The Monstrilloida form an aberrant group of Copepoda, distinguished by the complete lack, in the adults, of gut and mouth-parts. Sars (1921) divided the group into two sections, one being the Monstrilloida Cyclopimorpha, comprising a single family, now called the Thespesiopsyllidae (see Wilson, 1932), with two genera. The larvae of Thespesiopsyllus are gut parasites of ophiuroids (Bresciani & Liitzen, 1962). The second genus, Orientopsyllus, was described by Sewell (1949) from the Indian Ocean.
The second section, the Monstrilloida Genuina, comprises the single family Monstrillidae, various authors (Malaquin, 1901; Sars, 1921; Rose, 1933; Davis, 1949) differing in their division of this into genera. The present author regards the family as consisting of three genera, Monstrilla Dana, 1848, Thaumaleus Kroyer, 1846, and Monstrillopsis Sars, 1921, separated according to the criteria listed in Table 1.