22095 results in Cambridge Companions
7 - Wisdom Literature
- Book:
- The Cambridge Companion to the Bible and Literature
- Published online:
- 13 March 2020
- Print publication:
- 26 March 2020, pp 114-130
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- Book:
- The Cambridge Companion to Apocalyptic Literature
- Published online:
- 28 February 2020
- Print publication:
- 26 March 2020, pp vii-viii
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2 - Apocalypticism as a Worldview in Ancient Judaism and Christianity
- Book:
- The Cambridge Companion to Apocalyptic Literature
- Published online:
- 28 February 2020
- Print publication:
- 26 March 2020, pp 19-35
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15 - The Song of Songs and Two Biblical Retellings
- Book:
- The Cambridge Companion to the Bible and Literature
- Published online:
- 13 March 2020
- Print publication:
- 26 March 2020, pp 256-272
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Appendix: Early Medieval Commentaries on the Apocalypse
- Book:
- The Cambridge Companion to Apocalyptic Literature
- Published online:
- 28 February 2020
- Print publication:
- 26 March 2020, pp 342-344
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4 - Biblical Law and Literature
- Book:
- The Cambridge Companion to the Bible and Literature
- Published online:
- 13 March 2020
- Print publication:
- 26 March 2020, pp 63-79
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6 - Prophetic Literature
- Book:
- The Cambridge Companion to the Bible and Literature
- Published online:
- 13 March 2020
- Print publication:
- 26 March 2020, pp 98-113
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- Book:
- The Cambridge Companion to Apocalyptic Literature
- Published online:
- 28 February 2020
- Print publication:
- 26 March 2020, pp xiii-xiv
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7 - Latin Reception of the Apocalypse in the Early Middle Ages
- Book:
- The Cambridge Companion to Apocalyptic Literature
- Published online:
- 28 February 2020
- Print publication:
- 26 March 2020, pp 120-136
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3 - Reading Biblical Literature from a Legal and Political Perspective
- Book:
- The Cambridge Companion to the Bible and Literature
- Published online:
- 13 March 2020
- Print publication:
- 26 March 2020, pp 48-62
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- Book:
- The Cambridge Companion to Apocalyptic Literature
- Published online:
- 28 February 2020
- Print publication:
- 26 March 2020, pp xv-xvi
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15 - From Dabiq to Jerusalem: Trajectories of Contemporary Salafi-jihadi Apocalypticism
- Book:
- The Cambridge Companion to Apocalyptic Literature
- Published online:
- 28 February 2020
- Print publication:
- 26 March 2020, pp 270-287
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8 - The Gospels
- Book:
- The Cambridge Companion to the Bible and Literature
- Published online:
- 13 March 2020
- Print publication:
- 26 March 2020, pp 131-148
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12 - The Bible and John Milton’s Paradise Lost
- Book:
- The Cambridge Companion to the Bible and Literature
- Published online:
- 13 March 2020
- Print publication:
- 26 March 2020, pp 200-217
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6 - Tests of Faith, Rebirth out of Corruption, or Endless Cycles of Regeneration: Experiments in the Restoration of the Late Roman Empire
- Book:
- The Cambridge Companion to Apocalyptic Literature
- Published online:
- 28 February 2020
- Print publication:
- 26 March 2020, pp 97-119
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5 - Exegeting the Apocalypse with the Donatist Communion
- Book:
- The Cambridge Companion to Apocalyptic Literature
- Published online:
- 28 February 2020
- Print publication:
- 26 March 2020, pp 79-96
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4 - The Gnostic Apocalypses
- Book:
- The Cambridge Companion to Apocalyptic Literature
- Published online:
- 28 February 2020
- Print publication:
- 26 March 2020, pp 59-78
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11 - Postcolonial Tastes
- Book:
- The Cambridge Companion to Literature and Food
- Published online:
- 17 March 2020
- Print publication:
- 19 March 2020, pp 161-181
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12 - Black Power in the Kitchen
- Book:
- The Cambridge Companion to Literature and Food
- Published online:
- 17 March 2020
- Print publication:
- 19 March 2020, pp 182-196
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16 - Blogging Food, Performing Gender
- Book:
- The Cambridge Companion to Literature and Food
- Published online:
- 17 March 2020
- Print publication:
- 19 March 2020, pp 243-261
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