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Fees and pricing

This page contains information about fees that may be incurred when you publish in this journal.

Article processing charges (APCs)

This is a hybrid journal, which means it provides authors with options to make their articles open access, including the option to publish Gold Open Access under a Creative Commons licence. In many cases the costs of publishing Gold Open Access articles are covered by institutional open access agreements. If you would like to publish Gold Open Access but are not covered by such an agreement, another option is for an article processing charge (APC) to be paid, typically by your funding body or institution. Please see this journal's open access options for full details.

For articles that are not published Gold Open Access, APCs do not apply.

For cases where an APC is required, please see the table below for this journal’s APC rates (additional taxes may apply).

Article Processing Charges for this journal
Currency APC
GBP (£) 2460
USD ($) 3550

Colour print charges

There is no charge for publishing figures in colour in the online version of this journal. However, authors who choose to have figures in their article printed will need to pay a fee for colour printing. The fees for this journal are displayed below. If you request colour figures in the printed version of your article, you will be contacted by CCC-Rightslink who are acting on our behalf to collect Author Charges. Please follow their instructions in order to avoid any delay in the publication of your article.

Colour Charges for this journal
Currency Colour Charges
GBP (£) 200
USD ($) 320

There is cap on colour charges at £1000 or $1600 per article.