Book Reviews
M Anne Crowther and Marguerite W Dupree, Medical lives in the age of surgical revolution, Cambridge Studies in Population, Economy and Society in Past Time 43, Cambridge University Press, 2007, pp. xvi, 425, illus., £65.00, $120.00 (hardback 978-0-521-83548-9).
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- 17 May 2012, pp. 421-422
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Roberta Bivins, Alternative medicine? A history, Oxford University Press, 2007, pp. xvii, 238, illus., £14.99 (hardback 978-0-19-921887-5).
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- 17 May 2012, pp. 553-554
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Louise Foxcroft, The making of addiction: the ‘use and abuse’ of opium in nineteenth-century Britain, The History of Medicine in Context, Aldershot, Ashgate, 2007, pp. xvii, 199, £55.00, $99.95 (hardback 978-0-7546-5633-3).
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- 17 May 2012, pp. 292-293
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C M Woolgar, D Serjeantson, and T Waldron (eds), Food in medieval England: diet and nutrition, Medieval History and Archaeology, Oxford University Press, 2006, pp. xv, 347, £55.00 (hardback 978-0-19-927349-2).
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- 17 May 2012, pp. 145-146
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Anne Borsay, Peter Shapely, Medicine, charity and mutual aid: the consumption of health and welfare in Britain, c.1550–1950, Historical Urban Studies, Aldershot and Burlington, VT, Ashgate, 2007, pp. x, 269, £60.00, $99.95 (hardback 978-0-7546-5148-2).
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- 17 May 2012, pp. 422-423
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Keith Wailoo, Julie Livingston, Peter Guarnaccia (eds), A death retold: Jesica Santillan, the bungled transplant, and paradoxes of medical citizenship, Studies in Social Medicine, Chapel Hill, University of North Carolina Press, 2006, pp. viii, 378, $55.00 (hardback 0-8078-3059-3), $21.50 (paperback 0-8078-5773-4).
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- 17 May 2012, pp. 555-556
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Petteri Pietikainen, Neurosis and modernity: the age of nervousness in Sweden, History of Science and Medicine Library, vol. 2, Leiden and Boston, Brill, 2007, pp. xiii, 391, €99.00, $129.00 (hardback 978-90-04-16075-0).
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- 17 May 2012, pp. 556-557
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Jean A Givens, Karen M Reeds, and Alain Touwaide (eds), Visualizing medieval medicine and natural history, 1200–1550, AVISTA Studies in the History of Medieval Technology, Science and Art, vol. 5, Aldershot, Ashgate, 2006, pp. xx, 278, illus., £55.00 (hardback 978-0-7546-5296-0).
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- 17 May 2012, pp. 146-147
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John Iliffe, The African AIDS epidemic: a history, Oxford, James Currey, 2006, pp. ix, 214, £45.00 (hardback 0-85255-891-0), £14.95 (paperback 0-85255-890-2).
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- 17 May 2012, pp. 423-424
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Ian Burney, Poison, detection and the Victorian imagination, Encounters, Cultural Histories Series, Manchester and New York, Manchester University Press, 2006, pp. viii, 193, £35.00, $59.95 (hardback 978-0-7190-7376-2).
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- 17 May 2012, pp. 293-294
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Warwick Anderson, Colonial pathologies: American tropical medicine, race, and hygiene in the Philippines, Durham and London, Duke University Press, 2006, pp. ix, 355, illus., £64.00, $84.95, (hardback 0-8223-3804-1) ; £14.99, $23.95 (paperback 0-8223-3843-2).
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- 17 May 2012, pp. 424-426
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Wayne Wild, Medicine-by-post: the changing voice of illness in eighteenth-century British consultation letters and literature, Wellcome Series in the History of Medicine, Clio Medica 79, Amsterdam and New York, Rodopi, 2006, pp. 286, illus., €60.00, $78.00 (hardback 978-90-420-1868-6).
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- 17 May 2012, pp. 294-295
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Chad Ross, Naked Germany: health, race and the nation, Oxford and New York, Berg, 2005, pp. xi, 239, illus., £50, $95 (hardback 978-1-85973-861-3), £16.99, $28.95 (paperback 978-1-85973-866-5).
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- 17 May 2012, pp. 557-558
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Donatella Bartolini, Medici e comunità: esempi dalla terraferma veneta dei secoli XVI e XVII, Miscellanea di Studi e Memorie, XXXVII, Venezia, Deputazione di Storia Patria per le Venezie, 2006, pp. xii, 279, €25.00 (paperback).
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- 17 May 2012, pp. 147-148
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Martin Stuber, Stefan Hächler and Luc Lienhard (eds), Hallers Netz. Ein europäischer Gelehrtenbriefwechsel zur Zeit der Aufklärung, Studia Halleriana, vol. 9, Basel, Schwabe, 2005, pp. x, 592, illus., SFr 98.00, €68.50 (hardback 3-7965-1327-1).
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- 17 May 2012, pp. 148-150
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Ted Dadswell, The Selborne pioneer: Gilbert White as naturalist and scientist, a re-examination, 2nd rev. ed., London, Centaur Press, 2006, pp. xix, 256, illus., £14.95 (paperback 978-0-900001-56-7).
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- 17 May 2012, p. 295
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Rhodri Hayward, Resisting history: religious transcendence and the invention of the unconscious, Manchester University Press, 2007, pp. xi, 147, £40.00 (hardback 978-0-7190-7414-1).
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- 17 May 2012, pp. 558-559
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Kavita Sivaramakrishnan, Old potions, new bottles: recasting indigenous medicine in colonial Punjab (1850–1945), New Perspectives in South Asian History, New Delhi, Orient Longman, 2006, pp. xiv, 280 Rs 795.00 (hardback 81-250-2946-X).
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- 17 May 2012, pp. 426-427
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A Lloyd Moote and Dorothy C Moote, The great plague: the story of London's most deadly year, Baltimore and London, Johns Hopkins University Press, 2004, pp. xxi, 357, illus., £19.95 (hardback 0-8018-7783-0), £12.50 (paperback 0-8018-8493-4).
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- 17 May 2012, pp. 559-560
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Elizabeth M Craik (ed. and trans.), Two Hippocratic treatises, On sight and On anatomy, Studies in Ancient Medicine, vol. 33, Leiden and Boston, Brill, 2007, pp. viii, 183, €89.00, $120.00 (hardback 978-90-04-15396-9).
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- 17 May 2012, pp. 427-428
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