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  • ISSN: 0307-0131 (Print), 1749-625X (Online)
  • Editors: David Ricks King’s College London, UK, and Baukje van den Berg Central European University, Austria
  • Editorial board
Published for the Centre for Byzantine, Ottoman and Modern Greek Studies, University of Birmingham

Byzantine and Modern Greek Studies (BMGS) is an internationally recognised, peer-reviewed journal and one of the leading publications in its field. Published twice a year in spring and autumn, its remit is to facilitate the publication of original research and debate in all areas of Byzantine and Modern Greek studies.

Classics « Cambridge Core Blog

  • Multimedia at Minoan Myrtos–Pyrgos, Crete
  • 19 February 2024, Judith Weingarten, Silvia Ferrara and Gerald Cadogan
  • It is rare in the scholarship of Bronze Age Crete, during a period as old as the third and second millennia BCE, to present an inclusive account and analysis...
