This issue of Mycological Research News features: Nutrient transfer from birch to liverwort via a fungus; The mycosome hypothesis; Neurospora crassa has twice the genes of Schizosaccharomyces pombe; and Mr Bloomfield's Orchard (Notice).
Original papers in this issue include one which provides the first visual evidence of condensation and decondensation during mitosis of rDNA in filamentous fungi, and the first ultrastructural study of the ascomata and asci of the primitive ascomycete genus Neolecta. Molecular phylogenetic studies on Phanerochaete spp., Epulorhiza isolates from tropical orchids, and Pleurotus subgen. Coremiopleurotus spp. are presented. Telomeric fingerprinting is shown to be valuable for karyotype estimation in Helicobasidium mompa, and heterologous diploid nuclei are demonstrated in that species. Recombination in Beauveria bassiana is explored through the production of heterokaryons.
The effects of light of different wavelengths on branch induction in Gigaspora gigantea are described, and the differential expression of selected genes of Glomus intradices on and near roots is documented. Hypodermal suberization is shown to limit infection in barley roots by Chaetomium globosum, and growth of Collybia fusipes in soil is reduced by soil waterlogging and low oxygen levels.
A new Ascobotryozyma has been discovered associated with nematodes in beetle bore holes in the USA.
The following new scientific name is introduced: Ascobotryozyma cognata sp. nov.