We exhibit (§2) an example of §a compact Hausdorff space
supporting a Radon probability measure μ and a continuous map ø : X → I, when I is the closed unit interval, for which the image measure ø(μ) is Lebesgue measur m with the properties:
(i) there exists an open set G ⊂ X for which ø(G) is not m-measurable;
(ii) μ is a non-atomic non-completion regular measure;
(iii) the measure algebras (X, μ) and (I, m) are isomorphic but for no choice c sets B ⊂ X, B′ ⊂ I of measure zero are
(iv) there exists a selection p : I → X (i.e. p(t) ∊ ø−1(t) for all t ∊ I) which i Borel m-measurable, but there is no Lusin m-measurable selection.