Book Reviews
Milo Keynes, A W F Edwards and Robert Peel (eds), A century of Mendelism in human genetics: proceedings of a symposium organised by the Galton Institute and held at the Royal Society of Medicine, London, 2001, Boca Raton and London, CRC Press, 2004, pp. ix, 161, US$84.95 (hardback 0-415-32960-4).
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- 26 July 2012, pp. 385-386
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Signhild Vallgårda, Folkesundhed som politik. Danmark og Sverige fra 1930 til i dag, Aarhus Universitetsforlag, 2003, pp. 299, kr 298.00 (paperback 87-7934-065-2).
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- 26 July 2012, pp. 233-234
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Lisa A Long, Rehabilitating bodies: health, history, and the American civil war, Philadelphia, University of Pennsylvania Press, 2004, pp. 322, £35.00, US$49.95 (hardback 0-8122-3748-X).
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- 26 July 2012, pp. 539-540
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David Clark, Cicely Saunders, founder of the hospice movement: selected letters 1959–1999, Oxford University Press, 2002, pp. xiv, 397, illus., £39.95 (hardback 0-19-851607-X).
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- 26 July 2012, pp. 540-541
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Michael Sappol, A traffic of dead bodies: anatomy and embodied social identity in nineteenth-century America, Princeton University Press, 2002, pp. xiv, 430, illus., US$35.00 (hardback 0-691-05925-X).
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- 26 July 2012, pp. 122-124
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A Grieco, D Fano, T Carter and S Iavicoli (eds), Origins of occupational health associations in the world, Amsterdam and Boston, Elsevier, 2003, pp. x, 291, illus., €100.00, US$100.00 (hardback 0-444-51301-9).
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- 26 July 2012, pp. 234-235
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Thomas H Weller, Growing pathogens in tissue cultures: fifty years in academic tropical medicine, pediatrics, and virology, Science History Publications for Boston Medical Library, 2004, pp. xi, 291 (hardback 0-88135-380-9).
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- 26 July 2012, pp. 386-387
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Angelique Richardson, Love and eugenics in the late nineteenth century: rational reproduction and the new woman, Oxford University Press, 2003, pp. xvii, 250, illus., £45.00 (hardback 0-19-818700-9).
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- 26 July 2012, pp. 124-125
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Willem de Blécourt and Cornelie Usborne (eds), Cultural approaches to the history of medicine: mediating medicine in early modern and modern Europe, Basingstoke, Palgrave Macmillan, 2004, pp. xxiii, 241, £50.00 (hardback 1-4039-1569-5).
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- 26 July 2012, pp. 387-388
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Lara V Marks, Sexual chemistry: a history of the contraceptive pill, New Haven and London, Yale University Press, 2001, pp. xi, 372, illus., £20.00 (hardback 0-3-08943-0).
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- 26 July 2012, pp. 541-542
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Claude E Dolman and Richard J Wolfe, Suppressing the diseases of animals and man: Theobald Smith, microbiologist, London, Harvard University Press, 2003, pp. xii, 691, illus., £29.95 (hardback 0-674-01220-8).
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- 26 July 2012, pp. 235-236
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Marina Frasca-Spada and Nick Jardine (eds), Books and the sciences in history, Cambridge University Press, 2000, pp. xiv, 438, illus., £52.00, US$85.00 (hardback 0-521-65063-1), £18.95, US$29.95 (paperback 0-521-65939-6).
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- 26 July 2012, pp. 125-126
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Arthur A Daemmrich, Pharmacopolitics: drug regulation in the United States and Germany, Chapel Hill and London, University of North Carolina Press, 2004, pp. xiii, 203, £25.50 (hardback 0-8078–2844-0).
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- 26 July 2012, pp. 542-543
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Franck Collard and Évelyne Samama (eds), Mires, physiciens, barbiers et charlatans. Les marges de la médecine de l'Antiquité au XVIe siècle, Langres, Dominique Guéniot, 2004, pp. 178, €22.90 (paperback 2-87825-277-2).
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- 26 July 2012, pp. 388-389
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Katherine Angel, Edgar Jones and Michael Neve (eds), European psychiatry on the eve of war: Aubrey Lewis, the Maudsley Hospital and the Rockefeller Foundation in the 1930s, Medical History, Supplement No 22, London, Wellcome Trust Centre for the History of Medicine at University College London, 2003, pp. 195, illus, £32.00, US$50.00 (hardback 0-85484-092-3).
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- 26 July 2012, pp. 236-237
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Philip J van der Eijk, Diocles of Carystus: a collection of the fragments with translation and commentary. Volume one: Text and translation; Volume two: Commentary, Studies in Ancient Medicine, vols 22 and 23, Leiden and Boston, Brill, 2000–2001vol. 1: pp. xxxiv, 497, Dgl 235.80, US$131.00 (90-04-10265-5); vol. 2: pp. xlii, 489, Dgl 196.13, US$109 (90-04-120-12-2) (set 90-04-1213-0).
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- 26 July 2012, pp. 126-128
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Ralf Vollmuth, Traumatologie und Feldchirurgie an der Wende vom Mittelalter zur Neuzeit: examplarisch dargestellt anhand der “Grossen Chirurgie” des Walther Herrmann Ryff, Sudhoffs Archiv, Beiheft 45, Stuttgart, Franz Steiner, 2001, pp. 352, illus., ₠44.00 (hardback 3-515-07742-1).
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- 26 July 2012, pp. 543-544
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Luis García-Ballester, Galen and Galenism: theory and medical practice from Antiquity to the European Renaissance, ed. Jon Arrizabalaga, Montserrat Cabré, Lluís Cifuentes and Fernando Salmón, Variorum Collected Studies series Aldershot, Ashgate, 2003, pp. xii, 332, £57.50 (hardback 0-86078-846-6).
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- 26 July 2012, pp. 389-390
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Liborio Dibattista, Jean Martin Charcot e la lingua della neurologia, with CD ROM, Collana di storia della scienza, Bari, Cacucci, pp. 320, €28.00 (paperback 88-8422-256-7).
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- 26 July 2012, pp. 237-238
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Volker Scheid, Chinese medicine in contemporary China: plurality and synthesis, Science and Cultural Theory series, Durham and London, Duke University Press, 2002, xx, 407, £18.50 (paperback 0-8223-2872-0).
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- 26 July 2012, pp. 128-130
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