It is well-known that a general net of quadric surfaces cannot be obtained as the net of polar quadrics of the points of a plane in regard to a cubic surface; in order that it may be so obtained it must have various properties that a general net of quadrics does not have. The locus of the vertices of the cones which belong to the net of quadrics is a curve ϑ –the Jacobian curve of the net of quadrics, and the trisecants of ϑ generate a scroll. Any plane which contains two trisecants of ϑ is a bitangent plane of the scroll and, for a general net of quadrics, there are eighteen of these bitangent planes passing through an arbitrary point. When however the net of quadrics is a net of polar quadrics it is found that any plane which contains two trisecants of ϑ contains two other trisecants also; it thus contains four trisecants in all and counts six times as a bitangent plane of the scroll. The bitangent developable of the scroll, which is, for a general net of quadrics, of class eighteen, degenerates, in the special case when the net of quadrics is a net of polar quadrics, into a developable of class three counted six times; the planes of the developable are therefore the osculating planes of a twisted cubic γ. The plane which, together with a cubic surface, gives rise to the net of polar quadrics must be one of the osculating planes of γ. It is also found, further, that the osculating planes of γ are grouped into pentahedra, the vertices of all these pentahedra lying on ϑ.