This investigation examined the effects of maltreatment during the
first year of life on the neural correlates of processing facial
expressions of emotion at 30 months of age. Event-related potentials
(ERPs) in response to children passively viewing standardized pictures of
female models posing angry, happy, and neutral facial expressions were
examined. Four ERP waveform components were derived: early negative
(N150), early positive (P260), negative central (Nc), and positive slow
wave (PSW). Differences in these waveforms between a group of 35
maltreated and 24 nonmaltreated children were reported. The groups did not
differ on the early perceptual negative component (N150), whereas the
maltreated children had greater P260 amplitude at frontal leads compared
to the nonmaltreated children in response to viewing angry facial
expressions. For the Nc component, the nonmaltreated comparison children
exhibited greater amplitude while viewing pictures of happy faces compared
to angry and neutral faces, whereas the maltreated children showed greater
Nc amplitude at central sites while viewing angry faces. For the PSW, the
nonmaltreated group showed a greater area score in the right hemisphere in
response to viewing angry facial expressions compared to the maltreated
group. The results are discussed in terms of brain development and
function, as well as their implications for the design and evaluation of
preventive interventions.This research was
supported by grants from the National Institute of Mental Health
(MH067792-02) and the Spunk Fund, Inc. to Dante Cicchetti. We gratefully
acknowledge the technical assistance of Rafael Klorman, PhD, and Karen La
Due in setting up the ERP laboratory at Mt. Hope Family Center, which was
used to carry out this study. Moreover, we appreciate the support and
advice provided by Drs. Sheree L. Toth and Fred A. Rogosch. In addition,
we are grateful to Karen La Due, Steve Perino, and Shannon O'Hara, as
well as other staff at Mt. Hope Family Center, for their assistance in
data collection. Finally, we are eternally grateful to those families who
participated in this research.