M. E. Adams and Matthew Gould [1] have obtained a remarkable classification of ordered sets P for which the monoid End P of endomorphisms (i.e. isotone maps) is regular, in the sense that for every f є End P there exists g є End P such that fgf = f. They show that the class of such ordered sets consists precisely of
(a) all antichains;
(b) all quasi-complete chains;
(c) all complete bipartite ordered sets (i.e. given non-zero cardinals α β an ordered set Kα,β of height 1 having α minimal elements and β maximal elements, every minimal element being less than every maximal element);
(d) for a non-zero cardinal α the lattice Mα consisting of a smallest element 0, a biggest element 1, and α atoms;
(e) for non-zero cardinals α, β the ordered set Nα,β of height 1 having α minimal elements and β maximal elements in which there is a unique minimal element α0 below all maximal elements and a unique maximal element β0 above all minimal elements (and no further ordering);
(f) the six-element crown C6 with Hasse diagram
A similar characterisation, which coincides with the above for sets of height at most 2 but differs for chains, was obtained by A. Ya. Aizenshtat [2].