Bayesian and maximum parsimony phylogenetic analyses of 92 collections of the genera Basidiophora, Bremia, Paraperonospora, Phytophthora and Plasmopara were performed using nuclear large subunit ribosomal DNA sequences containing the D1 and D2 regions. In the Bayesian tree, two main clades were apparent: one clade containing Plasmopara pygmaea s. lat., Pl. sphaerosperma, Basidiophora, Bremia and Paraperonospora, and a clade containing all other Plasmopara species. Plasmopara is shown to be polyphyletic, and Pl. sphaerosperma is transferred to a new genus, Protobremia, for which also the oospore characteristics are described. Within the core Plasmopara clade, all collections originating from the same host family except from Asteraceae and Geraniaceae formed monophyletic clades; however, higher-level phylogenetic relationships lack significant branch support. A sister group relationship of Pl. sphaerosperma with Bremia lactucae is highly supported. Within Bremia lactucaes. l., three distinct clades are evident, which only partly conform to the published host specificity groups. All species of the genera Basidiophora, Bremia, Paraperonospora and Plasmopara included in the present study were investigated for haustorial morphology, and all had ellipsoid to pyriform haustoria, which are regarded as a diagnostic synapomorphy of the whole clade. Aspects of coevolution and cospeciation within the downy mildew pathogens with ellipsoid to pyriform haustoria are briefly discussed.