What is commonly referred to as “depression” indicates a heterogeneous complex disorder that includes distinct psychopathological forms. A more accurate classification can be achieved by assessing the individual experiences of depression and tracing back each of these forms to the specific vulnerable structure from which they emerge. Each of these vulnerable forms of existence can be characterized by focusing on their values. I identify four main prototypes. Homo melancholicus is impressive for their over-normality, extreme social adjustment, and conformism; their depressive decomposition is characterized by the experience of loss. The values of homo œconomicus are utility (every action must be directed toward production) and optimization (what costs more than it produces is a dead branch to be cut); their depressive decomposition is marked by insolvency. Homo dissipans’ values are excess (feeling animated by an inexhaustible drive to “pour out” of oneself, especially outside the limits of composure and reasonableness) and expenditure (an ethical attitude that gives its approval to excess and to its metamorphic and destructive power); their depressive decomposition is epitomized by inner incoherence and emptiness. The style of homo nevroticus form of existence is subjugated by the condemnation to limitation and the diktat of prohibition; their depressive decomposition is characterized by frustration and demoralization.