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  • ISSN: 2632-3249 (Online)
  • Editors: Zeynep Engin Data for Policy CIC, UK, Jon Crowcroft University of Cambridge & The Alan Turing Institute, UK, and Stefaan Verhulst GovLab, New York University, USA
  • Editorial board
Data & Policy is a peer-reviewed, open access journal dedicated to the impact of data science on policy and governance. The journal aims to promote a new theory of policy-data interactions by publishing work that considers systems of policy and data and how they relate to each other.

The journal publishes research examining the use of data for policy, and contributions that explore how data can be used in an ethical, responsible and efficient manner.

Freely available to read, share and distribute across boundaries, Data & Policy welcomes readers and contributors within and outside of academia (e.g. in international organisations, government, non-profit or private sectors, and the general public).

NEW: Five Years of the Data & Policy Journal | Shaping the Future of Data-driven Governance and Policy

Areas of Interest

Data for Policy 2021 Keynotes

Why Data & Policy?