This essay reviews the following works:
Planetary Mine: Territories of Extraction under Late Capitalism. By Martín Arboleda. New York: Verso, 2020. Pp. xiv + 288. $29.95 paperback. ISBN: 9781788732963.
Legacies of the Left Turn in Latin America: The Promise of Inclusive Citizenship. Edited by Manuel Balán and Françoise Montambeault. Notre Dame, IN: University of Notre Dame Press, 2019. Pp. xxvii + 472. $60.00 hardcover. ISBN: 9780268106577.
Growth without Development: Peru in Comparative Perspective. By Rubén Berríos. Lanham, MD: Lexington Books, 2018. Pp. ix + 156. $90.00 hardcover. ISBN: 9781498550734.
Who Speaks for Nature? Indigenous Movements, Public Opinion, and the Petro-State in Ecuador. By Todd A. Eisenstadt and Karleen Jones West. New York: Oxford University Press, 2019, Pp. x + 288. $19.53 hardcover. ISBN: 9780190908959.
Latin America’s Pink Tide: Breakthroughs and Shortcomings. Edited by Steve Ellner. Lanham, MD: Rowman and Littlefield, 2019. Pp. vi + 364. $39.00 paperback. ISBN: 9781538125632.
The Myth of Economic Development. By Celso Furtado. Translated by Jordan B. Jones. Newark: Polity Press, 2020. Pp. xxx + 90. $19.95 paperback. ISBN: 9781509540143.
After the Pink Tide: Corporate State Formation and New Egalitarianisms in Latin America. Edited by Marina Gold and Alessandro Zagato. Oxford: Berghahn, 2020. Pp. 218. $29.95 paperback. ISBN: 9781789208764.
Bolivia in the Age of Gas. By Bret Gustafson. Durham, NC: Duke University Press, 2020. Pp. xviii + 328. $27.95 paperback. ISBN: 9781478010999.
Resource Radicals: From Petro-nationalism to Post-extractivism in Ecuador. By Thea Riofrancos. Durham, NC: Duke University Press, 2020. Pp. xi + 264. $26.95 paperback. ISBN: 9781478008484.
Los ciclos políticos y económicos de América Latina y el boom de materias primas. Edited by Francisco Sánchez and Mercedes García Montero. Madrid: Tecnos, 2019. Pp. 376. $24.75 paperback. ISBN: 9788430975495.
Las fronteras del neoextractivismo en América Latina: Conflictos socioambientales, giro ecoterritorial y nuevas dependencias. By Maristella Svampa. Beilefeld: Beilefeld University Press, an imprint of Transcript Verlag, 2019. Pp. 142. Open access e-book. ISBN: 9783839445266. DOI: 10.14361/9783839445266-003.