Dirac's wave equation of an electron enables one to solve for the wave function of an electron moving in an electromagnetic field. The wave function ψ has 4 components ψ1, ψ2, ψ3, ψ4, and the electromagnetic field is described by a four-vector Aμ, consisting of a scalar potential φ and a vector potential A.
In the usual problem, we solve for the wave function ψ when the potential Aμ is given. By doing so, we obtain the wave function of an electron which moves in a given electromagnetic field. It is of some interest to consider the reverse question: given the wave function ψ, what can we say about the electromagnetic potential Aμ, which is connected with ψ by Dirac's equation? Is Aμ uniquely determined, and if not, what is the extent to which it is arbitrary ?