Se me elogió y se me criticó duramente por haber preconizado la industrialización para América Latina, menos en mi país. El país vivía en las nubes. En estos años no se había estudiado las ideas de CEPAL en Argentina. [¿Por qué?] Yo no estuve aquí en el país, así no sé, pero tal vez por oposición a mí. Tal vez.
Raúl Prebisch
Interview, 23 October 1985
In much of Latin America during the 1950s, Raúl Prebisch, then Executive Secretary of the Comisión Económica para América Latina (CEPAL, known in English as the Economic Commission for Latin America, or ECLA), was recognized as a progressive and innovative development theorist and policy activist. In certain government circles in the United States, meanwhile, he was viewed with suspicion as a leftist critic of standard economic wisdom. Yet in his home country of Argentina during the same period, Prebisch was commonly identified with both conservative groups and liberal economic thought.