Levels in the ground state bands of 158Dy, 160Dy and 162Dy have been populated by (α, 2n) reactions on metallic targets of separated 156Gd, 158Gd and 160Gd isotopes. Two Ge(Li) detectors were used to study singles gamma-ray spectra, gamma-ray angular distributions, gamma-gamma coincidence spectra and relative yields of gamma-rays for bombarding energies from 20 to 27 MeV. Transitions from all levels in the ground state bands up to the 12+ member were identified and the following level energies in keV established: 158Dy: 0 (0+), 99·0 (2+), 317·4 (4+), 637·9 (6+), 1044·1 (8+), 1520·1 (10+) and 2049·4 (12+); 160Dy: 0 (0+), 86·7 (2+), 283·7 (4+), 581·4 (6+), 967·4 (8+), 1429·0 (10+), 1951·7 (12+); 162Dy: 0 (0+), 80·7 (2+), 265·7 (4+), 548·5 (6+), 921·1 (8+), 1374·8 (10+) and 1901·0 (12+). There is weak evidence for the 14+ levels in 158Dy and 160Dy. The level energies are compared with calculated values using the variable moment of inertia model.