Call for Papers: Special Issue on Academic Work in the Age of AI
Artificial Intelligence (AI) has significantly impacted the way we live, work, teach, and do research. The editors of PS: Political Science and Politics invite submissions for a special issue about the role and impact of AI on various aspects of academic work including pedagogy, research publications, student assignments, and the ethics of authorship. The special issue will provide a forum for political scientists to discuss the rising trend of AI’s presence in academic work and evaluate its challenges, opportunities, and consequences.
The objectives of the special issue are to:
- offer and/or test hypotheses about topics related to how AI impacts the quality of teaching, quality of undergraduate writing, or ability to evaluate student assignments;
- propose an evaluation of AI tools (such as but not limited to OpenAI’s ChatGPT) and their impact on research integrity and editorial ethics issues;
- determine the areas of pedagogy, evaluation, or research that can more or less benefit from OpenAI and discuss how institutions can adapt to their growing influence; and
- engage, analyze, and expand on existing debates on the role and merit of embracing the use of AI in academic research.
We are interested in article-length original research submissions for this special issue that address one or more of these objectives.
Examples of submissions might include papers that conduct:
- empirical studies on the effects of using tools such as ChatGPT in the classroom (e.g., development of syllabi and assignments, grading assignments)
- analytical studies of current and former journal editors’ experiences navigating a world where authors may use AI tools in developing manuscripts and what factors maximize the chance for authors to submit ethical work;
- empirical studies of professors’ strategies to navigate a world in which students can use AI tools to write numerous types of papers and research assignments and what factors maximize the chance for students to submit ethical work.
Contributions must be submitted to PS via Editorial Manager on or before October 15, 2023.
Accepted manuscripts will be published on First View as they are completed, but will be published together in a special issue.
To Submit: Submit manuscripts through the online system at:
Length: Manuscripts must be fewer than 4,000 words, including notes and references.
Style, Format, References: Manuscripts must be submitted in Word, should include in-text citations that correspond with endnotes and references conforming to the Style Manual (Chicago Manual of Style, 17th edition). An online appendix can be uploaded for supplementary and supporting material.