A nomenclature is proposed for the alluaudite and wyllieite complex series which is based on sequentially distributing the cations in the cell according to increasing polyhedral size, matching that size with increasing ionic radii of the cations. For oxidized members, the largest site may be partly occupied to empty after all the cations have been distributed. This is supported by structural study.
For alluaudites, the cell formula is X(2)4X(I)4 M(I)4M(2)8(PO4)12 and is written according to decreasing size of the discrete sites. The X(I) and X(2) sites are appended as suffixes in the trivial nomenclature, that is specific name—X(I)X(2).
For wyllieites, the cell formula is X(2)4X (1a)2X(1b)2M(I)4M(2a)4A14(PO4)12. The X(1a), X(1b), and X(2) sites are appended as suffixes in the trivial nomenclature, that is specific name--X(la) X(Ib)X(2).
The nomenclature proposed is:
Seventeen analyses are discussed (of which five are new) for alluaudite and four analyses (of which three are new) for wyllieites. Their distribution is given parenthetically above. One analysis revealed predominant Mg2+ in M(2). It is named maghagen-dortite.
Six new analyses are presented for the arrojadite family of minerals including re-examination of dickinsonite from Branchville, Connecticut. Al3+ is always present. We propose X1
Al (OH,F)(PO4)12, Z = 4, where X = large cations (K+, Ba2+, Pb2+, etc.), Y = Na1+, Ca2+, and M = Fe2+ Mn2+, Mg2+. A range of cations X, Y, M, and Al between 76.8 and 85.9 in the cell (84 for proposed formula) suggests the likelihood of some vacancies in the structure.