Baited traps deployed at 7800 m in the Atacama Trench off northern Chile, captured over 400 specimens of Eurythenes gryllus. This is the greatest depth of occurrence reported for the species. Of the 398 specimens available for study, all but three were female, giving a sex ratio very different from any reported previously. Female specimens measured 29–76 mm in length, and all were immature. Length/frequency distributions based on total length, peraeonite 1 length, and coxa 4 oostegite length were unimodal. Relationships between total length, and peraeonite 1 length, oostegite length, and wet weight were established. Oostegite development appeared to be precocious compared with published data. Subtle differences in peraeon, urosome, gnathopods, coxa 4, peraeopod 7, and epimeron 3 morphology, and the growth of oostegites separate Atacama Trench specimens from previously described material. The morphology exhibited by these specimens lies outside the known variability of E. gryllus, and suggests that this pan-oceanic entity may be undergoing incipient speciation.