1. Following Lorentz, we suppose throughout that Ω(n) is a non-negati ve non-decreasing function of the non-negative integer n such that Ω(n)→ ∞ as n → ∞. Consider the summability method given by the sequence-to-sequence transformation corresponding to the matrix A = (ank). We say that Ω(n) is a summability function for A (or absolute summability function for A) if the following holds: Any bounded sequence {sn} such that the number of values of ν with ν ≤ n, sν ≠ 0 does not exceed Ω(n) is summable A (or is absolutely summable A, respectively). These definitions are due to Lorentz (4), (6). We shall be concerned with the case in which A is a regular Hausdorff method, say A = H = (H, μn). Then H is given by the matrix (hnk) with
X(0) = X(0 + ) = 0, X(1) = 1;(see e.g.(1), chapter XI). We shall suppose throughout that these conditions are satisfied. It is known that H is then necessarily also absolutely regular.