Loritz discusses the nature and evolution of language in the context of a connectionist
approach to neural architecture, namely, Adaptive Resonance Theory (ART). Given the massive
parallel processing inherent to ART, he argues that all of the mechanisms inherent to generative
grammar, including discrete rules, stored grammatical representations, and so on, can be
dispensed with. Loritz's “adaptive grammar” attempts to derive what have
been considered to be grammatical universals from the structure of the human brain, in particular
its short-term memory limitations. For example, so-called universal topic-verb order (p. 149)
follows from “a deeper biological injunction to say (and do) topical things first, a
‘rule' which applies not just to conversations but to everything brains do. It is a
corollary of evolution: the organism that doesn't do relevant things first simply
doesn't survive” (pp. 150–151).