1 Introduction
${\mathcal {F}}_g$
be the moduli stack of primitively polarised K3 surface
$H^2 = 2g-2$
, and let
${\mathcal {P}}_{g_m}$
be the moduli stack of triples
such that
$(X,H)\in {\mathcal {F}}_g$
$C \in |mH|$
a smooth curve of genus
. There are natural forgetful maps

where the fibre of
$\Phi _{g_m}$
$(X,H)\in {\mathcal {F}}_g$
is an open subset of the linear system
$|m H|$
. In recent years, there is a series of works studying the rational map
${\Psi }_{{g_{m}}}$
and its rational section. For instance, Mukai has proved in [Reference Mukai16] that the rational map
is dominant if
$g\leq 11$
$g \neq 10$
, while Ciliberto–Lopez–Miranda [Reference Ciliberto, Lopez and Miranda8] showed that
$\Psi _g $
is generically injective if
$ g\geq 11$
$g\neq 12$
. More generally, due to the results of [Reference Ciliberto, Lopez and Miranda9] and the recent work in Ciliberto–Dedieu–Sernesi [Reference Ciliberto, Dedieu and Sernesi6, Reference Ciliberto and Dedieu5], the map
${\Psi }_{{g_{m}}}$
is generically finite when
$mg\geq 11$
$mg\neq 12$
. There are other approaches for the case
$m\geq 2,\,g\geq 8$
$m\geq 5, g=7$
(cf. [Reference Ciliberto, Flamini, Galati and Knutsen7, Reference Kemeny14]).
On the other hand, Mukai has proposed a program in [Reference Mukai18] to find the rational section of
$\Psi _g$
by relating the K3 surface with the Brill–Noether locus of vector bundles on curves. This has been confirmed by Mukai in [Reference Mukai17] when
and later on Arbarello–Bruno–Sernesi [Reference Arbarello, Bruno and Sernesi1] generalised his result to the case
for some k. In recent years, Feyzbakhsh has verified this program in [Reference Feyzbakhsh11, Reference Feyzbakhsh13] for all
$g \geq 11$
$g\neq 12$
by using the Bridgeland stability conditions. In this paper, we would like to investigate the rational section of the map
${\Psi }_{{g_{m}}}$
for arbitrary
$m\in \mathbb {Z}_{>0}$
via Mukai’s program for curves in nonprimitive classes.
Main results
be a primitively polarised K3 surface of genus g with Picard number one. Let
${\mathrm {H}}_{\text {alg}}^{*}(X)\cong {\mathbb {Z}}^{\oplus 3}$
be the algebraic Mukai lattice, and let
$\mathbf {M}(v)$
be the moduli space of H-Gieseker semistable coherent sheaves on X with Mukai vector
$v=(r, cH,s)\in {\mathrm {H}}_{\text {alg}}^{*}(X)$
. For
$C\in |mH|$
an irreducible curve, let
${\mathbf {BN}}_C(v)$
be the Brill–Noether locus of slope semi-stable vector bundles on C with rank
$r $
, degree
$2m c(g-1)$
$h^0\geq r+s$
. The first main result of this paper is:
Theorem 1.1. Assume
. Let
$C\in |mH|$
be an irreducible curve. Then if
$mg\geq 11$
$mg\neq 12$
, there exists a primitive Mukai vector
such that the restriction map

is an isomorphism.
As in [Reference Feyzbakhsh11], one can then reconstruct X as the moduli space of twisted sheaves on
${\mathbf {BN}}_C(v)$
. Clearly, such reconstruction is unique for K3 surfaces in
${\mathcal {F}}_g$
of Picard number one. Due to the results of [Reference Dutta and Huybrechts10], when
, generic curves in
$|m H|$
have maximal variation, that is, the rational map

is generically finite. One can also deduce the generic quasi-finiteness of
${\Psi }_{g_m}$
from Theorem 1.1 when
$m>1, g\geq 3$
$mg\geq 11$
$mg\neq 12$
. When
, the map
${\Psi }_{{g_{m}}}$
is not generically quasi-finite and Mukai’s program will fail. We expect that Theorem 1.1 holds whenever
$g_m\geq 11$
. So far, the missing values of

A mysterious case is when
, where our method fails for any m.
More generally, one may consider the restriction map (1.1) for
. Most recently, Feyzbakhsh [Reference Feyzbakhsh12] has generalised her construction in [Reference Feyzbakhsh11, Reference Feyzbakhsh13] and showed that for each Mukai vector

the restriction gives an isomorphism
$\mathbf {M}(v)\cong {\mathbf {BN}}_C(v)$
when g is sufficiently large and the class of C is primitive. As mentioned in [Reference Feyzbakhsh12], the analysis in [Reference Feyzbakhsh12] also works for the nonprimitive case and one can actually show that Feyzbakhsh’s construction still gives an isomorphism for
$ C\in |mH| $
if g is sufficiently large (depending on r and m). This gives many examples of Brill–Noether loci on curves as hyper-Kähler varieties of dimension
$2g-2r\lfloor \frac {g}{r}\rfloor $
. In this paper, we also improve her result (see Theorem 7.1) and obtain an explicit condition of v for
$\psi $
being an isomorphism (see Theorem 7.3). As an application, we show that one can construct hyper-Kähler varieties as the Brill–Noether loci of curves in every dimension.
Theorem 1.2. For any
$n>0\in \mathbb {Z}$
, there exists an integer
satisfying that if
, there is a primitive Mukai vector
$v\in {\mathrm {H}}_{\text {alg}}^{*}(X)$
such that the restriction map
$\psi :\mathbf {M}(v)\to {\mathbf {BN}}_C(v)$
is an isomorphism for all irreducible curves C on X.
In other words, the bound N does not depend on the class of C. This makes use of the boundedness result of prime character nonresidues (See Lemma 8.2). The strategy of our proof is similar to [Reference Feyzbakhsh11, Reference Feyzbakhsh13, Reference Feyzbakhsh12]. Roughly speaking, we prove that
$\psi $
will be a well-defined and injective morphism if the Gieseker chambers for objects with Mukai vector v and
are large enough, and
$\psi $
is bijective if further the Harder–Narasimhan polygon of
$i_\ast F$
$F\in {\mathbf {BN}}_C(v)$
achieves its maximum. The main ingredient is the use of a wall-crossing argument to analyse the existence of walls. There are two crucial improvement in our approach. One is that we find the strongest criterion (Proposition 3.4) to characterise the stability conditions which are not lying on the wall of objects with a given Mukai vector. This leads to a more explicit condition for
$\psi $
being an isomorphism. The other one is that we develop a method in analysing the relative position of HN polygons towards the surjectivity of
$\psi $
. This allows us to get a sharper bound of
without using the computer program.
Organization of this paper
In Section 2, we review the basic knowledge of the Bridgeland stability condition on K3 surfaces and the wall-chamber structure on a section. In Section 3, we introduce the (strictly) destabilising regions
$\Omega ^{(+)}_v(-)$
of a Mukai vector v. They characterise the stability conditions which are not lying on the wall of objects in
$\mathrm {D}^b(X)$
with Mukai vector v. This will play a key role in the proof of our main theorems.
In Section 4, we show that the map
$\psi :\mathbf {M}(v)\to {\mathbf {BN}}_C(v)$
is a well-defined morphism and
for any
$E\in \mathbf {M}(v)$
if the positive integers
and s satisfy

The first two assumptions provide that any stable sheaf in
$\mathbf {M}(v)$
is locally free while the third assumption essentially ensures that there is no wall between the large volume limit and the Brill–Noether wall. As a by-product, we obtain a numerical criterion for the injectivity of
$\psi $
Section 5 and Section 6 are devoted to studying the surjectivity of the restriction map
$\psi $
. They contain the most technical part of this paper. In Section 5, we show that
$\psi $
is surjective if the Harder–Narasimhan polygon of
$i_\ast F$
for arbitrary
$F\in {\mathbf {BN}}_C(v)$
is maximal when g is relatively large. It involves a dedicated analysis of the slope of destabilising factors of
via a geometric vision of the destabilising region. In Section 6, we analyse the sharpness of HN-polygons for special Mukai vectors with zero square. The concept of sharpness is used to detect how far the HN-polygon stays away from the convex polygon given by the critical position of the first wall. This makes the construction valid for small genera.
In Section 7, we analyse the surjectivity of the tangent map
$d\psi $
$\psi $
and show that it is always surjective if
$g-1\geq 4r^2$
. In Section 8, we prove Theorem 1.1 and Theorem 1.2 by showing the existence of Mukai vectors satisfying all conditions. Here, we make use of the bound of prime character nonresidues.
Notation and conventions
Throughout this paper, we always assume
$(X, H)$
is a primitively polarised K3 surface of genus g of Picard number one.
For any two points
$p,q\in \mathbb {R}^n$
, let
${\mathrm {L}}_{p,q}$
be the line passing through them and let
${\mathrm {L}}^+_{p,q}$
be the ray starting from p. We use
${\mathrm {L}}_{[p,q]}$
${\mathrm {L}}_{(p,q)}$
${\mathrm {L}}_{(p,q]}$
${\mathrm {L}}_{[p,q)}$
to denote the closed, open and half open line segment, respectively. For any line segment I, we set

to be a (half open) triangular region. We denote by
${\mathbf {P}}_{p_1\dots p_n}$
the polygon with vertices
$p_1,\dots , p_n$
2 Stability condition on K3 surfaces
$\text {D}^{\text {b}}(X)$
be the bounded derived category of coherent sheaves on X. We let
$\mathit {K}_{\text {num}}(X)$
be the Grothendieck group of X modulo numerical equivalence. There is an onto map to the (algebraic) Mukai lattice
by sending

As X has Picard number one, we may identify
${\mathrm {H}}_{\text {alg}}^{*}(X)$
${\mathbb {Z}}^{\oplus 3}$
. So in the sequel of this paper, we shall abuse the notation and simply write
$r=\operatorname {\mathrm {rk}}(E)$
$s=\chi (E)-r$
. Here,
$\chi (E) = \chi ({\mathcal {O}}_X,E)$
is the Euler characteristic. The Mukai pairing
$\left <,\right>$
${\mathrm {H}}_{\text {alg}}^{*}(X)$
defined by
$\langle v(E) ,v(F) \rangle =-\chi (E,F)$
can be viewed as an integral quadratic form on
${\mathbb {Z}}^{\oplus 3}$
given by

We may write
$v^2=\left <v,v\right>$
$v\in {\mathrm {H}}_{\text {alg}}^{*}(X)$
. Consider the projection map

sending a vector
$(\frac {r}{s},\frac {c}{s} )$
. We write
$\pi _v=\mathrm {pr}(v)$
$\pi _E=\mathrm {pr}(v(E))$
${E\in \mathrm {D}^b(X)}$
for simplicity. We let
be the origin of
${\mathrm {H}}_{\text {alg}}^{*}(X)\otimes \mathbb {R}$
and denote by
the origin of
$\mathbb {R}^2$
A numerical (Bridgeland) stability condition on X is a pair
$\sigma = ({\mathcal {A}}_\sigma , Z_\sigma )$
consisting a heart
${\mathcal {A}}_{\sigma } \subset \text {D}^{\text {b}}(X)$
of a bounded t-structure and an
$\mathbb {R}$
-linear map

satisfying the conditions
(i) For any
$0\neq E\in \mathcal {A}$ ,
$$\begin{align*}Z_{\sigma}(E)\in \mathbb{R}_{>0} \exp(i \pi \phi_{\sigma}(E)) \;\text{with} \; 0 < \phi_{\sigma} (E) \leq 1, \end{align*}$$
$\phi _{\sigma }(E)$ is the phase of
$Z_{\sigma }(E) $ in the complex plane.
(i) The Harder–Narasimhan (HN) property, cf. [Reference Bridgeland3, Definition 2.3].
$\sigma $
-slope is defined by

and we set the
$\sigma $
-phase to be

An object
$E \in \mathcal {A} $
is called
$\sigma $
-(semi)stable if
$\mu _{\sigma } (F) < (\leq ) \,\mu _{\sigma }(E)$
or equivalently
$ \phi _{\sigma }(F) < (\leq ) \, \phi _{\sigma } (E)$
$F \subset E$
is a subobject of E in
$\mathcal {A}$
. We say an object
$E \in \text {D}^{\text {b}}(X)$
$\sigma $
-(semi)stable if
$E[k] \in \mathcal {A}$
for some k, and
$\sigma $
If E is a sheaf with
$v(E) = (r,c,s)$
, we write
$\mu _H(E)= \frac {c}{r}$
for the H-slope of E and
$\mu _H^{\pm }(E)$
for the H-slope of the first/last HN factor of E. In [Reference Bridgeland4], Bridgeland has constructed a continuous family of stability conditions on X as follows: For
$\alpha ,\beta \in \mathbb {R}$
$\alpha> 0$
, for any
$\beta \in \mathbb {R}$
, the
$\beta $
-tilt of
$\operatorname {\mathrm {Coh}}(X)$
is defined by

which is the heart of a t-structure on
$\text {D}^{\text {b}}(X)$

$\operatorname {{\mathrm {H}}}^i(E)$
is the i-th cohomology of E with respect to the standard heart
$\operatorname {\mathrm {Coh}}(X)$
$\text {D}^{\text {b}}(X)$
. Let
$\mathrm {R}(X)$
be the collection of roots in
${\mathrm {H}}_{\text {alg}}^{*}(X)$
, that is,

Theorem 2.1 [Reference Bridgeland4].
The pair is a Bridgeland stability condition on
$\text {D}^{\text {b}}(X)$
$\operatorname {{\mathrm {Re}}} Z_{\alpha ,\beta }(\delta )>0$
for all roots
$\delta \in \mathrm {R}(X)$
$\operatorname {\mathrm {rk}}(\delta )>0$
$\operatorname {{\mathrm {Im}}} Z_{\alpha ,\beta }(\delta ) =0$
The stability condition
$\sigma _{\alpha ,\beta }$
is uniquely characterised by its kernel

According to [Reference Feyzbakhsh11, Lemma 2.4], if we set
$ k(\alpha ,\beta )= \mathrm {pr}(\ker Z_{\alpha , \beta }) \in \mathbb {R}^2$
, then
$k(\alpha ,\beta )$
are parameterised by the space

$\pi ^{\prime }_\delta $
is the intersection point of the parabola
$\Big \{x=\frac {H^2 y^2}{2}\Big \}$
and the line
${\mathrm {L}}_{o, \pi _\delta } $
. See Figure 1 for a picture of
. Therefore, we may view the stability condition
$\sigma _{\alpha ,\beta }$
as the point
$k(\alpha ,\beta ) $

Figure 1 Visualization of
The following are some simple observations that will be frequently used in this paper:
(A) If
$\sigma \in V(X)$ , then the line segment
${\mathrm {L}}_{( o, \sigma ]}$ is contained in
$V(X)$ .
(B) If
$\gcd (r,c)=1$ and
$r>0$ , the line
$ry=cx$ contains a (unique) projection of root if and only if
$r \mid c^2(g-1)+1$ (cf. [Reference Yoshioka20]). In particular, the unique projection of root on the x-axis is
$(1,0)$ , which we denote by
$o'$ .
A simple observation is, for elements in the same heart, we can read their phases from the plane.
Proposition 2.2 (Phase reading, see Figure 2).
$\sigma _{\alpha ,\beta } \in V(X)$
. For
$E\in \operatorname {\mathrm {Coh}}^\beta (X)$
, let
$0<\theta _\sigma \leq \unicode{x3c0} $
be the directed angle from
$\overrightarrow {\sigma \pi _E}$
$\overrightarrow {o\sigma }$
$\unicode{x3c0} $
. Then,
$\phi _\sigma $
is a strictly increasing function of
$\theta _\sigma $

Figure 2 An example of
$\theta _\sigma (E)$
Proof. Note that
$\phi _\sigma (E_1)=\phi _\sigma (E_2)$
if and only if

for some
$\lambda \in \mathbb {R}^*$
, which is equivalent to
$\sigma ,\pi _{v(E_1)},\pi _{v(E_2)}$
being colinear, as
$\sigma \in V(X)$
is precisely the projection of the kernel of
$Z_\sigma $
. This already proves
$\phi _\sigma $
is a strictly monotonic function of
$\theta _\sigma $
due to continuity. It is increasing since
$ \phi _{\sigma }(0+)< \phi _{\sigma }(\pi )$
. The interchange phase
$\phi _\sigma =1$
corresponds to the line
${\mathrm {L}}_{o, \sigma }$
Wall and chamber structure
For any object
$E\in \text {D}^{\text {b}}(X)$
, there is a wall and chamber structure of
described as follows.
Proposition 2.3 (cf. [Reference Feyzbakhsh11, Proposition 2.6]).
Given an object
$E\in \text {D}^{\text {b}}(X)$
, there exists a locally finite set of walls (line segments) in
with the following properties:
(a) The
$\sigma _{\alpha ,\beta }$ -(semi)stability of E is independent of the choice of the stability condition
$\sigma _{\alpha ,\beta }$ in any chamber.
(b) If
$\sigma _{\alpha _0, \beta _0}$ is on a wall
${\mathcal {W}}_E$ , that is, the point
$k(\alpha _0, \beta _0)\in {\mathcal {W}}_E$ , E is strictly
$\sigma _{\alpha _0, \beta _0}$ -semistable.
(c) If E is semistable in one of the adjacent chambers to a wall, then it is unstable in other adjacent chambers.
(d) Any wall
${\mathcal {W}}_E$ is a connected component of
$\mathrm {L} \cap V (X)$ , where
$\mathrm {L}$ is a line passing through the point
$\pi _E$ if
$\chi (E)\neq \operatorname {\mathrm {rk}}(E) $ or with slope
$\operatorname {\mathrm {rk}}(E)/c_H(E)$ if
$\chi (E) = \operatorname {\mathrm {rk}}(E)$ .
By definition, if
$E\in \operatorname {\mathrm {Coh}}^\beta (X)$
$\sigma _{\alpha ,\beta }$
-semistable, then
$\pi _E\neq \sigma _{\alpha ,\beta }$
$Z_{\alpha ,\beta }(E) \neq 0$
(recall that in Section 2 we identify a stability
$\sigma _{\alpha ,\beta }$
with the projection of kernel
by abuse of notation). Combined with Proposition 2.3, one can see that for any line segment
${\mathrm {L}}_{[ \sigma _1, \sigma _2 ]}\subseteq V(X)$
$\sigma _{\alpha ,\beta }$
$\sigma _1, \sigma _2$
, and
$\pi _E$
colinear, we have

that is,
cannot lie in the kernel of any stability condition in
. (In the case where E is stable, this follows directly from the
$v(E)^2\geq -2$
and hence
$\pi _E \notin V(X)$
.) This will be used in later sections.
3 The destabilising regions
In this section, we characterize the stability conditions which are not lying on the walls of an object
$E\in \mathrm {D}^b(X)$
. As a warm-up, we first assume
$\pi _E\in \partial V(X)$
and hence
. Then we have
Proposition 3.1 (Triangle rule, see Figure 3).
$E\in \text {D}^{\text {b}}(X)$
, and let
$I \subseteq V(X)$
be a line segment. Assume

Then any point in I is not on a wall. In particular, if
$I={\mathrm {L}}_{[ \sigma _1,\sigma _2]}$
, then E is
$\sigma _1$
-stable if and only if it is
$\sigma _2$

Figure 3 An example of triangle rule: if any point in the colored region is a stability condition, then there is no wall between
Proof. Assume on the contrary, that is, there is a wall
${\mathcal {W}}_E\subseteq \mathrm {L}\cap V(X)$
where L passes through
$\pi _E$
and intersects with I. Let
$\sigma _0=I \cap {\mathcal {W}}_E$
. By our assumption, one has

By Proposition 2.3 (b), E is strictly
$\sigma $
-semistable for any
$\sigma \in {\mathrm {L}}_{(\pi _E , \sigma _0 ]}$
. Up to a shift, one may assume that
$E\in \operatorname {\mathrm {Coh}}^{\beta (\sigma _0)}(X)$
. Since
$\sigma _0$
is on a wall, there exists some semistable factor
$F\subset E$
$\operatorname {\mathrm {Coh}}^{\beta (\sigma _0)}(X)$
such that
$\phi _{\sigma _0}(F)=\phi _{\sigma _0}(E)$
$\phi _{\sigma }(F)>\phi _{\sigma }(E)$
$\sigma $
in an adjacent chamber. In particular,
$\pi _F \neq \pi _E$
. Applying Proposition 2.3(b) to E, F, and
$\operatorname {\mathrm {cok}}(F \to E)$
, respectively, we know that they remain in the heart for any
$\sigma \in {\mathrm {L}}_{( \pi _E,\sigma _0]}$
. Hence,
$F\subset E$
is a proper subobject in the corresponding
$\operatorname {\mathrm {Coh}}^\beta (X)$
. As a consequence, we get

Now, if we tend
$\sigma $
$\pi _E$
, then
$| Z_\sigma (E)| \to 0$
$| Z_\sigma (F)|\to \epsilon>0$
$\pi _F \neq \pi _E$
. This is a contradiction.
Destabilising regions
The proposition above only works for
$\pi _E\in \partial V(X)$
due to Equation (2.2). For the case
$v(E)^2\geq 0$
, we need to make use of the three-dimensional region defined as below: For any
$\sigma \in V(X)$
$v\in {\mathrm {H}}_{\text {alg}}^{*}(X)$
, let
${\mathrm {L}}_{( \sigma ',\sigma ")} \subseteq {\mathrm {L}}_{\sigma , \pi _v} \cap \, V(X)$
be the connected component containing
$\sigma $
. Let
$[\sigma ]\subseteq \mathbb {R}^3$
be the preimage of
$\sigma $
via the projection
$\mathrm {pr}:\mathbb {R}^3\dashrightarrow \mathbb {R}^2$
. Consider the plane
$\Pi $
spanned by
$[\sigma ]$
. Then
$[\sigma _0] \subset \Pi $
for any
$\sigma _0 \in {\mathrm {L}}_{(\sigma ',\sigma ")}$
. We define the destabilising region of v with respect to
$\sigma $

$ v^+_\sigma = [\sigma '] \cap ( [ \sigma "]+v) $
$v^-_\sigma =[\sigma "] \cap ( [\sigma ']+v)$
. Note that for any
$\sigma \in V(X)$
, we have
$x\cdot z \geq 0$
for any
$(x,y,z)\in [\sigma ]$
. Consider the (open) shadow area in Figure 4 which is bounded by the two lines and consists of nonzero
$(x,y,z)\in [\sigma ]$
for some
$\sigma $
. Since
$v^2 \geq 0$
$\pi _E \notin V(X)$
and hence v is not in this shadow area. Therefore, the x-coordinates of
$v_{\sigma }^+$
$v_{\sigma }^{-}$
have opposite sign. We may simply put

up to switching
$\sigma '$
$\sigma "$

Figure 4 The (open) shawdow area is covered by kernel of stability conditions.
There is a natural decomposition

$\Omega ^\pm _v(\sigma )=\Omega _v(\sigma )\cap {\mathbf {P}}_{Ov^{\!\pm }_{\sigma } v} \setminus {\mathrm {L}}_{(O,v)}$
. We call
$\Omega ^+_v(\sigma )$
the strictly destabilising region of v with respect to
$\sigma $
. A key result is:
Lemma 3.2. For
$E\in \text {D}^{\text {b}}(X)$
$v(E)^2 \geq 0$
$\sigma \in V(X) $
, if
$\sigma $
is lying on a wall of E, then there exists an integer point in
$ \Omega ^+_{v(E)} (\sigma ) .$
Proof. Set
for temporary notation. Firstly, for any
$G\subseteq F \subseteq E$
$\operatorname {\mathrm {Coh}}^{\beta (\sigma )}(X)$
satisfying that
have the same
$\sigma $
-phase, we always have that
is lying in the parallelogram
$ {\mathbf {P}}_{Ov^{\!+}_{\sigma } v v^{\!-}_{\sigma }}$
. This is because there are inclusions

for any
$\tau \in {\mathrm {L}}_{(\sigma ',\sigma " )}$
, which yields that

In particular, if
$0=\widetilde {E}_0 \subset \dots \subset \widetilde {E}_k=E$
is a
$\sigma $
-Jordan–Holder filtration of E with
$E_i = \widetilde {E}_i / \widetilde {E}_{i-1}$
its JH-factors, then any
and also
is lying
${\mathbf {P}}_{Ov^+_{\sigma } v v^-_{\sigma }}$
If necessary, reordering these factors
such that the angles between
${\mathrm {L}}^+_{O,v(E_i)}$
${\mathrm {L}}_{O,v_\sigma ^+}^+$
increase with respect to i. And we get a polygon with vertexes
$\sum _{i=1}^j v(E_i)$
$0\leq j\leq k$
). Since
lie in
$\mathbf {P}^+_{Ov^+_\sigma v}$
, one sees that
$\sum \limits _{i=1}^{j} v(E_i)$
is an integer point in
${\mathbf {P}}_{O v_\sigma ^+ v}\setminus {\mathrm {L}}_{(O,v)} $
for any j. We claim that either
$\sum \limits _{i=1}^{k-1} v(E_i)$
is lying in
$\Omega _v(\sigma )$
. This can be proved by using purely Euclidean geometry. Suppose this fails, then we have

is stable. If we restrict the quadratic equation
to the plane of
${\mathbf {P}}_{ovv_\sigma ^+}$
, we can obtain a hyperbola whose center is O. The edge
${\mathrm {L}}_{[O,\, v_\sigma ^+]}$
can meet the connected component of this hyperbola at most one point. Similarly,
${\mathrm {L}}_{[v,\, v_\sigma ^+]} $
can intersect with the connected component of the hyperbola defined by
$(u-v)^2=-2 $
at most one point. Note that the edge
${\mathrm {L}}_{[O,v]}$
is lying outside the area

See the shadow part in Figure 5. By Equation (3.2),
$v_\sigma ^+$
has to lie in the region (3.3). Moreover, as one can see from the picture, there is a point
$w\in {\mathbf {P}}_{Ov^+_\sigma v}^\circ $
lying on the intersection of two hyperboloids

and the line
${\mathrm {L}}_{w,v^+_\sigma }$
will intersect the edge
${\mathrm {L}}_{[O,v]}$
at a point, denoted by q. Thus, we get that the point
is contained in the triangle
${\mathbf {P}}_{qv v^+_\sigma }$
, while the point
$\sum _{i=1}^{k-1} v(E_i)$
is contained in the triangle
$ {\mathbf {P}}_{Oq v^+_\sigma }$
. If we define
${\mathrm {L}}_u$
to be the line passing through
$u\in \mathbb {R}^3$
and parallel to the line
${\mathrm {L}}_{w, v^+_{\sigma } }$
, the discussion above exactly means

$p_1={\mathrm {L}}_{\sum _{i=1}^{k-1} v(E_i)}\cap {\mathrm {L}}_{[O,\,v]} $
$p_2={\mathrm {L}}_{v(E_1)}\cap {\mathrm {L}}_{[O,\,v]}$
; see Figure 5.

Figure 5 If this plane corresponds to a wall, there must be some integer point inside this triangle and below these two hyperbolas.
Next, one can regard
${\mathrm {L}}_{w,v^+_\sigma }$
as a stability condition in a natural way. Consider the line
$\ell $
passing through the origin O on the plane
$\Pi $
, which is parallel to the line passing through w and
$v_{\sigma }^+$
. By construction, the line
$\ell $
lies between
$[\sigma ']$
$[\sigma "]$
. Thus, there is a stability condition
$\tau \in (\sigma ', \sigma ") $
such that
$[\tau ]$
corresponds to the line
$\ell $
. Since
$Z_\tau (\ell ) = 0$
, we obtain
$Z_\tau (E_1) = Z_\tau (p_2)$
, and the same holds for
Using the inclusions (3.5), we obtain the inequality

However, this contradicts to the relation
$ \sum _{i=1}^{k-1}\big \lvert Z_{\tau }(v(E_i)) \big \rvert = \big |Z_{\tau } \left (\sum _{i=1}^{k-1} v(E_i) \right )\big |$
which finishes the proof.
Remark 3.3. If
$v(\widetilde E_i)$
already lies in
${\mathbf {P}}_{O v v_\sigma ^+} \setminus {\mathrm {L}}_{(O, v )}$
for all i, then our argument actually implies that we can always take a destabilising sequence

such that
$v(F) \in \Omega ^+_{v(E)}(\sigma )$
$v(Q) \in \Omega ^-_{v(E)}(\sigma )$
. This will happen, for instance, if
$E=i_* G$
for some slope stable vector bundle G on C. Indeed, as any subobject A of the sheaf E (in the heart
$\operatorname {\mathrm {Coh}}^{\beta (\sigma )}(X)$
) is also a sheaf (cf., for example, [Reference Bayer2, Proposition 2.4]), we have
$v(A)\in {\mathbf {P}}_{O v_\sigma ^+ v }\setminus {\mathrm {L}}_{(O,v)}$
$r(A) \geq 0$
and the case
cannot happen as it is on a wall). In particular, this holds for
$v(\widetilde {E}_i)$
Then we can obtain a generalisation of Proposition 3.1.
Proposition 3.4. Given
$v^2\geq 0$
and a region
$\mathcal {I}\subseteq V(X)$
, we define

Then any
$\sigma \in \mathcal {I}$
is not lying on a wall of any E with
$v(E) = v$
if and only if

Similarly, any E with
$v(E) = v$
cannot be strictly
$\sigma $
-semistable for any
$\sigma \in \mathcal {I}$
if and only if

Proof. The ‘if’ part follows directly from Lemma 3.2. For the ‘only if’ part, suppose there exists some stability condition
$\sigma $
and an integer point
$w \in \Omega _v(\sigma )$
. Then, we can find
$\sigma $
-stable objects
such that
, and
$\sigma $
will be lying on a wall of
from the construction. For the strictly semistable case, one just notes that the Mukai vectors of all the factors are lying on
${\mathrm {L}}_{(O,v)}$
According to Proposition 3.4, we will say a Mukai vector
$v\in {\mathrm {H}}_{\text {alg}}^{*}(X)$
admits no wall in
$\mathcal {I}$
if Equation (3.7) holds and admits no strictly semistable condition if Equation (3.8) holds.
Note that from the definition, one automatically has
$\Omega _v(\sigma )=\Omega _v({\mathrm {L}}_{(\sigma ',\sigma ")})$
. This motivates us to find a subregion of
with regular boundary. A candidate is

which is used in [Reference Feyzbakhsh12]. As a consequence, if v admits no wall in
$I\subseteq {\mathrm {L}}_{(o,o')}$
, then it admits no wall in
${\pmb {\triangle }}_{\pi _v}(I) \cap \Gamma $
as well.
Remark 3.5. Comparing Proposition 3.1 with Proposition 3.4, one can conclude that for
$\mathcal {I}$
being a line segment, the condition (3.1) implies Equation (3.7). Actually, if
$\Omega ^+_v(\sigma )$
contains any integer point
$\delta $
, then
$\pi _\delta $
is a root lying in
${\mathrm {L}}_{(\pi _v,\sigma ]}$
. This suggests that the condition (3.1) can be replaced by
${\pmb {\triangle }}_{\pi _v}(I) \subseteq V'(X)$
, where

4 The restriction map to Brill–Noether locus
Given a positive primitive vector
$v= (r,c,s)\in {\mathrm {H}}_{\text {alg}}^{*}(X)$
, let
$\mathbf {M}(v)$
be the moduli space of H-Gieseker semistable sheaves on the surface X with Mukai vector v. In this section, we always assume

$\mathbf {M}(v)$
is a smooth variety consisting of
$\mu _H$
-stable locally free sheaves (cf. [Reference Yoshioka21, Remark 3.2]). The main result is:
Theorem 4.1. For any irreducible curve
$C\in |mH|$
, the restriction map is an injective morphism

with stable image (i.e.,
is stable) if the following conditions hold
$(mr-c)s>rc$ ;
(ii) v admits no wall in
${\mathrm {L}}_{(o, \sigma _v]}$ , where
$\sigma _v=(\frac {rc}{(mr-c)s},0)$ ;
$v(-m)=\big (r, c-mr, s+ (g-1)m(mr-2c) \big )$ admits no wall in
${\pmb {\triangle }}_{\pi _{v(-m)}}({\mathrm {L}}_{(o, o']}) \cap \Gamma $ , where
$\Gamma $ is defined in Equation (3.9).
Proof. It suffices to prove that for any
$E\in \mathbf {M}(v)$
, the restriction
is slope stable with
$h^0(C, E|_C)\geq r+s$
uniquely determines E.
Firstly, we show that
is slope semistable. Note that condition (i) ensures that
$\sigma _v$
lies in
${\mathrm {L}}_{(o, o')}$
. By [Reference Feyzbakhsh11, Lemma 2.13 (b)], it suffices to show that
$\sigma _v$
-semistable. Consider the exact sequence

we have
$\pi _{i_\ast (E|_C)}= (\frac {r}{(g-1)(2c-mr)},0)$
is lying on
${\mathrm {L}}_{\pi _{E}, \pi _{E(-C)}}$
. Since E is slope stable, according to [Reference Feyzbakhsh11, Lemma 2.15], E is
$\sigma $
-stable for any
$\sigma \in {\mathrm {L}}_{(o, \pi _v)} \cap V(X) $
. Choose
${\sigma _1 \in {\mathrm {L}}_{ ( o, \pi _v)}}$
sufficiently close to o. We have

as in Figure 6. Note that for any line
$\mathrm {L}$
passing through
$\pi _E$
, the intersection
${\mathbf {P}}_{o\sigma _v\sigma _1}\setminus \{o\} \cap \mathrm {L}$
is connected. By our assumption 4.1, v admits no wall in
${\mathrm {L}}_{(o,\sigma _v]}$
. This implies it also admits no wall in
${\mathbf {P}}_{o\sigma _v\sigma _1}\setminus \{o\}$
. Hence, E is
$\sigma _v$
-stable as E is
$\sigma _1$
-stable. Similarly, we have
is also
$\sigma _v$
-stable by using the assumption (iii). As in the proof of Proposition 2.2, E and
are of the same
$\sigma _v$
-phase since
$\sigma _v \in {\mathrm {L}}_{\pi _{E},\pi _{E(-C)}} $
. Hence, the restriction
$\sigma _v$
-semistable with E and
as its JH-factors.

Figure 6 Any point in the colored region is a stability condition.
Secondly, we show that
is slope stable. By using [Reference Feyzbakhsh11, Lemma 2.13 (b)], we are reduced to prove
$\sigma $
-stable for some
$\sigma \in {\mathrm {L}}_{ (o,\sigma _v)} $
. Moreover, due to [Reference Feyzbakhsh11, Lemma 2.13 (a)],
is semistable for any stability condition lying in a line segment
$ {\mathrm {L}}_{( o,a)}\subseteq {\mathrm {L}}_{( o,\sigma _v)} $
. Suppose that
is strictly semistable for all stability conditions in
${\mathrm {L}}_{(o,a)} $
. Then for any
$\sigma _0 \in {\mathrm {L}}_{(o, a)}$
and any destabilising sequence

such that
$\sigma _{0}$
-semistable with the same
$\sigma _0$
-phase as
, we have
${\pi _{F_1}=\pi _{i_*(E|_C)}}$
. This gives
$\phi _{\sigma _v}(F_{1})=\phi _{\sigma _v}(i_\ast (E|_C))$
, which implies that
$\sigma _v$
-semistable. However, this contradicts to the uniqueness of JH-factors of
$i_\ast (E|_C)$
with respect to
$\sigma _v$
. Thus,
$\sigma $
-stable for some
$\sigma \in {\mathrm {L}}_{(o,a)}$
Next, we show that
$h^0(C, E|_C)=h^0(X,E)\geq r+s$
. Let us consider the long exact sequence of cohomology induced by (4.1)

$\mu _H$
-stable and
$ \mu _H (E(-C))<0$
, we have

Then we choose
$\sigma _2 \in {\mathrm {L}}_{(\pi _{v(-m)} , o)}$
sufficiently close to o and
$\sigma _3 \in {\mathrm {L}}_{(\pi _{v(-m)} , o')}$
sufficiently close to
so that
${\mathbf {P}}_{o\sigma _2\sigma _3o'} \setminus \left \{ o,o' \right \} \subseteq \Gamma $
; see Figure 6. As shown above,
$\sigma $
-stable for any
$\sigma \in {\mathbf {P}}_{o\sigma _2\sigma _3 o'} \setminus \left \{ o,o' \right \} $
. In particular,
$\sigma _3$
-stable. According to [Reference Feyzbakhsh11, Lemma 2.15], we have

${\mathcal {O}}_X$
is also
$\sigma _v$
-stable. Note that
$\pi _{{\mathcal {O}}_X} = o'$
. By Proposition 3.1 and Proposition 2.2, we know that
${\mathcal {O}}_X$
$\sigma _3$
-stable and
$\phi _{\sigma _3}(E(-C))=\phi _{\sigma _3}({\mathcal {O}}_X)$
. Then we have

$\mathcal {A} = \operatorname {\mathrm {Coh}}^{\beta (\sigma _3)}(X)$
. Therefore, we get an isomorphism
. By Serre duality and the stability of E, we have
${\mathrm {H}}^2(X,E) \cong \operatorname {\mathrm {Hom}}_X(E,\omega _X) \cong \operatorname {\mathrm {Hom}}_X(E,{\mathcal {O}}_X) =0 $
. It follows that

This proves our claim.
In the end, the uniqueness of E follows from the fact that the JH factors of
are unique with respect to
$\sigma _v$

Figure 7
$\pi _\delta $
in the interior of
$\mathbf {P}^\circ _{o\pi _v\infty }$
(colored area).
A numerical criterion
As in [Reference Feyzbakhsh11], we would like to find a purely numerical condition for Theorem 4.1 to hold. An elementary result is
Lemma 4.2. Let
${\mathbf {P}}_{o\pi _v \infty }$
be the trapezoidal region bounded by
${\mathrm {L}}_{[o,\pi _v]}$
, the (positive) half x-axis
${\mathrm {L}}_{[o,\infty )}$
and the vertical ray
${\mathrm {L}}_{[\pi _v,\infty )}$
in Figure 7. Then v admits no wall in
${\mathbf {P}}_{o\pi _v \infty } \cap \Gamma $
if one of the following conditions holds
$v^2=0 \,$ and
$\, r/\gcd (r,c) \leq g-1$ .
$ s=\lfloor \frac {(g-1)c^2+1}{r} \rfloor $ and
$\, g-1 \geq \max \{ \frac {r^2}{c}, r+1\}.$
Proof. (i). By Proposition 3.1, it will be sufficient to show that

Due to the explicit description of
in (2.1), this is equivalent to showing that there is no projection of root lying in
$\mathbf {P}^\circ _{o\pi _v\infty }$
. Suppose there exists a root
$\delta =(r',c',s')\in \mathrm {R}(X)$
$\pi _\delta \in \mathbf {P}^\circ _{o\pi _v\infty }$
. Then we have

see Figure 7. Note that
$2r's'=(c')^2(2g-2) +2$
, one can plug into (4.3) to get

which is not possible.
(ii). According to Proposition 3.4, we just need to show that
$ \Omega ^+_{v}(\sigma )\cap {\mathrm {H}}_{\text {alg}}^{*}(X) =\emptyset $
for any
$\sigma \in {\mathbf {P}}_{o\pi _v \infty } \cap \Gamma $
. Suppose there is an integer point
$(x,y,z)\in \Omega ^+_v( \sigma _0) $
for some
$\sigma _0\in {\mathbf {P}}_{o\pi _v \infty } $
. By the construction of
$\Omega ^+_{v}({\mathbf {P}}_{o\pi _v \infty } \cap \Gamma )$
, we have
$0<y\leq c$
and the point
is lying in the interior of the triangle
${\mathbf {P}}_{u_1 u_2 u_3}$
with vertices

$ y^2(g-1)+1\geq xz$
$z\geq \frac {sy}{c}$
, one has

Note that
$c^2(g-1)-\frac {v^2}{2}=rs$
, the condition
$s=\lfloor \frac {(g-1)c^2+1}{r} \rfloor $
is equivalent to
$r>\frac {v^2}{2}+1$
. Then we have

Here, the last inequality follows from our assumption
$g-1\geq \max \{\frac {r^2}{c},r+1\}$
. This means
$0<x-\frac {ry}{c}<\frac {1}{c}$
which contradicts to the fact x is an integer.
Injectivity condition
Let us summarise our numerical criterion in short. We may say
$v=(r,c,s)\in {\mathrm {H}}_{\text {alg}}^{*}(X)$
satisfying the injectivity condition
if the following inequalities holds


Then we have
Corollary 4.3. The restriction map
$\psi : \mathbf {M}(v)\to {\mathbf {BN}}_C(v)$
is an injective morphism with stable image if v satisfies the condition:
Proof. The condition
$\pi _v$
lies in the first quadrant while
$\pi _{v(-m)}$
lies in the second quadrant, and the condition
$\sigma _v$
is below
. The assertion then follows from the direct computation that
${\mathrm {L}}_{(o,\sigma _v]} \subseteq {\pmb {\triangle }}_{\pi _w}({\mathrm {L}}_{[o, o']}) \cap \Gamma \subseteq {\mathbf {P}}_{o\pi _w \infty } \cap \Gamma $
$w = v$
5 Surjectivity of the restriction map
Throughout this section, we let
$v=(r,c,s)\in {\mathrm {H}}_{\text {alg}}^{*}(X)$
be a positive vector satisfying the injectivity condition (✶). Due to Corollary 4.3, the restriction map

is an injective morphism with stable image. Following the ideas in [Reference Feyzbakhsh11, Reference Feyzbakhsh13], we give sufficient conditions such that
$\psi $
is surjective.
The first wall
As in [Reference Feyzbakhsh11], we first describe the wall that bounds the Gieseker chamber of
$i_\ast F$
${F\in {\mathbf {BN}}_C(v)}$
. The following result is an extension of [Reference Feyzbakhsh11, Proposition 4.2].
Theorem 5.1. For any
$F\in {\mathbf {BN}}_C(v)$
, the wall that bounds the Gieseker chamber of
is not below the line
${\mathrm {L}}_{\pi _v, \pi _{v(-m)}}$
, and they coincide if and only if
for some
$E\in \mathbf {M}(v)$
Proof. The argument is essentially the same as the primitive case proved in [Reference Feyzbakhsh11, Proposition 4.2]. Here, we provide the details for completeness.
We first show that for any v satisfying Equation (✶−1), if both v and
admit no wall in
$(o, \sigma _v ]$
, then so does

${\mathcal {W}}_{i_*F}$
be the first wall, and let
$\sigma _{\alpha ',0}\in {\mathcal {W}}_{i_*F} $
be a stability condition. Suppose
${\mathcal {W}}_{i_\ast F}$
is below or on the line
${\mathrm {L}}_{\pi _v, \pi _{v(-m)}}$
. Then for any destabilising sequence

$\operatorname {\mathrm {Coh}}^{\beta =0}(X)$
such that
$\sigma _{\alpha ',0}$
-semistable, and

Taking the cohomology of Equation (5.1) gives a long exact sequence of sheaves

, then we have
by Equation (5.2). Let T be the maximal torsion subsheaf of
, and we can write
$v(T)=(0, \hat c, \hat s)$
for some
$\hat c, \hat s\in \mathbb {Z}$
. Consider the inclusions
$T \hookrightarrow F_1 \hookrightarrow i_*F$
and take the cohomology, one can get

$\operatorname {{\mathrm {H}}}^{-1}(\operatorname {\mathrm {cok}})$
is torsion-free, it must be zero. It follows that T is a subsheaf of
$\operatorname {\mathrm {rk}} (i^* T)= \frac {\hat c}{m}$
. If we let
$v({\mathrm {H}}^0(F_2))=(0,c",s")$
, by restricting (5.3) to the curve C, one can get

In other words,

Using Lemma 5.2 below, we can take the destabilising sequence (5.1) satisfying

This gives

Combining Equations (5.4) and (5.6), we get
$mr-c"-\hat {c}= mr'$
, thus

and both
$ \operatorname {{\mathrm {H}}}^{-1}(F_2)$
$\mu _H$
-semistable. Since
$\gcd (r,c)=1$
does not contain any skyscraper sheaf, we have
$\hat {c}= c" =0$
$\hat {s}=0$
. This shows
$T =0$
, and hence
$v(F_1)=(r, c, s')$
. Note that by our assumption, we have
$\pi _{v(F_1)}\in {\mathrm {L}}_{(o,\pi _v)}$
, which means
$s \leq s'$
. If
; however, as
$v^2 < 2r-2$
by Equation (✶-1), this gives

which contradicts to the fact that
$\mu _H$
-stable. This forces
${\mathcal {W}}_{i_\ast \mathcal {F}}\subseteq {\mathrm {L}}_{\pi _v,\pi _{v(-m)}}$
In the case that
${\mathcal {W}}_{i_\ast \mathcal {F}}\subseteq {\mathrm {L}}_{\pi _v,\pi _{v(-m)}}$
, we have

is a stable sheaf. Note that the map
$d_0:F_1 \rightarrow i_* F$
factors through
$d_0'\colon i_* (F_1|_C) \to i_*F$
$\mu _H(i_* (F_1|_C))=\mu _H(i_\ast F)$
. Applying Theorem 4.1 to
, we know that
is stable as well. It follows that
is an isomorphism.
Lemma 5.2. With notations and assumptions as above, one can find a destabilising sequence (5.1) such that

Proof. Denote
$\sigma _1 = {\mathcal {W}}_{i_*F} \cap {\mathrm {L}}_{(o,\sigma _v]}$
. By Remark 3.3, we can take the destabilising sequence

$v(F_1) \in \Omega ^+_{v|_C}(\sigma _1) \subseteq \Omega ^+_{v|_C} ({\mathrm {L}}_{( o, \sigma _v]})$
$v(F_2) \in \Omega ^-_{v|_C}(\sigma _1) \subseteq \Omega ^-_{v|_C} ({\mathrm {L}}_{( o, \sigma _v]})$
. We divide the proof into three steps.
Step 1
We show that for any point
$u^2 \geq -2$
, u is lying in
$\Omega _{v}^+({\mathrm {L}}_{(o,\sigma _v]})$
$x_0\leq r$
$z_0\leq s$
, and
$\pi _u\in \mathbf {P}^\circ _{o\sigma _v\pi _v}$
. By its definition, we know that
$u\in \Omega _v^+({\mathrm {L}}_{(o,\sigma _v]})$

for some
$\sigma \in {\mathrm {L}}_{(o,\sigma _v]}$
$\pi _u=(\frac {x_0}{z_0}, \frac {y_0}{z_0})$
is lying in the interior of the triangle
${\mathbf {P}}_{o\sigma _v\pi _v}$
, we have

The line
${\mathrm {L}}_{\pi _u, \pi _v}$
will meet the open edge
${\mathrm {L}}_{(o,\sigma _v)}$
. Denote by
$\sigma $
the intersection point
${\mathrm {L}}_{(o,\sigma _v]}\cap {\mathrm {L}}^+_{\pi _v,\pi _u}$
. From the construction, we know that u is coplanar to v,
$v_\sigma ^+$
and O. Indeed, it is lying in the planar cone bounded by the two rays
${\mathrm {L}}^+_{O,v}$
${\mathrm {L}}^+_{O, v^+_{\sigma }}$
. The condition
$ x_0 \leq r$
$z_0 \leq s$
will ensure that
$u\in \mathbf {P}^\circ _{Ov v_{\sigma }^+}$
Moreover, when
$x_0\leq r, z_0\geq s$
$x_0\geq r, z_0\leq s$
, we have
$(u-v)^2\geq (g-1)(y_0-c)^2>0$
. When
$x_0\leq r$
$z_0\leq s$
, then we have

by Equation (5.9).
Step 2
$v(F_1)=(r',c', s')$
$v(F_2)=(-r', mr-c', s-\tilde s-s')$
$0<c'<m r$
$ r'>0$
. We claim that

Firstly, we must have either
$r'\leq r$
$s'\leq s$
. Otherwise, one will have


Both of them are impossible as
$v(F_1)\in \Omega _{v|_C}^+({\mathrm {L}}_{(o,\sigma _v]})$
Now, suppose
$\mu _H(F_1) < \frac {c}{r}$
. Then we have
$v(F_1)\in \mathbf {P}^\circ _{o \sigma _v \pi _v} $
$\phi _{\sigma _v}(F_1) \geq \phi _{\sigma _v}(v)$
. According to Step 1, we get

which contradicts to the assumption
$\Omega _{v}^+ ({\mathrm {L}}_{(o, \sigma _v]})\cap {\mathrm {H}}_{\text {alg}}^{*}(X)=\emptyset $
. Similarly, we have
$\mu _H(F_2) \leq \frac {c-mr}{r} $
as there is no integer point in
$\Omega _{v(-m)}^+({\mathrm {L}}_{(o,\sigma _v]})$
. This proves the claim. As a consequence, we get

which implies
$r'\leq r$
Step 3
$(F_1)_{\min }$
be the last
$\mu _H$
-HN factor of
, hence also of
. According to [Reference Bridgeland4, Proposition 14.2], for
$\sigma $
sufficiently close to o, we always have
$(F_1)_{\min }$ is
$\sigma $ -semistable,
$v(G)$ is proportional to
$v((F_1)_{\min })$ for any
$\sigma $ -stable factor G of
$(F_1)_{\min }$ .
$(F_1)_{\min } $
is a quotient sheaf of
, it is also a quotient of
$\operatorname {\mathrm {Coh}}^{\beta =0}(X)$
. Since
$\sigma _1$
-semistable, we have

Combined with the fact
$\mu _H (F_1) \geq \mu _H((F_1)_{\min })$
, we have
$\pi _{G} = \pi _{(F_1)_{\min } } \in {\mathbf {P}}_{o\sigma _1 \pi _{F_1}}$
. As the triangle
${\mathbf {P}}_{o\sigma _1 \pi _{F_1} }$
is lying below the ray
${\mathrm {L}}^+_{\sigma _v,\pi _v}$
, we get
$\pi _G \in {\mathbf {P}}_{o\sigma _v \pi _v}^\circ $
$\mu _H(G) < \frac {c}{r}$
. Note that
$\operatorname {\mathrm {rk}}(G)\leq \operatorname {\mathrm {rk}}(F_1)=r$
. We must have
$\mu _H(G)\geq \frac {c}{r}$
otherwise one will get
$\pi _G\in \Omega _v^+({\mathrm {L}}_{(o,\sigma _v]})$
by the same argument in Step 2. It follows that

A similar argument shows
$\mu _H^+({\mathrm {H}}^{-1}(F_2)) \leq \frac {c-mr}{r}$
. This finishes the proof.
$\sigma _{\alpha ,0}$
be a stability condition with
$\alpha $
close to
$\sqrt {2/H^2}$
. By [Reference Feyzbakhsh11, Proposition 3.4], for fixed E, the HN filtration of
$\sigma _{\alpha ,0}$
will stay the same for
$\sqrt {2/H^2}+\epsilon>\alpha >\sqrt {2/H^2}$
. Denote by
$\overline \sigma $
the limit of
$\sigma _{\alpha , 0}$
. The ‘stability function’ can be written as

. Let
${\mathbf {P}}_{i_*F}$
be the HN polygon (Here, our definition of HN polygon is slightly different from [Reference Feyzbakhsh11, Definition 3.3]. We drop off the part on the right-hand side of the line segment
${\mathrm {L}}_{[0,\overline {Z}(i_*F)]}$
) for
with respect to
$\overline \sigma $
. For
$E\in \mathbf {M}(v)$
, we have
${\mathbf {P}}_{i_*(E|_C)}={\mathbf {P}}_{0z_1z_2}$
, where

As the polygon
${\mathbf {P}}_{i_\ast (E|_C)}$
only depends on v, we may simply write it as
${\mathbf {P}}_v$
Theorem 5.3. For any
$F\in {\mathbf {BN}}_C(v)$
, we have
${\mathbf {P}}_{i_*F} \subseteq {\mathbf {P}}_v$
. Moreover, they coincide if and only if
for some
$E\in \mathbf {M}(v)$
Proof. When
, this is essentially proved in [Reference Feyzbakhsh11, Lemma 4.3]. Let us give a slightly different argument which also works for
. Suppose the HN-filtration of
$\bar {\sigma }=(\operatorname {\mathrm {Coh}}^{\beta =0}(X), \overline {Z})$
is given by

with the semistable HN-factors. To show
${\mathbf {P}}_{i_\ast F}\subseteq {\mathbf {P}}_v$
, it suffices to show that

(see Figure 8b) since
$ {\mathbf {P}}_{i_*F}$
is convex. According to the proof of Proposition 2.2, for any object in
$\operatorname {\mathrm {Coh}}^0(X) $
, the angle
$\phi _{\bar {\sigma }}$
in Figure 8b is an increasing function of the angle
$\theta _{o'}$
in Figure 8a. (They are actually equal in this case, as
$\cot \theta _{o'} = \frac {y-1}{x}=\frac {r-s}{c}=\frac {\operatorname {{\mathrm {Re}}} \overline Z}{\operatorname {{\mathrm {Im}}} \overline Z} = \cot \phi _{\bar {\sigma }}$
). Therefore, it is equivalent to show

in Figure 8a.

Figure 8 The angle
$\theta _{o'}$
is equal to the angle
$\phi _{\bar {\sigma }}$
To prove Equation (5.13), consider the sequence

for each
$\widetilde {E}_n$
. Since the first wall is not below
${\mathrm {L}}_{\pi _{i_* F}, \pi _v}$
, we have
$\phi _{\sigma _v}(\widetilde {E}_n)\leq \phi _{\sigma _v}(i_*F)$
. As
$\phi _{\bar \sigma }(\widetilde {E}_n) \geq \phi _{\bar \sigma }(i_*F)$
, there exists some stability condition
$\sigma \in {\mathrm {L}}_{(o', \sigma _v]}$
such that the objects in Equation (5.14) have the same
$\sigma $
-phase. As a consequence, we have

, and set
$v(E_1) = (r',c',s')$
. We claim that
$\pi _{E_1} \notin {\mathbf {P}}_{o' \pi _v \sigma _v} \setminus \left \{ \pi _v \right \} $
which yields
$ \theta _{o'}(\pi _{E_1}) \leq \theta _{o'}(\pi _v)$
. This can be proved by cases as follows:
Case (1) If
$v^2 =0$ ,
$\pi _{E_1} \notin {\mathbf {P}}_{o' \pi _v \sigma _v}\setminus \{ \pi _v\}$ automatically holds. This is because
${\mathbf {P}}_{o' \pi _v \sigma _v}\setminus \{ \pi _v,o'\} \subseteq V(X)$ and Equation (2.2).
Case (2) If
$v^2>0$ and
$r' \leq r$ or
$s' \leq s$ , as
$E_1$ is
$\bar {\sigma }$ -semistable, we may assume
$v(E_1)^2 \geq -2$ otherwise we may replace
$E_1$ by its first JH-factor. According to Step 1 in Lemma 5.2, we have
$$ \begin{align*}v(E_1) \in \Omega_v^+({\mathrm{L}}_{(o,\,o')})\end{align*} $$
$\Omega _v^+({\mathrm {L}}_{(o,\,o')})\cap {\mathrm {H}}_{\text {alg}}^{*}(X)=\emptyset $ .
Case (3) If
$r'> r$ and
$s'>s$ , we claim that
$r' < r+1$ . Choose a stability condition
$\sigma \in {\mathrm {L}}_{[\sigma _v, o')}$ such that
$\phi _{\sigma }(i_*F) = \phi _{\sigma }(E_1)$ . Then
$v(E_1)\notin \{ O, v|_c\}$ is lying in the triangle
${\mathbf {P}}_{Ov|_c (v|_c)^+_{\sigma }}$ . This means we have
$0< c' < mr$ and
$$\begin{align*}g(c')^2 - r's' \geq 0, \quad g(c'-mr)^2 -r'(s'+(g-1)m(mr-2c)) \geq 0. \end{align*}$$
After reduction, we know that
$r'<r+1$ as
$g c^2 -(r+1)s \leq 0 $ and
$ g (c-mr)^2 -(r+1)\tilde {s} \leq 0$ by (✶-2).
Similarly, take
and use the
$\bar {\sigma }$
-semistability of
$\operatorname {\mathrm {cok}}(f_{l-1})=E_l$
, one can prove the second inequality of Equation (5.13).
Finally, if
${\mathbf {P}}_{i_*F} = {\mathbf {P}}_v$
, the first wall will coincide with the line
${\mathrm {L}}_{\pi _{v(-m)},\pi _v}$
and the last assertion follows from Theorem 5.1.
Remark 5.4. The discussion above can be much more simplified if the following is true: For any
$\sigma $
on a wall of
, there exists a JH-filtration of
which is convex (i.e., the polygon with vertices
$v(\widetilde E_i)$
is convex in the plane of
${\mathbf {P}}_{O v v^+_\sigma }$
Now, we provide a numerical criterion for verifying
${\mathbf {P}}_v={\mathbf {P}}_{i_\ast F}$
via Euclidean geometry. The key ingredient is the upper bound on the number of global sections of an object
$E\in \mathrm {D}^b(X)$
established by Feyzbakhsh in [Reference Feyzbakhsh11, Reference Feyzbakhsh13]. Recall that for any
$x,y \in \mathbb {Z}$
, there is a function

and one can define , where
’s are the
$\overline {\sigma }$
-semistable factors of E. Moreover, we have a metric function given by

and we set . Clearly, one has
$\|E\| \geq \ell (E)$
once the y-coordinates are nonzero.
Proposition 5.5 [Reference Feyzbakhsh13, Proposition 3.3 and Remark 3.4].
$E\in \operatorname {\mathrm {Coh}}^0(X)$
which has no subobject
$F\subseteq E$
$\operatorname {\mathrm {Coh}}^0(X)$
, we have

’s are semistable factors with respect to
$\overline \sigma $
. In particular,

Following [Reference Feyzbakhsh11], we can give a criterion for the surjectivity of
$\psi $
Theorem 5.6. With the notation as in §5.2: Let
$z_1^{+1}=r-s+1+c\sqrt {-1}$
$z^{\prime }_1=r-s-\frac {r-s}{c}+(c-1)\sqrt {-1}$
$z^{\prime }_2=r-s-\frac {r-\gamma ^2s}{\gamma c}+(c+1)\sqrt {-1}$
, where
$\gamma =\frac {mr}{c}-1$
. Assume that
$\frac {s-r}{c}+\frac {s-r-\chi }{m r-c}\geq 2$
$ \|z_1- z^{\prime }_1\|-\|z^{\prime }_1 -z_1^{+1}\|+ \|z_1 -z^{\prime }_2\|-\|z^{\prime }_2 -z_1^{+1}\|\geq \frac {2c^2}{r+s}+\frac {2(mr-c)^2}{r+s-\chi }, $
$\chi =\chi (i_\ast F) = m(g-1)(2c-mr)$
. Then the restriction map
$\psi $
will be surjective.
Proof. Suppose we have
${\mathbf {P}}_v\neq {\mathbf {P}}_{i_\ast F}$
for some
$F\in {\mathbf {BN}}_C(v)$
. By Proposition 5.5 and the convexity, we have

$ \hbar =\sqrt {(r+s-\chi )^2+4(mr-c)^2}+ \sqrt {(r+s)^2+4c^2}.$
Then we get

However, note that the polygon
${\mathbf {P}}_{0z^{\prime }_1z_1^{+1}z_2'z_2}$
is convex under the assumption (i), we have

Combined with assumption (ii), we get

which contradicts Equation (5.18). This proves the assertion.
Surjectivity condition
As an application, we get an explicit criterion for
$\psi $
being surjective for
$v^2\geq 0$
Corollary 5.7. The restriction map
$\psi :\mathbf {M}(v)\to {\mathbf {BN}}_C(v)$
is bijective if we further have the inequality

We may call it a surjectivity condition.
Proof. As
$r>1+\frac {v^2}{2}$
, we have

This gives

. Moreover, one can compute that

It follows that

$\|z_1 -z^{\prime }_2\|-\|z^{\prime }_2- z_1^{+1}\| = \sqrt {(\frac {s-r-\chi }{mr-c})^2+4g} - \sqrt {(\frac {s-r-\chi }{mr-c}-1)^2+4g} \geq 0$
. The assertion can be concluded from Theorem 5.6.
Remark 5.8. For g sufficiently large, it is not hard to find Mukai vectors satisfying the conditions in Theorem 5.6. For instance, when
, the Mukai vectors given in [Reference Feyzbakhsh11] and [Reference Feyzbakhsh13] will automatically satisfy the conditions for any
$m\geq 1$
. However, when g is small, it becomes impossible to find such Mukai vectors.
6 Surjectivity for special Mukai vectors
According to Remark 5.8, Theorem 5.6 does not work well for small g. In this section, we develop a way to improve the estimate in §5 for special Mukai vectors of square zero. Let us first introduce the sharpness of the polygon
${\mathbf {P}}_v$
Definition 6.1. Denote by
the point
$r-s+d+c\sqrt {-1}$
. Let
$z_1', z_2'$
be the points as in the Theorem 5.6. We say the polygon
${\mathbf {P}}_v$
is d-sharp if for any
${\mathbf {P}}_{i_*F}\neq {\mathbf {P}}_v$
, one of the following is true:
${\mathbf {P}}_{i_*F}$ is contained in the polygon
${\mathbf {P}}_{0z^{\prime }_1z_1^{+d} z_2' z_2}$ .
$z_1^{+j}$ is a vertex of
${\mathbf {P}}_{i_*F}$ for some
$1 \leq j \leq d-1$ .
There is a simple numerical criterion for the d-sharpness of
${\mathbf {P}}_v$
Lemma 6.2. With the notations as before, suppose that

$\gamma =\frac {mr}{c}-1$
, the polygon
${\mathbf {P}}_{v}$
will be d-sharp.
Proof. From the definition of two polygons, one observes that the interior of
${{\mathbf {P}}_{v}-{\mathbf {P}}_{0z^{\prime }_1z_1^{+d} z_2' z_2}}$
only contains
$z_1^{+j} ~ (1\leq j\leq d-1)$
as integer points. If
${\mathbf {P}}_{0z^{\prime }_1z_1^{+d} z_2' z_2}$
is convex, then either
${\mathbf {P}}_{i_\ast F}$
is contained in
${\mathbf {P}}_{0z^{\prime }_1z_1^{+d} z_2' z_2}$
is a vertex of
${\mathbf {P}}_{i_\ast F}$
. A little writing reveals the convexity of this polygon literally means Equation (6.1).
Surjectivity condition for special Mukai vectors
The following is an enhancement of Theorem 5.6 for special Mukai vectors.
Theorem 6.3. Suppose
$g\geq 3$
. Let
$v=(g-1,k,k^2)\in {\mathrm {H}}_{\operatorname {\mathrm {alg}}}^\ast (X)$
be a primitive Mukai vector with
$\gcd (g-1,k)=1$
. Assume that
satisfies the conditions

Then the restriction map
$\psi :\mathbf {M}(v)\to {\mathbf {BN}}_C(v)$
is surjective.
Proof. By Lemma 6.2, if there is
${\mathbf {P}}_{i_\ast F}\neq {\mathbf {P}}_v$
for some F, the polygon
${\mathbf {P}}_{v}$
will be at least
-sharp. Therefore, one of the following is true:
${\mathbf {P}}_{i_*F}$ is contained in the polygon
${\mathbf {P}}_{0z^{\prime }_1z_1^{+3} z_2' z_2}$ .
$z_1^{+1}=g-k^2+k\sqrt {-1}$ is a vertex of
${\mathbf {P}}_{i_*F}$
$z_1^{+2}=g+1-k^2+k\sqrt {-1}$ is a vertex of
${\mathbf {P}}_{i_*F}$
We will analyse them by cases. Let us first show that case (i) is impossible if
$(g,k,m)\neq (5,3,3)$
. By Equation (5.18), it suffices to show that

${\mathbf {P}}_{i_*F}\subseteq {\mathbf {P}}_{0z^{\prime }_1z_1^{+3} z_2' z_2}$
. Set
$\tilde {k} = m(g-1)-k$
. As in the proof of Theorem 5.6, from the convexity and a direct computation, one can get

$(g,k,m)\notin \Big \{(5,3,m), (6,4,3), (8,5,2)\Big \}$
satisfies our assumption.
In the case
$(g, k,m)=(6,4,3)$
$m\geq 4$
, though the inequality (6.3) fails, one can give an improvement of the estimate (6.3) by considering the convex hull of integer points in
${\mathbf {P}}_{0z_1'z_1^{+3}z_2'z_2}$
. In those cases, the convex hull is a convex polygon with vertices
$z_1, z_1^{+3}, z_1', z_2'$
, where
is given as below:
$(g, k,m)=(5,3,m)$ ,
$z_3=-3+2\sqrt {-1}$ ;
$(g, k,m)=(6,4,3)$ ,
$z_3=-8+3\sqrt {-1}$ ;
$(g, k,m)=(8,5,2)$ ,
$z_3=-14+4\sqrt {-1}$ .
Then one can get

A computer calculation of their values shows that Equation (6.2) still holds.
In case (ii) and (iii), if
is a vertex of
${\mathbf {P}}_{i_*F}$
, there exists
$\widetilde {E}_j \subset i_*F$
in the HN-filtration (5.11) such that
$\overline Z(\widetilde {E}_j)=z_1^{+1}$
). Then we have

For simplicity, we may use
$\frac {\hbar _1}{2}$
$\frac {\hbar _2}{2}$
to denote the first two terms in the second row. As
$h^0(X,i_\ast F)\geq g-1+k^2$
, following the argument in Theorem 5.6, it suffices to prove the inequality

or equivalently,

For case ii), a direct computation shows

Let us explain why the inequality (6.6) holds. Note that
$\overline {Z}(E_1)=x+y\sqrt {-1}$

Then we have
$-x< ky$
$y \nmid x$
by our assumption
$g-1\neq k$
$g\neq k$
, and
. This will give

The inequality (6.8) holds because

$k\geq \frac {g+1}{2}\geq 2$
. Note that
$ \|z_1^{+1}\|-\hbar _1=k^2+g- 2\sum \limits _{i\leq j} \left \lfloor \frac {l (E_i)+\chi (E_i)}{2}\right \rfloor -\sum \limits _{i\leq j} \chi (E_i)$
is an even number, this yields
$ \|z_1^{+1}\|-\hbar _1 \geq 2.$
Next, recall that
$\widetilde {E}_l=i_\ast F$
in the HN filtration (5.11), we can get

$\tilde {k}>\frac {g+1}{2}$
. Combining them together, we can obtain (6.5).
For case (iii), if
$k\nmid g+1$
, we have

Here, the inequality (6.10) holds because

Note that
$\|z_1^{+1}\|-\hbar _1$
is an odd number, this yields
$\|z_1^{+1}\|-\hbar _1 \geq 3$
. Similarly, one can get

under the assumption
$m(g-1)-k \nmid g+1 $
. Since both of them are at least positive under our assumption, we get Equation (6.5) as well. This finishes the proof for
$(g,k,m)\neq (5,3,3)$
For the remaining case
, we have to make use of the
-sharpness of
${\mathbf {P}}_v$
. We just need to verify
${\mathbf {P}}_{i_*F}$
is not contained in
${\mathbf {P}}_{0z^{\prime }_1z_1^{+4} z_2' z_2}$
$z_1^{+3}=-2+3\sqrt {-1}$
is not a vertex of
${\mathbf {P}}_{i_\ast F}$
. As above, by using the convex hull of integer points in
${\mathbf {P}}_{0z^{\prime }_1z_1^{+4} z_2' z_2}$
, we have

which show that
${\mathbf {P}}_{i_*F}$
cannot lie in
${\mathbf {P}}_{0z^{\prime }_1z_1^{+4} z_2' z_2}$
. Moreover, a similar estimate of
${\|E_1\|-\ell (E_1)}$
$\|E_l\|-\ell (E_l)$
in (ii) and (iii) shows that
is not a vertex of
${\mathbf {P}}_{i_\ast F}$
Remark 6.4. One can also directly check the small genera cases by running the computer program in [Reference Feyzbakhsh13, Section 4] .
7 Surjectivity of the tangent map
In this section, we adapt Feyzbakhsh’s approach to study the surjectivity of the tangent map and obtain a sufficient condition for
$\psi $
being an isomorphism.
Theorem 7.1. Let
$v=(r,c,s)\in {\mathrm {H}}_{\text {alg}}^{*}(X)$
be a Mukai vector satisfying the injectivity condition (✶). The morphism

is an isomorphism whenever the following conditions hold
$\psi $ is surjective;
$h^0(X,E) = r+s$ for any
$E \in \mathbf {M}(v)$ ;
(iii) there exists
$\sigma \in {\mathrm {L}}_{(\pi _{v(-m)},\pi _{v_K})}\cap V(X)$ such that
(7.1)where$$ \begin{align} \Omega^+_{v(-m)}({\mathrm{L}}_{(o,\sigma]}) \cap {\mathrm{H}}_{\text{alg}}^{*}(X) = \Omega^+_{v_K}({\mathrm{L}}_{(o,\sigma]}) \cap {\mathrm{H}}_{\text{alg}}^{*}(X)=\emptyset, \end{align} $$
$v_K = (s,-c,r)$ ;
$2s>v^2+2c^2$ , or
$2s>v^2+2$ and
$\gcd (c,s)=1$ .
Proof. As
$\psi $
is bijective, it suffices to show the tangent map
$\mathrm {d}\psi $
is surjective. The argument is similar as [Reference Feyzbakhsh11, §6]. For the convenience of readers, we sketch the proof as below. For any
$E\in \mathbf {M}(v)$
, the differential map
$\mathrm {d}\psi : T_{[E]} \mathbf {M}(v) \to T_{[E|_C]}{\mathbf {BN}}_C(v)$
can be identified as the map

$(E\to E[1])$
$(E|_C \to E|_C[1]) $
$\xi \colon E|_C\to E|_C[1]$
be a tangent vector in
$ T_{[E|_C]}{\mathbf {BN}}_C(v)$
. Then Feyzbakhsh has shown in [Reference Feyzbakhsh11, §6] that there exist morphisms
$\xi ' $
$\xi " $
such that the following commutative diagram holds

provided that

is the cone of the evaluation map
${\mathcal {O}}_X^{h^0(X,E)} \rightarrow E \rightarrow K_E$
$\text {D}^{\text {b}}(X)$
. Note that
$\mathrm {d}\psi (\xi ') = \xi $
, we are therefore reduced to check (7.2) holds for every E.
Note that
$v(K_E) = -v_K$
$\pi _{v_K} = \pi _{K_E}$
. We can choose the stability condition
${\sigma _1\in {\mathrm {L}}_{( \pi _{v_K}, o')}}$
sufficiently close to
$\sigma _2 \in {\mathrm {L}}_{(\pi _{K},o)} $
sufficiently close to o so that

see Figure 9. As in the proof of Theorem 4.1, we have
${\mathcal {O}}_X$
and E are
$\sigma _1$
-semistable of the same phase. Then as the quotient of E by
${\mathcal {O}}_X^{h^0(X,E)}$
is also
$\sigma _1$
-semistable of the same
$\sigma _1$
-phase. Note that Lemma 4.2 still holds if we exchange r and s in Mukai vector v. Then we get

is primitive, we have
$ \Omega _{v_K}({\mathbf {P}}_{o\pi _{v_K} \infty } \cap \Gamma ) \cap {\mathrm {H}}_{\text {alg}}^{*}(X) = \emptyset $
. By Proposition 3.4,
admits no strictly semistable stability conditions in
${\mathbf {P}}_{o\sigma _2 \sigma _1 o'}\setminus \{o,o'\}$
. Therefore,
is stable for any
$\tau \in {\mathbf {P}}_{o\sigma _2 \sigma _1 o'}\setminus \{o,o'\}$
. This implies that
$\sigma _{\alpha ,0}$
-stable for
$\alpha> \sqrt {\frac {2}{H^2}}$
. By [Reference Macrì and Schmidt15, Lemma 6.18], we have
$\operatorname {{\mathrm {H}}}^{-1}(K_E)$
is a
$\mu _H$
-semistable torsion-free sheaf and
$\operatorname {{\mathrm {H}}}^0(K_E) $
is a torsion sheaf supported in dimension zero. So we can set
$v(\operatorname {{\mathrm {H}}}^0(K_E)) = (0,0,a)$
$v(\operatorname {{\mathrm {H}}}^{-1}(K_E)) = (s,-c,r+a)$
for some
$a\geq 0$
. By [Reference Feyzbakhsh11, Lemma 3.1], we have

$\gcd (c,s)=1$
, we have
$\operatorname {{\mathrm {H}}}^{-1}(K_E)$
is slope stable and
$v(\operatorname {{\mathrm {H}}}^{-1}(K_E))^2\geq -2$
. Then by condition (iv), we have
$\operatorname {{\mathrm {H}}}^0(K_E)=0$
. So we obtain
$K_E =M[1]$
, where
$M = \operatorname {{\mathrm {H}}}^{-1}(K_E)$
is a
$\mu _H$
-semistable torsion-free sheaf.

Figure 9 Any point in the colored region is a stability condition.
$\Omega ^+_{v_K}({\mathrm {L}}_{(o,\sigma ]}) \cap {\mathrm {H}}_{\text {alg}}^{*}(X)=\emptyset ,$
admits no strictly semistable condition in
${\mathrm {L}}_{(o,\sigma ]}$
. It follows that M is
$\sigma $
-stable as it is
$\sigma _2$
-stable. Similarly, we have
is also
$\sigma $
-stable. Since M and
$\sigma $
-stable of the same phase, one must have
$\operatorname {\mathrm {Hom}}_X(M,E(-C)[1])=0$
. This proves the assertion.
Conditions for reconstructing K3 surfaces
As a first application, we obtain a numerical criterion for Mukai’s program of reconstructing K3 surfaces, that is, the case
Theorem 7.2. Assume
. Let
$v=(r,c,ck)\in {\mathrm {H}}_{\text {alg}}^{*}(X)$
be a primitive Mukai vector with
. Suppose it satisfies the condition

The restriction map
$\psi :\mathbf {M}(v)\to {\mathbf {BN}}_C(v)$
is an isomorphism if it is a surjective morphism.
Proof. Let us check that the conditions (ii)–(iv) in Theorem 7.1 are satisfied. By our assumption, we know that
$\gcd (r-s,c)=1$
. According to [Reference Feyzbakhsh13, Lemma 3.1], one has

which forces
$h^0(X,E)= r+s $
by Equation (4.2). This verifies the condition (ii).
For the condition (iv), note that we have
$s=\frac {c^2(g-1)}{r}\geq c^2$
where the equality holds when
$r= g-1$
. If
, the inequality in Equation (7.3) will be equality. By [Reference Feyzbakhsh11, lemma 3.1], we have
$c\mid (g-1)$
which is a contradiction. Thus, we only need to verify the condition (iii). By Remark 3.5, it suffices to show

To make the computation easier, we may consider the action of tensoring the invertible sheaf
${\mathcal {O}}_X(H)$
which sends the triangle
${\mathbf {P}}_{o \pi _{v_K} \pi _{v(-m)}}$
to the triangle
${\mathbf {P}}_{op_1p_2}$
, where
$p_1=\pi _{v_K(1)}$
$p_2=\pi _{v(1-m)}$
. Then it is equivalent to show there are no projection of roots in
${\mathbf {P}}_{op_1p_2}-\{\text {vertices}\}$
Firstly, we show that there is no projection of root on the two edges joining o. By definition, we have

Then two open edges
${\mathrm {L}}_{(o,p_1)}$
${\mathrm {L}}_{(o,p_2)}$
do not contain any projection of roots by Observation (B).
Next, since
$(m-1)r>\frac {ck}{(k-1)}>c$
, we know that
is lying in the first quadrant while projection
is lying in the second quadrant. So the region

is contained in the union of two trapezoidal regions
${\mathbf {P}}_{o p_1 \infty }^\circ $
${\mathbf {P}}_{o p_2\infty }^\circ $
and the x-axis. As
$\gcd (r,c)=1$
, we have an inclusion

from Lemma 4.2 (i). Moreover, if there is a root
$\delta =(r',c',s')\in \mathrm {R}(X)$
whose projection
$\pi _\delta $
is lying in
${\mathbf {P}}_{o p_1 \infty }^\circ $
, one can follow the computation in Lemma 4.2 to get inequalities

However, one can directly check that there are no such integers
satisfying Equation (7.4) under the assumption
$k\leq g-1$
$3<k\leq 3g-3$
It remains to show that
${\mathbf {P}}_{op_1p_2} \cap y\text {-axis}\subseteq V(X)$
. Note that

which is below
. It follows that
${\mathbf {P}}_{op_1p_2} \cap y\text {-axis}\subseteq {\mathrm {L}}_{(o, o')}\subseteq V(X)$
Conditions for reconstructing hyper-Kähler
Now, we reconstruct hyper-Kähler varieties as Brill–Noether locus for Mukai vectors given in Corollary 5.7.
Theorem 7.3. Assume
$v\in {\mathrm {H}}_{\text {alg}}^{*}(X)$
satisfying conditions (✶) and (✶✶). The restriction map
$\psi :\mathbf {M}(v)\to {\mathbf {BN}}_C(v)$
is an isomorphism.
Proof. By Corollary 5.7,
$\psi $
is a bijective morphism. We only need to verify the conditions (ii)–(iv) in Theorem 7.1. We will check them one by one.
(1) Let us first verify that
$h^0(X,E) =r+s$ for any
$E\in \mathbf {M}(v)$ . By [Reference Feyzbakhsh13, Proposition 3.1], it suffices to show that
(7.5)$$ \begin{align} \frac{\sqrt{(r-s)^2+ (2g+2)c^2}}{2} < \frac{r+s}{2} +1. \end{align} $$
After simplification, one can find that Equation (7.5) is equivalent to
$$\begin{align*}\frac{(g+1)c^2-1}{2r+2}-1 <s. \end{align*}$$
This holds when
$(g-1)c^2 -rs <r$ and
$g> 4r^2+1$ .
(2) For condition (ii), we claim that
$$ \begin{align*}{\mathrm{L}}_{(\pi_{v(-m)},\pi_{v_K})}\cap \Gamma \neq \emptyset,\end{align*} $$
${\mathrm {L}}_{(\pi _{v(-m)},\pi _{v_K})}\cap V(X)\neq \emptyset $ . Let us write
$v(-m)=(r, \tilde {c},\tilde {s} )$ and
$v_K=(s,-c,r)$ with
$\tilde {c}=c-mr$ and
$ \tilde s=\lfloor \frac {(g-1)\tilde c^2 +1}{r}\rfloor ~ $ . Then we only need to show that the quadratic equation
(7.6)has roots for$$ \begin{align} g((1-t)t\tilde{c}+t(-c))^2 = ((1-t)r+ t s)((1-t)\tilde{s}+ t r) \end{align} $$
$0<t<1$ . By calculating the discriminant of (7.6), we know it has a solution
$t_0$ satisfying
(7.7)$$ \begin{align} 0<t_0 < \frac{\tilde{c}^2 g -r\tilde{s}}{s\tilde{s}+r^2 +2\tilde c cg+2(\tilde c^2 g-r\tilde s)}<1. \end{align} $$
(3) Choose
$\sigma \in {\mathrm {L}}_{(\pi _{v(-m)}, \pi _{v_K})} \cap \Gamma $ . We first verify that
$$ \begin{align*}\Omega^+_{v(-m)}({\mathrm{L}}_{ (o,\sigma]}) \cap {\mathrm{H}}_{\text{alg}}^{*}(X)= \emptyset.\end{align*} $$
Suppose there is an integer point
$p_0=(x_0,y_0,z_0) \in \Omega ^+_{v(-m)}({\mathrm {L}}_{[ \sigma , o)})$ . By Lemma 7.4 below, we have
$$ \begin{align*}\tilde{c}-1 < y_0< 0.\end{align*} $$
Moreover, one may observe that
$p_0$ is lying in a (closed) planer region enclosed by the conic
$$ \begin{align*} Q= \left\{ y = y_0 ,\; (g-1)y^2+1= xz \right\} \end{align*} $$
$$ \begin{align*}L_1=\left\{y = y_0,\; z=\frac{y_0 \tilde s}{\tilde{c}} \right\};~ L_2 =\left\{ (1-t)\frac{y_0}{\tilde{c}}(r,\tilde{c},\tilde{s} )-\frac{ty_0}{c}(s,-c,r) ,t\in \mathbb{R} \right\}.\end{align*} $$
It has three vertices given by the intersection points
$L_1\cap L_2$ ,
$L_1\cap Q$ and
$L_2\cap Q$ . This yields
(7.8)where$$ \begin{align} \begin{aligned} \frac{y_0 r}{\tilde c} \leq x_0 \leq (1-t') \frac{y_0r}{\tilde c} -\frac{t'y_0 s}{c}, \end{aligned} \end{align} $$
$t'$ is the smaller root of the quadratic equation
$$ \begin{align*}(g-1)y_0^2+1= [(1-t) \frac{y_0r}{\tilde c} -\frac{ty_0 s}{c} ] [(1-t) \frac{y_0\tilde s}{\tilde c} -\frac{ty_0 r}{c}].\end{align*} $$
Solving the equation, one can get
(7.9)as$$ \begin{align} \begin{aligned} t' \leq 2 \frac{(g-1) y_0^2+1-\frac{r\tilde s y_0^2}{\tilde c^2}}{-\frac{\tilde c \tilde s s}{c} -2r\tilde s} \leq \frac{2c(y_0^2r+\tilde c^2)}{ (-\tilde c\tilde s s-2r c\tilde s)\tilde c^2} \end{aligned} \end{align} $$
$(g-1)\tilde c^2-r\tilde s< r$ . Plugging Equation (7.9) into (7.8), we get
$$ \begin{align*} \begin{aligned} 0< x_0 -\frac{y_0r}{\tilde c}&\leq \frac{2cy_0(y_0^2r+\tilde c^2)}{ (\tilde c\tilde s s+2r c\tilde s)\tilde c^2} (\frac{s\tilde c+rc}{c\tilde c}) \\&= (\frac{y_0}{\tilde c})(\frac{y_0^2r+\tilde c^2}{\tilde s\tilde c^2}) (\frac{s\tilde c+rc}{s\tilde c+2rc}) \\ &\leq \frac{3(r+1)}{\tilde s } \\ & < \frac{3r(r+1)}{(g-1)\tilde{c}^2-r} \\ &< -\frac{1}{\tilde c}, \end{aligned} \end{align*} $$
$g-1\geq 4r^2$ . This contradicts to
$x_0,y_0\in \mathbb {Z}$ . A similar computation shows that
$\Omega ^+_{v_K}({\mathrm {L}}_{(o, \sigma ]}) \cap {\mathrm {H}}_{\text {alg}}^{*}(X)=\emptyset $ as well.
(4) Condition (iv) holds since our assumption
$g>4r^2+1 $ ensures that
$$\begin{align*}2s> 2r-2 +2c^2 >v^2 + 2c^2.\\[-37pt] \end{align*}$$
Lemma 7.4. For any integer point
$(x_0,\ y_0,\ z_0) \in \Omega ^+_{v(-m)}({\mathrm {L}}_{(o,\sigma ]})$
in Theorem 7.3, we have

Proof. Set
$v_{t} = (1-t) v(-m) + t v_K$
. Let
$0<t_0<t_1<1 $
be the roots of Equation (7.6). We set

$\Omega ^+_{v(-m)}({\mathrm {L}}_{(o,\sigma ]})$
is contained in the tetrahedron
$ \mathbf {T}_{Ov(-m)\varpi w}$
with four vertices
$O, v(-m), w $
$\varpi = (r, \tilde {c}, \frac {g\tilde {c}^2}{r})$
. This gives
$y'<y_0<0 $
. Hence, we only need to estimate the lower bound of
$v_{t_0}=(r_{t_0},c_{t_0}, s_{t_0})$
, then we have
$w=\frac {y'}{c_{t_0}}v_{t_0}\in {\mathrm {L}}_{o,v_{t_0}}$
. Note that
$w - v(-m)\in {\mathrm {L}}_{O, \, v_{t_1}}$
is lying on the hyperboloid

Then one can see that
$y'<\tilde c-1$

that is,

Plugging the coordinates of
into Equation (7.11) and simplify all the terms, one can obtain a quadratic inequality of
and one can easily see that Equation (7.11) holds if

Using the upper bound of
given in Equation (7.7), we are reduced to check

After further simplification and reduction, the inequality above becomes

The right-hand side can be estimated as below

8 Proof of the main theorems
We now prove our main theorems by finding suitable Mukai vectors
$v\in {\mathrm {H}}_{\text {alg}}^{*}(X)$
satisfying the conditions in Theorem 7.2 and Theorem 7.3, respectively.
Proof of Theorem 1.1
As the case of
is already known, we may always assume
. There will be two cases:
(i) If
$(g,m)\neq (7,2)$ , we can choose the Mukai vector
$v=(g-1, k,k^2)$ with k given in the Table 1.
Table 1 Choices of Mukai vectors.
Note that when
$g\geq 8$ , we have
$$ \begin{align*}k=\min\left\{k_0~ |~k_0>\frac{g}{2},\gcd(g-1,k_0)=1\right\} < g-2.\end{align*} $$
By a direct computation, one can easily see that the values of k and m in Table 1 satisfy the special surjectivity condition (✶✶†) given in Theorem 6.3. This ensure the restriction map
$\psi :\mathbf {M}(v)\to {\mathbf {BN}}_C(v)$ is surjective. The assertion follows from Theorem 7.2 as it satisfies the condition (✶✶✶). Indeed, the only nontrivial condition one needs to check is
$$ \begin{align*}m>1+\frac{k^2}{(g-1)(k-1)}.\end{align*} $$
(ii) If
$(g,m)=(7,2)$ , Theorem 6.3 cannot be applied because primitive Mukai vectors of the form
$(6,k,k^2)$ do not satisfy the assumptions in Theorem 6.3. However, we can choose
$v=(2,1,3)$ , and the assertion can be concluded by the following result.
Proposition 8.1. Suppose
. The restriction map
$\psi :\mathbf {M}(2,1,3)\to {\mathbf {BN}}_C(2,1,3)$
is an isomorphism for any irreducible curve
$C\in |2H|$
Proof. Note that v satisfies the injectivity condition (✶),
$\psi $
is an injective morphism with stable image. It also satisfies the condition (✶✶✶). Due to Theorem 7.2, it suffices to show that
$\psi $
is surjective. The idea is to use Theorem 5.3. Suppose one has

for some
$F\in {\mathbf {BN}}_C(v)$
. A direct computation shows
${\mathbf {P}}_v$
is at least
-sharp. Then either
${\mathbf {P}}_{i_*F}$
lies inside the polygon
${\mathbf {P}}_{0 z_1^{+2} z^{\prime }_2 z_2}$
, or it has
as a vertex. For the first case, one has

which contradicts Equation (5.18). For the second case, it forces
$\overline Z(\widetilde {E}_1)=z_1^{+1}$
and hence

However, we have

which is impossible. It follows from Theorem 5.3 that
$\psi $
is surjective.
Proof of Theorem 1.2
By Corollary 5.7, for each
, we need to find a positive Mukai vectors
satisfying conditions (✶) and (✶✶), that is,

A key tool is
Lemma 8.2. For each n, there is an integer
such that for
, one can find a prime number p satisfying that
$n+1<p<\frac {\sqrt {g-1}}{2}$ and
$\gcd (p, 8(g-1)n)=1$ ,
(ii) the equation
$x^2\equiv (g-1)n\ \mod p$ has a solution.
Proof. The idea is to use the bound for prime character nonresidues. In [Reference Pollack19, Theorem 1.3], it has been proved that there exists an integer
with the property: if
$j> j_0$
$\chi $
is a quadratic character modulo j, there are at least
$\log (j)$
$\ell \leq \sqrt [3]{j}$
$\chi (\ell )= 1$
. Choose N to be the minimal integer satisfying
$8(N-1)n\geq j_0$ ,
• the
$\lfloor \log (8(N-1)n)\rfloor $ -th prime number
$>n+1$ ,
$\sqrt [3]{8(N-1)n}\leq \frac {\sqrt {N-1}}{2}$ .
Clearly, N only depends on n. For
, we write

are distinct primes. Let
$\chi _i$
be the character defined by

is odd and
$\chi _i(d)=(-1)^{\frac {d^2-1}{8}}$
. Consider the quadratic character

. As
$8(g-1)n>N\geq j_0$
, there exists a prime p such that
$\chi (p)=1$

Moreover, one can compute the Jacobi symbol

by the law of reciprocity. It follows that
$x^2=(g-1)n\ \mod p$
has a solution.
Due to Lemma 8.2, when
, we can find an odd prime p and an integer

is actually a solution of the equation of
$x^2\equiv (g-1)n\ \mod p$
. Choose the Mukai vector
$v=(p,c, \frac {c^2(g-1)-n}{p})$
, then we have


by Lemma 8.2 (i). The assertion then follows immediately.
The authors want to thank Yifeng Liu for very helpful discussions. The authors were supported by NSFC Grant (No. 12121001, 12171090 and 12425105) and Shanghai Pilot Program for Basic Research (No. 21TQ00). The first author was also supported by NKRD Program of China (No. 2020YFA0713200) and LNMS. This project was initiated from the workshop ‘Curves on K3 surfaces’ in June 2021 supported by NSFC General Program (No. 12171090).