Book Reviews
Carol Thomas Neely, Distracted subjects: madness and gender in Shakespeare and early modern culture, Ithaca and London, Cornell University Press, 2004, pp. xv, 244, illus., £12.50, US$21.95 (paperback 0-8014-8924-5).
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- 26 July 2012, pp. 533-534
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Christopher C Booth, A physician reflects: Herman Boerhaave and other essays, Occasional Publication No. 2, London, Wellcome Trust Centre for the History of Medicine at UCL, 2003, pp. xiii, 206, £15.00 (paperback 0-85484-093-1).
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- 26 July 2012, pp. 116-117
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Ian F McNeely, “Medicine on a grand scale”: Rudolf Virchow, liberalism, and the public health, Occasional Publication, No. 1, London, The Wellcome Trust Centre for the History of Medicine at UCL, 2002, pp. 97, £10.00 (paperback 0-85484-082-6).
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- 26 July 2012, pp. 380-381
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Charles M Good, The steamer parish: the rise and fall of missionary medicine on an African frontier, University of Chicago Press, 2004, pp. xx, 487, illus., $30.00, £21.00 (paperback 0-226-30282-2)
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- 26 July 2012, pp. 381-382
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Chris Feudtner, Bittersweet: diabetes, insulin and the transformation of illness, Studies in Social Medicine, Chapel Hill and London, University of North Carolina Press, 2003, pp. xxii, 290, illus., £22.95, US$29.95 (hardback 0-8078-2791-6).
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- 26 July 2012, pp. 117-118
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Andrew Smith, Victorian demons: medicine, masculinity and the Gothic at the fin-de-siècle, Manchester University Press, 2004, pp. iv, 191, illus., £14.99 (paperback 0-7190-6357-4)
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- 26 July 2012, pp. 534-535
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M S Valiathan, The legacy of Caraka, Hyderabad, Orient Longman, 2003, pp. lxxxvi, 634, Rs 550.00 (hardback 81-250-2505-7). Distributed in UK by Sangam Books Ltd, 57 London Fruit Exchange, Brushfield Street, London E1 6EP.
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- 26 July 2012, pp. 229-230
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David E Allen and Gabrielle Hatfield, Medicinal plants in folk tradition: an ethnobotany of Britain and Ireland, Portland, OR, and Cambridge, Timber Press, 2004, pp. 431, illus., £22.50 (hardback 0-88192-638-8).
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- 26 July 2012, pp. 230-231
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Pamela A Gilbert, Mapping the Victorian social body, Studies in the Long Nineteenth Century, State University of New York Press, 2004, pp. xxii, 245, illus., US$65.00 (hardback 0-7914-6025-8), US$21.95 (paperback 0-7914-6026-6).
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- 26 July 2012, pp. 535-537
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Matthew Gandy and Alimuddin Zumla (eds), The return of the white plague: global poverty and the ‘new’ tuberculosis, London and New York, Verso, 2003, pp. vi, 330, £25.00 (hardback 1-85984-669-6).
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- 26 July 2012, pp. 118-119
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Kavita Philip, Civilising natures: race, resources and modernity in colonial South India, New Perspectives in South Asian History Hyderabad, Orient Longman, c.2003, pp. xi, 305, US$ 38.30 (hardback 81-250-2586-3).
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- 26 July 2012, pp. 382-383
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Ian and Jennifer Glynn, The life and death of smallpox, London, Profile Books, 2004, pp.x, 278, illus., £17.99 (hardback 1-86197-608-9).
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- 26 July 2012, pp. 537-538
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James H Mills, Cannabis Britannica: empire, trade, and prohibition 1800–1928, Oxford University Press, 2003, pp. xii, 239, £25.00 (hardback 0-19-924938-5).
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- 26 July 2012, pp. 231-232
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Diana Wyndham, Eugenics in Australia: striving for national fitness, London, The Galton Institute, 2003, pp. xv, 406, £5.00 (paperback 0-9504066-7-8).
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- 26 July 2012, pp. 383-384
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Helen M Dingwall, A history of Scottish medicine: themes and influences, Edinburgh University Press, 2003, pp. vi, 282, £16.99 (paperback 0-7486-0865-6).
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- 26 July 2012, pp. 119-120
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Ulf Schmidt, Justice at Nuremberg: Leo Alexander and the Nazi doctors' trial, Basingstoke, Palgrave Macmillan, 2004, pp. xiv, 386, £60.00 (hardback 0-333-92147-X).
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- 26 July 2012, pp. 538-539
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Carlson Elof Axel, Mendel's legacy: the origin of classical genetics, Cold Spring Harbor, Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press, 2004, pp. xix, 332, illus., US$45.00 (hardback 0-87969-675-3).
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- 26 July 2012, pp. 384-385
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Steven Cherry, Mental health care in modern England: the Norfolk Lunatic Asylum/St Andrew's Hospital c.1810–1998, Woodbridge, Boydell Press, 2003, pp. xi, 335, illus., £45.00, US$75.00 (hardback 0-85115-920-6).
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- 26 July 2012, pp. 120-121
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John Greenaway, Drink and British politics since 1830: a study in policy-making, Basingstoke, Palgrave Macmillan, 2003, pp. xii, 271, £50.00 (hardback 0-333-91782-0).
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- 26 July 2012, pp. 232-233
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Peter Stanley, For fear of pain: British surgery, 1790–1850, Clio Medica 70, Amsterdam and New York, Rodopi, 2003, pp. 362, illus., €80.00, US$95.00 (hardback 90-420-1034-7), €37.00, US$44.00 (paperback 90-420-1024-X).
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- 26 July 2012, pp. 121-122
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