In magnetized, stratified environments such as the Sun's corona and solar wind, Alfvénic fluctuations ‘reflect’ from background gradients, enabling nonlinear interactions that allow their energy to dissipate into heat. This process, termed ‘reflection-driven turbulence’, likely plays a key role in coronal heating and solar-wind acceleration, explaining a range of detailed observational correlations and constraints. Building on previous works focused on the inner heliosphere, here we study the basic physics of reflection-driven turbulence using reduced magnetohydrodynamics in an expanding box – the simplest model that can capture local turbulent plasma dynamics in the super-Alfvénic solar wind. Although idealized, our high-resolution simulations and simple theory reveal a rich phenomenology that is consistent with a diverse range of observations. Outwards-propagating fluctuations, which initially have high imbalance (high cross-helicity), decay nonlinearly to heat the plasma, becoming more balanced and magnetically dominated. Despite the high imbalance, the turbulence is strong because Elsässer collisions are suppressed by reflection, leading to ‘anomalous coherence’ between the two Elsässer fields. This coherence, together with linear effects, causes the growth of ‘anastrophy’ (squared magnetic potential) as the turbulence decays, forcing the energy to rush to larger scales and forming a ‘$1/f$-range’ energy spectrum in the process. Eventually, expansion overcomes the nonlinear and Alfvénic physics, forming isolated, magnetically dominated ‘Alfvén vortices’ with minimal nonlinear dissipation. These results can plausibly explain the observed radial and wind-speed dependence of turbulence imbalance (cross-helicity), residual energy, fluctuation amplitudes, plasma heating and fluctuation spectra, as well as making a variety of testable predictions for future observations.