Aims and Scope
The Economic & Labour Relations Review is a double-anonymous, peer-reviewed journal that aims to bring together research in economics and labour relations in a multi-disciplinary approach to policy questions. The journal encourages articles that critically assess dominant orthodoxies, as well as alternative models, thereby facilitating informed debate. The journal particularly encourages articles that adopt a post-Keynesian (heterodox) approach to economics, or that explore rights-, equality- or justice-based approaches to economic or social policy, employment relations or labour studies.
Accepted Article Types
Research Article* — A peer-reviewed and well-structured analysis / argument which draws on the authors’ scholarly research and contributes new material to the academic and/ or policy literature. Normally 8000 words in length.
Review Essay * — A peer-reviewed and well-structured article which reviews one or more significant publications within the context of a theoretical debate, or which provides an overview of the current scholarly literature on a topic, while also offering new insights to the relevant scholarly or policy literature. Normally 5000 – 8000 words long.
Contested Terrains* — A peer reviewed article which presents analysis and discussion of an emerging, immediate, or controversial issue. Normally 3000 – 6000 words.
Reply or rejoinder — A brief article that responds to 1–2 aspects of a previous article. Assessed for suitability by selected Editorial Board members and must be scholarly and respectful.
Book Review — An academic article comprising a summary, analysis and searching scholarly appraisal of a published book or book-length report. Assessed for suitability by the Book Review editor and / or a relevant Editorial Board member. Normally 1500 – 2500 words in length.
* For the purposes of Gold Open Access funding, this journal considers these article types to be research articles. If publishing Gold OA, all or part of the publication costs for these article types may be covered by one of the agreements Cambridge University Press has made to support open access.