Referring to my notes in number 3 of the Mineralogical Magazine for 1877, I observe one or two little matters which I hoped the march of time would improve. One desideratum, a good hotel, the Hotel d'Anniviers, has been established at Vissoie, and M. Monnet, the landlord, is a man of intelligence, and, without pretending to scientific lore, has much information concerning the mining, geology, botany and history of the neigbbouring valleys. Jean Martin, my guide in many a tough scramble, has married, and established a small restaurant with a couple of bedrooms at Vissoie, which place may now fairly be said to have become a centre for many interesting excursions ; as, to the Bella Tola, whence the panorama is very grand,—to the Cols leading from the Grimenz Thal to the Val de l' Arolla and Evolena, and also to the Turtman Thal, and so across to St. Niklaus in the Zermatt valley.