What had begun as a respectable stream of information about Asia during the sixteenth century became a virtual flood during the seventeenth. Literally hundreds of books about Asia and its various parts were published during that century, authored by missionaries, merchants, mariners, physicians, soldiers, and independent travellers. At least twenty-five major descriptions of South Asia, appeared during the century; another fifteen on mainland Southeast Asia, about twenty devoted to the Southeast Asian archipelagoes, and sixty or more to East Asia. Alongside these major independent contributions stood scores of Jesuit letterbooks, derivative accounts, travel accounts with brief descriptions of many Asian places, pamphlets, newssheets, and the like. Many of these were collected into the several large multivolume compilations of travel literature published during the period. In addition, several important scholarly studies pertaining to Asia were published during the seventeenth century - studies of Asian medicine, botany, religion, and history- as well as translations of important Chinese and Sanskrit literature.