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Publishing partners

Journals publishing

We pride ourselves on offering a truly collaborative publishing service which has journal development at its core. The range of services we provide includes:
  • state-of-the-art digital publication, backed by in-house expertise in the sensitive deployment of new publishing technology
  • fast, efficient and high quality journal production, covering all stages from copyediting, typesetting and printing through to online publication, warehousing and distribution
  • sophisticated, thoughtful marketing, driven by agreed upon development objectives
  • global sales, including subscription sales for individuals and institutions, consortia and third-party licensing, fulfilment and customer services for subscribers and members
  • first rate editorial advice from experienced staff with a detailed knowledge of the publishing market and trends within each journal's discipline
  • editorial office support, including expertise and guidance on workflows and the provision of custom-built systems for online peer-review, plagiarism detection and more
  • financial management, legal support, copyright registration and all of the other back office provision you would expect from a full-service publisher.

Our partnerships are built on transparency, close working relationships across all functions, detailed reporting, timely analysis of journal performance, and professional expertise both in respect to the general publishing landscape and specific disciplines. Each of our partnerships is individual; designed to best meet the needs of the society, its journal(s) and its editorial team(s).

Management & Development

Development plans

Our aim is for every journal we publish to meet its full potential through a considered, realistic and informed development strategy. From the outset of a new relationship, we work with our society partners to establish clear objectives for each journal. We then work together with that society to implement a plan to meet each goal. Regular, comprehensive reporting informs these plans and covers all aspects of journal performance including the analysis of:

  • online usage statistics
  • citations and other relevant bibliometrics
  • circulation figures
  • sales and wider financial performance
  • production statistics
  • content and author breadth
  • results from marketing campaigns
  • the implications of industry developments.

As one of the world's largest university presses, we are able to provide the international reach and global publishing programme of a commercial publisher, together with the care and tailored approach of an academically driven not-for-profit.


We are committed to providing a fast, highly responsive and reliable production service for our publishing partners. Our approach is characterised by flexibility. Each of our journals operates a workflow designed to suit the individual journal and the nature of the material it publishes. At the same time, our scale and honed internal processes achieve value for money, cost effectiveness and timely publication.

Our Content Services group supports our production team. They are not only responsible for electronic delivery of content in XML formats to Cambridge Core but also ensure that article metadata is complete and fed to library catalogues, indexing services, content aggregators, databases and other partners.


Cambridge works with a significant number of editorial offices, which follow a wide range of editorial procedures and processes. Quality control

All copyeditors, typesetters and print manufacturers used by Cambridge have been carefully vetted. Their performance is continuously monitored by our production editors and we make regular visits to our typesetting and printing suppliers for detailed reviews of progress.

Time management

Our schedules are shaped by the time required for authors and editors to work on their proofs.


We offer a reliable and efficient distribution service through an international mail expeditor.


Our global marketing team formulates strategic marketing plans in order to communicate with our core audiences:

  • Readers and researchers
  • Authors
  • Librarians

Supporting our Partners to:

  • Grow your readership and usage
  • Enhance discoverability and impact of your publication(s):

    Support existing authors and attract new submissions
  • Enhance the visibility and profile of your society

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