We investigated experimentally the settling behaviour of vertically aligned spherical particles within various quiescent media at different release frequencies. The particles had a diameter of
$d = 4$ mm and density of
$\rho _s = 2200$ kg m
$^{-3}$, and were released near the free surface of water, ethanol, a G60 water–glycerine mixture (60 % glycerine by weight) and oil media at frequencies of
$f_P = 4$, 6 and 8 Hz, thereby allowing study of Galileo numbers,
$Ga \in [16, 976]$. Particle tracking velocimetry quantified the motion of nearly 800 particles in a 600 mm high tank, and particle image velocimetry examined flow patterns around the particles. Results revealed that the centre of mass of the particle trajectories exhibited preferential in-plane motions, with significant lateral dispersion and large
$Ga$ in water and ethanol, and nearly vertical paths with low
$Ga$ in the G60 mixture and oil media. Varying degrees of particle separation resulted in higher terminal velocities than for a single particle. Hence, particle drag decreased in all cases, with the oil medium showing the highest drag reduction under the closest particle separation, reaching up to nearly 70 % of that for the single particle. The vertical and lateral pair dispersions,
$R^2_z$ and
$R^2_L$, exhibited ballistic scaling, with dependences on the initial separation,
$r_0$, and the type of medium. With large
$R^2_z$ displayed a ballistic regime followed by a slower rate, whereas with small
$R^2_z$ maintained a consistent ballistic regime throughout settling. Finally, normalized
$R^2_z$ demonstrated distinct scaling (exponent 2/3 and 1) dependent on the normalized initial separation and