Twenty-two cases with Turner syndrome features were subjected to standard cytogenetic
techniques using giemsa trypsin (GTG-) banding then fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) using
a specific whole-X chromosome painting probe, Quint-Essential Y-specific DNA probe (AMELY) for
Yp11.2, alpha-satellite (DYZ3) probe and X/Y cocktail-alpha satellite probe (ONCOR) for
confirmation of the initial diagnosis and comparison of the two techniques. Eight cases (36%)
showed the same karyotype results by both techniques [5 cases: 45,X/46,XX, 2 cases:
45,X/46,X,i(Xq) and one case with a triple cell line 45,X/46,XX/47,XXX]. In the other 14 cases
(64%) the FISH technique has identified a third cell line in 7 cases (32%), delineated the origin of
the marker in 5 cases (23%) to be derivative X and clarified the deletion of the Yp11.2 region in 2
cases (9%) with the 45,X/46,XY karyotype. The application of FISH has highlighted the differences
between the initial diagnosis based on the standard cytogenetic technique and the final diagnosis
determined by the application of DNA probes specific for the X and Y chromosomes. FISH proved
useful in detection of the low frequency cell lines which need analysis of a large number of metaphase
spreads by GTG-banding, helped in identifying the nature and the origin of the unknown markers
which has an important implication in the development of gonadal tumours and delineated the
deletion of the Yp11.2 region in the 45,X/46,XY Turner patients.