You can view the Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis instructions for authors in the "Submissions" area of the JFQA website here:
The Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis (JFQA) publishes theoretical and empirical research in financial economics. Topics include corporate finance, investments, capital and security markets, and quantitative methods of particular relevance to financial researchers.
Manuscripts are considered for publication in the JFQA on the understanding that they have not been previously published, in whole or in part, and are not being simultaneously considered for publication elsewhere.
Paper Length
The JFQA welcomes short and impactful papers, which will be published as regular articles if they are of sufficient quality and interest as determined during the peer review process. Conversely, the JFQA discourages submissions of excessive length. Authors should anticipate that final versions of accepted papers will rarely exceed 40 to 45 pdf pages, not including internet appendices. Excessively long submissions may be desk rejected.
Submission Requirements
Acceptable submissions include two files:
Title page, including author name(s) and affiliation(s), mailing and e-mail address(es), and work phone number(s) as well as, obviously, the title. All author identification information, including acknowledgments, should be contained only in this file.
Manuscript, in text-searchable PDF, which will be sent anonymized to the reviewer(s), the first page of which should begin with the title, followed by a 1-paragraph abstract of no more than 100 words. Please remove any author-identifying information from this file. Format for the file should be:
- 8.5 × 11” paper size
- 1” margins
- 12-point body text
- Double-space main body, appendices, and figure and table description paragraphs