Crossref Citations
This article has been cited by the following publications. This list is generated based on data provided by Crossref.
Over, Harriet
The Social Function of Imitation in Development.
Annual Review of Developmental Psychology,
Vol. 2,
Issue. 1,
Klüber, Sara
Löffler, Diana
Hassenzahl, Marc
Nord, Ilona
Hurtienne, Jörn
Designing Ritual Artifacts for Technology-Mediated Relationship Transitions.
Kapitány, Rohan
Kavanagh, Christopher
Whitehouse, Harvey
Ritual morphospace revisited: the form, function and factor structure of ritual practice.
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences,
Vol. 375,
Issue. 1805,
Zhang, Yue
Zhang, Jichi
Rehmus, Kaja Wera
Reciprocating and Connecting: The Ritual Structure and Social Functions of Yao Huan Jia Yuan in Huangdong, Southwest China.
Vol. 12,
Issue. 7,
Target article
The cultural evolution of prosocial religions
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Author response
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