While in heterophase systems of small lattice parameter differences, misfit dislocations are often formed at the interface, it is not known, whether and in which form, misfit localization occurs when the misfit is very large. The atomic structure of Ag/Ni interfaces (misfit 14%) was studied by high-resolution electron microscopy (HREM). A special technique was developed to prepare interface specimens suitable for HREM observations.
Lattice statics calculations, using embedded-atom potentials, were performed to determine the structure and energies of Ag/Ni interfaces. The lowest interfacial energy was found for the cube-on-cube orientation and (111) interfaces. This is in agreement with the experimental observation, that all interfaces are strongly faceted with (111)Ag/(111)Ni facets.
Misfit localization was found by HREM and computer simulation. The HREM observations will be compared to images derived from image simulations, based on model structures obtained from embedded atom calculations.