It has been mentioned by Professor Voigt of Göttingen in his newly published book and by Professor Zeeman of Amsterdam in the Physikalische Zeitschrift, that I have found examples of strongly marked dissymmetry in studying the Zeeman Effect in tungsten and molybdenum. Professor Zeeman has also discovered and published such cases of dissymmetry in other elements. Not only have many examples of normal dissymmetry been found, but almost as many cases of abnormal dissymmetry. To explain those terms, normal and abnormal, let us consider that the single spectrum line is broken up, when the light is in the magnetic field, into the three components, 1, 2, 3, where the numbers begin from the component which has the shortest wave-length. In the normal dissymmetrical triplet the middle component is nearer the component on the red side than that on the violet one, i.e. for the normal type the interval 1–2 is greater than the interval 2–3, but in the abnormal dissymmetrical triplet 2 is nearer to 1 than to 3. These observations of Professor Zeeman and myself, which were made at the same time in the Universities of Amsterdam and Göttingen, having been communicated to Professor Voigt, he wrote and published in the above-mentioned book an extension to his and Professor H. A. Lorentz's theories of the Zeeman Effect. In his original theory Professor Voigt had shown that, considering the electrons as uncoupled, cases of normal dissymmetry might arise among the Zeeman triplets, this dissymmetry being accompanied by a greater intensity of the red component than the violet one. He pointed out also that the ‘absolute’ dissymmetry or the difference between the absolute displacements of the red and violet components should be independent of the magnetic field strength used to produce the Zeeman Effect. To explain the large numbers of complicated types of Zeeman Effect which have been found —in the study of the Zeeman Effect in tungsten I discovered lines with no fewer than 17 to 19 components, the largest numbers hitherto found—Professors Voigt and Lorentz made use in their theories of couplings between electrons of the same vibration frequencies.