, respectively. For each
$X\in A/J\!\operatorname {-mod}$
, applying
$\operatorname {Hom}_A(-, X)$
$\delta $
instead of
$\operatorname {Hom}_A(-, P/JP)$
yields that
$F_{P/JP}X\simeq F_PX$
. By applying
$\operatorname {Hom}_B(-, F_PX)$
$0\rightarrow F_PJ\rightarrow F_PA\rightarrow F_P(A/J)\rightarrow 0$
we obtain the exact sequence
$0\rightarrow G_{P/JP}F_{P/JP} X\rightarrow G_PF_PX\rightarrow \operatorname {Hom}_B(F_PJ, F_PX)$
. Fixing
$X\in \mathcal {F}(\tilde {\Delta }_{A/J})$
we obtain that
$\operatorname {Hom}_B(F_PJ, F_PX)\simeq \operatorname {Hom}_A(J, X)=0$
$(A, P)$
is a
$\mathcal {F}(\tilde {\Delta })$
cover of B. These isomorphisms are functorial, so if we denote by
$ \eta ^J$
the unit of the adjunction
$F_{P/JP}\dashv G_{P/JP}$
, then
$\eta ^J_X$
is an isomorphism for every
$X\in \mathcal {F}(\tilde {\Delta }_{A/J})$
. This shows that
$(A/J, P/JP)$
is a
$\mathcal {F}(\tilde {\Delta }_{A/J})$
cover of
Our aim now is to compute
$\operatorname {R}^jG_{P/JP}(F_{P/JP}X)$
$j\leq i$
and every
$X\in \mathcal {F}(\tilde {\Delta }_{A/J})$
. Hence, fix an arbitrary
$X\in \mathcal {F}(\tilde {\Delta }_{A/J})$
. Applying
$\operatorname {Hom}_B(-, F_PX)$
$\gamma $
, we obtain
$\operatorname {Ext}_B^1(B_J, F_PX)=0$
$\operatorname {Ext}_B^l(B_J, F_PX)\simeq \operatorname {Ext}_B^{l-1}(F_PJP, F_PX)$
for every
. Observe that
$JP\simeq J\otimes _A P$
as left A-modules since
$P\in A\!\operatorname {-proj}$
. Moreover,
$JP\in \operatorname {add}_A J$
, and thus, it is projective as left A-module. Thus,
$\operatorname {Ext}_B^l(B_J, F_PX)\simeq \operatorname {Ext}_A^{l-1}(JP, X)=0$
for every
$0<l-1\leq i$
. Hence,
$\operatorname {Ext}_B^l(B_J, F_PX)=0$
for every
$1\leq l\leq i+1$
. Let
$\cdots \rightarrow P_i\rightarrow \cdots \rightarrow P_1\rightarrow P_0\rightarrow F_{P/JP}A/J\rightarrow 0$
be a projective
-resolution of
. Denote by
$\Omega ^{j+1}$
the kernel of
$P_j\rightarrow P_{j-1}$
, with
$P_{-1}:=\Omega ^0=F_{P/JP}A/J$
. Note that
$\operatorname {Ext}_B^l(P_j, F_PX)=0$
$1\leq l\leq i+1$
. Taking into account that
$B_J\!\operatorname {-mod}\rightarrow B\!\operatorname {-mod}$
is a fully faithful functor, applying
$\operatorname {Hom}_B(-, F_PX)$
$\operatorname {Hom}_{B_J}(-, F_PX)$
to the projective
-resolution of

$1\leq l\leq i$
$s, \ j\geq 1$
and the commutative diagram

By the commutative diagram,
$\operatorname {Ext}_B^1(\Omega ^j, F_PX)$
is zero if and only if
$\operatorname {Ext}_{B_J}^1(\Omega ^j, F_PX)$
is zero. By assumption and the previous discussion, for each
$1\leq l\leq i$

By [Reference CruzCru24c, Proposition 3.1.5], this concludes the proof.
Remark 7.1.2. The module
might not be injective even if P is.
Remark 7.1.3. It follows from the proof of Theorem 7.1.1 that if
$(A, P)$
is a cover of B such that
$(A/J, P/JP)$
is a
$\mathcal {F}(\tilde {\Delta }_{A/J})$
cover of
, then
$(A, P)$
is a
$\mathcal {F}(\tilde {\Delta })$
cover of B.
This gives another reason to be interested in zero faithful split quasi-hereditary covers. These are exactly the covers for which double centralizer properties occur in every step of the split heredity chain. In particular, this gives another perspective on why zero faithful split quasi-hereditary covers possess so much nicer properties compared with
-faithful split quasi-hereditary covers.
7.2 Relative codominant dimension with respect to a module in the image of a Schur functor preserving the highest weight structure
In general, the Schur functor induced from a cosaturated idempotent (see Theorem 2.1.4) does not preserve dominant or codominant dimension. In this subsection, we relate the codominant dimension of a characteristic tilting module T of A with
$eP\!\operatorname {-codomdim}_{eAe}eT$
, when P is a faithful projective-injective A-module and e is a cosaturated idempotent.
Theorem 7.2.1. Let k be a field and
$(A, \{\Delta (\lambda )_{\lambda \in \Lambda }\})$
be a split quasi-hereditary algebra over k. Assume that A admits a cosaturated idempotent e and suppose that P is a projective-injective faithful module. Let
$M\in \mathcal {F}(\nabla )$
. If
$\operatorname {codomdim}_{A} M \geq i$
, then
$eP\!\operatorname {-codomdim}_{eAe} eM\geq i$
$i\in \{1, 2\}$
Proof. Denote by
$B=\operatorname {End}_A(P)^{op}$
and by
$C=\operatorname {End}_{eAe}(eP)^{op}$
. Since P is a (partial) tilting module, the map
$B\rightarrow C$
, given by multiplication by e, is surjective according to Theorem 2.1.4. Thus, C is a quotient of B. In particular,
$C\!\operatorname {-mod}$
is a full subcategory of
$B\!\operatorname {-mod}$
. Again by Theorem 2.1.4, the map
$\operatorname {Hom}_A(P, M)\rightarrow \operatorname {Hom}_{eAe}(eP, eM)$
is a surjective left B-homomorphism. Denote such a map by
$\varphi _M$
. We can consider the following commutative diagram

with the composition of the upper rows being surjective (see also Remark 3.1.2). In fact, thanks to the
$C\!\operatorname {-mod}$
being a full subcategory of
$B\!\operatorname {-mod}$
, we have the isomorphisms

$\operatorname {domdim}_{A^{op}} DM=\operatorname {codomdim}_{A} M \geq 1 (\text {resp.} \ 2)$
if and only if
$\delta _{DM}$
is surjective (resp. bijective), we obtain that
$e\delta _{DM}$
is surjective if
and bijective if
. So, if
, it follows that
$\chi _{eM}$
is surjective, by the commutative diagram. Assume that
. Then,
$(e\cdot P)\otimes _B \varphi _M$
must be injective, and so it is an isomorphism. This implies that
$\chi _{eM}$
is also an isomorphism.
For larger values of relative dominant dimension, the most natural approach to consider is to see when the exact sequence giving the value of dominant dimension under the Schur functor
$eA\otimes _A -$
gives information about the relative dominant dimension of
with respect to
Proposition 7.2.2. Let
$(A, \{\Delta (\lambda )_{\lambda \in \Lambda }\})$
be a split quasi-hereditary algebra over a field k, e a cosaturated idempotent of A and P a projective-injective A-module. Suppose that there exists an exact sequence

Then, the chain complex
$\operatorname {Hom}_{eAe}(e\delta , eP)$
is exact if and only if
$P\in \operatorname {add} D (eA)$
. In particular, if the chain complex
$\operatorname {Hom}_{eAe}(e\delta , eP)$
is exact, then
is a projective-injective
Proof. Assume that
$P\in \operatorname {add}_A D(eA)$
. Then,
$eP\in \operatorname {add}_{eAe} D(eAe)$
; that is,
is injective over
. It is clear that the functor
$\operatorname {Hom}_{eAe}(-, eP)$
is exact.
Conversely, suppose that
$e\delta $
remains exact under
$\operatorname {Hom}_{eAe}(-, eP)$
. Let
be the cokernel of
$A\rightarrow P_0$
. Consider the commutative diagram

The vertical maps are surjective maps due to Theorem 2.1.4. By assumption, the bottom row of (25) is exact. Hence, the lower triangle is an epi-mono factorization. Therefore,
${\operatorname {Hom}_A(X_0, P)\rightarrow \operatorname {Hom}_{eAe}(eX_0, eP)}$
is surjective. By Snake Lemma, we obtain that the map
${\operatorname {Hom}_A(A, P)\rightarrow \operatorname {Hom}_{eAe}(eA, eP)}$
is, in addition to being surjective, an injective map. Since
has a filtration by standard modules over
$\operatorname {Ext}_{eAe}^{i>0}(eA, eP)$
. By Lemma 2.10 of [Reference Gao and KoenigGK15], for every
$M\in A\!\operatorname {-mod}$

Then, by Theorem 3.10 of [Reference PsaroudakisPsa14], there exists an exact sequence
$ 0\rightarrow P\rightarrow \operatorname {Hom}_{eAe}(eA, D(eAe))\simeq D(eA). $
Since P is injective, this exact sequence splits, and we obtain that
$P\in \operatorname {add}_A D(eA)$
The above condition is very restrictive, since in most cases of our interest, a module
$Q\in \mathcal {F}(\Delta )\cap \mathcal {F}(\nabla )$
is projective if and only if it is injective. Still, the injective dimension gives information on a lower bound:
Corollary 7.2.3. Let k be a field and A a finite-dimensional k-algebra. Let
$Q\in A\!\operatorname {-mod}$
$Q\in {}^\perp Q$
. Suppose that
$M\in {}^\perp Q$
and assume that there exists an A-exact sequence
$ 0\rightarrow M\rightarrow Q_1\rightarrow \cdots \rightarrow Q_n, $
$Q_i\in \operatorname {add} Q$
. Then,
$Q\!\operatorname {-domdim}_A M\geq n-\operatorname {idim}_A Q$
Proof. Assume that
$n>\operatorname {idim}_A Q$
; otherwise, there is nothing to prove. Denote by
the cokernel of
$Q_{i-1}\rightarrow Q_i$
where by convention we consider
. By dimension shifting,

So, the exact sequence
$ M\hookrightarrow Q_1\rightarrow \cdots \rightarrow Q_{n-\operatorname {idim}_A Q}$
satisfies the assumptions of Proposition 3.1.12.
Another option is to consider the homology over
$\operatorname {End}_{eAe}(eP)$
by viewing it as a quotient of
$\operatorname {End}_A(P)$
Remark 7.2.4. The surjective map
$\psi \colon kS_d\twoheadrightarrow \operatorname {End}_{S_k(n, d)}(V^{\otimes d})$
(see Subsection 8.1) may not be a homological epimorphism if
. Indeed, by [Reference de la Peña and XidlPX06, Proposition 2.2(a)],
$\psi $
is a homological epimorphism if and only if
$\ker \psi $
is an idempotent ideal and
$\operatorname {Tor}_{i>0}^{kS_d}(\ker \psi , kS_d/\ker \psi )=0$
. Fix
and k a field of characteristic three. Then,
$\ker \psi $
is the ideal generated by
${a:= e +(132)+(123)-(12)-(13)-(23)}$
. As
$\ker \psi $
is not an idempotent ideal. So, such a method does not work for Schur algebras.
This means that we should use another approach to obtain lower bounds of codominant dimension with respect to
using the codominant dimension with respect to P. We can use, instead, truncation of covers. This is fruitful for values of Hemmer-Nakano dimension greater than or equal to zero, but this poses no problem in our situation since the smaller cases can be treated using Theorem 7.2.1.
Theorem 7.2.5. Let
$(A, \{\Delta (\lambda )_{\lambda \in \Lambda }\})$
be a split quasi-hereditary algebra over a field k. Let e be a cosaturated idempotent of A. If A has positive dominant dimension with faithful projective-injective
, then

where T is the characteristic tilting module of A.
Proof. We can assume without loss of generality that A is a basic algebra and
is also basic. If
$\operatorname {codomdim}_A T=1$
, then the result follows from Theorem 7.2.1. Assume that
$\operatorname {codomdim}_A T\geq 2$
By Theorem 2.1.4,
is the characteristic tilting module of
. Hence, the endomorphism algebra
$\operatorname {End}_{eAe}(eT)^{op}$
is the Ringel dual of
which we denote by
. Also, by Theorem 2.1.4, there exists an exact sequence
$0\rightarrow X\rightarrow R(A)\rightarrow R(eAe)\rightarrow 0$
, where X is an ideal of the Ringel dual of A. More precisely, X is the set of all endomorphisms
$g\in \operatorname {End}_A(T)$
. Fix
. We claim that
$X\operatorname {Hom}_A(T, P)$
is the kernel of the surjective map
$\operatorname {Hom}_A(T, P)\rightarrow \operatorname {Hom}_{eAe}(eT, eP)$
. Denote this surjection by
$\psi $
. Let
$g\in X$
$l\in \operatorname {Hom}_A(T, P)$
; then
. So, it is clear that
$X\operatorname {Hom}_A(T, P)\subset \ker \psi $
. Now, let
$l\in \operatorname {Hom}_A(T, P)$
such that
; that is,
$l\in \ker \psi $
. By assumption, we can write
$i\circ \pi =\operatorname {id}_P$
, where
$\pi \in \operatorname {Hom}_A(T, P)$
. So,
$e(i\circ l)=ei\circ el=0$
. This means that
$i\circ l\in X$
. Now
$l=\pi \circ i\circ l=(i\circ l)\cdot \pi \in X\operatorname {Hom}_A(T, P)$
. Now, a k-basis of
$\operatorname {End}_A(T)$
can be constructed using its filtration by modules
$\operatorname {Hom}_A(\Delta (\nu ), \nabla (\nu ))$
$\nu \in \Lambda $
and the liftings of
$\Delta (\lambda )\hookrightarrow T(\lambda )\twoheadrightarrow \nabla (\lambda )$
along these filtrations (see [Reference CruzCru24b, Proposition 5.5] and [Reference Koenig, Slungård and XiKSX01]). In particular, these maps factor through
$T(\lambda )$
$\lambda \in \Lambda $
. Analogously,
$\operatorname {End}_{eAe}(eT)$
has a k-basis of the maps factoring through
$eT(\lambda )\neq 0$
$\lambda \in \Lambda '$
(see Theorem 2.1.4(ii)(II) and its notation). So, X has a basis whose maps
$T\rightarrow T$
factor through
$T(\lambda )$
$\lambda \in \Lambda \setminus \Lambda '$
. Let
$g_\lambda $
denote the idempotent
$T\twoheadrightarrow T(\lambda )\hookrightarrow T$
$g_e=\sum _{\lambda \in \Lambda \setminus \Lambda '} g_\lambda $
. Then, we showed that
$X=R(A) g_e R(A)$
. In particular, X has a filtration by split heredity ideals of quotients of
$\operatorname {codomdim}_A T\geq 2$
, Theorem 5.3.1 implies that
$(R(A), \operatorname {Hom}_A(T, P))$
is a
$(\operatorname {codomdim}_A T-2)$
$\mathcal {F}(\Delta _{R(A)})$
cover of
$\operatorname {End}_A(P)^{op}$
. By induction on the filtration of X by split heredity ideals and using Theorem 7.1.1, we obtain that
$ (\operatorname {End}_{eAe}(eT), \operatorname {Hom}_{eAe}(eT, eP))\simeq (R(A)/X, \operatorname {Hom}_A(T, P)/X\operatorname {Hom}_A(T, P)) $
is a
$(\operatorname {codomdim}_A T-2)$
$\mathcal {F}(\Delta _{R(eAe)})$
cover of
$\operatorname {End}_{R(A)/X}(\operatorname {Hom}_A(T, P)/X\operatorname {Hom}_A(T, P))^{op}$
which is isomorphic to
$\operatorname {End}_{R(eAe)}(\operatorname {Hom}_{eAe}(eT, eP))^{op}\simeq \operatorname {End}_{eAe}(eP)^{op}$
. By Theorem 5.3.1, the result follows.
8 Applications
In this section, we will use the technology on relative dominant dimension with respect to a partial tilting module including [Reference CruzCru22b, Reference CruzCru24c] to construct a split quasi-hereditary cover of certain quotients of Iwahori-Hecke algebras. This gives a new point of view to the Schur functors from module categories of q-Schur algebras studied in detail in [Reference CruzCru24c]. This technology together with the results from [Reference CruzCru24c] will allow us to give a new proof for the Ringel self-duality of the blocks of the BGG category
$\mathcal {O}$
8.1 Generalized Schur algebras in the sense of Donkin
Throughout, assume that
$n, d$
are natural numbers, R is a commutative Noetherian ring with an invertible element u and
. In this subsection, we continue [Reference CruzCru24c, Reference CruzCru22b] studying q-Schur algebras and Iwahori-Hecke algebras over commutative Noetherian rings using relative dominant dimensions. In particular, we use the notation of [Reference CruzCru22b, Reference CruzCru24a, Reference CruzCru24c].
The study of Iwahori-Hecke algebras (denoted by
$H_{R, q}(d)$
) can be traced back to [Reference IwahoriIwa64], and there are several equivalent ways to define them (here we follow [Reference Parshall and WangPW91]). Properties on q-Schur algebras (denoted by
$S_{R, q}(n, d)$
) can be found in [Reference Dipper and JamesDJ91, Reference Dipper and JamesDJ89, Reference DonkinDon98] and in [Reference GreenGre81] for
. For instance, the module
$V^{\otimes d}:=(R^n)^{\otimes d}$
admits a
$(S_{R, q}(n, d), H_{R, q}(d))$
-bimodule structure so that
$S_{R, q}(n, d)=\operatorname {End}_{H_{R, q}(d)}(V^{\otimes d})$
Quantum Schur–Weyl duality says that
$\psi \colon H_{R, q}(d)\rightarrow \operatorname {End}_{S_{R}(n, d)}(V^{\otimes d})^{op}$
is a surjective map (see, for example, [Reference Du, Parshall and ScottDPS98, Theorem 6.2]). If
$n\geq d$
$V^{\otimes d}$
is a faithful module over
$H_{R, q}(d)$
, and in such a case,
$\psi $
is actually an isomorphism. So this means that there are double centralizer properties:

The double centralizer property in (28) follows from
$(S_{R, q}(n, d), V^{\otimes d})$
being a cover of
$H_{R, q}(d)$
(see, for example, [Reference CruzCru22b, Theorem 7.20], [Reference CruzCru24c, Proposition 2.4.4]). But if
, then
$V^{\otimes d}$
is not necessarily projective, and so the former pair cannot be a cover anymore in general. Our aim now is to unify these double centralizer properties and their cohomological higher versions using relative dominant dimension and cover theory generalizing the approach taken in [Reference Koenig, Slungård and XiKSX01]. In our treatment, we will take care of the quantum case and the classical case (
) simultaneously having always the integral setup in mind. Background on q-Schur algebras.
The ring R is an
$\mathbb {Z}[X, X^{-1}]$
-algebra by defining the map of R-algebras
$\mathbb {Z}[X, X^{-1}]\rightarrow R$
which sends
$z\in \mathbb {Z}$
and X to
$u\in R$
. Hence, all q-Schur algebras and Iwahori-Hecke algebras can be constructed from the ones over Laurent polynomials (see, for example, [Reference CruzCru22b, Lemma 7.17]):

The q-Schur algebra admits a split quasi-hereditary structure whose standard modules are called the q-Weyl modules, and are indexed by the partitions of d in at most n parts ordered by the dominance order (see, for example, [Reference Parshall and WangPW91, Theorem 11.5.2] and [Reference CruzCru24c, Theorem 7.2.2]). We denote the standard modules of
$S_{R, q}(n, d)$
$\Delta _{S_{R, q}(n, d)}(\lambda )$
$\lambda \in \Lambda ^+(n, d)$
, or just by
$\Delta (\lambda )$
when there are no ambiguities. By
$\Lambda ^+(n, d)$
we mean the set of all partitions of d in at most n parts. It admits a cellular structure with the standard modules being the cell modules (ordered with the opposite of the dominance order). Furthermore, for each
$\mathfrak {m}\in \operatorname {MaxSpec} R$
, the
$q_{\mathfrak {m}}$
-Schur algebra
$S_{R(\mathfrak {m}), q_{\mathfrak {m}}}(n, d)$
$n\geq d$
) belongs to the class
$\mathcal {A}$
defined in [Reference Fang and KoenigFK11], where
$q_{\mathfrak {m}}$
denotes the image of q in
$R/\mathfrak {m}$
. By [Reference CruzCru22b, Theorem 7.20] and [Reference CruzCru24c, Corollary 7.2.4], if
$n\geq d$
, the pair
$(S_{R, q}(n, d), V^{\otimes d})$
is a relative gendo-symmetric R-algebra and
$\operatorname {domdim} (S_{R, q}(n, d), R)=2 \operatorname {domdim}_{(S_{R, q}(n, d), R)} T = 2 \inf \{ s\in \mathbb {N} \ | \ 1+q+\cdots + q^s\notin R^\times , \ s<d \}$
, where T is the characteristic tilting module of
$S_{R, q}(n, d)$
Remark 8.1.1. For any
$n, d\in \mathbb {N}$
and any
$M\in \operatorname {add}_{S_{R, q}(n, d)}T$
, we have
$M\!\operatorname {-domdim}_{(S_{R, q}(n, d), R)} T= M\!\operatorname {-codomdim}_{(S_{R, q}(n, d), R)}T$
. Indeed, this follows from applying Theorem 3.2.5 (and its dual) with Proposition 3.1.7 to the
$q_{\mathfrak {m}}$
-Schur algebras
$S_{R(\mathfrak {m}), q_{\mathfrak {m}}}(n, d)$
$\mathfrak {m}\in \operatorname {MaxSpec} R$
. Covers of Iwahori-Hecke algebras.
$n\geq d$
, the pair
$(S_{R, q}(n, d), V^{\otimes d})$
is (at least) a
$\mathcal {F}(\tilde {\Delta })$
split quasi-hereditary cover of
$H_{R, q}(d)$
for every commutative ring R. The quality of the Schur functor
$F_{V^{\otimes d}}=\operatorname {Hom}_{S_{R, q}(n, d)}(V^{\otimes d}, -)\colon S_{R, q}(n, d)\!\operatorname {-mod}\rightarrow H_{R, q}(d)\!\operatorname {-mod}$
was completely determined for all local commutative rings R in [Reference CruzCru24c, Subsection 7.2.1]. The field case is due to [Reference Fang and KoenigFK11, Reference Fang and MiyachiFM19]. In the general case, the quality depends on whether the ground ring is partial divisible or not. For more details, we refer to [Reference CruzCru24c, Subsections 7.1 and 7.2]. Covers of quotients of Iwahori-Hecke algebras.
We now use Theorem 7.2.5 to transfer information from
$n\geq d$
to the case
. Let k be a field. Put
for some
$u\in k$
and assume that
. By [Reference DonkinDon98, 2.2(1), 4.7 and A3.11(i)],
$S_{k, q}(d, d)$
admits a cosaturated idempotent f so that
$f(k^d)^{\otimes d}\simeq (K^n)^{\otimes d}$
$S_{k, q}(n, d)$
-modules and
$S_{k, q}(n, d)\simeq fS_{k, q}(d, d)f$
as k-algebras. By Theorem 2.1.4,
$\operatorname {add} fT_d=\!\operatorname {add} T_n$
$(k^n)^{\otimes d}\in \operatorname {add} T_n$
$(k^d)^{\otimes d}$
is a projective-injective of
$S_{k, q}(d, d)$
, where
) is the characteristic tilting module of
$S_{k, q}(n, d)$
$S_{k, q}(d, d)$
). When
, see also [Reference ErdmannErd94, 3.9, 4.2]. By Proposition 2.1.3,
$(R^n)^{\otimes d}\in \mathcal {F}(\tilde {\Delta })\cap \mathcal {F}(\tilde {\nabla })$
for every commutative Noetherian R.
Theorem 8.1.2. Let R be a commutative Noetherian ring with an invertible element
$u\in R$
$n, d$
be natural numbers. Put
. Let
be a characteristic tilting module of
$S_{R, q}(n, d)$
. Then,

Proof. By [Reference CruzCru24c, Corollary 7.2.4], we may assume that
. By Propositions 2.1.3 and 2.1.2 and Theorem 3.2.5,

$q_{\mathfrak {m}}$
is the image of q in
$R(\mathfrak {m})$
. By Theorem 7.2.5, Remark 8.1.1 and the above discussion,

$T_{d, \mathfrak {m}}$
is the characteristic tilting module of
$S_{R(\mathfrak {m}), q_{\mathfrak {m}}}(d, d)$
$\operatorname {add} T_d(\mathfrak {m})=\!\operatorname {add} T_{d, \mathfrak {m}}$
$\mathfrak {m}\in \operatorname {MaxSpec} R$
. By Theorem 6.13 of [Reference CruzCru22b] and Corollary 7.2.4 of [Reference CruzCru24c], it follows that

This inequality is sharp in general since this becomes an equality in case
$n\geq d$
(see [Reference CruzCru24c, Corollary 7.2.4]). We are now ready to prove one of our main results.
Theorem 8.1.3. Let R be a commutative Noetherian regular ring with an invertible element
$u\in R$
$n, d$
be natural numbers. Put
. Let T be a characteristic tilting module of
$R(S_{R, q}(n, d)):=\operatorname {End}_{S_{R,q}(n,d)}(T)^{op}$
the Ringel dual of the q-Schur algebra
$S_{R, q}(n, d)$
$(R(S_{R, q}(n, d)), \operatorname {Hom}_{S_{R, q}(n, d)}(T, V^{\otimes d}))$
is a
$(V^{\otimes d}\!\operatorname {-domdim}_{(S_{R, q}(n, d), R)} T-2)$
$\mathcal {F}(\tilde {\Delta }_{R(S_{R, q}(n, d))})$
split quasi-hereditary cover of
$\operatorname {End}_{S_{R, q}(n, d)}(V^{\otimes d})^{op}$
Proof. If
${V^{\otimes d}\!\operatorname {-domdim}_{(S_{R, q}(n, d), R)} T}\geq 2$
, the result follows from Theorems 8.1.2, 5.3.1 and Proposition 3.1.7. Assume now that
$V^{\otimes d}\!\operatorname {-domdim}_{(S_{R, q}(n, d), R)} T=1$
. Theorem 8.1.2 implies that
is not invertible and
. So we need to verify, in particular, the case
Let L be a field with an element
$u\in L$
. Consider the Laurent polynomial ring
$R:=L[X, X^{-1}]$
. The invertible elements of
$L[X, X^{-1}]$
are of the form
$z\in \mathbb {Z}$
$l\in L$
$1+X^{-2}\neq 0$
. So,
$\inf \{ s\in \mathbb {N} \ | \ 1+q+\cdots + q^s\notin L[X, X^{-1}]^\times , \ s<d \}=1$
. Let Q be the quotient field of
$L[X, X^{-1}]$
. Then,

${(Q^n)^{\otimes d}\!\operatorname {-domdim}_{S_{Q, q}(n, d), Q} Q\otimes _{L[X, X^{-1}]} T\geq 2}$
$V^{\otimes d}\!\operatorname {-domdim}_{(S_{R, q}(n, d), R)} T\geq 1$
for a characteristic tilting module T of
$S_{R, q}(n, d)$
. By Corollary 5.3.5, we obtain that
$(R(S_{R, q}(n, d)), \operatorname {Hom}_{S_{R, q}(n, d)}(T, V^{\otimes d}))$
is a
$\mathcal {F}(\tilde {\Delta }_{R(S_{R, q}(n, d))})$
split quasi-hereditary cover of
$\operatorname {End}_{S_{R, q}(n, d)}(V^{\otimes d})^{op}$
. Observe that L is the residue field
$L[X, X^{-1}]/(X-u^{-1})$
and the image of X in this residue field is
. It follows by applying
${L[X, X^{-1}]/(X-u^{-1})\otimes _{L[X, X^{-1}]}} -$
to the previous cover together with Theorem 5.0.7 of [Reference CruzCru24c] that
$(R(S_{L, -1}(n, d)), \operatorname {Hom}_{S_{L, -1}(n, d)}(T, V^{\otimes d}))$
is a
$\mathcal {F}(\tilde {\Delta }_{R(S_{L, -1}(n, d))})$
split quasi-hereditary cover of
$\operatorname {End}_{S_{L, -1}(n, d)}(V^{\otimes d})^{op}$
. By [Reference CruzCru24c, Proposition 5.0.5], we conclude that the result holds in all cases.
The special case
puts the Schur–Weyl duality between
without restrictions on the parameters n and d into our context. Moreover, this generalizes the results of Hemmer and Nakano in [Reference Hemmer and NakanoHN04] and [Reference Fang and KoenigFK11, Theorem 3.9] on the Schur algebra (
$S_R(n, d)$
with parameters
$n\geq d$
). In general, this formulation helps us to put the quantum Schur–Weyl duality between q-Schur algebras and Iwahori-Hecke algebras on
$V^{\otimes d}$
completely in the setup of cover theory generalising the results of [Reference Fang and MiyachiFM19, Reference Parshall and ScottPS05]. In fact, if
$n\geq d$
and k is a field with
$u\in k$
, then by ([Reference DonkinDon93, Proposition 3.7] for
and [Reference DonkinDon98, Proposition 4.1.4, Proposition 4.1.5]), the Ringel dual of
$S_{k, q}(n, d)$
is the opposite algebra of
$S_{k, q}(n, d)$
, and we can identify the projective relative injective module
$\operatorname {Hom}_{S_{R, q}(n, d)}(T, V^{\otimes d})$
$DV^{\otimes d}$
. In this case, quantum Schur–Weyl duality gives
$\operatorname {End}_{S_{R, q}(n, d)}(V^{\otimes d})\simeq H_{R, q}(d)^{op}$
. So, for
$n\geq d$
, Theorem 8.1.3 is translated to
$(S_{R, q}(n, d)^{op}, DV^{\otimes d})$
being a split quasi-hereditary cover of
$H_{R, q}(d)^{op}$
. Therefore, for
$n\geq d$
, this statement is nothing new, and since
$S_R(n, d)$
is relative gendo-symmetric, the quality of this cover coincides with the cover
$(S_{R, q}(n, d), V^{\otimes d})$
. The novelty lies in the case
However, this formulation gives us better insights into older results present in the literature, and it explains, in some sense, why different conventions about the Schur functor can be considered. For simplicity, let us assume that
. Let
$H\colon S_R(n, d)\!\operatorname {-mod}\rightarrow R(S_R(n, d))$
be the equivalence of categories given by Ringel self-duality in [Reference DonkinDon93, Proposition 3.7]. Denote by
the Schur functor associated with the cover
$(R(S_R(n, d)), \operatorname {Hom}_{S_R(n, d)}(T, V^{\otimes d}))$
and recall that
$F=F_{V^{\otimes d}}$
is the multiplication by an idempotent e (see, for instance, [Reference CruzCru22b, 7.5, 7.6]). Then,
$F\Delta (\lambda )=e\Delta (\lambda )$
and by [Reference Cline, Parshall and ScottCPS96, Lemma 1.6.12],

$\lambda '$
is the conjugate partition of
$\lambda $
$\operatorname {sgn}$
is the free module R with the
$\sigma \cdot 1_R=\operatorname {sgn}(\sigma )1_R$
$M^\iota $
is the right module M with right action
$m\cdot a=\iota (a)m$
$m\in M$
$a\in S_R(n, d)$
for the involution
$\iota $
(see [Reference CruzCru24a, Section 5]). The same notation is used for modules over
. By (34),
$F'H=\operatorname {sgn}\otimes _R - \circ F$
$S_R(n, d)\!\operatorname {-proj}$
. Since all functors
$F, H, F'$
$\operatorname {sgn}\otimes _R - \colon RS_d\!\operatorname {-mod}\rightarrow RS_d\!\operatorname {-mod}$
are exact, we obtain
$F'H=\operatorname {sgn}\otimes _R - \circ F$
$S_R{(n, d)}\!\operatorname {-mod}$
. This means that the cover
$(R(S_R(n, d)), \operatorname {Hom}_{S_R(n, d)}(T, V^{\otimes d}))$
is equivalent to
$(S_R(n, d), V^{\otimes d})$
(in the sense of [Reference CruzCru24c, Definition 4.3.1]) if
$n\geq d$
, the Ringel dual of
$S_R(n, d)$
is no longer, in general, a Schur algebra; it is instead a generalized Schur algebra in the sense of Donkin. The construction of the Ringel dual of
$S_R(n, d)$
is as follows: let
$U_{\mathbb {Z}}$
be the Konstant
$\mathbb {Z}$
-form of the enveloping algebra of the semi-simple complex Lie algebra
$\mathfrak {sl}_d(\mathbb {C})$
. Then, the Ringel dual of
$S_{\mathbb {Z}}(n, d)$
is the free Noetherian
$\mathbb {Z}$
$U_{\mathbb {Z}}/I_{\mathbb {Z}}$
, where
$I_{\mathbb {Z}}$
is the largest ideal of
$U_{\mathbb {Z}}$
so that the simple modules of
$\mathbb {Q}\otimes _{\mathbb {Z}} U_{\mathbb {Z}}/I_{\mathbb {Z}}$
are isomorphic to the Weyl modules indexed by the weights belonging to
$\Lambda ^+(n, d)$
(see [Reference DonkinDon86, 3.1] and [Reference DonkinDon93, Proposition 3.11]). For an arbitrary commutative ring R,
$R\otimes _{\mathbb {Z}}U_{\mathbb {Z}}/I_{\mathbb {Z}}$
is the Ringel dual of
$S_R(n, d)$
known as generalized Schur algebra associated with
$\mathfrak {sl}_d$
and the set
$\Lambda ^+(n, d)$
. Since the Ringel dual of the Schur algebra is a quotient of
$R\otimes _{\mathbb {Z}} U_{\mathbb {Z}}$
, Theorem 8.1.3 suggests why Schur–Weyl duality between
$S_R(n, d)$
can be deduced by studying the action of the Konstant
$\mathbb {Z}$
-form on
$V^{\otimes d}$
Remark 8.1.4. From Theorem 8.1.3, it follows that the basic algebra of
$\operatorname {End}_{S_{R, q}(n, d)}(V^{\otimes d})^{op}(\mathfrak {m})$
$A_{\mathfrak {m}}$
, has a cellular structure with cell modules of
$H\operatorname {Hom}_{S_{R, q}(n, d)}(V^{\otimes d}, \nabla (\lambda ))(\mathfrak {m})$
$\lambda \in \Lambda $
, for every
$\mathfrak {m}\in \operatorname {MaxSpec} R$
, (see [Reference CruzCru24b, Theorem 7.5]) where
$H\colon \operatorname {End}_{S_{R, q}(n, d)}(V^{\otimes d})^{op}(\mathfrak {m})\!\operatorname {-mod}\rightarrow A_{\mathfrak {m}}\!\operatorname {-mod}$
is an equivalence of categories. If
, using the fact that all Schur algebras can be recovered using change of rings from
$S_{\mathbb {Z}}(n, d)$
[Reference CruzCru24b, Proposition 7.6] implies that
$\operatorname {End}_{S_{R}(n, d)}(V^{\otimes d})^{op}_{\mathfrak {m}}$
is Morita equivalent to a Noetherian algebra which has a cellular structure with cell modules labeled by
$\lambda \in \Lambda $
for all
$\mathfrak {m}\in \operatorname {MaxSpec} R$
The existence of the quasi-hereditary cover described in Theorem 8.1.3 allows us to study the multiplicities of simple
$\operatorname {End}_{S_k(n, d)}(V^{\otimes d})$
-modules through the multiplicities of simple
$R(S_k(n, d))$
-modules for a field k. In particular, this explains the background for the techniques used in [Reference ErdmannErd94] to determine decomposition numbers in the symmetric group. For example, [Reference ErdmannErd94, 4.5] can be deduced using the Schur functor constructed in Theorem 8.1.3, the Ringel duality functor and BGG reciprocity.
If R is a field, the value of the cover in Theorem 8.1.3 is optimal. But, as we saw even for the case
$n\geq d$
, the situation can be improved in some cases. We leave as an open question to determine the relative dominant dimension
$V^{\otimes d}\!\operatorname {-domdim}_{(S_{R, q}(n, d), R)} T$
, when
and, in particular, the optimal value of the cover in Theorem 8.1.3.
8.2 Relative dominant dimension as a tool for Ringel self-duality
We are now going to use the results of Section 5.3 together with integral representation theory to reprove Ringel self-duality for two classical cases. The method is particularly effective when applied to the Bernstein-Gelfand-Gelfand category
$\mathcal {O}$
. Such situations highlight the strength of working with split quasi-hereditary covers whose exact categories of modules admit a filtration by summands of direct sums of standard modules with large Hemmer-Nakano dimension. For the undefined notation and terminology in this subsection, we refer to [Reference CruzCru24c].
8.2.1 Bernstein-Gelfand-Gelfand category
$\mathcal {O}$
The BGG category
$\mathbf {\mathcal {O}}$
(see [Reference Bernshteĭn, Gel’fand and Gel’fandBGG76, Reference HumphreysHum08, Reference JantzenJan79] and the references therein) of a semi-simple Lie algebra
$\mathfrak {g}_K=\mathfrak {n}_K^+\oplus \mathfrak {h}_K\oplus \mathfrak {n}^-_K$
over a splitting field of characteristic zero K is the full subcategory of
$U(\mathfrak {g}_K)\!\operatorname {-Mod}$
whose modules M are finitely generated over
$U(\mathfrak {g}_K)$
, locally
$\mathfrak {n}_K^+$
-finite and semi-simple over
$\mathfrak {h}_K$
; that is,
$M=\bigoplus _{\lambda \in \mathfrak {h}_K^*} M_\lambda $
for weight spaces
$M_\lambda $
. Here,
$\mathfrak {h}_K^*$
denotes the dual vector space of
$\mathfrak {h}_K$
Let R be a local regular commutative Noetherian ring which is a
$\mathbb {Q}$
-algebra. When K is an R-algebra, using the Chevalley basis, any semi-simple Lie algebra can be deformed to a Lie algebra
$\mathfrak {g}_R$
so that
$K\otimes _R \mathfrak {g}_R\simeq \mathfrak {g}_K$
, and the same applies to its Cartan decomposition. The BGG category
$\mathcal {O}$
admits an integral version
$\mathcal {O}_{[\lambda ], R}$
, introduced in [Reference Gabber and JosephGJ81, 1.4] as follows. Let
$\lambda \in \mathfrak {h}_R^*$
. We denote by
$[\lambda ]$
the set of elements of
$\mathfrak {h}_R^*$
$\mu $
that satisfy
$\mu -\lambda \in \Lambda _R$
, where
$\Lambda _R$
is the integral weight lattice associated to the root system of
$\mathfrak {g}_R$
relative to
$\mathfrak {h}_R$
. We define
$\mathcal {O}_{[\lambda ], R}$
to be the full subcategory of
$U(\mathfrak {g}_R)\!\operatorname {-Mod}$
whose modules M are finitely generated over the enveloping algebra
$U(\mathfrak {g}_R)$
$U(\mathfrak {n}_R^+)$
-locally finite and satisfy
$M=\sum _{\mu \in [\lambda ]} M_\mu $
The category
$\mathcal {O}_{[\lambda ], R}$
has Verma modules
$\Delta (\mu )$
$\mu \in [\lambda ]$
, and each
$\Delta (\mu )(\mathfrak {m})$
is a Verma module of
$\mathcal {O}$
(see [Reference CruzCru24c, Subsection 7.3.8]). Since R is a local ring,
$\mathcal {O}_{[\lambda ], R}$
decomposes into blocks following decompositions of
$[\lambda ]$
into blocks. The blocks of
$[\lambda ]$
were completely determined in [Reference Gabber and JosephGJ81, 1.8.2], and all of them can be written in the form
$\mathcal {D}=W_{\overline {\mu }}\cdot \mu +\nu $
$\mu \in \mathfrak {h}_R^*$
$\nu \in \mathfrak {m}\mathfrak {h}_R^*$
, where
$W_{\overline {\mu }}$
is the Weyl group of the subroot system making
$\overline {\mu }$
an integral weight. For each block
$\mathcal {D}$
$[\lambda ]$
, we define in [Reference CruzCru24c, Definition 7.3.37] a projective Noetherian R-algebra
$A_{\mathcal {D}}$
so that the module category
$A_{\mathcal {D}}(\mathfrak {m})\!\operatorname {-mod}$
is equivalent to a block of the BGG category
$\mathcal {O}$
whose composition factors are
$\operatorname {top} \Delta (\overline {\mu })$
$\mu \in \mathcal {D}$
$\overline {\mu }$
is the image of
$\mu $
$\mathfrak {h}_R^*/\mathfrak {m}\mathfrak {h}_R^*$
. In particular, every block of the BGG category
$\mathcal {O}$
can be obtained in this way.
The algebra
$A_{\mathcal {D}}$
is a split quasi-hereditary cellular R-algebra with standard modules
$\Delta _A(\mu )$
$\mu \in \mathcal {D}$
(see [Reference CruzCru24c, Theorems 7.3.38 and 7.3.42]). Moreover, the pair
$(A_{\mathcal {D}}, P_A(\omega ))$
is a split quasi-hereditary cover of the commutative R-algebra
$C:=\operatorname {End}_{A_{\mathcal {D}}}(P_A(\omega ))^{op}$
(see [Reference CruzCru24c, Theorem 7.3.44]), where the projective module
$P_A(\omega )$
is indexed by an antidominant weight (that is,
$\overline {\omega }$
is an antidominant weight in
$\mathfrak {h}^*_{R(\mathfrak {m})}$
). Further, the pair
$(A_{\mathcal {D}}, P_A(\omega ))$
is a relative gendo-symmetric R-algebra with
$2\operatorname {domdim}_{(A_{\mathcal {D}}, R)}T=\operatorname {domdim} {(A_{\mathcal {D}}, R)}=2$
$|\mathcal {D}|>1$
; otherwise, it is infinite (see [Reference CruzCru24c, Theorem 7.3.43, Theorem 7.3.44]), where T is a characteristic tilting module of
$A_{\mathcal {D}}$
. Here, C is a deformation of a subalgebra of a coinvariant algebra, in the sense that
$C(\mathfrak {m})$
is a subalgebra of a coinvariant algebra. We can consider an integral version of the Soergel’s combinatorial functor
$\mathbb {V}_{\mathcal {D}}= \operatorname {Hom}_{A_{\mathcal {D}}}(P_A(\omega ), -) \colon A_{\mathcal {D}}\!\operatorname {-mod}\rightarrow C\!\operatorname {-mod}.$
This integral version has better properties than the classical one, and in particular, if
$\mathcal {D}$
is nice enough,
$\mathbb {V}_{\mathcal {D}}$
induces a full embedding from
$\mathcal {F}(\Delta )$
$C\!\operatorname {-mod}$
preserving also
$\operatorname {Ext}$
groups up to a certain degree smaller than or equal to the rank of the Cartan subalgebra (see [Reference CruzCru24c, Theorem 7.3.45, Remark 7.3.47]). Ringel self-duality of BGG category
$\mathcal {O}$
The blocks of the classical BGG category
$\mathcal {O}$
are Ringel self-dual ([Reference SoergelSoe98, Corollary 2.3] and [Reference Futorny, Koenig and MazorchukFKM00, Proposition 4]). We present now a different proof.
Theorem 8.2.1. Let R be a local regular commutative Noetherian ring which is a
$\mathbb {Q}$
-algebra. Let
$\mathcal {D}$
be a block of
$[\lambda ]$
for some
$\lambda \in \mathfrak {h}_R^*$
. The split quasi-hereditary R-algebra
$A_{\mathcal {D}}$
is Ringel self-dual.
Proof. Let
$\mu \in \mathcal {D}$
$\mathfrak {m}\in \operatorname {MaxSpec} R$
. Both
$\Delta (\mu )$
$\nabla (\mu )$
belong to
$A_{\mathcal {D}}/J\!\operatorname {-mod}$
, where J is an ideal admitting a filtration by split heredity ideals and such that
$\Delta (\mu )$
is a projective
$A_{\mathcal {D}}/J$
-module. Further, since
$\nabla (\mu )(\mathfrak {m})$
is the dual of
$\Delta (\mu )(\mathfrak {m})$
, its socle coincides with the top of
$\Delta (\mu )(\mathfrak {m})$
. Denote by f the nonzero
$A_{\mathcal {D}}/J(\mathfrak {m})$
$\Delta (\mu )(\mathfrak {m})\twoheadrightarrow \operatorname {top} \Delta (\mu )(\mathfrak {m})\hookrightarrow \nabla (\mu )(\mathfrak {m})$
. As
$\Delta (\mu )$
is a projective object in
$A_{\mathcal {D}}/J\!\operatorname {-mod}$
, there exists an
$A_{\mathcal {D}}$
$\overline {f}$
making the following diagrams commutative:

where F is the Schur functor
$\mathbb {V}_{\mathcal {D}}=\operatorname {Hom}_{A_{\mathcal {D}}}(P_A(\omega ), -)$
$\omega $
is the antidominant weight. Observe that for any
$X\in A_{\mathcal {D}}\!\operatorname {-mod}$
$ F(X(\mathfrak {m}))=\operatorname {Hom}_{A_{\mathcal {D}}}(P_A(\omega ), X(\mathfrak {m}))\simeq \operatorname {Hom}_{A_{\mathcal {D}}(\mathfrak {m})}(P_{A_{\mathcal {D}}(\mathfrak {m})}(\overline {\omega }), X(\mathfrak {m})) $
(see, for example, [Reference CruzCru24c, Lemma 2.1.1]) and
is isomorphic to the map
$\operatorname {Hom}_{A_{\mathcal {D}}(\mathfrak {m})}(P_{A(\mathfrak {m})}(\overline {\omega }), f)$
which is nonzero since
$\operatorname {top} P_{A(\mathfrak {m})} (\overline {\omega })$
is the image of f. Moreover,
$F\Delta (\mu )(\mathfrak {m})\simeq R(\mathfrak {m})$
$F\nabla (\mu )(\mathfrak {m})\simeq R(\mathfrak {m})$
. Hence,
is an isomorphism. Applying
$R(\mathfrak {m})\otimes _R -$
to the diagram (35), we obtain that
$F\overline {f}(\mathfrak {m})$
is an isomorphism. Since both
$F\Delta (\mu ), F\nabla (\mu )\in R\!\operatorname {-proj}$
, Nakayama’s Lemma yields that
$F\overline {f}$
is an isomorphism. This shows that
$ F\Delta (\mu )\simeq F\nabla (\mu )=\operatorname {Hom}_{A_{\mathcal {D}}}(P(\omega ), \nabla (\mu ))\simeq \operatorname {Hom}_{R(A_{\mathcal {D}})}(\operatorname {Hom}_{A_{\mathcal {D}}}(T, P(\omega )), \operatorname {Hom}_{A_{\mathcal {D}}}(T, \nabla (\mu )) ),$
for every
$\mu \in \mathcal {D}.$
Fix, for a moment,
$R=K[X_1, X_2]_{(X_1, X_2)}$
$\mathcal {D}$
to be the block
$W_{\overline {\mu }}\mu +\frac {X_1}{1}\alpha _1+\frac {X_2}{1}\alpha _2$
, where
$\alpha _1, \alpha _2$
are distinct simple roots (so we are excluding the case
$\mathfrak {g}=\mathfrak {sl}_2)$
, where
$\mu \in \mathfrak {h}_R^*$
is a preimage of an antidominant weight in
$ \mathfrak {h}_{R(\mathfrak {m})}^*$
which is not dominant without coefficients in
$\mathfrak {m}$
in its unique linear combination of simple roots. Hence, we are excluding the simple blocks which are trivially Ringel self-dual. By [Reference CruzCru24c, Theorem 7.3.45, Remark 7.3.47],
$(A_{\mathcal {D}}, P_A(\omega ))$
is a
$\mathcal {F}(\tilde {\Delta })$
cover of C.
Let T be a characteristic tilting module of
$A_{\mathcal {D}}$
. We claim that
$(R(A_{\mathcal {D}}), \operatorname {Hom}_{A_{\mathcal {D}}} (T, P(\omega ))$
is a
$\mathcal {F}(\tilde {\Delta }_{R(A_{\mathcal {D}})})$
cover of C, where
$R(A_{\mathcal {D}})$
denotes the Ringel dual of
$A_{\mathcal {D}}$
. In the proof of [Reference CruzCru24c, Theorem 7.3.45] (replacing
$\mathbb {C}$
by K), we observe that, for any prime ideal
$\mathfrak {p}$
of R with height at most one,
$Q(R/\mathfrak {p})\otimes _R A_{\mathcal {D}}$
is semi-simple because the weights in
$Q(R/\mathfrak {p})\otimes _R \mathcal {D}$
are both dominant and antidominant, where
$Q(R/\mathfrak {p})$
is the quotient field of
$R/\mathfrak {p}$
. Therefore, the Ringel dual of
$Q(R/\mathfrak {p})\otimes _R A_{\mathcal {D}}$
$Q(R/\mathfrak {p})\otimes _R R(A_{\mathcal {D}})$
, according to Propositions 2.1.2 and 2.1.3, is semi-simple for any prime ideal
$\mathfrak {p}$
of R with height at most one. Therefore,
$ Q(R/\mathfrak {p})\otimes _R P(\omega )\!\operatorname {-codomdim}_{Q(R/\mathfrak {p})\otimes _R A_{\mathcal {D}}} Q(R/\mathfrak {p})\otimes _R T=+ \infty $
$(Q(R/\mathfrak {p})\otimes _R R(A_{\mathcal {D}}), Q(R/\mathfrak {p})\otimes _R\operatorname {Hom}_{A_{\mathcal {D}}} (T, P(\omega ))$
is a
$+ \infty -$
faithful split quasi-hereditary cover of
$Q(R/\mathfrak {p})\otimes _R C$
for every
$\mathfrak {p}\in \operatorname {Spec} R$
with height at most one. By [Reference CruzCru24c, Theorems 7.3.43 and 7.3.44(f)] and Proposition 3.1.7,
$P(\omega )\!\operatorname {-codomdim}_{(A_{\mathcal {D}}, R )} T=1$
. By Corollary 5.3.5,
$(R(A_{\mathcal {D}}), \operatorname {Hom}_{A_{\mathcal {D}}} (T, P(\omega ))$
is a
$\mathcal {F}(\tilde {\Delta }_{R(A_{\mathcal {D}})})$
cover of C. So, by [Reference CruzCru24c, Theorem 5.1.1], the claim follows.
By [Reference CruzCru24c, Corollary 4.3.6],
$A_{\mathcal {D}}$
is Ringel self-dual. That is, there exists an equivalence of categories
$H\colon A_{\mathcal {D}}\!\operatorname {-mod}\rightarrow R(A_{\mathcal {D}})\!\operatorname {-mod}$
preserving the highest weight structure. Applying
$R(\mathfrak {m})\otimes _R -$
to H, we obtain that
$A_{\mathcal {D}}(\mathfrak {m})$
is Ringel self-dual. That is, the blocks of category
$\mathcal {O}$
over a field of characteristic zero are Ringel self-dual. We excluded the case
$\mathfrak {g}=\mathfrak {sl}_2$
. But the non-simple blocks of the category
$\mathcal {O}$
associated with
$\mathfrak {sl}_2$
are Morita equivalent to the Auslander algebra of
which is Ringel self-dual.
Return to the general case of R being an arbitrary local regular commutative Noetherian ring which is a
$\mathbb {Q}$
-algebra and
$\mathcal {D}$
an arbitrary block. Since
$R(\mathfrak {m})$
is a field of characteristic zero,
$A_{\mathcal {D}}(\mathfrak {m})$
is Ringel self-dual. By [Reference CruzCru24b, Lemma 7.4],
$A_{\mathcal {D}}$
is Ringel self-dual.
8.2.2 Schur algebras
By [Reference DonkinDon93, Proposition 3.7], the Schur algebras
$S_{\mathbb {Z}}(d, d)$
are Ringel self-dual, and therefore, the Schur algebra
$S_R(d, d)$
is also Ringel self-dual for an arbitrary commutative Noetherian ring R.
The approach presented in Theorem 8.2.1 can also be applied to Schur algebras. However, we have to exclude the case of characteristic two for similar reasons why we dealt with the case
$\mathfrak {sl}_2$
Theorem 8.2.2. Assume that
$n\geq d$
. The Schur algebra
$S_{\mathbb {Z}[\frac {1}{2}]}(n, d)$
is Ringel self-dual.
Proof. The quotient field of
$R:=\mathbb {Z}[\frac {1}{2}]$
$\mathbb {Q}$
. So, for
$S_{\mathbb {Z}[\frac {1}{2}]}(n, d)$
, Conditions (i) and (ii) of Corollary 5.4.2 hold. By Remark 8.1.1, Condition (iii) holds since
$\operatorname {domdim}_{S_{\mathbb {Z}[\frac {1}{2}]}(n, d), R} T=2$
. For each
$\lambda \in \Lambda ^+(n, d)$
, we have
$ F\nabla (\lambda )\simeq e\nabla (\lambda )\simeq eD\Delta (\lambda )^\iota \simeq D(e\Delta (\lambda ))^\iota \simeq \operatorname {sgn}\otimes _R e\Delta (\lambda ') $
using the notation of Subsection 8.1. The last isomorphism is [Reference Cline, Parshall and ScottCPS96, Lemma 1.6.12]. Moreover,
$\operatorname {sgn}\otimes _R M\simeq M$
for any
$M\in RS_d\!\operatorname {-mod}$
$\operatorname {sgn}\otimes _R -\colon RS_d\!\operatorname {-mod}\rightarrow RS_d\!\operatorname {-mod}$
is an isomorphism of categories. Therefore, for all
$\lambda \in \Lambda ^+(n, d)$
$F\nabla (\lambda )\simeq \operatorname {sgn}\otimes _R F\Delta (\lambda '), $
$\mathcal {F}(F\nabla )\simeq \mathcal {F}(F\Delta )$
. So the result follows by Corollary 5.4.2.
The author would like to thank Steffen Koenig for all the conversations on these topics, his comments and suggestions toward improving this manuscript. The author thanks Volodymyr Mazorchuk for bringing the work [Reference Futorny, Koenig and MazorchukFKM00] to the author’s attention. The author thanks Karin Erdmann for interesting discussions about this work.
Competing interest
The authors have no competing interest to declare.
Financial Support
Most of the results of this paper are contained in the author’s PhD thesis [Reference CruzCru21], financially supported by Studienstiftung des Deutschen Volkes.