This list contains 2 species of Tanaidacea, 6 of Isopoda and 28 of Amphipoda. These were all collected by myself in 1934–5, with the exception of 3 species of Amphipoda, which have not been entered in the Plymouth list although accounts of their capture at Plymouth have been published. These are Eusirus longipes Boeck, recorded by Hunt (1924); Gammarellus angulosus (Fabr.), by Kitching, Macan and Gilson (1934); and Gammarus zaddachi Sexton, by Serventy (1935).
The list is drawn up in the systematic order adopted in Plymouth Marine Fauna (1931), with a reference to a good illustration of each species. The dates and circumstances of capture are stated, and when a species has already been recorded from off the coasts of Devon and Cornwall by Norman and Scott (1906) a note to that effect has been made. The distribution is not stated, since recent accounts of the distribution of every species are available in the following works:
Tanaidacea and Isopoda: Nierstrasz and Stekhoven, 1930 (except for Synisoma acuminatana, q.v.).
Amphipoda: Chevreux and Fage (1925) or Stephensen (1929).
All the Amphipod species in this list are included in one or other of these publications, and almost all in both.
Every species has been referred to a specialist for identification. Tanaidacea and Eurydice truncata and Gnathia oxyurœa to J. H. Schuurmans Stekhoven of Utrecht; the other Isopoda to Prof. W. M. Tattersall of Cardiff; the Amphipoda to Dr. K. Stephensen of Copenhagen, excepting Gammarus zaddachi Sexton, which Mrs. Sexton herself has named.