Resolution of presenting problems at three-month follow-up was studied in 228 parasuicides. ‘Non-resolvers' presented with less severe problems, but prodromes were longer, prior episodes more frequent, and they experienced more powerlessness and internally directed hostility than the resolvers. At follow-up resolvers had improved more on measures of depression, externally and internally directed hostility, locus of control, powerlessness, self-esteem, sensitivity to criticism, and social adjustment. Baseline problem severity, powerlessness (negatively), and ‘normlessness' ‘predicted’ degree of problem resolution, while baseline problem severity, the number of previous parasuicide episodes, and baseline internal hostility (the latter two variables negatively) were associated with problem resolution as a dichotomous variable. Resolvers improved more in social functioning during the follow-up than non-resolvers, but a similar proportion (16%) in each group reported repeat episodes of parasuicide at follow-up.