Public and NonProfit Administration
The foundation of this series will be both cutting-edge contributions on emerging topics and definitive reviews of keystone topics in public and nonprofit administration, especially those that lack longer treatment in textbook or other formats.
Elements within the series are fast tracked after formal acceptance, updatable, accompanied by the latest functionality by being hosted on Cambridge’s new institutional platform (Core), as well as being available via low-priced POD. They will appeal to scholars, graduate students, and practitioners demanding short and accessible introductions to emerging or keystone topics.
Among keystone topics of interest for scholars and practitioners of public and nonprofit administration, we are interested in contributions in the areas of public management, public budgeting and finance, nonprofit studies, and the interstitial space between the public and nonprofit sectors, along with theoretical and methodological contributions, including quantitative, qualitative and mixed-methods pieces. Among emerging topics of interest, we are interested in cutting-edge contributions that push the boundaries of our field.
*The Public Management Research Association improves public governance by advancing research on public organizations, strengthening links among interdisciplinary scholars, and furthering professional and academic opportunities in public management.
Elements in this series
- Element
Court-Ordered Community Service
- Element
Public Service Explained
- Element
Topics in Public Administration
- Element
Standing Up for Nonprofits
- Element
The Courts and the President
- Element
Can Governance be Intelligent?
- Element
Experts in Government
About the Editors
Andrew Whitford is Alexander M. Crenshaw Professor of Public Policy in the School of Public and International Affairs at the University of Georgia. His research centers on strategy
and innovation in public policy and organization studies. His papers have been published in journals such as Administrative Science Quarterly, the Journal of Public Administration Research and Theory, the Journal of Policy Analysis and Management, the American Journal of Public Health, and the American Journal of Political Science.
Contact the editors
If you would like more information about this series, or are interested in writing an Element, please contact the editors:
Robert Christensen, [email protected]
Andrew Whitford, [email protected]
Robert Christensen
Robert Christensen specializes in nonprofit and public management. He serves as an editorial board member for Public Administration Review, Journal of Public Administration Review and Theory, International Public Management Journal, and International Journal of Public Sector Management. He is an editor with James L. Perry of the Handbook of Public Administration, 3rd edition at Wiley and American Intergovernmental Relations, 5th edition at CQ Press with Laurence J. O’Toole, Jr. He is Division Chair for the Public and Nonprofit Division at the Academy of Management, and serves as an elected member of the Public Management Research Association board.