And since Joseph knew of his coming
,he arose quickly and went forth to meet his worthy father.
He asked for his hand and kissed it.
Jacob delighted exceedingly in Joseph.
Then well spake Jacob in this wise:
“Joy have I seen even were I now to die,
for I knew not that Joseph was alive.
Pleased I am today with Joseph, my son.”
With great humility thus spake Joseph unto him:
“To the king thus truly I shall say
how my father has come unto the city
and with him Joseph's brethren.
Deske ya lo sopiera Yoçef mui privado
a reçebir saliera asu padre onrado.
La mano le pidiera; Luego la ovo besado.
Mui gran plazer obiera Gakob kon Yoçef.
Gakob luego dezia bien de akesta manera:
“Vistu e alegria, aun ke agora muera
ke yo nunka sabia ke Yoçef bivo era;
Plazer e este dia kon mi figo Yoçef.”
Yoçef le dixera kon mui gran omildath:
“Dire desta manera Al rei por verdath,
komo venido era Mi padre ala çibdath,
e ke konel viniera ermanos de Yoçef.”