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Publication process after acceptance


Once an article has been accepted, the process of copyediting, proofing, typesetting and publishing the article will begin.

Your point of contact will be the content manager of the journal. For more information about how production works, please see our information on publishing an accepted paper, which explains how an article goes from accepted manuscript to fully published. There may be small differences between journals with this process. You can also check our Journal Production FAQs.

Receiving proofs

Once proofs have been sent, authors can directly make changes to the article via BJN's online correction tool, although please note that only changes to errors induced by typesetting/copyediting, or typographical errors, will be accepted. Revisions to the substance of the text is not permitted, unless discussed with the Editor in Chief.

Corrected proofs should be returned within 2 days. Please note that supplementary material will not be copyedited.

Online publication

Following the completion of the production process, papers will be published online as an Accepted manuscript, whereby they are given a DOI and considered the Version of Record. Papers are then copyedited and typeset and published in the latest volume..

Authors will receive a link to their published paper by email.


Changes cannot be made to articles once published. Any changes must be made via the standard process of issuing a correction notice. Please contact the journal's Content Manager if any error has been identified. The final decision on whether a correction notice should be published will be taken by the Publisher in consultation with the Editorial Team.

Please see here for further information.