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Glaciological Literature

Published online by Cambridge University Press:  21 June 2017

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Research Article
Copyright © International Glaciological Society 1977

This is a selected list of glaciological literature on the scientific study of snow and ice and of their effects on the Earth; for the literature on polar expeditions, and also on the “applied” aspects of glaciology, such as snow ploughs, readers should consult the bibliographies in each issue of Recent Polar Literature (supplement to the Polar Record). For Russian material the system of transliteration used is that agreed by the U.S. Board on Geographic Names and the Permanent Committee on Geographical Names for British Official Use in 1947. Readers can greatly assist by sending reprints of their publications to the Society, or by informing Dr J. W. Glen of publications of glaciological interest. It should be noted that the Society does not necessarily hold copies of the items in this list, and also that the Society does not possess facilities for mi microfilming or photocopying.


Bogorodskiy, V. V., and Gavrilo, V. P., ed. Fizicheskiye metody issledovaniye l’da i snega [Physical methods of ice and snow research]. Trudy Arkticheskogo i Antarkticheskogo Nauchhno-Issledovatel’skogo Instituta, Tom 326, 1975, [340] p. [Papers presented at symposium held in Leningrad, 1973. Contents include: V. V. Bogorodskiy, “Radiofizicheskiye metody issledovaniya l’da i snega [Radiophysical methods of ice and snow studies]”, p. 9–16; A. B. Babayev, V. P. Logachev, V. N. Parfent’yev, V. A. Fedorov and G. P. Shclomanova, “Radiolokatsionnyye ChM signaly, otrazhennyye ot ledovykh poverkhnostey i vozmozhnosti ikh modelirovaniya [Radar frequency-modulated signals reflected from ice surfaces and the possibility of modelling them]”, p. 17–20; A. Ye. Basharinov and A. A. Kurskaya, “Vliyaniye struktury l’da na yego radiatsionnyye kharakteristiki v SVCh diapazone [Ice structure and its effect on SHF emissivity]”, p. 21–23; V. V. Bogorodskiy, G. V. Trepov and B. A. Fedorov, “Rasprostraneniye radiovolnv gletcherakh [Radio-wave propagation in glaciers]”, p. 24–28; V. V. Bogorodskiy and V. P. Tripolnikov, “Radiozondirovaniye morskogo l’da [Radio-echo sounding of sea ice]”, p. 29–31; V. V. Bogorodskiy, A. I. Kozlov and L. T. Tuchkov, “Izluchatel’naya sposobnost’ ledyanykh, zemnykh i morskikh poverkhnostey. modeliruyemykh sloistoneodnorodnymi strukturami [Emissivity of ice, land and sea surfaces modelled by layered heterogeneous structures]", p. 32–38; J. W. Clough, “Izmereniya otrazhennykh signalov pri radiolokatsionnom zondirovanii v bol’shom diapazone uglov [Radio-sounding wide-angle reflection measurements]”, p. 39–44; J. W. Clough, “Depolyarizatsiya otrazhennykh radiosignalov [Depolarization of radio-echo returns]”, p. 45–50; M. I. Finkel’shteyn, V. A. Kutayev, V. G. Glushnev and E. I. Lazarev, “O distantsionnom izmerenii tolshchiny morskogo l’da metodami radiolokatsii [Remote radar measurements of sea ice thicknesses]”, p. 51–54; A. K. Zhebrovskiy, G. M. Strakhovskiy, V. N. Nedostayev and V. I. Stebin, “Elektricheskiye svoystva l’da, obrazovannogo v vakuume, i ikh vzaimosvyaz’ so strukturoy [Electrical properties of vacuum-deposited ice and their dependence on structure]”, p. 55–58; S. A. Vershinin, Ye. M. Kopaygorodskiy, V. V. Panov and Z. I. Shvayshteyn, “Davleniye l’da na otdel’no stoyashchiye opory po laboratoriymi naturiym ispytaniyam [Ice forces on separate supporting structures by laboratory and field tests]”, p. 59–65; H. Davis and R. Munis, “Vliyaniye solenosti morskogo l’da na opticheskuyu ekstinktsiyu sveta s dlinoy volny 6 328 Å [Correlation between the salinity of sea ice and extinction coefficient at 6 328 Å]”, p. 66–70; B. Ya. Gaytskhoki, “Opticheskiye kharakteristiki nekotorykh raznovidnostey yestestvennykh l’dov [Optical characteristics of some varieties of natural ice]”, p. 71–73; M. A. Kropotkin, “Apparatura dlya issledovaniya spektral’nogo otrazheniya zhidkoy vody v oblasti dlin voln ot 1 do 50 mkm [Instruments for the in vestigation of spectral reflection of liquid water in the range of wave lengths from 1 to 50 Mm]”, p. 74–79; V. Petera, “K voprosy izucheniya protsessa vozniknoveniya zaryadov na poverkhnosti razdela faz napravalenno zamerzayushchego 10–3 molyarnogo rastvora khlorida natriya [On the study of the process of charge generation at the phase interface of 10-3 molar solution of sodium chloride oriented during freezing]”, p. 80–89; L. B. Nekrasov, “Povedeniye l’da v bystroperemennykh elektromagnitnykh polyakh vysokoy napryazhennosti [The behaviour of ice in rapidly variable electromagnetic fields of high intensity]”, p. 90–93; B. V. Volod’ko, V. S. Yakupov, E. N. Akhmcdzyanov, V. M. Kalinin, V. O. Papitashvili and G. A. Sereda, “Magnitnaya s”yemka povtorno-zhil’nykh l’dov [Magnetic survey of ice wedges]”, p. 94–98; V. P. Melnikov and A. M. Snegirev, “Nizkochastotnaya polyarizatsiya l’da i merzlykh grubodispersnykh obrazovaniy [Low-frequency polarization of ice and frozen coarse-disperse formations]”, p. 99–103; S. M. Losev and Yu. A. Gorbunov, “Dinamika l’dov v pribrezhnykh rayonakh po dannym bokovoy radiolokatsionnoy s”yemki s samoleta [Coastal ice dynamics by SLAR observations]”, p. 104–13; A. I. Paramonov, Yu. A. Gorbunov and S. M. Losev. “Nablyudeniye za temperaturoy poverkhnosti morya s pomoshch’yu radiatsionnogo termometra s samoieta ledovoy razvedki [Observations of the surface temperature of the sea by airborne radiation thermometry]”, p. 114–20; V. P. Gavrilo and A. V. Gusev, “Primeneniye akusticheskikh metodov issledovaniya snega i l’da [Acoustic techniques in snow and ice studies]”, p. 121–27; V. V. Bogorodskiy, G. Ye. Smirnov and S. A. Smirnov, “Pogloshcheniye i rasseyaniye zvukovykh voln morskim l’dom [Attenuation and scattering of sound waves by sea ice]”, p. 128–34; N. A. Grubnik and O. V. Kudryavtsev, “Ob odnom metode izmereniya zatukhaniya zvuka v yestestvennom l’dy [A study of sound attenuation in natural ice]”, p. 135–36; V. N. Smirnov and Ye. M. Lin’kov, “Seysmicheskiye i naklonomernyye metody issledovaniya ledyanogo pokrova [Ice cover studies by seismic and tiltmeter methods]”, p. 137–42; I. M. Belousova, I. P. Ivanov and N. G. Firsov, “Izucheniye dinamiki lednikov s pomoshch’yu lazernogo deformografa [Glacier dynamics studies by laser deformograph]”, p. 143–46; V. V. Panov, A. V. Panyushkin, Yu. D. Sinochkin and Z. I. Shvayshteyn, “Eksperimental’noye izucheniye adgezii l’da v laboratoriykh i naturnykh usloviyakh [An experimental study of ice adhesion by laboratory and field tests]”, p. 147–54; N. A. Grubnik, V. I. Fomin and A. B. Shemyakin, “Izucheniye protsessa razrusheniya sloya l’da [A study of the process of ice layer destruction]”, p. 155–56; A. F. Wuori, “Mekhanicheskiye svoystva snega kak stroitel’nogo materiala [Mechanical properties of snow related to its use as a construction material]”, p. 157–64; I. M. Dolgin, N. N. Bryazgin and L. S. Petrov, “Snezhnyy pokrov Arktiki [Arctic snow cover]”, p. 165–70; S. I. Avdyushin [and 6 others], “Sposob izmereniya bol’shikh vlagozapasov v snezhnom pokrove po kosmicheskomu izlucheniyu [A technique to measure large moisture content in snow cover by cosmic radiation]”, p. 171–75; G. Abel’, “ Metody izmereniy prochnostnykh kharakteristik yestestvennogo i obrabotannogo snega [Techniques form easuring the strength characteristics of natural and processed snow]”, p. 176–86; A. Ya. Buzuyev, “Statisticheskaya otsenka prostranstvennogo raspredeleniya osnovnykh parametrov ledyanogo pokrova [Statistical evaluation of spatial distribution of the main parameters of the ice cover]”, p. 187–92; K. N. Korzhavin and A. B. Ivchenko, “Issledovaniye mekhanicheskikh svoystv presnovodnogo l’da pri medlennykh izmeneniyakh nagruzki [Study of mechanical properties of fresh-water ice with slowly variable load]”, p. 193–96; Yu. K. Zaretskiy, A. M. Fish, V. P. Gavrilo and A. V. Gusev, “Voprosy kratkovremennoy polzuchesti l’da i kinetika mikrotreshchinoobrazovaniya [On the short-term ice creep and micro-crack kinetics]”, p. 197–204; A. Ya. Ryvlin, “Naturnyye issledovaniya fiziko-mekhanicheskikh svoystv ledyanogo pokrova [Field tests of physical and mechanical properties of the ice cover]”, p. 205–09; D. Ye. Kheysin, V. A. Likhomanov and V. A. Kurdyumov, “Opredeleniye udel’noy energii razrusheniya i kontaktnykh davleniy pri udare tverdogo tela o led [Determination of specific failure energy and contact pressure on the impact of solid bodies on ice]”, p. 210–18; V. V. Bogorodskiy, V. P. Gavrilo and A. P. Polyakov, “Radiogidroakusticheskiy metod issledovaniya srednemasshtabnykh kharakteristik dinamiki morskikh l’dov [Radio-hydro-acoustical method to study meso-scale characteristics of sea-ice dynamics]”, p. 219–28.]

Frankenstein, G. E., ed. Proceedings, third intemational symposium on ice problems, 18–21 August 1975, Hanover, New Hampshire. [Hanover, N.H.], International Association of Hydraulic Research. Committee on Ice Problems, 1975. v, 627 p. [Contents include: V. V. Balanin, “Probngation of inland navigation terms in the U.S.S.R.”, p. 5–14; W. E. Webb and W. F. Blair, “Ice problems in locks and canals on the St. Lawrence River”, p. 15–24; E. Tesaker, “Accumulation of frazil ice in an intake reservoir”, p. 25–38; F. Boulanger, E. Dumalo, D. Le Van and L. Racicot, “Ice control study, Lake St. Francis–Beauharnois Canal, Quebec-Canada”, p. 39–48; J. J. Peter and T. V. Kotras, “Simulation of lock operations during winter ice months”, p. 49–58; D. J. Calkins and lVI. Melior, “Cost comparisons for lock wall deicing”, p. 59–67; V. Aleksandrov, V. V. Balanin, G. Onipchenko and V. Tronin, “Inland navigation and maintenance of hydraulic structures at negative air temperature in ice-bound conditions”, p. 69–79; J. V. Danys, “Ice movement control by the artificial islands in Lac St. Pierre”, p. 81–91; G. Tsang, “A field study of ice piling on shores and the associated hydro-meteorological parameters”, p. 93–110; C. Argiroff, “Planning the Great Lakes-St. Lawrence Seaway navigation season extension program”, p. 111–25; B. Michel and D. Bérenger, “Algorithm for accelerated growth of ice in a ship’s track”, p. 127–32; G. D. Ashton, “Experimental evaluation of bubbler-induced heat transfer coefficients”, p. 133–42; J. F. Kennedy, “Ice-jam mechanics”, p. 143–64; P. H. Burgi, “Hydraulic model studies of ice booms to co ntrol river ice”, p. 165–73; I. N. Sokolov and Ya. L. Gotlib, “Ice jam control upstream and downstream from hydro power plants”, p. 175–78; H. S. Uzuner, “Stability of ice blocks beneath an ice cover”, p. 179–85; E. V. Kanavin, “Water velocity in open and frozen rivers : control of ice production”, p. 187–99; T. E. Osterkamp, “Observations of Tanana River ice”, p. 201–09; T. O’D. Hanley and B. Michel, “Temperature patterns during the formation of border ice and frazil in a laboratory tank”, p. 211–21; V. V. Degtyarev, I. P. Butyagin and V. K. Morgunov, “Investigations of ice jams on the Siberian rivers and measures taken to prevent them”, p. 223–32; J. M. Maríusson, S. Freysteinsson and E. B. Elíasson, “Ice jam control. Experience from the Burfell power plant, Iceland”, p. 233–42; E. Zsilák, “Some new relatiomhips of the jammed ice motion”, p. 243–51; B. Michel and R. Abdelnour, “Break-up of a solid river ice cover”, p. 253–59; R. Gerard, “Preliminary observations of spring ice jams in Alberta”, p. 261–77; P. Rozsnyoí and I. Pados, “Regulation of the development of ice-barriers in the reach of the Tisza River above the barrage of Tiszalök for a secure winter operation of the barrage”, p. 279–88; R. R. Rumer, Jr., C. H. Atkinson and S. T. Lavender, “Effects of Lake Erie-Niagara River ice boom on the ice regime of Lake Erie”, p. 289–99; T. O’D. Hanley, “A note on the mechanism of frazil initiation”, p. 301–04; P. Larsen, “Notes on the stability of floating ice blocks”, p. 305–14; K. R. Croasdale, “Ice forces on marine structures”, p. 315–37; P. Tryde, “Intermittent forces acting on inclined wedges”, p. 339–43; M. Määtänen, “Ice forces and vibrational behaviour of bottom-founded steel lighthouses”, p. 345–55; T. Carstens and R. C. Byrd, “The oscillating icebreaking platform”, p. 357–59; A. Assur, “Problems in ice engineering”, p. 361–72; J. Schwarz, “On the flexural strength and elasticity of saline ice”, p. 373–86; L. J. Zabilansky, D. E. Nevel and F. D. Haynes, “Ice forces on simulated structures”, p. 387–95; R. E. Perham and L. Racicot, “Forces on an ice boom in the Beauharnois Canal”, p. 397–407; R. J. Hodek and J. C. Doud, “Instrumented piles for the measurement of ice-uplift forces”, p. 409–17; A. D. Kerr, “Ice forces on structures due to a change of the water level”, p. 419–27; Ken-ichi Hirayama, J. Schwarz and Han Chin Mu, “Ice forces on vertical piles: indentation and penetration”, p. 429–45; F. G. Bercha and J. V. Danys, “Prediction of ice forces on conical offshore structures”, p. 447–58; M. Metge, A. Strilehuk and P. Trofimenkoff, “On recording stresses in ice”, p. 459–68; Yu. V. Dolgopolov, V. P. Afanas’yev, V. A. Koren’kov and D. F. Panfilov, “Effect of hummocked ice on the piers of marine hydraulic structures”, p. 469–77; A. Traetteberg, L. W. Gold and R. [M. W.] Frederking, “The strain rate and temperature dependence of Young’s modulus of ice”, p. 479–86; A. I. Pekhovich, V. M. Zhidkikh, I. N. Shatalina and S. M. Aleynikov, “Control of the thickness and strength of the ice cover”, p. 487–98; D. V. Reddy, P. S. Cheema, A. S. J. Swamidas and A. K. Haldar, “Stochastic response of a three-dimensional offshore tower to ice forces”, p. 499–514; K. D. Vaudrey and M. G. Katona, “Viscoelastic finite element analysis of sea ice sheets”, p. 515–25; R. J. Evans and D. A. Rothrock, “Stress fields in pack ice”, p. 527–39; W. D. Hibler III, W. B. Tucker III and W. F. Weeks, “Measurement of sea ice drift far from shore using LANDSAT and aerial photogrammetric imagery”, p. 541–54; G. D. Rose, D. M. Masterson and C. E. Friesen, “Some measurements of laterally-loaded ice sheets”, p. 555–66; D. L. Kane, R. F. Carlson and R. D. Seifert, “Alaskan Arctic coast ice and snow dynamics as viewed by the NOAA satellites”, p. 567–77; V. M. Sinyavskaya and P. G. Dik, “Field studies of ice action on structures”, p. 579–88; R. Gerard, “A simple field measure of ice strength”, p. 589–600; International Association of Hydraulic Research. Committee on Ice Problems, “Report of task-committee on standardizing testing methods for ice”, p. 607–18.]


General glaciology

Andrews, J. T. Glacial systems. An approach to glaciers and their environments. North Scituate, Mass., Duxbury Press, [e 1975]. xiii, 191 p. (Environmental Systems Series.) [Comprehensive textbook dealing with present glaciers and former glaciation.] Google Scholar
Asahina, E. Hokkaido University, the Institute of Low Temperature Science. Biulelyn Peryglacjalny, No. 26, 1976, p. 13436. [Brief outline of activities of institute.] Google Scholar
Campbell, W. J. Satellites : a new look at nature. (In Fuchs, V. E., ed. Forces of nature. London, Thames and Hudson, 1977, p. 26596.) [Outlines the uses of and future possibilities for satellites in studying the behaviour of forces affecting the Earth, including glaciological forces.] Google Scholar
Farmer, C. B., and others. Mars: northern summer ice cap—water vapor observations from Viking 2, [by] Farmer, C. B. Davies, D. W. LaPorte, D. D. Science, Vol. 194, No. 4271, 1976, p. 133941. [Results imply the ice cap is ordinary ice, not solid CO2.] Google ScholarPubMed
Gordiyenko, F. G., and others. Variatsii izotopnogo sostava atmosfernykh osadkov i ozernoy vody v Antarktide i Subantarktike [Variations of isotope composition of atmospheric precipitation and lake waters of Antarctica and sub-Antarctica]. [By] Gordiyenko, F. G. Barkov, N. I. Orlov, A. I. Materialy Glyatsiologicheskikh Issledovaniy. Khronika. Obsuzhdeniya, Vyp. 26, 1976, p. 15054. [Factors affecting occurrence of isotopic oxygen and hydrogen. English summary, p. 154.]Google Scholar
Kieffer, H. H., and others. Martian north pole summer temperatures : dirty water ice, [by] Kieffer, H. H. Chase, S. C. Jr., Martin, T. Z. Miner, E. D. Palluconi, F. D. Science, Vol. 194, No. 4271, 1976, p. 134144. [Results imply ice cap is ordinary ice plus dirt, not CO2.] Google ScholarPubMed
Kotlyakov, V. M. Compilation in the USSR of a world atlas of snow and ice resources. Polar Record, Vol. 18, No. 115, 1977, p. 395. [Describes this project, to be completed in the early 1980’s.] CrossRefGoogle Scholar
Lliboutry, L. A. Laboratoire de Glaciologie du CNRS á Grenoble. Biuletyn Peryglacjalny, No. 26, 1976, p. 137. [Brief details of laboratory.] Google Scholar
MacDonald, W. R. Glaciology in Antarctica. U.S. Geological Survey. Professional Paper 929, 1976, p. 19495. [Some applications of ERTS imagcry.] Google Scholar
Martinec, J. Snow and ice. (In Rodda, J. C., ed. Facets of hydrology. London, New York, etc., John Wiley and Sons, [e 1976], p. 85118.) [Chapter in survey of hydrology as affected by the I.H.D. and I.H.P.] Google Scholar
Mercer, J. H., and others. Peru’s Quclccaya ice cap : glaciological and glacial geological studies, 1974, [by] Mercer, J. H. and Thompson, L. G. Maranguníc, C. Rickel, J. Antarctic Journal of the United States, Vol. 10, No. 1, 1975. p. 1924. [Results of pit studies and coring, and of radiocarbon dating moraines.] Google Scholar
Miller, M. M. Alaskan Glacier Commemorative Project, phase V : studies in Quaternary chronology and glaciology of the Alaska-Canada Boundary Range. National Geographic Society Research Reports, 1968 projects, 1976, p. 255304. [Considers glacial geology of region and describes 1964–68 research on Mendenhall, Lemon, Ptarmigan, Taku, Vaughan Lewis, Gilkey, and Llewellyn glaciers.]Google Scholar
Post, A. S. Environmental geology of the central Culf of Alaska coast. U.S. Geological Survey. Professional Paper 929, 1976, p. 11719. [Interpretation of ERTS images. Glacier features and details of snow cover are shown clearly.] Google Scholar
Schytt, V. Glaciers and ice ages. (In Fuchs, V. E., ed. Forces of nature. London, Thames and Hudson, 1977, p. 10536.) [Popular article describing behaviour of glaciers and outlining theory of ice ages.] Google Scholar
Tronov, M. V., ed. Glyatsiologiya Altaya, Vyp. 9 [Glaciology of the Altay, Vyp. 9]. Tomsk, Izdatel’stvo Tomskogo Universiteta, 1976. 130 p.Google Scholar
Vinogradov, V. I., and Khodakov, V. G., ed. Itogo glyatsiologicheskikh issledovaniy na Kamchatka [Results of glaciological studies in Kamchatka]. Moscow, Izdatel’stvo “Nauka”, 1976. 92 p. (Rezul’taty Issledovaniy po Mezhdunarodnym Geofizicheskim Proyektam. Glyatsiologiya. IX Razdel Programmy MGG, No. 25.) [Contents, each of which has an English abstract, include : Vinogradov, V. N. and Khodakov, V. G. “Itogi i perspektivy issledovaniya geografii snezhnogo pobkrova Kamchatki [Results and prospects of research of the geography of snow cover in Kamchatka]”, p. 512; Karaziya, N. F. “Sostoyaniye izuchennosti oledeneniya Kamchatki [Available knowledge of the glaciation of Kamchatka]”. p. 1317; Vinogradov, V. N. and Khodakov, V. G. “Balans l’da lednika Koryto v Kronotskom massive [Ice balance of Lednik Koryto in the Kronotskiy massif]”, p. 1826; Markin, V. A. “Osobennosti postupleniya tepla k poverkhnosti lednikov Kamchatki v sezon ablyatsii [Specific features of heat supply to the surface of glaciers in Kamchatka in the ablation season]”, p. 2735; Vinogradov, V. N. Budnikov, A. Ye. and Karaziya, N. F. “Cherty rezhima lednika Kozel’skogo [Features of the regime of Lednik Kozel’skiy]”, p. 3644; Andreyev, V. A. Vinogradov, V. N. and Kirsanov, I. T. “Izmeneniye polozheniya lednikov severnogo sklona vulkana Klyuchevskogo [Change in the position of glaciers on the northern slope of the Klyuchevskiy volcano]”, p. 4550; Bykasov, V. Ye. and Karaziya, N. F. “Ledniki vulkana Chashakondzha [Glaciers of the Chashakondzha volcano]”, p. 5154; Budnikov, A. Ye. “Snezhniki Avachinskoy gruppy vulkanov [Névés of the Avachinsk volcano group]”, p. 5557; Vinogradov, V. N. and Kozhemyaka, N. N. “Snezhnyy pokrov i glubina promerzaniya pochvy na ravinakh yugo-vostochnoy Kamchatki [Snow cover and depth of soil freezing on the plains of south-eastern Kamchatka]”, p. 5864; Afanas’yev, V. A. “Snezhnyy pokrov v lesakh basseyna r. Kamchatki [Snow cover in the woods of the Kamchatka river basin]”, p. 6571; Afanas’yev, V. A. “Snezhnyy pokrov i promerzaniye pochvy v listvennichnikakh srednego techeniya r. Kamchatki [Snow cover and soil freezing in the larch forests of the middle course of the Kamchatka river]”, p. 7275; Shamsin, V. A. “Snezhnyy pokrov i promerzaniye pochv v kamennobereznyakakh yugo-vostochnoy Kamchatki [Snow cover and soil freezing in the birch woods of south-eastern Kamchatka]”, p. 7680.]Google Scholar
Williams, R. S. jr. Vatnajökull icecap, Iceland. U.S. Geological Survey. Professional Paper 929, 1976, p. 18893. [Glaciological studies by means of time-lapse ERTS images.] Google Scholar
Zvl, C. Z. van, . Studies on ten-metre firn temperatures, moraines and blue ice fields in western Dronning Maud Land. South African Journal of Antarctic Research, No. 4, 1974, p. 1115. [Influence of altitude on mean annual surface temperature. Typical shear moraines observed. Glacier foliation and crevasse patterns also studied].Google Scholar

Glaciological instruments and methods

Annan, A. P., and Davis, J. L. Impulse radar sounding in permafrost. Radio Science, Vol. 11, No. 4, 1976, p. 38394. [Describes field testing of techniques in Tuktoyaktuk region of Mackenzie delta, Northwest Territories, Canada.]CrossRefGoogle Scholar
Borovikova, L. N., and Konovalov, V. G. Usovershenstvovaniyc izmereniy snezhnogo pokrova v gorakh dlya gidroprognozov [Improvements in the measurement of snow cover for forecasting run-off]. Materialy Glyatsiologicheskikh Issledovaniy. Khronika. Obsuzhdeniya, Vyp. 26, 1976, p. 193202. [Describes new method of calculation. English summary, p. 20102.]Google Scholar
Colvill, A. J. Movement of Antarctic ice fronts measured from satellite imagery. Polar Record, Vol. 18. No. 115, 1977, p. 39094. [Describes successful use of LANDSAT images in providing information for mass balance studies.]CrossRefGoogle Scholar
Dmitrash, Zh. A. K voprosu o nadezhnosti rascheta gruzopod”yemnosti antarkticheskogo pripaya [On the problem of calculating the loading capacity of Antarctic fast ice]. Vestnik Leningradskogo Universitela, 1975, No. 24, Seriya Geologii i Geografii, Vyp. 4, p. 14344. [Describes instrument for measuring ice thickness.]Google Scholar
Fukazawa, D. Dokuritsu-jūtaku ni okeru rakka-yane-yuki no yūsetsu shōri-hō [Method of melting snow sliding down the roof of an isolated building]. Seppyō, Vol. 38, No. 4, 1976, p. 18895. [River water used to wash down slabs of snow from galvanized iron roof. English summary, p. 195.]Google Scholar
Getker, M. I., and Shentsis, I. D. Metodika opredeleniya optimal’nogo nabora snegopunktov dlya prognozov stoka gornykh rek [Methods of determination of the optimum number of snow survey points for forecasting mountain river run-off]. Materialy Glyalsiologicheskikh Issledovaniy. Khronika. Obsuzhdeniya, Vyp. 26, 1976, p. 18493. [Describes method and applies to three river basins in Soviet Central Asia. English summary, p. 193.]Google Scholar
Grakovich, V. F. Metodika obrabotki glyatsiologicheskikh dannykh na EVM [Methods of computer handling of glaciological data]. Materialy Glyalsiologicheskikh Issledovaniy. Khronika. Obsuzhdelliya, Vyp. 25, 1976, p. 21419. [Suggests methods. English summary, p. 219.]Google Scholar
Heimbach, J. A. jr., and others. A suggested technique for the analysis of airborne continuous ice nucleus data, [by]. Heimbach, J. A. Jr., Super, A. B. and McPartland, J. T. Journal of Applied Meteorology, Vol. 16, No. 3, 1977, p. 25561. [Method of reducing data taking account of the large response times of these instruments.]Google Scholar
Hibler, W. D. III, and others. Techniques for studying sea ice drift and deformation at sites far from land using LANDSAT imagery, [by] Hibler, W. D. III, Tucker, W. B. III and Weeks, W. F. Proceedings of the tenth International Symposium on Remote Sensing of Environment ... 1975. ... Ann Arbor, Center for Remote Sensing Information and Analysis, Environmental Research Institute of Michigan, Vol. 1, [1975], p. 595609. [Describes and discusses techniques to be used where there is no stationary land feature as point of reference.]Google Scholar
Hnatiuk, J., and Randall, A. G. Determination of permafrost thickness in wells in northern Canada. Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences, Vol. 14, No. 3, 1977, p. 37583. [Compares and disc usses methods.]Google Scholar
Maksimov, N. V. Sovershenstvovaniye metodov ucheta osadkov v gorakh s pomoshch’yu summarnykh osadkomerav novykh konstruktsiy [Development of methods of measuring precipitation in mountains with the aid of newly designed gauges]. Materialy Glyatsiologicheskikh Issledovaniy. Khronika. Obsuzhdeniye, Vyp. 25, 1976, p. 22022. [Describes and compares gauges. English summary, p. 222.]Google Scholar
Melnikov, V. P., and Guennadinik [i.e. Gennadlnik], B. I. La polarisation provoquée des roches co ngelées. Inter-Nord, Nos. 1314, 1974, p. 8798. [Discusses use of induced polarization method for investigating rock-pore-space structure in cryogenic fermations.]Google Scholar
Shumskiy, P. A. O novom metode rascheta skorostey deformatsiy v lednikakh [On a new method of calculation of strain rate in glaciers]. Materialy Glyatsiologicheskikh Issledovaniy. Khronika. Obsuzhdelliya, Vyp. 26, 1976 p. 25459. [English summary, p. 25859.]Google Scholar
Tanaka, K., and others. Kōkenshutsu setsuryōkei no kōan to sono jikken hōkoku [Design of snow gauge using photoelectric effects]. [By] Tanaka, K. Yamaki, M. Masuda, S. Seppyō, Vol. 38, No. 4, 1976, p. 17177. [Describes instrument used for estimating quantity of melt water flowing into reservoir during thawing season, in connection with hydroelectric power generation. English summary, p. 177.]Google Scholar
Turner, F. M. The design, construction and evaluation of an automatic airborne device for counting ice particles in clouds. Disserlation Abstracts Internalional, B, Vol. 37, No. 2, 1976, p. 913-B. [Abstract of Ph.D. thesis, University of Washington, 1975. University Microfilms order no. 7617665.]Google Scholar
Watanabe, S., and others. Sekisetsu idō-ryō no ichi sokutei hōhō [A method for measuring snow gliding]. [By] Watanabe, S. Ōzeki, Y. Saeki, M. Seppyō, Vol. 38, No. 4, 1976, p. 19697. [Describes simple device, tested over two winter seasons, for measuring snow movement down a slope.]Google Scholar
Wiensnet, D. R. Remote sensing and its application to hydrology. (In Rodda, J. C., ed. Facets of hydrology. London, New York, etc., John Wiley and Sons, [e 1976], p. 3759.) [Chapter in survey of hydrology. Includes remote sensing of snow and ice.]Google Scholar
Wishart, E. R. A simple continuous ice crystal replicator for use in laboratory cloud chambers. Journal of Applied Meteorology, Vol. 16, No. 3, 1977, p. 31718.2.0.CO;2>CrossRefGoogle Scholar
Yemel’yanov, Yu. N., and others. O tochnosti izmereniya snegozapasov na gornykh Iednikakh [On the accuracy of measurement of snow storage on mountain glaciers]. [By] Yemel’yanov, Yu. N. Zhidkov, V. A. Nozdryukhin, V. K. Materialy Glyatsiologicheskikh Issledovaniy. Khronika. Obsuzhdeniya, Vyp. 26, 1976, p. 23945. [Assesses accuracy of surveys from data obtained from Lednik Abramov, Kirgizskaya S.S.R. English summary, p. 245.]Google Scholar
Young, G. J. A portable profiling snow gauge; results of field tests on glaciers. Proceedings of the Western Snow Conference, 44th annual meeting, 1976, p. 711. [Instrument was satisfactory for measuring water equivalents of glacier snow-packs, but not so successful as a profiling instrument.]Google Scholar

Physics of ice

Andrews, D. A., and Newton, G. The stopping power of heavy ice for low energy (10–30 keV) deuterons. Journal of Physics D, Vol. 10, No. 6, 1977, p. 84550. [Yields for D (d, n)T on a D2O ice target give stopping power lower than gas target values.]CrossRefGoogle Scholar
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Bartley, D. L. Monolayer ledges on basalice surfaces. Journal of Chemical Physics, Vol. 66, No. 3, 1977, p. 106366. [Analysis of classes of ledges and probabilities of jumps.]CrossRefGoogle Scholar
Bendell, M. S., and Gebhart, B. Heat transfer and ice-melting in ambient water near its density extremum. International Journal of Heat and Mass Tranfer, Vol. 19, No. 10, 1976, p. 108187. [Effect of changing temperature of water on natural convective now over vertical ice slab.]Google Scholar
Cecciii, R. Temperature dependent potential differences in ice crystals. Atti della Società Naturalisti e Matematici di Modena, Vol. 105, 1974, p. 15358. [Measurement of potential differences on polycrystalline ice gives results that cannot be attributed to thermoelastic effect alone.]Google Scholar
Choularton, T. W., and Latham, J. Measurements of the deposition coefficient for ice, and its application to cirrus seeding. Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society, Vol. 103, No. 436, 1977, p. 30718. [Two techniques used to measure coefficient for deposition of water vapour molecules onto ice from distilled water and dilute HCl solutions. Results used to calculate distance cirrus crystals will fall below cloud base.]Google Scholar
Claus, R., and others. The proton distribution in ice-Ih investigated by light scattering. [by] Claus, R. and Plagge, W. Bilgram, J. Zeitschrift für Naturforschung, Teil a. Bd. 31a. Ht. 12, 1976, p. 152631. [Lack of phonon directional dispersion shows absence of ferroelectric domains of order of light wavelength. Depolarization ratio of phonons is isotropic implying statistically random proton distribution.]Google Scholar
Duval, P. Lois du fluage transitoire ou permanent de la glace polycristalline pour divers états de contrainte. Annales de Géophysique, Tom. 32, No. 4, 1976 [pub. 1977]. p. 33550. [Creep tests under triaxial conditions confirm a power law relation in volving only one invariant for steady-state creep. Reversible component of logarithmic creep observed, also an Andrade transient component.]Google Scholar
Ermolleff, A., and others. Temperature dependence of the 306 and 227 cm-1 Raman lines in hexagonal ice between 250 and 80 K, [by] Ermolieff, A. and Chosson, A. Faure, P. Journal de Physique, Tom. 37, No. 12, 1976. p. 145759. [Search for coupling between acoustic and optic phonons in region of anomalous elastic behaviour reveals no sign of any equivalent anomalies.]Google Scholar
Fennema, O. R. Water and ice. (In Fennema, O. R., ed. Principles of food science. Part 1. food chemistry. New York and Basel, Marcel Dekker Inc., [e 1976], p. 1339. (Food Science : a Series of Monographs, Vol. 4.)) [Review of properties of ice and water of relevance to food science.]Google Scholar
Ferraro, J. R. Some comments on solid state selection rules. Applied Spectroscopy, Vol. 30, No. 3, 1976, p. 369. [Problems in use of these rules, based on space-time average space groups, to predict experimental results. Ice Ih used as example.]Google Scholar
Filatova, Ye. V., and Filatov, A. O. Struktura metastabil’nykh faz vystro zamorozhennykh vodykh mincral’nykh dispersiy [Structure of metastable phases of quickly frozen aqueous mineral dispersions]. Kolloidnyy Zhurnal. Tom 38, Vyp. 6. 1976, p. 120305. [X-ray diffraction studies of rapidly frozen dispersions confirm existence of a metastable phase or phases of a nomalous ice. English summary, p. 1205.]Google Scholar
Franks, F. Water, ice and solutions of simple molecules. (In Duckworth, R. B., ed. Water relations of foods. Proceedings of an international symposium held in Glasgow, September 1974. London, etc., Academic Press, [e 1975], p. 322.) [Review of properties of water and ice and their relevance to food systems.]Google Scholar
Fukuta, N., and Armstrong, J. A. A new method for precision measurements of the deposition coefficient of water vapor onto ice. (In Becker, M., and Fiebig, M., ed. Rarefied gas dynamics. Proceedings of the ninth International Symposium (on Rarified Gas Dynamics), 1974, Vol. 2, [1975]. p. C.5–1C.5–10.) [Method using cleavage of glacier ice single crystals and measuring temperature changes when crack width is less than mean free path of saturated water vapour.]Google Scholar
Gilpin, R. R. The effects of dendritic ice formation in water pipes. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, Vol. 20, No. 6, 1977, p. 69399. [Freezing of quiescent water in pipes usually nucleates at a supercooling of 4–6 deg and gives a dendritic structure which can give flow blockage with only a small frozen fraction.]CrossRefGoogle Scholar
Gorbunov, B. Z., and others. Issledovaniye zavisimosti l’doobrazuyushchey aktivnosti aerozolya yodistogo serebra ot dispersnosti [Ice-forming activity of silver iodide aerosols versus dispersal composition of aerosols at various temperatures of fog]. [By] Gorbunov, B. Z. Kakutkina, N. A. Koutsenogiy, K. P. Makarov, V. I. Izvestiya Akademiya Nank SSSR. Fizika Atmosfery i Okeana, Tom 12, No. 12, 1976, p. 12951302. [Study of ice-forming ability for different mean particle sizes and temperatures. English abstract, p. 1302.]Google Scholar
Haltenorth, H., and Klinger, J. Solubility of hydrofluoric acid in ice Ih single crystals. Solid State Communications, Vol. 21, No. 6, 1977, p. 53335. [Saturation concentrations measured in boundary layer near the HF doping zone of ice crystals from 180 to 270 K. Most of the HF may be in small-angle boundaries or other perturbations.]CrossRefGoogle Scholar
Hardy, S. C. A grain boundary groove measurement of the surface tension between ice and water. Philosophical Magazine, Eighth Ser., Vol. 35, No. 2, 1977, p. 47184. [Equilibrium state of grain-boundary grooves observed at an interface stabilized by a temperature gradient. Surface tension found to be 29. 1 ± 0.8 mJ m-2.]Google Scholar
Hubbard, K. G. Parameterization of depositional ice growth. Journal of Applied Meteorology, Vol. 16, No. 2, 1977, p. 17782. [Parameterized equation developed and compared with a more detailed model.]Google Scholar
Hubmann, M. Ein universeller Zusammenhang zwischen den Parametern der dielektrischen Dispersion von Eis Ih. Helvetica Physica Acta, Vol. 50, Fasc. 2, 1977, p. 151. [Abstract only. Relation between dielectric dispersion strength and the ratio of low-frequency to high-frequency conductivity.]Google Scholar
Joncich, D. M. The plastic behavior of predeformed ice crystals. Dissertation Abstracts International, B, Vol. 37, No. 10, 1977, p. 5186-B-87-B. [Creep, constant strain-rate, and stress relaxation tests on ice pre-deformed at a higher stress to give a constant dislocation density. Results consistent with proton rearrangement in dislocation stress field as proposed by Weertman. Abstract of Ph.D. thesis, University of Illinois at Urbana–Champaign, 1976. University Microfilms order no. 779042.]Google Scholar
Kallungal, J. P., and Barduhn, A. J. Growth rate of an ice crystal in subcooled pure water. AIChE Journal (American Institute of Chemical Engineers), Vol. 23, No. 3, 1977, p. 294303. [Data on growth rate in a-axis direction in qui escent and slow-Aowing water shows thermal natural convection to be an important mechanism. For slow or zero flow, steady growth is only observed horizontally or upwards. With high flow rates the growth ∝υ1/2ΔT3/2.]CrossRefGoogle Scholar
Kevan, L., and others. Silver atom solvation and desolvation in ice matrices : electron spin resonance studies of radiation-produced silver a toms formed at 4 K, by Kevan, L. Hase, H. Kawabata, K. Journal of Chelllical Physics, Vol. 66, No. 8, 1977, p. 383445. [New primary site found and attributed to Ag ion solution. This converts at 77 K to an Ag atom solvation site which can be desolvated optically at 4.2 K.]Google Scholar
Lacmann, R. Zur Deutung der Wachstumsformen des Eises. Zeitschrift für Physikalische Chemie (Wiesbaden), Neue Folge, 104. Bd., Ht. 13, 1977, p. 110. [Theory of temperature variation of development of ice crystals from the vapour based on a transitional quasi-liquid layer on the surface.]Google Scholar
Lavis, D. A. An exact matrix calculation for a two-dimensional model of the steam-water-ice system: bulk and boundary properties. Journal of Physics A, Vol. 9, No. 12, 1976, p. 207795. [Theoretical model.]Google Scholar
Lin, Y., and others. Compartmentalization of NaCl in frozen solutions of antifreeze glycoproteins, [by] Lin, Y. Raymond, J. A. Duman, J. G. and DeVries, A. L. Cryobiology, Vol. 13, No. 3, 1976, p. 33440. [Experiments to study whether glycoproteins from Antarctic fish prevent concentration of NaCl during freezing. Effect due to spicular structure of ice from this solution which compartmentalizes brine pockets.]Google ScholarPubMed
Maï, C., and others. Dislocations et propriétés physico-mécaniques de la glace Ih, par Maï, C. Perez, J. Rivière, R. Tatibouet, J. et Vassoille, R. Annales de Physique, Quinzième Série, Vol. 2, No. 2, 1977, p. 91118. [Review of characteristics of dislocations in ice and their influence on physical and mechanical properties.]Google Scholar
Matteson, S., and others. Physical-state effect in the stopping cross section of H2O ice and vapor for 0.3–2.0-MeV ∝ particles, [by] Matteson, S. Powers, D. and Chan, E. K. Physical Review A, Third Ser., Vol. 15, No. 3, 1977, p. 85664. [Cross-section of vapour found to be (4–12)% higher than that of ice. Difference attributed to changes in modes of electronic excitation in the molecule due to aggregation.]Google Scholar
Michaeli, G. A study of the growth processes of small ice crystals under simulated cloud conditions. Dissertation Abstracts International, B, Vol. 37, No. 7, 1977, p. 3477-B-78-B. [Laboratory study of growth and fall rate of freely-falling ice crystals nucleated either by a chilled rod or by AgI nuclei. Abstract of Ph.D. thesis, Hebrew University of Jerusalem, 1976. University Microfilms order no. 7630289.]Google Scholar
Mizuno, Y. Ekkisu-sen niyoru kōri no kūzō no kansetsu [X-ray topographic observation of vapour figures in single crystals of ice). Teion-kagaku: Low Temperature Science, Ser. A, [No.] 33, 1975, p. 1727. [Samples of Mendenhall Glacier ice showed high dislocation density around vapour figures. English summary, p. 2627.]Google Scholar
Mogensen, O. E., and Eldrup, M. On the vaca ncy concentration in ice. Physics Letters A, Vol. 60A, No. 4, 1977, p. 32526. [Vacancy concentration deduced from diffusion data reaches at least 10-6 near melting point.]Google Scholar
Montefinale, T., and Papee, H. M. Thresholds of bulk contact ice nucleation of some photosensitive surfaces. Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, Vol. 59, No. 2, 1977, p. 33741. [Measured for Cu2S, Ag2S, MoS2, CdS and results interpreted in terms of hygroscopic sites formed by chemical transitions.]Google Scholar
Ozüm, B., and Kirwan, D. J. Impurities in ice crystals grown from stirred solutions. AIChE Symposium Series (American Institute of Chemical Engineers), Vol. 72, No. 153, 1976, p. 16. [Observations in NaCI and sucrose solutions. Solute incorporations due to trapping in dendritic interface.]Google Scholar
Pitter, R. L. A reexamination of riming on thin ice plates. Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences, Vol. 34, No. 4, 1977, p. 68485. [Revision of earlier paper by Pitter and Pruppacher, H. R. (ibid., Vol. 31, No. 2, 1974, p. 55159) to include local Reynolds-number effects shows higher collision efficiencies with the larger drops.]Google Scholar
Prince, R. H. Low-temperature diffusion of electrons in ice. Evidence for polaron bands. Physica Status Solidi B, Vol. 78, No. 1, 1976, p. 27176. [Hopping activation energy for localized polaron states measured as 0.065 eV. Below c. 125 K polaron band motion observed. Relevance of fluorescence and thermoluminescence in ice.]Google Scholar
Prince, R. H., and Floyd, G. R. Production of ionized clusters by electron bombardment of condensed polar solvents. Chemical Physics Letters, Vol. 43, No. 2, 1976, p. 32631. [Mass spectra of products interpreted. Includes ice.]Google Scholar
Raymond, J. A. Adsorption inhibition as a mechanism of freezing resistance in polar fishes. Dissertation Abstracts International, B, Vol. 37, No. 4, 1976, p. 1579-B. [Physical process of this inhibition studied. When solutions of antifreezes were frozen, the antifreezes were partially incorporated in the ice and strongly influenced growth habit. Model of action proposed and possible uses discussed. Abstract of Ph.D. thesis, University of California, San Diego, 1976. University Microfilms order no. 7623143.]Google Scholar
Rennie, G. K., and Cufford, J. Melting of ice in porous solids. Journal of the Chemical Society. Faraday Transactions I, Vol. 73, Pt. 4, 1977, p. 68089. [Differential scanning calorimetry used. At low water contents (<3 monolayers) no freezing or melting observed. With more water a single melting peak was seen until pores filled completely above which two peaks were found.]Google Scholar
Resca, L., and Resta, R. Energy bands in cubicice. Ab initio calculation using the method of linear combination of molecular orbitals. Physica Status Solidi (B), Vol. 81, No. 1, 1977, p. 12938. [Theoretiol calculation by LCMO method. Results compared with experimental data.]Google Scholar
Saitoh, T. Natural convection heat transfer from a horizontal ice cylinder. Applied Scientific Research, Vol. 32, No. 4, 1976 [pub. 1977], p. 42951. [Heat-transfer studied when passing through the maximum density point both experimentally and theoretically. At about 6°C an instability of flow occurs.]Google Scholar
Sassen, K. Optical backscattering from near-spherical water, ice, and mixed phase drops. Applied Optics, Vol. 16, No. 5, 1977, p. 133241. [Experimental study.]CrossRefGoogle ScholarPubMed
Schmidt, P., and Walzel-Wiesentreu, P. Ausfrieren von Eis an vibrierten Kühlflächen. Chemie Ingenieur Technik, 49. Jahrg., Nr. 2, 1977, p. 169. [Study of growth of ice from an aqueous solution ming a vibrating cold surface. Summary cf a 40 p. manuscript obtainable as photocopy or microfiche MS 451/77 from Verlag Chemie.]Google Scholar
Schnell, R. C. Bacteria acting as natural ice nucleants at temperatures approaching - 1°C. Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, Vol. 57, No. 11, 1976, p. 1356. [Letter. Bacterial ice nucleants can be important and some bacteria may reduce plant resistance to freezing. Control of these may be economically important.]Google Scholar
Schuster, P., and others, ed. The hydrogen bond. Recent developments in theory and experiments, [edited by] Schuster, P. Zundel, G. Sandorfy, C. Amsterdam, etc., North Holland Publishing Co., 1976. 3 vols : viii, 390; 391888; 8891549 p. [Review of present knowledge of hydrogen bonding with reference to ice in many chapters, in particular: ch. 7, “Hydrogen bond statistics”, by Perram, J. W.; ch. 19, “Incoherent neutron scattering experiments on hydrogen bonded systems”, by Janik, J. A.; ch. 20, “Dielectricproperties of hydrogen bonded systems”, by Sobezyk, L. Engelhardt, H. and Bunzl, K.; ch. 27, “Hydrogen bonds in systems of adsorbed molecules”, by Knözinger, H.; ch. 29, “The hydrogen bond in ice”, by Whalley, E.]Google Scholar
Shibaguchi, T., and others. Electronicstructures of water and ice, by Shibaguchi, T. Onuki, H. and Onaka, R. Journal of the Physical Society of Japan, Vol. 42, No. 1, 1977, p. 15258. [Ultraviolet and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy and vacuum ultraviolet absorption spectroscopy used to deduce electronic band structure of ice.]Google Scholar
Simons, G. A. Aerodynamic shattering of ice crystals in hypersonic flight. AIAA Journal (American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics), Vol. 14, No. 11, 1976, p. 156370. [Theoretical study to assess relative kinetic energy of an ice crystal on impact. Fragments continue to shatter and prevent entry of shock-layer gas.]Google Scholar
Suzuki, S. Sōsakei denshi-kenbikyō ni yoru kōri no hyōmen no kansatsu. 2. Reikyaku ni tomonau shika no ōscn [Observation of ice surfaces by a scanning electron microscope. 2. Contamination on ice crystal surface]. Teioll-kagaku: Low Temperature Science, Ser. A, [No.] 33, 1975, p. 19. [To observe ice in the electron microscope it has to be cooled to liquid nitrogen temperature. Despite the vacuum in the chamber. a film of contaminants forms on the ice over 60–100 min. English summary, p. 89.]Google Scholar
Suzuki, S. Sōsakei denshi-kenbikyō ni yoru kōri no hyōmen no kansatsu. 3. Kōri no furakutogurafii [Observation of ice surfaces by a scanning electron microscope. 3. Fractography of ice crystal]. Teioll-kagaku: Low Temperature Science, Ser. A, [No.] 33, 1975. p. 1115. [High resolution and high depth of focus used to study fracture surface immediately after fiacturing on cold stage. English summary, p. 1415.]Google Scholar
Takahashi, T., and Wakahama, G. Kōri no netsuōryoku no sokutei [A study on thermal. stresses in ice]. Teion-kagaku : Low Temperature Science, Ser. A, [No.] 33, 1975, p. 2937. [Observations of thermal stresses induced in cylinders of ice immersed in a kerosene bath. Results for different kinds of polycrystalline ice and for single crystals. English summary, p. 3637.]Google Scholar
Tovbin, M. V., and others. Vliyaniye adsorbtsionnogo modifitsirovaniya poverkhnosti kristallicheskikh veshchestv na ikh l’doobrazuyshchuyu aktivnost’ [Influence of adsorption modification of the surface of crystalline substances on their ice-forming activity). [By] Tovbin, M. V. Chesha, I. I. Gel’man, L. A. Kolloidnyy Zhurnal, Tom 39, Vyp. 1, 1977, p. 21315. [Ice-forming reagents can be produced by surface modification of inactive materials by producing a mosaic surface-layer structure which optimizes the hydrophilic-hydrophobic balance. English summary, p. 215.]Google Scholar
Turner, J. S. Laboratory experiments on double-diffusive instabilities. Advances in Chemical Physics, Vol. 32, 1975, p. 13549. [Study of convective motions in fluids with heat and salinity gradients or two solutes. Includes effect of inserting a slab of ice vertically into a previously stable salinity gradient.]Google Scholar
Viaud, P. R. Theoreti cal and experimental study of stationary profiles of a water-ice mobile solidification interface. Advances in Chemical Physics, Vol. 32, 1975, p. 163205. [Stability criteri on developed. Coupling between thermal conditions and interface behaviour described.]Google Scholar

Land ice. Glaciers. Ice shelves

Atlas, L. E., and others. Reki basseyna oz. Karakul’.—Basseyn verkhov’yev r. Markansu [River basins of Ozeru Karakul’.—Basin of the upper reaches of the river Markansu). [By] Atlas, L. E. Barnakova, G. M. Rototayeva, O. V. Katalog lednikov SSSR [Catalogue of glaciers of the U.S.S.R.], Tom 14, Vyp. 3, Chast’ 18, 19, 1975, [80] p. [Part of I.H.D. catalogue giving details of what is known of glaciers in this part of Central Asia. The Tom and Vyp. numbers correspond with those of Resursy poverkhnostnykh vod SSSR [Surface water resources of the U.S.S.R.].]Google Scholar
Barkov, N. I., and others. Izotopnyye issledovaniya ledyanogo kerna so stantsii Vostok (Antarktida) do glubiny 950 m [Isotopic studies of an ice core from Vostok station (Antarctica) to a depth of 950 m]. [By] Barkov, N. I. Gordiyenko, F. G. Korotkevich, Ye. S. Kotlyakov, V. M. Doklady Akademii Nauk S.S.S.R., Tom 230, No. 3, 1976, p. 65659. [18O profile.]Google Scholar
Berri, B. L., and Golubev, G. N. Opyt primeneniya rezistivimetrii v gidrologii lednikov [Experiments in application of measurements of electrical conductivity in glacier hydrology]. Materialy Glyatsiologicheskikh Issledovaniy. Khronika. Obsuzlzdeniya, Vyp. 25, 1976, p. 96105. [Field work on Lednik Dzhankuat, Caucasus. English summary, p. 10405.]Google Scholar
Björnsson, H. Subglacial water reservoirs, jökulhlaups and volcanic eruptions. Jökull, Ár 25, 1975 [pub. 1976], p. 114. [Discusses causes of jökulhlaups with references to particular events in Iceland. Icelandic summary, p. 1214.]Google Scholar
Björnsson, H., and others. A 1976 radio echo sounding expedition to the Vatnajökull ice cap, Iceland, by Björnsson, H. Ferrari, R. L. Miller, K. J. and Owen, G. Polar Record, Vol. 18, No. 115, 1977, p. 37577. [Results of first year of two-year project to develop apparatus suitable for temperate ice.]Google Scholar
Boyarskiy, V. I., and Shalygin, A. M. Radiolokatsionnaya s”yemka podlednogo rel’yefa devyatnadtsatoy Sovetskoy antarkticheskoy ekspeditsiyey [Radio-echo sounding survey of sub-ice relief during the nineteenth Soviet Antarctic expedition]. Informatsionnyy Byulleten’ Sovetskoy Antarkticheskoy Ekspeditsii, No. 92, 1976, p. 1823.Google Scholar
Bull, C. B. B. The disposal of rad ioactive wastes in the Antarctic ice sheet. Notes on a meeting held at the Scott Polar Research Institute, Cambridge, on 25 September 1974. I.U.G.G. Chronicle, No. 102, 1975, p. 16367.Google Scholar
Cherkasov, P. A. Basseyny rek Khorgosa, Useka [Basins of the rivers Khorgosa and Useka]. Katalog lednikov SSSR [Catalogue of glaciers of the U.S.S.R.], Tom 13, Vyp. 2, Chast’ 4, 1975, [84] p. [Part of I.H.D. catalogue giving details of what is known of glaciers in this part of Kazakhstan. The Tom and Vyp. numbers correspond with those of Resursy poverkhnostnykh vod SSSR [Surface water resources of the U.S.S.R.].]Google Scholar
Chernova, L. P., and Chernov, A. A. Otsenka rasseyaniya energii dlya ploskoy modeli lednika [Estimation of the dispersion of energy for a two-dimensional glacier model]. Materialy Glyatsiologicheskikh Issledovaniy. Khronika. Obsuzhdeniya, Vyp. 25, 1976, p. 17577. [English summary, p. 177.]Google Scholar
Clough, J. W. Electromagnetic lateral waves observed by earth-sounding radars. Geophysics, Vol. 41, No. 6A, 1976, p. 112632. [Discusses example recorded on Ross Ice Shelf, Antarctica.]Google Scholar
Colvill, A. J. Cambridge east Greenland expedition, 1976. Polar Record, Vol. 18, No. 115, 1977, p. 37879. [Results of survey of Roslin Gletscher, Stauning Alper.]CrossRefGoogle Scholar
Davidovich, N. V. Nekotoryye cherty mikroklimatichcskikh razlichiy v firnovoy oblasti gornogo lednika [On some peculiarities of microclimate difference, in the firn area of a mountain glacier]. Materialy Glyatsiologicheskikh Issledouaniy. Khronika. Obsuzlzdeniya, Vyp. 25, 1976, p. 8490. [Study of microclimate of Lednik Marukh, Caucasm. English summary, p. 8990.]Google Scholar
Dyurgerov, M. B. Izucheniye prostramtvennoy statinicheskoy struktury polya poverkhnostnoy ablyatsii gornogo lednika [Study of spatial statistical structure of the field of surface ablation of a mountain glacier]. Materialy Glyatsiolagicheskikh Issledovaniy. Khronika. Obsuzhdeniya, Vyp. 26, 1976, p. 14044. [Based on study of Lednik Dzhankuat, Caucasus. Englih summary, p. 144.]Google Scholar
Fokeyev, N. V. Prochnost’ letnego l’da pripaya Antarktidy pri odnoosnomszhatii [Uniaxial compression strength of summer ice of the Antuctic fast ice]. Informatsionnyy Byulleten’ Sovetskoy Antarkticheskoy Ekspeditsii, No. 92, 1976, p. 5056.Google Scholar
Fokeyev, N. V. Zavisimost’ mezhdu uprugost’yu i prochnost’yu na pripaynykh l’dakh antarkticheskikh morey [Elasticity–strength relationship in Antarctic fast ice]. Informatsionnyy Byulleten’ Sovetskoy Antarkticheskoy Ekspeditsii, No. 92, 1976, p. 6063.Google Scholar
Glazyrin, G. Ye., and Sokolov, L. N. Raschet priblizitel’nogo chisla i ploshchadi lednikov v neizuchennykh rayonakh [Calculation of the approximate number and area of glaciers in unstudied regions]. Materialy Glyatsiologicheskikh Issledovaniy. Khronika. Obsuzhdeniya, Vyp. 26, 1976, p. 97101. [Describes simple method which has been used in the U.S.S.R. English summary, p. 101.]Google Scholar
Golubev, G. N. Gidrologiya lednikov [The hydrology of glaciers]. Leningrad, Gidrometeoizdat, 1976. 247 p. [Advanced textbook. English summary, p. 2.]Google Scholar
Golubev, G. N. Zhidkaya voda vnutri lednikov [Liquid water inside glaciers]. Materialy Glyatsiologicheskikh Issledovaniy. Khronika. Obsuzhdeniya, Vyp. 26, 1976, p. 3151. [Study of hydrology of glaciers from snow-firn pack through body of glacier to its base. English summary, p. 51.]Google Scholar
Gow, A. J., and Williamson, T. Rheological implications of the internal structure and crystal fabrics of the west Antarctic ice sheet as revealed by deep core drilling at Byrd station. Geological Society of America. Bulletin, Vol. 87, No. 12, 1976, p. 166577. [Describes crystalline textures and fabrics of ice cores from the 2 164 m thick ice sheet.]Google Scholar
Hambrey, M. J. Structure of the glacier Charles Rabot Bre, Norway. Geological Society of America. Bulletin, Vol. 87, No. 11, 1976, p. 162937. [Describes sedimentary stratification, foliation, and crevasse traces (including healed crevasses) on surface of this glacier in Okstindan massif of northern Norway.]Google Scholar
Hudleston, P. J. Recumbent folding in the base of the Barnes Ice Cap, Baffin Island, Northwest Territories, Canada. Geological Society of America. Bulletin, Vol. 87, No. 12, 1976, p. 168492. [Describes and discusses formation.]Google Scholar
Inashvili, Sh. V., and Kotlyakov, V. M. Ledniki yuzhnogo sklona tsentral’nogo Kavkaza (razmeshcheniye, pitaniye, stok) [Glaciers of the southern slope of the central Caucasus (location, nourishment, run-off)]. Materialy Glyatsiologicheskikh Issledovaniy. Khronika. Obsuzhdeniya, Vyp. 25, 1976, p. 6167. [Presents figures relating to balance of the 354 glaciers within this region. E!lglish summary, p. 67.].Google Scholar
Jaksch, K. Das Gletschervorfeld des Sólheimajökull. Jökull, Ár 25, 1975 [pub. 1976], p. 3438. [Lichenometric studies of moraines indicate glacier may have experienced greatest recent advance in 1890.]CrossRefGoogle Scholar
Koerner, R. M., and Taniguchi, H. Artificial radioactivity layers in the Devon Island ice cap, Northwest Territories. Calladian Journal of Earth Sciences, Vol. 13, 0.9, 1976, p. 125155. [Bomb-produced radioactive fall-out layers are evident in firn and also lower in zone where accumulation is in form of frozen melt water. This allows 1963–74 snow accumulation gradient; for same period to be determined on sub-polar ice caps in Canada.]Google Scholar
Korotkevich, Ye. S., and Petrov, V. N. Itogi i perspektivy glubokogo bureniya v Antarktide [Results and prospects of deep drilling in Antarctica]. Materialy Glyatsiologicheskikh Issledovaniy. Khronika. Obsuzhdeniya, Vyp. 26, 1976, p. 15558. [Dicusses preliminary results of studies of Vostok 900 m bore hole and ice core. English summary, p. 158.]Google Scholar
Koryakin, V. S. Prognoz podvizhki lednika opravdalsya [Forecast of glacier surge proved to be true]. Materialy Glyatsiologicheskikh Issledovaniy. Khronika. Obsuzhdeniya, Vyp. 25, 1976, p. 297. [Further comments on surges in Arctic regions (see ibid., Vyp. 24, 1974, p. 14045).]Google Scholar
Koryakin, V. S. V poiskakh lednihovykh podvizhek [In search of glacier movements]. Priroda, 1976, No. 5, p. 6471. [Study of glacier movements in Spitsbergen, mentioning surging glaciers.]Google Scholar
Kozlovskiy, A. M. Nekotoryye osobennosti formirovaniya i stroyaniya pripaya u shel’fovogo lednika Eymeri [Some peculiarities of the formation and structurc of fast ice along the Amery Ice Shelf]. Informatsionnyy Byulleten’ Sovetskoy Antarkticheskoy Ekspeditsii, No. 92, 1976, p. 4045.Google Scholar
Krass, M. S., and Shumskiy, P. A. Oshibochnyye predstavleniya o temperaturakh v tolihche lednikov [Erroneous ideas of temperature in glacier sequence;]. Materialy Glyatsiologicheskikh Issledovrniy. Khronika. Obsuzhdellrya, Vyp. 26, 1976, p. 24654. [Theory of heat balance of glaciers. Authors criticize theory of Zotikov, I. A. who replies to this, p. 25354. English summary, p. 254.]Google Scholar
Krenke, A. N., and Kukushkina, K. I. Meteorologicheskiye usloviya nakopleniya vody v basseyne lednika Kolka [Meteorological conditions of water accumulation in the Lednik Kolka basin]. Materialy Glyatsiologicheskikh Issledovaniy. Khrollika. Obsuzhdeniya, Vyp. 26, 1976, p. 13040. [Discusses factors affecting water accumulation and relation to surging. English summary, p. 140.]Google Scholar
Krimmel, R. M., and others. Surging and nonsurging glaciers in the Pamir mountains, U.S.S.R., by Krimmel, R. M. Post, A. [S.] and Meier, M. F. U.S. Geological Survey. Professional Paper 929, 1976, p. 17879. [Shown by means of ERTS image.]Google Scholar
Lebedeva, I. M. Intensivnost’ ispareniya s lednikov Sredney i Tsentral’noy Azii (vozmozhnosti izmereniy i raschetov) [The rate of evaporation from glaciers of middle and central Asia (possibilities of measurements and calculations)]. Materialy Glyatsiologicheskikh Issledovaniy. Khronika. Obsuzhdeniya, Vyp. 26, 1976, p. 11929.] [Calculation based on wind velocity and/or air humidity. English summary, p. 129.]Google Scholar
Macheret, Yu. Ya. Nekotoryve rezul’taty radiolokatsionnogo zondirovaniya lednikov Zapadnogo Shpitsbergena v 1974 g. [Some result of radio-echo sounding of the glaciers of Spitsbergen in 1974]. Materialy Glyatsiologicheskikh Issledovaniy. Khronika. Obsuzhdeniya. Vyp. 26, 1976. p. 15864. [Glaciers of Spitsbergen, especially Auslre Brøggerbreen. English summary, p. 164.]Google Scholar
Makarevich, K. G., and others. Balans massy i stok s Iednikov Tuyuksuyskogo gorno-lednikovogo basseyna v 1970–1972 gg. [Mass balance and run-off from the glaciers of the Tuyuksu glacial basin in 1970–72]. [By] Makarevich, K. G. Vilesov, Ye. N. Shaban, P. F. Materialy Glyatsiologicheskikh Issledovaniya. Khronika. Obsuzhdeniya, Vyp. 25, 1976, p. 4450. [Compares values for these years for glaciers in this part of Zailiyskiy Alatau, Kazakhskaya S.S.R. English summary. p. 50.]Google Scholar
Maruashvili, L. I., and ot’ers. Basseyny rek Bzybi, Kelasuri, Kodori, Inguri, Khobi, Rioni [Basins of the rivers Bzybi. Kclasuri. Kodori, Inguri, Khobi. Rioni]. [By] Maruashvili, L. I. Kurdgelaidze, G. M. Lashkhi, T. A. Inashvili, Sh. V. Tabidze, D. D. Katalog lednikov SSSR [Catalogue of glaciers of the U.S.S.R], Tom 9, Vyp. 1, Chast’ 2–6, 1975, 87 p. [Part of I.H.D. catalogue giving details of what is known of glaciers in this part of Transcaucasia and Dagestan. The Tom and Vyp. numbers correnpond with those of Resursy poverkhnostnykh vod SSSR [Surface water resources of the U.S.S.R.].Google Scholar
Matthews, J. A. Reconstruction of “Little Ice Age” glacier oscillations and temperature fluctuations from variations in the growth of Scots pine at the tree-line, central south Norway. University of Edinburgh. Dept. of Geography. Research Discussion Paper No. 9. 1976, [ii] 43 leaves. [Growth curves used to make inferences about number, date, magnitude, and duration of glacier fluctuations and summer temperatures from A.D. 1700 to 1950.]Google Scholar
Meier, M. F. Monitoring the motion of surging glaciers in the Mount McKinley massif, Alaska. U.S. Geological Survey. Professional Paper 929, 1976, p. 18587. [Studied by means of ERTS image.]Google Scholar
Moiseyeva, G. F. Elektroprovodnost’ lednikovoy vody i resheniye nekotorykh zadach v glyatsiologii [Electrical conductivity of glacial waters and solution of some problems in glaciology]. Materialy Glyatsiclogicheskikh Issledovaniy. Khronika. Obsuzhdeniya, Vyp. 25, 1976, p. 9096. [Field studies on Lednik Marukh into snowfirn formation and glacial hydrelogy. English summary, p. 96.]Google Scholar
Munro, D. S. Energy exchange on a melting glacier. Dissertation Abstracts International. B, Vol. 37, No. 1, 1976, p. 139-B. [Measurements on Peyto Glacier, Alberta, Canada. Abstract of Ph.D. the is, McMaster University, 1975.]Google Scholar
Musoyev, Z. Khimicheskiy sostav talykh voel lednika Medvezhiy na Pamire [Chemical composition of the melt waters of Lednik Medvezhiy, Pamir]. Materialy Glyatsiologicheskiy Issledovaniy. Khronika. Obsuzhdeniya, Vyp. 25, 1976, p. 17781. [English summary, p. 181.]Google Scholar
Nowadnick, J. Will Hubbard Glacier dam Russell Fiord? Alaska, Vol. 43, No. 4, 1977, p. 1011, 6667. [Discusses possibility and consequences.]Google Scholar
Paterson, W. S. B. Secondary and tertiary creep of glacier ice as measured by borehole closure rates. Reviews of Geophysics and Space Physics, Vol. 15, No. 1, 1977, p. 4755. [Reviews published and previously unpublished measurements of closure rate of five bore holes in polar ice caps, the data covering effective shear stresses between 0.15 and 1.0 MN m-2, temperatures between —16 and —28°C, and strains up to 2.2.]Google Scholar
Podkopaveva, L. D. Basseyn r. Kyzylsu [Basin of the river Kyzylsu]. Katalog lednikov SSSR [Catalogue of glaciers of the U.S.S.R.], Tom 14, Vyp. 3, Chast’ 7, 1976, 64 p. [Part of I.H.D. catalogue giving details of what is known of glaciers in this part of Central Asia. The Tom and Vyp. numbers correspond with those of Resursy poverkhnostnykh vod SSSR [Surface water resources of the U.S.S.R.].]Google Scholar
Portmann, J. P. Notices glaciologiques. Aperçu historique II (1901–20). Les Alpes. Revue du Club Alpin Suisse, 52e An., 4e Trimestre, 1976, p. 15764. [Continuation of article on reports “Les variations periodiques des glaciers des Alpes”, which have been published in Les Alpes from 1880 to the present day.]Google Scholar
Post, A. S., and Streveler, G. The tilted forest: glaciological-geologic implications of vegetated neoglacial ice at Lituya Bay, Alaska. Quatemary Research, Vol. 6, No. 1, 1976, p. 11117. [Describes isolated glacier ice persisting at 2 to 3 m depth after retreat of large glacier about 400 years B.P.]Google Scholar
Post, A. S., and others. Measuring the motion of the Lowell and Tweedsmuir surging glaciers of British Columbia, Canada, by A. [S.] Post, M. F. Meier and L. R. Mayo. U.S. Geological Survey. Professional Paper 929, 1976, p. 18084. [Studied by means of ERTS images.].Google Scholar
Rist, S. Jöklabreytingar 1931/64, 1964/74 og 1974/75. Jökull, Ár 25, 1975 [pub. 1976], p. 7379. [Records of glacier variations show retreat of 7 to 8 m per year during last 11 years compared to 27 m per year during period 1931 to 1964. English summary, p. 76.]Google Scholar
Robertson, J. D. Geophysical studies on the Ross Ice Shelf, Antarctica. Dissertation Abstracts International, B, Vol. 36, No. 11, 1976, p. 5484-B. [Interprets results of seismic reflection, seismic short and long refraction, and radio-echo sounding reflection records, and also gravity measurements, in 1973–74 and 1974–75. Abstract of Ph.D. thesis, University of Wisconsin—Madison, 1975. University Microfilms order no. 762503.]Google Scholar
Rototaveva, O. V. Osobennosti oledeneniya vostochnogo Pamira [Peculiarities of the glacial cover of the eastern Pamir]. Materialy Glyatsiologicheskikh Issledovaniy. Khronika. Obsuzhdeniya, Vyp. 26, 1976, p. 10519. [Describes principal factors affecting these alpine glacier, especially effects of relief and altitude. Comments on firn line. English summary, p. 119.]Google Scholar
Schönfeld, S. G., and Zvl, C. Z. Van, . Geophysical traverses in the Ahlmannryggen, western Dronning Maud Land, 1973. South African Journal of Antarctic Research, No. 4, 1974, p. 5057. [Determination of ice thickness and subglacial topography.]Google Scholar
Shantykova, L. N. Stepen’ odnorodnosti mnogoletnikh kolebaniy vysoty granitsy pitaniya v predelakh lednikovoy oblasti [Extent of homogeneity of perennial variations of height of the equilibrium line within glaciated areas]. Materialy Glyatsiologieheskikh Issledovaniy. Khronika. Obsuzhdeniya, Vyp. 26, 1976, p. 10105. [Studies in Norway and Sweden. English summary, p. 105.]Google Scholar
Shcheglova, O. P. Vliyaniye termicheskogo rezhima vodosbora na formirovaniye talogo snegovogo i lednikovogo stoka r. Muksu [Influence of thermal regime of the drainage system on formation of snow melt and glacier run-off of the Muksu river]. Materialy Glyatsiologieheskikh Issledovaniy. Khronika. Obsuzhdeniya, Vyp. 26, 1976, p. 8589. [Interrelation between annual distribution of river run-off and air temperature in this river basin in Tadzhikskaya S.S.R. English summary, p. 89.]Google Scholar
Shchetinnikov, A. S. Ledniki basseyna reki Pskem [Glaciers of the Pskem river basin]. Leningrad, Gidrometeoizdat, 1976. 120 p. [Includes morphological features and hydrological role of these glaciers in western Tyan’ Shan’.]Google Scholar
Swithinbank, C. W. M., and others. Major change in the map of Antarctica, by Swithinbank, C. [W. M.] Doake, C. [S. M.] Wager, A. [C.] and Crabtree, R. [D.] Polar Record, Vol. 18, No. 114, 1976, p. 29599. [Results of airborne radio-echo soundings. By examining character of bottom echo and comparing with ice surface elevations, it was possible to locate inland boundary of Ronne Ice Shelf.]Google Scholar
[Theory of elacier flow.] Icy moves. Physics Bulletin, Vol. 28, No. 3, 1977, p. 106. [Describes French research on physical and micro-mechanical properties of ice that should lead to better understanding of glacier movement.]Google Scholar
Tsomava, V. Sh. Basseyny levykh pritokov r. Kury.—Basseyn r. Sulaka.—Basseyn r. Samura.—Basseyn r. Kusarchaya [Basins of the left bank tributaries of the river Kury.—Basin of the river Samura.—Basin of the river Samura.—Basin of the river Kusarchaya]. Katalog lednikov SSSR [Catalogue of glaciers of the U.S.S.R.], Tom 9, Vyp. 1, Chast’ 7; Vyp. 3, Chast’ 1–2; Vyp. 4, Chast’ 1, 1975, 95 p. [Part of the I.H.D. catalogue giving details of what is known of glaciers in this part of western Transcaucasia. The Tom and Vyp. numbers correspond with those of Resursy poverkllllostnykh vod SSSR [Surface water resources of the U.S.S.R.].]Google Scholar
Tsomaya, V. Sh. Uchet lednikovogo koeffitsienta pri raschetakh zhidkogo stob s lednika [Consideration of the glacier coefficient while calculatingits liquid run-off]. Materialy Glyatsiologicheskiklt Issledovaniy. Khronika. Obsuzhdeniya, Vyp. 25, 1976, p. 7783. [Studies reiatiomhip between accumulation and run-off. English summary, p. 83.]Google Scholar
Tvulina, T. Vu. Izmereniye otnositei’nogo peremeshcheni ya l’da v sloyakh i razryvakh na lednike Marukh [On the measurements of relative ice transport in layers and faults of Lednik Marukh]. Materialy Glyatsiologicheskikh Issledovaniy. Khronika. Obsuzhdeniya, Vyp. 25, 1976, p. 10516. [Describes methods of measurements of relative ice displacement in layers and fractures, and discusses movement and deformation in Lednik Marukh, Caucas us. English summary, p. 116.]Google Scholar
Vilesov, Ye. N. Basseyn r. Arysi [Bain of the river Arysi]. Katalog lednikov SSSR [Catalogue of glaciers of the U.S.S R.], Tom 14, Vyp 1, Chast’ 2, 1976, 40 p. [Part of I.H.D. catalogue giving details of what is known of glaciers in this part of Central Asia. The Tom and Vyp. numbers correspond with those of Resursy poverkhnostnykh vod SSSR [Surface water resources of the U.S.S.R.].Google Scholar
Vinogradov, O. N., and Garellk, I. S. Yeshche raz o novom metode rasch eta skorostey deformatsiy v ledn ikakh [Further comments on the new calculation method of strain rates in glaciers]. Materialy Glyatsiologicheskikh Issledovaniy. Khronika. Obsuzhdeniya, Vyp. 26, 1976, p. 25759. [Applied to Lednik Marukh. English summary, p. 25859.]Google Scholar
Voloshina, A. P. Vneshniy energoobmen lednika Medvezhiy na Pamire [External heat exchange of Lednik Medvezhiy in the Pamir]. Materialy Glyatsiologicheskikh Issledovaniy. Khronika. Obsuzhdeniya, Vyp. 26, 1976, p. 5978. [Analyses meteorological regime and factors affecting heat exchange in ablation area. English summary, p. 7778.]Google Scholar
Voloshina, A. P., and Inashvili, Sh. V. Tayaniye lednikov yuzhnogo sklona tsentral’nogo Kavkaza [Melting of glaciers of the southern slope of the central Caucasus]. Materialy Glyatsiologicheskikh Issledovaniy. Khronika. Obsuzhdeniya, Vyp. 25, 1976, p. 6777. [Discusse factors affecting a blation, especially debris cover, altitude and long ablation period. English summary, p. 77.]Google Scholar
Weertman, J. Sliding-no sliding zone effect and age determination of ice cores. Quaternary Research, Vol. 6, No. 2, 1976, p. 20307. [Points out and discusses error in calculations made by Dansgaard—Johnsen—Nye formula if ice cores are taken from hole drilled through ice that has Aowed from region where ice sheet can slide over bed into region where it cannot slide (or vice versa).]Google Scholar
Zabirov, R. D., and Sydykov, Dzh. Reki basseyna oz. Issyk-Kul’ [River basins of Ozero Issyk-Kul’]. Katalog lednikov SSSR [Catalogue of glaciers of the U.S.S.R.], Tom 14, Vyp. 2, Chast’ 5, 1976, 90 p. [Part of I.H.D. catalogue giving details of what is known of glaciers in this part of Central Asia. The Tom and Vyp. numbers correspond with those of Resursy poverkhnostnykh vod SSSR [Surface water resources of the U.S.S.R.].]Google Scholar

Icebergs. Sea, River and Lake Ice

Adams, W. P. Field determination of the densities of lake ice sheets. Limnology and Oceanography, Vol. 21, No. 4, 1976, p. 60208. [Describes method; also for estimating mean density of white ice component of ice sheet.]CrossRefGoogle Scholar
Adams, W. P. How spring breakups alter our shorelines. Canadian Geographical Journal. Vol. 94, No. 2, 1977, p. 6265. [Based on observations in Labrador.]Google Scholar
Adams, W. P. Iced lakes. Geographical Magazine, Vol. 49, No. 6, 1977, p. 37275. [Describes components of lake cover, their properties (black ice, white ice, snow) and how they affect the hydrological cycle.]Google Scholar
AhlnäS, K., and Wendler, G. Arctic sea-ice conditions in early spring viewed by satellite. Arctic and Alpine Research, Vol. 9, No. 1, 1977, p. 6172 . [Presents observations for March 1973 and March 1974, commenting on areas of high and low concentration of sea ice.]Google Scholar
Appel’, I. L. Raschet temperatury vozdukha v chislennykh modelyakh pereraspredeleniya l’da [Air temperature calculation in numerical models of ice redistribution]. Problemy Arktiki i Antarktiki, Vyp. 48, 1976, p. 2327. [Based on data from Kara Sea, 1955.]Google Scholar
Arikaynen, A. I. Solenost’ i teplovoye sostoyaniye Beringovomorskikh vod kak pokazateli stepeni razvitiya Chukotskoy zapripaynoy progaliny v iyune [Salinity and thermal state of the Bering Sea waters as development rate indicator of the Chukchi Sea Aaw lead in June]. Problemy Arktiki i Antarktiki, Vyp. 48, 1976, p. 6469. [Ostrov Vrangelya area.]Google Scholar
Baranov, G. I., and others. Vetrovoy dreyf morskikh antarkticheskikh l’dov [Wind induced drift of Antarctic ice]. [By] Baranov, G. I. Ivchenko, V. O. Maslovskiy, M. I. Treshnikov, A. F. Kheysin, D. Ye. Problemy Arktiki i Antarktiki, Vyp. 47. 1976, p. 11839. [Presents model for calculation of sea ice drift.]Google Scholar
Barber, F. G., and others. Beaufort Sea box model of ice, by Barber, F. G. Duck, J. Markham, W. E. and Murty, T. S. Canada. Dept. of Fisheries and the Environment. Marille Sciences Directorate. Manuscript Report Series, No. 43, 1977, p. 25558. [Discusses movement of ice and implications of result for oil spills and transport of fresh water (as ice).]Google Scholar
Barnes, P. W. and Reimnitz, E. Flooding of sea ice by the rivers of northern Alaska. U.S. Geological Survey. Professional Paper 929, 1976, p. 35659. [Studied by means of ERTS images.]Google Scholar
Belyakov, L. N., and Volkov, V. A. Nizkochastotnaya periodichnost’v dreyfe l’dov kak pokazatel’ vzaimodeystviya atmosfery i okeana [Low frequency periodicity in the drift of ice as an indicator of atmosphere and ocean interaction]. Problemy Arktiki i Antarktiki. Vyp. 47, 1976, p. 11318. [Observations in the Arctic basin.]Google Scholar
Bolduc, P. A. and others. Stochastic characteristics of the severity of iceberg season, by Bolduc, P. A. Murty, T. S. and Adamowski, K. Canada. Dept. of Fisheries and the Environment. Marine Sciences Directorate. Manuscript Report Series. No. 43, 1977, p. 27783. [Iceberg drift south of 48° N. in north-west Atlantic Ocean, using data from March to July, 1946 to 1971.]Google Scholar
Botnikov, V. N. Sroki i marshruty pokhoda sudov k stantsii Leningradskoy [Dates and routes for ship calls at Leningradskaya station]. Informatsionnyy Byulleten’ Sovetskoy Antarkticheskoy Ekspeditsii, No. 92, 1976, p. 7174. [Ice conditions compared for 1970, 1972, and 1974.]Google Scholar
Brochu, M. Les recherches en glaciologie marine pour la période 1970–1973 et rétrospectivedes XIXe et XXe siècles. Inter-Nord, Nos. 1314, 1974, p. 33240. [Reviews research on sea ice including icebergs.]Google Scholar
Buzuyev, A. Ya., and Ryvlin, A. Ya. Uchet neravnomernosti raspredeleniya kharakteristik ledyanogo pokrova pri otsenke ledoprokhodimosti sudov [Account of non-uniformity in the distribution of ice cover characteristics in evaluation of its navigability for ships in ice conditions]. Meteorologiya i Gidrologiya, 1976, No. 4, p. 6873� [Differences in distribution of ice thickness considered under various conditions of ice formation.]Google Scholar
Campbell, W. J. Dynamics of Arctic ice-shear zones. U.S. Geological Survey. Professional Paper 929, 1976, p. 34649. [Borders northern coast of Alaska and Canada. Study of ice morphology and movement by means of ERTS imagery.]Google Scholar
Campbell, W. J. Ice lead and polynya dynamics. U.S. Geological Survey. Professional Paper 929, 1976, p. 34042. [Use of ERTS images, with examples from Beaufort Sea.]Google Scholar
Campbell, W. J. Morphology of Beaufort Sea ice. U.S. Geological Survey. Professional Paper 929, 1976, p. 35055. [Describes application of ERTS imagery to this study.]Google Scholar
Campbell, W. J. Seasonal metamorphosis of sea ice. U.S. Geological Survey. Professional Paper 929, 1976, p. 34345� [Observed by means of ERTS images in eastern Beaufort Sea.]Google Scholar
Campbell, W. J. Tracking ice floes by sequential ERTS imagery. U.S. Geological Survey. Professional Paper 929, 1976, p. 33739. [Examples from Beaufort Sea.]Google Scholar
Cooper, P. F. jr. Movement and diformation of the landfast ice of the southern Beaufort Sea. Victoria, E.C., Dept. of the Environment. Beaufort Sea Project, 1975. 16 p. (Beaufort Sea Technical Report No. 37.) [Studied by means of strain gauges. Results interpreted and discussed.]Google Scholar
Dubrovin, L. I. Osnovnyye tipy ledyanykh beregov Antarktidy [Main types of ice coasts of Antarctica]. Informatsionnyy Byulleten’ Sovetskoy Antarkticheskoy Ekspeditsii, No. 93, 1976, p. 512. [Describes types of formations and factors affecting them, including ice cliffs and calving of icebergs.]Google Scholar
Elachi, C., and others. Imaging radar observations of frozen Arctic lakes, [by] Elachi, C. and Bryan, M. L. and Weeks, W. F. Remote Sensing of Environment, Vol. 5, No. 3, 1976, p. 16975. [L-band radar images of lakes in Alaska show large differences in radar backscatter which appear to relate to depth of freezing.]Google Scholar
[Floating Ice.] Oceanic water balance. A report prepared by a joint IOC/WMO panel of experts. Geneva, Secretariat of the World Meteorological Organization, 1976. [iii], 112 p. (WMO-No. 442.) [Includes chapter on polar and shelf ice as a factor in oceanic water balance, p. 18.]Google Scholar
Fokeyev, N. V. Svya’ mezhdu prochnos’yu i plotnost’yu letnikh morskikh a ntarkticheskikh l’dov [Relation of strength to density in Antarctic summer sea ice]. biformatsionnyy Byulleten’ Sovetskoy Antarkticlzeskoy Ekspeditsii, No. 92, 1976, p. 5759.Google Scholar
Gerson, D. J. A numerical ice forecasting system. Washington, D. C., Naval Oceanographic Office, 1975. vi, 138 p. (Naval Oceanographic Office Reference Publication 8.) [Describes programme for computing and predicting sea ice thicknesses for selected locations in the Arctic.]Google Scholar
Hall, R. T. Spatial variability of ice thickness distribution as determined from LANDSAT-A. Proceedings of the tenth International Symposium on Remote Sensing of Environment. .. 1975. ... Ann Arbor, Center for Remote Sensing Information and Analysis, Environmental Research Institute of Michigan, Vol. I, [1975], p. 61119. [LANDSAT images used to measure point on ice thickness distribution in Beaufort Sea and examine its variability on scales, considered by AIDJEX model.]Google Scholar
Hibler, W. D. III, and Tucker, W. B. III. Seasonal variations in apparent sea ice viscosity on the geophysical scale. Geophysical Research Letters, Vol. 4, No. 2, 1977, p. 8790. [Compares 8-day averaged predicted drift rates with observed drift rates obtained from one Russian and two U.S. Arctic drifting stations during period May 1962 to April 1964.]Google Scholar
Kamynin, A. F. Ledovyy rezhim oz. Chany [Ice regime of Ozero Chany]. Zapadno-Sibirskiy Regional’nyy Nauchno-Issledovatel’skiy Gidrometeorologiclzeskiy Institut. Trudy, Vyp. 17, 1975, p. 13539. [Lake ice in the Altay mountains, Altayskiy Kray.]Google Scholar
Kovacs, A., and Gow, A. J. Some characteristics of grounded floebergs near Prudhoe Bay, Alaska. Arctic, Vol. 29, No. 3, 1976, p. 16973. [Presents results of 1975 study on these fragments of multi-year pressure ridges incorporated in fast ice in order to gain information on their shape, structure and effect upon sea bed.]Google Scholar
Kozlovskiy, A. M. Nekotoryye osobennosti i prichiny formirovaniya mnogoletnego l’da more Kosmanavtov [Some peculiarities and causes of the formation of long-standing sea ice in Alasheyev Bay]. Informatsionnyy Byulleten’ Sovetskoy Antarkticheskoy Ekspeditsii, No. 92, 1976, p. 4649.Google Scholar
Kozlovskiy, A. M., and Cherepanov, N. V. Vliyaniye morfologicheskikh kharakteristik poberezh’ya na obrazovaniye vnutrivodnogo l’da v moryakh Antarktiki [The effect of coas tal morphological features on the formation of underwater ice in Antarctic seas]. Informatsionnyy Byulleten’ Sovetskoy Antarkticheskoy Ekspeditsii, No. 92, 1976, p. 3339.Google Scholar
Markham, W. E. Ice movement in Canadian coastal waters. Canada. Dept. of Fisheries and the Environment. Marine Sciences Directorate. Manuscript Report Series, No. 43, 1977, p. 24953. [General discussion of problems of ice movement and its forecasting.]Google Scholar
Marko, J. R., and Thomson, R. E. Rectilinear leads and internal motions in the ice pack of the western Arctic Ocean. Journal of Geophysical Research, Vol. 82, No. 6, 1977, p. 97987. [Shows that observed lead patterns may be interpreted in terms of semibrittle failure of the ice cover.]Google Scholar
Meyer, A. Aktion “Eistageblicher” wahrend der 1975er Labradorsaison. Informationen für die Fischwirtschaft, Jahrg. 22, No. 5, 1975, p. 12630. [Appraisal by German fishing fleet of accuracy of ice maps issued by Ice Forecasting Central, Ottawa, of area between 56° to 44° N. and 45° to 70° W. in 1975.]Google Scholar
Mitchell, P. A. Aerial ice reconnaissance and satellite ice information microfilm file. Washington, D.C., 1976. v, 30 p. (Naval Oceanographic Office Reference Publication 17(76).) [Lists microfilm gathered subsequent to 1969 in Antarctic and 1971 in Arctic regions and now stored in the Naval Oceanographic Office, Washington, D.C., 20373, from whom duplicate microfilms may be purchased.]Google Scholar
Neralla, V. R., and others. Ice motion in the Beaufort Sea, by Neralla, V. R. Venkatesh, S. and Danard, M. B. Canada. Dept. of Fisheries and the Environment. Marine Sciences Directorate. Manuscript Report Series, No. 43, 1977, p. 25976. [Presents steady-state theory of ice drift based on balance between air-ice drag, water-ice drag and Coriolis force.]Google Scholar
Ostheider, M. Evaluation of NOAA-2 VHRR imagery for Arctic sea ice studies. Proceedings of the tenth International Symposium on Remote Sensing of Environment ... 1975. ... Ann Arbor, Center for Remote Sensing Information and Analysis, Environmental Research Institute of Michigan, Vol. I, [1975], p. 62131. [Very high resolution radiometry (VHRR) evaluated for geometry, grey tone, and time.]Google Scholar
Panov, V. V. Obledeneniye sudov [Icing of ships). Trudy Arkticheskogo i Antarkticheskogo Nauclzno-Issledovatel’skogo Instituta, Tom 334, 1976, 263 p. [Comprehensive study of all aspects of problem, based on both Soviet and non-Soviet sources.]Google Scholar
Petrov, I. G. Izucheniye l’dov na dreyfuyushchikh stantsiyakh [The study of ice at drifting stations]. Voprosy Geografii, Sbornik 101, 1976, p. 7086. [Describes research carried out at “Severnyy Polyus” drifting station since 1937. English summary, p. 170.]Google Scholar
Reimnitz, E., and Barnes, P. W. Influence of sea ice on sedimentary processes off northern Alaska. U .S. Geological Survey. Professional Paper 929, 1976, p. 36061 [Studied by means of ERTS images.]Google Scholar
Romanov, A. A. Ledovyye usloviya plavaniya v vodakh Antarktiki [Ice conditions affecting navigation in Antarctic waters]. Trudy Arkticheskogo i Antarkticheskogo Nauchno-Issledovatel’skogo Instituta, Tom 335, 1976, 159 p. [Deals with formation and decay of floating ice, its distribution and effect on navigation in these waters.]Google Scholar
Sarukhanyan, E. I., and others. Nutatsionnyye kolebaniya ledovitosti arkticheskikh morey [Nutational fluctuations of ice extent in Arctic seas]. [By] Sarukhanyan, E. I. Smirnov, N. P. Drygina, I. A. Problemy Arktiki i Antarktiki, Vyp. 47, 1976, p. 10412. [Correlates fluctuations of polar sea ice cover with polar oscillations.]Google Scholar
Schertler, R. J., and others. Great Lakes all-weather ice information system, [by] R. J. Schertler [and 8 others]. Proceedings of the tenth International Symposium on Remote Sensing of Environment ... 1975. ... Ann Arbor, Center for Remote Sensing Information and Analysis, Environmental Research Institute of Michigan, Vol. 2, [1975], p. 13771404. [System uses X-band side-looking airborne radar (SLAR) for determining type, location and distribution of ice cover and airborne S-band short-pulse radar for observing ice thickness.]Google Scholar
Semtner, A. J. jr. A model for the thermodynamic growth of sea ice in numerical investigations of climate. Journal of Physical Oceanography, Vol. 6, No. 3, 1976, p. 37989. [Thickness and extent of sea ice may be predicted in climate simulation.]Google Scholar
Shirasawa, K., and Langleben, M. P. Water drag on Arctic sea ice. Journal of Geophysical Research, Vol. 81, No. 36, 1976, p. 645154. [Determination of typical skin friction value of water drag coefficient from momentum flux through oceanic frictional boundary layer.]Google Scholar
Skriptunov, N. A. Vliyaniye rechnogo stoka na gidrologicheskiye protsessy na ust’yevom vzmor’ye v ledovyy period [Influence of river run-off on hydrological processes at sea mouths during the frozen period]. Gosudarstvennyy Okeanograficheskiy Institut. Trudy, Vyp. 129. 1976, p. 536.Google Scholar
Sobczak, L. W. Ice movements in the Beaufort Sea 1973–1975: determination by ERTS imagery. Journal of Geophysical Research, Vol. 82, No. 9, 1977, p. 141318. [Patterns of ice movements observed and commented upon. Deflection landward due to frictional drag of land mass.]Google Scholar
Super, A. D., and Osmer, A. D. Remote sensing as it applies to the International Ice Patrol. Proceedings of the tenth International Symposium on Remote Sensing of Environment ... 1975. ... Ann Arbor, Center for Remote Sensing Information and Analysis, Environmental Research Institute of Michigan. Vol. 2, [1975], p. 123134. [Reviews sea ice studies made with airborne radiation thermometers, side-looking airborne radar, microwave radiometers, and satellite imagery.]Google Scholar
Sydor, M. Western Lake Superior ice. U. S. Geologica1 Survey. Professional Paper 929, 1976. p. 16972. [Use of ERTS images for forecasting ice growth and packing in connection with winter navigation.]Google Scholar
Timokhov, L. A. Problemy izucheniya morskogo ledyanogo pokrova [Problems of sea ice cover studies]. Problemy Arktiki i Anlarktiki, Vyp. 47, 1976, p. 2938. [Study of effect of wind and current on sea ice movement.]Google Scholar
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Williams, F. M. Time-dependent deflections of nonhomogeneous ice plates. Acta Mechanica, Vol. 25. Nos. 1–2, 1976, p. 2944. [Theory of floating ice plate with viscoelastic response and temperature varying with time and depth.]Google Scholar
Woolever, G. F., and others. Utilization of remote sensing techniques for U.S. Coast Guard missions. [by] Woolever, G. F. and Kidd, L. A. Welsh, J. P. McIntosh, J.A. and Farmer, L. D. Proceedings of the tenth International Symposium on Remote Sensing of Environment ... 1975. ... Ann Arbor, Center for Remote Sensing Information and Analysis, Environmental Research Institute of Michigan, Vol. I [1975], p. 316. [Describes techniques for ice and iceberg classification, and iceberg detection.]Google Scholar
Vorsfold, R. D., and others. Remote sensing studies; Forteau Bay, Labrador. Pt. 1. Thermal infrared studies and density slicing, by Worfold, R. D. Strong, D. Pike, H. Richter, S. Ricketts, R. St. John’s. Newfoundland. Memorial University of Newfoundland. Centre for Cold Ocean Resources Engineering, 1977. v, 66 p. 15 folding plates. (C-CORE Field Report.) [Presents results of 1976 field work in sea ice project.]Google Scholar
Yeskin, L. I. Dreyf l’dov na podkhodakh k stantsii Russkoy [Ice drift at the approaches to Russkaya station]. Informatsionnyy Byulleten’ Sovetskoy Antarkticheskoy Ekspeditsii, No. 93, 1976, p. 4042. [Observations in the South Pacific Ocean.]Google Scholar
Zakharov, V. F. Pokholodaniye Arktiki i Icdyanoy pokrov arkticheskikh morey [Fall of temperature of the Arctic and the ice cover of Arctic seas]. Trudy Arklicheskogo i Antarkticheskngo Nauchno-lssledovatel’skogo Instituta, Tom 337, 1976, 96 p. [Characteristics of temperature fall in Arctic since 1940 and analysis of ice regime in Arctic seas with evidence of worsening conditions.]Google Scholar

Glacial Geology

Andrews, J. T., and Mahaffy, M. A. W. Growth rate of the Laurentide ice sheet and sea level lowering (with emphasis on the 115,000 BP sea level low). Quaternary Research, Vol. 6, No. 2, 1976, p. 16783. [Using physically plausible three-dimensional ice flow model, examines rate at which ice sheet could spread and thicken using as input likely values for rate of fall of snow-line and a mount of net mass balance over growing ice sheet.]Google Scholar
Aniya, M. tumerical analyses of glacial valleys and cirques in the Victoria valley system, Antarctica, from photometrically derived terrain data. Dissertation Abstracts international, B, Vol. 36, No. 12, Pt. 1, 1976, p. 6036-B. [Results enable conclusions to be drawn about former glaciations. Abstract of Ph.D. thesis, University of Georgia, 1975. University Microfilms order no. 76-13988.]Google Scholar
Aseyev, A. A. Sovremennoye znacheniye idey P. A. Kropotkina o lednikovom periode (k 100-letiyu publikatsii “Issledovaniy o lednikovom periode”) [The importance of the ideas of P. A. Kropotkin on the glacial period (on the centenary of the publication of Studies of the glacial period )]. Izvestiya Akademii Nauk SSSR. Seriya Geograficheskaya, 1976, No. 2, p. 96101. [Book published in Moscow in 1876.]Google Scholar
Ashwell, I. Y. Arnarvatnsheidi and its regional geography. fökull, Ár 25, 1975 [pub. 1976], p. 3945. [Discusses glacial origin of landscape of this area in central west Iceland.]Google Scholar
Boulton, G. S., and others. Late Holocene glacier fluctuations and vegetation changes at Maktak Fiord, Baffin Island, N.W.T., Canada, [by] Boulton, G. S. Dickson, J. H. Nichols, H. Nichols, M. and Short, S. K. Arctic and Alpine Research, Vol. 8, No. 4, 1976, p. 34356. [Suggests sequence of Holocene events, based on integrated study of glacial and glaciofluvial sediments, glacial tectonics, plant macrofossils, and palynology.]Google Scholar
Casadoro, G., and others. Un deposito tardowürmiano con tronchi subfossili alle Fornaci di Revine (Treviso), [by) Casadoro, G. [and 7 others]. Bollettino del Comitato Glaciologico Italiano, Ser. 2, No. 24, 1976, p. 2264. [Late Pleistocene deposit described. Probably formed in periglacial environment.]Google Scholar
Chuklenkova, I. N. O rasprostranenii pokrovnogo oledeneniya na severe russkoy ravniny v pozdnem pleystotsene (analiz morfometricheskikh dannykh) [On the spreading of the ice sheet in the northern areas of the Russian plain (interpretation of morphometric data)]. Materialy Glyatsiologicheskikh Issledovaniy. Khronika. Obsuzlideniya, Vyp. 25, 1976, p. 19699. [English summary, p. 199.]Google Scholar
Drozdowski, E. Penultimate period of deglaciation in the Grudziadz basin, lower Vistula river valley : an interstadial-like interval of the middle Würm. Geographia Polonica, 31, 1975, p. 21335. [Reconstructs processes of down-wating by studies of landforms and deposits.)Google Scholar
Gillberg, G. Drumlins in southern Sweden. Bulletin of the Geological Institutions of the University of Uppsala, New Series, Vol. 6, p. 12589. [Describes large number of drumlins in this area and discusses their formation.]Google Scholar
Glazyrin, G. Ye., and Sokolov, L. N. Vozmozhnost’ prognoza kharakteristik pavodkov, vyzyvayemykh proryvami lednikovykh ozer [The possibilities of forecasting Roods caused by outbursts of glacial lakes). Materialy Glyatsiologicheskikh Issledovaniy. Khronika. Obsuzhdeniya, Vyp. 26, 1976, p. 7885. [Method developed. English summary, p. 85.]Google Scholar
Goldthwait, R. P. Past climate on “the hill”. Part 1. When glaciers were here. Mount Washington Observatory News Bulletin, Vol. 17, No. 1, 1976, p. 1216. [Glacial geologic features of the Presidential Range, New Hampshire, U.S.A., are indicators of past climates.]Google Scholar
Goldthwait, R. P., ed. Glacial deposits. Stroudsburg, Pennsylvania, Dowden, Hutchinson and Ross, Inc., [c 1975]. [xvi], 464 p. (Benchmark Papers in Geology, 21.) [Collection of previously published key papers on this subject. Distributed by Halsted Press division of John Wiley.)Google Scholar
Harmon, R. S. Late Pleistocene glacial chronology of the South Nahanni River region, Northwest Territories, Canada. Michigan Academician, Vol. 9, No. 2, 1976, p. 14756. [Identified by means of speleothems.]Google Scholar
Hays, J. D., and others. Variations in the Earth’s orbit: pacemaker of the ice ages, [by) Hays, J. D. Imbrie, J. Shackleton, N. J. Science, Vol. 194, No. 4270, 1976, p. 112132. [Concludes that changes in Earth’s orbit are cause of succession of Quaternary ice ages and predicts long-term trend over next several thousand years is toward extensive glaciation of northern hemisphere.]Google Scholar
Hillefors, Å. Contribution to the knowledge of the chronology of the deglaciation of western Sweden with special reference to the Gothenburg moraine. Svensk Geografisk Årsbok, Årg. 51, 1975, p. 7081. [Suggests moraine was formed owing to oscillations of inland ice during late Dryas and between late Dryas and Böiling interstadial.)Google Scholar
Hughes, T. J., and others. Was there a Jate-Würm Arctic ice sheet? [By] Hughes, T. J. and Denton, G. H. Grosswald, M. G. [i.e. Grosval’d]. Nature, Vol. 266, No. 5603, 1977, p. 596602. [Simplification and synthesis of late-Würm northern hemisphere glaciation is possible by postulating Arctic ice sheet that behaved as single dynamicsys tem.]Google Scholar
Ivanovskiy, L. N. Drevnelednikovyy rel’yef i drevneye oledeneniye gor Sibiri i Dal’nego Vostoka [Ancient glacial relief and ancient glaciation of mountains in Siberia and the far east]. Izvestiya Vsesoyluznogo Geograficheskogo Obshchestva, Tom 108, Vyp. 2, 1976, p. 11622.Google Scholar
Ives, J. D. The Saglek moraines of northern Labrador: a commentary. Arctic and Alpine Research, Vol. 8, No. 4, 1976, p. 40308. [Suggests identification and definition for these moraines.]CrossRefGoogle Scholar
Janossy, D. The influence of the glaciations on the microvertebrate fauna in the periglacia l area in Europe. Geologiska Föreningens i Stockholm Förhandlingar, Vol. 98, Pt. 4, No. 567, 1976, p. 29196. [Refers to conditions in Hungary.)Google Scholar
John, B. S., and Sugden, D. S. Coastal geomorphology of high latitudes. Progress in Geography, Vol. 7, 1975, p. 53132. [Deals with forms and processes of polar coasts, including effects of sea and land ice.]Google Scholar
Johnson, C. B. Characteristics and mechanics of formation of glacial arcuate abrasion cracks. Dissertation Abstracts International, B, Vol. 36, No. 11, 1976, p. 5476-B. [Interpretation of four basic types. Abstract of Ph.D. thesis, Pennsylvania State University, 1975. University Microfilms order no. 76-10738.]Google Scholar
Jopling, A. V., and McDonald, B. C., ed. Glaciofluvial and glaciolacustrine sedimentation. Tulsa, Oklahoma, Society of Economic Paleontologists and Mineralogists, [c 1975]. iv, 320 p. (Special Publication No. 23.) [Contents include: Jopling, A. V. “Early studies on stratified drift”, p. 421; Church, M. and Gilbert, R. “Proglacial fluvial and lacustrine environments”, p. 22100; Østrem, G. “Sediment transport in glacial meltwater streams”, p. 10122; McDonald, B. C. and Shilts, W. W. “Interpretation of faults in glaciofluvial sediments”, p. 12331; Baneljee, I. and McDonald, B. C. “Nature of esker sedimentation”, p. 13254; Saunderson, H. C. “Sedimentology of the Brampton esker and its associated deposits: an empirical test of theory”, p. 15576; Rust, B. R. and Romanelli, R. “Late Quaternary subaqueous outwash deposits near Ottawa, Canada”, p. 17792; Boothroyd, J. C. and Ashley, G. M. “Processes, bar morphology, and sedimentary structures on braided outwash fans, northeastern Gulf of Alaska”, p. 193222; Clague, J. J. “Sedimentology and paleohydrology of late Wisconsinan outwash, Rocky Mountain Trench, southeastern British Columbia”, p. 22337; Rust, B. R. “Fabric and structure in glaciofluvial gravels”, p. 23848; Gustavson, T. C. “Sedimentation and physical limnology in proglacial Malaspina Lake, southeastern Alaska”, p. 24963; Gustavson, T. C. Ashley, G. M. and Boothroyd, J. C. “Depositional sequences in glaciolacus trine deltas”, p. 26480; Shaw, J. “Sedimentary successions in Pleistocene ice-marginal lakes”, p. 281303; Ashley, G. M. “Rhythmic sedimentation in glacial Lake Hitchcock, Massachusetts-Connecticut”, p. 30420.]Google Scholar
Karczewski, A. Morphology and textural–structural features of ground and hummocky moraine in the Paistunturit area, Finnish Lapland. Reports from the Kevo Subarctic Research Station, Vol. 12, 1975, p. 3444. [Includes attempt to define type and character of deglaciation in area.]Google Scholar
Karrow, P. F., and others. Reworked middle Wisconsinan (?) plant fossils from the Brampton esker, southern Ontario, [by] Karrow, P. F. and Harrison, W. and Saunderson, H. C.. Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences, Vol. 14, No. 3, 1977, p. 42630. [Radiocarbon date suggests mid-Wisconsinan age for wood, whereas stratigraphic evidence suggests Port Huron age for enclosing sediments.]Google Scholar
Klajnert, Z. Struktura form szczelinowych akumulowanych w warunkach martwego lodu i jej związek z dynamiką procesów deglacjacji na podstawie badań w południowej Zelandii (Dania) i w Polsce środkowej [Interrelation between the structure of crevasse filling forms accumulated in dead ice and the dynamics of deglaciation processes on the basis of investigation carried out in South Zealand (Denmark) and in central Poland]. Acta Geographica Lodziensia, Nr. 37, 1976, p. 5372. [Discusses development of eskers and kames. English summary, p. 7172.]Google Scholar
Kontturi, O., and Borg, P. Suomen edustavimmat reunamuodostumat pohjoismaisen tason suojelukohteiksi [The most representative Finnish end moraine formations proposed as Nordic geologic reserves]. Terra, Vol. 87, No. 3, 1975, p. 14254. [Describes these principal eskers and end moraines of Finland and discusses means of preserving them. English summary, p. 154.]Google Scholar
Lapshin, A. V. Izmeneniye ob”yema kontinental’nogo oledeneniya zemli za posledniye 35 tysyach let [Changes in the volume of continental glaciation of the Earth for the last 35 000 years]. Materialy Glyatsiologicheskikh Issledovaniy. Khronika. Obsuzhdeniya, Vyp. 25, 1976, p. 3944. [Considered on basis of sea-level fluctuations. English summary, p. 44.]Google Scholar
Lazukov, G. I. Ob osnovaniyakh gipotezy lednikovogo perioda [On the substantiation of the hypothesis of the glacial period]. Vestnik Moskovskogo Universiteta. Seriya 5. Geografiya, 1976, No. 5, p. 11115. [Supports the work of Kropotkin, first published in 1876.]Google Scholar
Leap, D. I. The glacial geology and hydrology of Day County, South Dakota. Dissertation Abstracts International, B, Vol. 36, No. 9, 1976, p. 4352-B. [Abstract of Ph.D. thesis, Pennsylvania State University, 1974. University Microfilms order no. 76-6485.]Google Scholar
Luchinskaya, T. N., and Troitskiy, L. S. O glyatsial’no-morskikh otlozheniyakh Novoy Zemli v rayone Russkoy Gavani [On glacial-marine deposits of Novaya Zemli in the region of Russkaya Gavan’]. Materialy Glyatsiologicheskikh Issledovaniy. Khronika. Obsuzhdeniya, Vyp. 25, 1976, p. 18993. [Discusses Quaternary glaciation. English summary, p. 193.]Google Scholar
Mckeon, J. B. Delineation of central Ohio glacial deposits by computer processing of multispectral satellite data. Dissertation Abstracts International, B, Vol. 36, No. 8, 1976, p. 3829-B. [New techniques. Abstract of Ph.D. thesis, Ohio State University, 1975. University Microfilms order no. 76-3497.]Google Scholar
Mansikkaniemi, H. Ice action on the seashore, southern Finland: observations and experiments. Fennia. 148, 1976, p. 117. [Influence of sea ice.]Google Scholar
Matsch, C. L. North America and the great ice age. New York, etc., McGraw-Hill, [e 1976]. xii, 131 p. (McGraw-Hill Earth Science Paperback Series.) [Non-technical. Includes information on glaciers, glacial geology, chronology and theories of ice ages.]Google Scholar
Mayewski, P. A. Glacial geology and late Cenozoic history of the Transantarctic Mountains, Antarctica. Ohio State University. Institute of Polar Studies. Report No. 56, 1975, [x], 168 p. [Based on comparison of glacial deposits in Queen Maud Mountains and along nunataks at heads of ice-free valleys of southern Victoria Land with deposits studied by others in southern Victoria Land.]Google Scholar
Mercer, J. H. Glacial history of southernmost South America. Quaternary Research, Vol. 6, No. 2, 1976, p. 12566. [Presents sequence of events derived from K-Ar and 14C dating for 3.5 to 1 million years B.P. and 25 000 years B.P. to present. Little is yet known about glacial fluctuation 3.5 to 2.1 million years B.P.]Google Scholar
Mills, H. H. Sediment characteristics of some small temperate glaciers. Dissertation Abstracts International, B, Vol. 37, No. 2, 1976, p, 662-B. [Sedimentary characteristics enable distinction to be made between various tills and drifts. Abstract of Ph.D. thesis, University of Washington, 1975. University Microfilms order no. 76-17567.]Google Scholar
Miroshnichenko, L. I., and Prutenskaya, Ye. I. Yest’ li svyaz’ mezhdu vulkanami i oledeneniyami? [Is there a connection between vulcanism and glaciations?]. Priroda, 1976, No. 4, p. 4849. [Summarizes evidence.]Google Scholar
Morrison, R. B. Glacial geology and soils in the midwestern United States. U.S. Geological Survey. Professional Paper 929, 1976, p. 6771. [Interpretation from ERTS images difficult because of low relief, lush vegetation, and poor visibility.]Google Scholar
Myagkov, S. M. Osnovnyye voprosy istorii oledeneniya rayona morya Rossa i Transantarkticheskikh gor [Main problems of the history of glaciation in areas of the Ross Sea and Transantarctic Mountains]. Materialy Glyatsiologicheskikh Issledovaniy. Khronika. Obsuzhdeniya, Vyp. 26, 1976, p, 5258. [Reviews and discusses present knowledge. English summary, p. 58.]Google Scholar
Nystuen, J. P. Facies and sedimentation of the late Precambrian Moelv tillite in the eastern part of the sparagmite region, southern Norway. Norges Geologiske Undersøkelse, Nr. 329, Bulletin 40, 1976, 70 p. [Interpretation of tillite includes discussion of extent and duration of glaciation, ice movement directions and influences of eustatic rise and isostatic recovery.]Google Scholar
Persson, T. Några moränstrak i nordligaste Skåne—morfologi, material, struktur och genes. Svensk Geografisk Årsbok, Årg. 51, 1975, p. 16778. [Study of moraines in northern Skåne, Sweden. English summary, p. 167.]Google Scholar
Porter, S. C., and others. Chronology of Hawaiian glaciations, [by] Porter, S. C., Stuiver, M., Yang, I. C.. Science, Vol. 195, No. 4273, 1977, p. 6163. [K/Ar and 14C ages of lava flows and tephra layers interspersed with glacial deposits on Mauna Kea indicate dates of four glaciations.]Google Scholar
Punning, J.-M., and others. The genesis and age of the Quaternary deposits in the ea stern part of Van Mijenfjorden, west Spitsbergen, [by] Punning, J.-M., Troitsky, L. [i.e. Troitskiy] and R. Rajamäe. Geologiska Föreningens iStockholm Förhandlingar, Vol. 98, Pt. 4, No. 567, 1976, p. 34347. [Study of Damesmorenen (ridge) allows reconstruction of advances by Paulabreen during Holocene.]Google Scholar
Raaben, M. YE. Oledeneniya v istorii Zemli [Glaciation in the Earth’s history]. Priroda, 1976, No. 4, p. 7887. [Relationship between tectonic movements and glaciations.] Google Scholar
Sadlowska, A. Slady form deglacjacji arealnej w obrębie zlodowacenia środkowopolskiego w okolicach Opoczna [The forms of areal deglaciation in the glaciated region of central Poland near Opoczna]. Acta Geographica Lodziensia, Nr. 37, 1976, p. 17582. [Describes glaciofluvial landforms. French summary, p. 18182.]Google Scholar
Shchukin, I. S. Raspolagayutsya li lednikovyye tsirki gornykh stran na opredelennykh vysotnykh urovnyakh, i yesli da, to chem opredelyayutsya eti urovni [Are cirque glaciers of mountainous countries found at certain altitudes and, if so, what determines these levels]? Vestnik Moskovskogo Universiteta. Seriyo 5. Geografiya, 1976, No. 2, p. 5763. [Discusses location of Quaternary cirque glaciers. English summary, p. 63.]Google Scholar
Stankowski, W. Wplyw litologii podłoża na działalność rzeźbotwórczå zanikajåcego lådolodu [Effect of lithology of substratum upon morphogenic action of decaying inland ice]. Czasopismo Geograficzne, Tom 47, Zeszyt I, 1976, p. 4550. [Theory of formation of eskers, based on observations made in Canada. English summary, p. 50.] Google Scholar
Strehl, E. Eisrandlagen und eiszeitliche Entwässerung im Gebiet Süsel—Luschendorf (Ostholstein). Schriften des Naturwissenschaftlichen Vereins für Schleswig-Holstein (Kiel), Bd. 46, 1976, p. 512. [Extent of Pleistocene glaciation in northern Germany followed by means of moraines and watercourses.] Google Scholar
Sugden, D. E. Reconstruction of the morphology, dynamics, and thermal characteristics of the Laurentide ice sheet at its maximum. Arctic and Alpine Research, Vol. 9, No. 1, 1977, p. 2147 .Google Scholar
Sugden, D. E., and Miller, G. H. Interglacial or early Wisconsin shell fragments in till on the flanks of Søndre Strømfjord, west Greenland. Arctic and Alpine Research, Vol. 8, No. 4, 1976, p. 399401. [Points out implications of study.] Google Scholar
Szabo, N. L. Dispersion of indicators by glacial transportation at Mount Pleasant. Dissertation Abstracts International, B, Vol. 36, No. 4, 1975, p. 1624-B. [Investigates factors responsible for creating and modifying dispersion fans of indicators such as pebbles and trace metals. Abstract of Ph.D. thesis, University of New Brunswick, 1975. Microfiche copies obtainable from National Library of Canada, Ottawa.]Google Scholar
Tallmann, A. M. The glacial and periglacial geomorphology of the Fourth of Jely Creek valley, Atlin region, Cassiar district, northwestern British Columbia. Dissertation Abstracts International, B, Vol. 36, No. 12, Pt. 1, 1976, p. 6030-B. [Presents Wisconsinan chronology based on glacial stage positions and related depositional sequences. Abstract of Ph.D. thesis, Michigan State University, 1975. University Microfilms order no. 76-12532.]Google Scholar
Timashev, I. Ye. Drevneye oledeneniye Severnogo Verkhoyan’ya [Ancient glaciation of northern Verkhoyansk area]. Izvestiya Akademii Nauk SSSR. Seriya Geograficheskaya, 1975, No. 6, p. 8187. [Yakutskaya A.S.S.R.] Google Scholar
Troitskiy, L. S. O vozraste morskikh terras i razmerakh pozdnegolotsenovykh lednikovykh stadiy na Novoy Zemle [On the age of the marine-built terraces and dimensions of the late Holocene glacial stages on Novaya Zemlya]. Materialy Glyatsiologicheskikh Issledovaniy. Khronika. Obsuzhdeniya, Vyp. 25, 1976, p. 19496. [Presents figures for age determinations, and suggests late Holocene glaciation did not exceed that of present day. English summary, p. 196.]Google Scholar
Vinnik, A. B., and others. Novyye dannye po osnovnym morfcmetricheskim kharakteristikem Antarktidy [New data on morphometric characteristics of Antarctica]. [By] Vinnik, A. B., Dubrovsskiy, B. V., Koblents, Ya. P., Korotkevich, Ye. S.. Informatsionnyy Byulleten’ Sovetskoy Antarkticheskoy Ekspeditsii, No. 93, 1976, p. 1318.Google Scholar
Weaver, F. M., and Dinkelman, M. G. Pliocene climatic and glacial history of Antarctica as revealed by southeast Indian Ocean deep-sea cores: discussion and reply. Geological Society of America. Bulletin, Vol. 87, No. 10, 1976, p. 152931. [Comments on paper by Blank, R. G. and Margolis, S. V., ibid., Vol. 86, No. 8, 1975, p. 105866, with reply by those authors, p. 153132.]Google Scholar
Weidick, A. Quaternary geology of the area between Frederikshåbs Isblink and Amcralik. Gronlands Geologiske Undersogelse. Rapport, No. 70, 1975, 22 p. [Fluctuations in extent of ice sheet during Pleistocene in this west Greenland area.] Google Scholar
Weidick, A. A review of Quaternary investigations in Greenland. Ohio State University. Institute of Polar Studies. Report No. 55, 1975, xii, 161 p. [Deals with present ice cover and glacial history of coastal areas, especially deglaciation during Holocene.] Google Scholar
Zamoruyev, V. V. Pozdnechetvertichnoye oledeneniye v dolinakh rek Vostochnaya Khandyga i Kobyuma (Yuzhnaya Verkhoyan’ye) [Late Quaternary glaciation in river valleys of the Vostochnaya Khanyga and Kobyuma (southern Verkhoyansk)]. Izvestiya Vsesoyuznogo Geograficheskogo Obshchestva, Tom 108, Vyp. 2, 1976, p. 15459.Google Scholar
Zilliacus, H. L. De Geer-moråner och isrecessionen i södra Finlands östra delar. Terra, Vol. 88, No. 4, 1976, p. 17684. [Recession of ice margin in eastern parts of southern Finland reconstructed from morphological analysis of end moraines. English summary, p. 176.]Google Scholar

Frost Action on Rocks and Soil. Frozen Ground. Permafrost

Aguirre-Pente, J. Aperçu sur le problème de la congélation des sols. Inter-Nord, Nos. 1314, 1974, p. 32326. [Brief outline of problems and recent studies in permafrost research.] Google Scholar
Åhman, R. Palsstrukturer och palsmorfologi i Nordnorge. Svensk Geografisk Årsbok, Årg. 51, 1975, p. 22332. [Study of palsa structure and morphology in north Norway. English abstract, p. 223.]Google Scholar
Åhman, R. The structure and morphology of microgenic palsas in northern Norway. Biuletyn Peryglacjalny, No. 26, 1976, p. 2531. [Describes various types of palsas observed by field investigations and air photo-graphy in this area of sporadic permafrost.] Google Scholar
Anderson, D. M. Department of the Army, Cold Regions Research and Engineering Laboratory. Biuletyn Peryglacjalny, No. 26, 1976, p. 14852. [Describes research carried out at CRREL, with particular reference to periglacial phenomena.] Google Scholar
Charre, J.-P., and Lautridou, J.-P. Expériences de cryoclastie sur des grès et roches vertes. Revue de Géographie Alpine, Tom. 63, Fasc. 2, 1975, p. 25361. [Freezing tests on sandstone and ophiolites from north-west Greece show that only serpentinite is subject to frost weathering. Seems that pore space and mechanical resistance are main factors determining liability to frost shattering.] Google Scholar
Clark, R. Further consideration of Falkland Islands periglacial landscapes. Biuletyn PeryglacjalnY, No. 26, 1976, p. 16774. [Discusses cold climate landscape development.] Google Scholar
Corte, A. Rock glaciers. Biuletyn Peryglacjalny, No. 26, 1976, p. 17597. [Describes types of rock glaciers in the Argentine Andes, and discusses their development.] Google Scholar
Crampton, C. B. Patterned ground in the Maritimes, Canada. Biuletyn Peryglacjalny, No. 26, 1976, p. 199204. [Polygon ground patterns probably originated during deglaciation at end of Pleistocene.] Google Scholar
Daniels, J. J., and others. Computer-assisted interpretation of electromagnetic soundings over a permafrost section, [by] Daniels, J. J., Keller, G. V. and Jacobson, J. J.. Geophysics, Vol. 41, No. 4, 1976, p. 75265. [Procedure used to interpret two-locp electromagnetic soundings made along Arctic Slope of Alaska to determine permafrost thickness and character.] Google Scholar
Donnay, J., and others. Observations sur photos aériennes de structures périglaciaires en Ardenne centrale, [par] Donnay, J., Macar, P., Ozer, A. et Pissart, A.. Biuletyn Peryglccjalny, No. 26, 1976, p. 20509. [Describes fossil periglacial phenomena observed by means of air photographs in Belgium.] Google Scholar
Ellenberg, L. Zur Solifluktionsgrenze in den Gebirgen Japans. Erdkunde, Bd. 31, Ht. 1, 1977, p. 1624. [Divides Japan into four periglacial regions and compares with north-eastern Appalachians, U.S.A.] Google Scholar
Francou, B. Formes d’éboulis éléves en Briançonnais. Revue de Géographie Alpine, Tom. 65, Fasc. 1, 1977, p. 6377. [Glacial and periglacial features (especially rock glaciers) at 2600 to 3000 m altitude in this part of the French Alps.] Google Scholar
French, H. M. The periglacial environment. London and New York, Longman, [c 1976]. x, 309 p. [Textbook dealing with present-day and Pleistocene periglacial environments.] Google Scholar
French, H. M., and Dutkiewicz, L. Pingos and pingo-like forms, Banks Island, western Canadian Arctic. Biuletyn Peryglacjalny, No. 26, 1976, p. 21122. [Describes pingo-like mounds near central Bernard River and pingo-like ridges, upper Sachs River.] Google Scholar
[Frozen Ground.] Dix ans de recherches au Centre de Céomorphologie. Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique. Centre de Géomorphologie de Caen. Bulletin No. 21, 1976, 95 p. [Includes: Journaux, A. and. Coutard, J. P. “Les expériences sur l’action du gel dans les sols”. p. 1320; Lautridou, J. P. “Les expériences de cryoclastie”, p. 2128; Caniard, L. de Boissoudy, A. and Bertouille, H. “Étude du comportement d’une structure routière soumise à des cycles de gel-dégel en simulation expérimentale à la station de gel de Cacn”, p. 6372; Bertouille, H. “Études théoriques et propositions expérimentales”, p. 7377.]Google Scholar
Gangloff, P., and Cailleux, A. Indices possibles de pergélisol discontinu. Biuletyn Peryglacjalny, No. 26, 1976, p. 22335. [Discusses identification of features indicating presence of discontinuous permafrost.]Google Scholar
Gold, L. W. National Research Council of Canada, Division of Building Research. Biuletyn Peryglacjalny, No. 26, 1976, p. 13845. [Describes research carried out in the Geotechnical Section, which includes problems of permafrost.]Google Scholar
Goldthwait, R. P. Frost sorted patterned ground: a review. Quaternary Research, Vol. 6. No. 1, 1976. p. 2735. [Describes and discusses characteristics and possible modes of formation.]Google Scholar
Goldthwait, R. P. Past climates on “the hill”. Part 2. Permafrost fluctuations. Mount Washington Observatory News Bulletin, Vol. 17, No. 2, 1976. p. 3841. [Discusses fossil periglacial features in relation to past climates of the Presidential Range. New Hampshire, U.S.A.]Google Scholar
Goździk, J. O szczelinowych strukturach pasowych w Polsce [Stripe fissure structure; in Poland]. Acta Geographica Lodziensia, Nr. 37. 1976, p. 723. [Probably due to cracking of permafrost during Würm glaciation. English summary, p. 2123.]Google Scholar
Gravis, G. F., and Lisun, A. M. Climatic changes and permafrost evclution in Mongolia: natural conditions and recent permafrost. Inter-Nord, Nos. 1314, 1974, p. 7385. [Past and present permafrost.]Google Scholar
Greenhouse, J. P., and Morgan, A. V. Resistivity mapping of fossil permafrost patterns in southwestern Ontario. Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences. Vol. 14, No. 3, 1977, p. 496500. [Fossil ice-wedge polygons mapped at ground level using small-scale resistivity profiling.]Google Scholar
Heidmann, L. J., and Thorud, D. B. Controlling frost heaving of ponderosa pine seedlings in Arizona. U.S. Dept. of Agriclture. Forest Service. Research Paper RM-172, 1976. [ii], 12 p. [Describes frost heaving process. May be reduced by ploughing to lower soil bulk density and adding gypsum to lower freezing point of soil water.]Google Scholar
Heine, K. Blockgletscher-und Blockzungen-Generaticnen am Nevado de Toluca, Mexiko. Die Erde, Jahrg. 107, Ht. 4, 1976. p. 33052. [Dicusses rock glaciers and ice-cored moraines on this volcano in Mexico.]Google Scholar
Higashi, A. Ice Research Laboratory, Department of Applied Physics, Hokkaido University, Sapporc, Japan. Biuletyn Peryglacjalny, No. 26, 1976, p. 11417. [Describes recent research on periglacial phenomena conducted in this laboratory.]Google Scholar
Jahn, A. Contemporaneous geomorphological processes in Longyeardalen, Vestspitsbergen (Svalbard). Biuletyn Peryglacjalny, No. 26, 1976, p. 25368. [Study of action of slope wash, solifluction and mechanical weathering as affected by permafrost.]Google Scholar
Journaux, A. Alternances du ruissellement et de la solifluction dans les milieux periglaciaires: exemples canadiens et expérimentations. Biuletyn Peryglacjalny, No. 26, 1976, p. 26973. [Describes effects of rills and solifluction processes on periglacial environments, with examples from Canadian Arctic.]Google Scholar
Journaux, A. Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique, Centre de Géomorphologie à Caen. Biulelyn Peryglacjalny, No. 26, 1976, p. 12833. [Describes recent research into periglacial processes carried out in this laboratory.]Google Scholar
Kolasińska, J. Zjawiska peryglacjalne w poludniowej strefie wieloletniej zmarzliny na przykładzie obszaru Zabajkala [Periglacial phenomena in the southern zone of permafrost illustrated by the example of Transbaykalia]. Acta Geographica Lodziensia, Nr. 37, 1976, p. 11326. [Describes occurrence and development of fossil and present-day periglacial landforms in this area of extreme temperatures. English summary, p. 12526.]Google Scholar
Krivonosov, B. M. Naledeobrazovaniye na yugo-vostoke zapadnoy Sibiri [On the formation of Aufeis in the south-east of Western Siberia]. Materialy Glyatsiologicheskikh Issledovaniy. Khronika. Obsuzhdeniya, Vyp. 25, 1976, p. 12933. [Discusses causes and development. English summary, p. 133.]Google Scholar
Ladanyi, B. Université de Montréal, École Polytechnique, Centre d’Ingénierie Nordique. Biuletyn Peryglacjalny, No. 26, 1976, p. 15358. [Research at the Centre is mainly into northern engineering with emphasis on frozen ground mechanics.]Google Scholar
Maarleveld, G. C. Periglacial phenomena and the mean annual temperature during the last glacial time in the Netherlands. Biuletyn Peryglacjalny, No. 26, 1976, p. 5778. [Presents conclusions drawn by comparing fossil periglacial phenomena and former environmental data with present-day periglacial features.]Google Scholar
Mackay, J. R. Permafrost growth and subpermafrost pore water expulsion, Tuktoyaktuk Peninsula, District of Mackenzie. Project 680047. Canada. Geological Survey. Paper 77-1 A, 1977, p. 32326. [Presents results of field experiments on sub-permafrost pore water beneath pingos.]Google Scholar
Mackay, J. R. Probing for the bottom of the active layer. Project 680047. Canada. Geological Survey. Paper 77-1A, 1977, p. 32728. [Can be located in icy and ice-bonded soils by “feel”, but not in fine-grained soils free of ice lenses.]Google Scholar
Mackay, J. R. Pulsating pingos, Tuktoyaktuk Peninsula, N.W.T. Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences, Vol. 14, No. 2, 1977, p. 20922. [Discusses growth patterns of two unusual pingos which pulsate with alternating periods of uplift and subsidence in response to rate of accumulation and loss of water beneath them.]Google Scholar
Mackay, J. R. The widths of ice wedges. Project 680047. Canada. Geological Survey. Paper 77-1A, 1977, p. 4344. [Apparent width is about 50% greater than true width; apparent height is usually true.]Google Scholar
Meneghel, M. Alcune nisure su fenomeni di soliflusso osservati presso il passo Pordoi (Dolomiti ). Bollettino del Comitato Glaciologico Italiano, Ser. 2, No. 24, 1976, p. 921. [Although solifluction near this pass seems to be active still, some mud tongues were probably formed in period when climate could have caused periglacial environment.]Google Scholar
Nekrasov, I. A. Kriolitozona severo-vostoka i yuga Sibiri i zakonomernosti yeye razvitiya [The cryolithic zone of north-eastern and southern Siberia and regularities of its development]. Yakutsk, Yakutskoye Knizhnoye Izdatel’stvo, 1976. 246 p. [Detailed description. English summary, p. 23845.]Google Scholar
Nicholson, F. H. Patterned ground formation and description as suggested by low Arctic and subarctic examples. Arctic and Alpine Research, Vol. 8, No. 4, 1976, p. 32942. [Develops modified system of field description following observations in eastern England, north-west Alaska and north Norway.]Google Scholar
Olhoeft, G. R. Electrical properties of natural clay permafrost. Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences, Vol. 14, No. 1, 1977, p. 1624.Google Scholar
Osterkamp, T. E., and Harrison, W. D. Subsea permafrost: its implications for offshore resource development. Northern Engineer, Vol. 8, No. 1, 1976, p. 3135. [Discusses results of drilling and sampling tests in Prudhoe Bay, Alaska.]Google Scholar
Pissart, A. Sols à buttes, cercles non triés et sols striés non triés de l’Ile de Banks (Canada, N.W.T.). Aspect en plan, en coupe et données génétiques. Biulelyn Peryglacjalny, No. 26, 1976, p. 27585. [Presents results of study of frest hummocks, unsorted circles, and unsorted soil stripes on Banks Island.]Google Scholar
Pissart, A. Université de Liège. Biuletyn Peryglacjalny, No. 26, 1976, p. 11827. [Describes research into periglacial processes carried out at this university in the Laboratoire de Géologie et Géographie Physique.]Google Scholar
Poppe, V. N., and Brown, R. J. E. Russian–English glossary of permafrost terms. Canada. National Research Council. Associate Committee on Geotechnical Research. Technical Memorandum No. 117, 1976, iii 1., 25 leaves. [Russian terms given in Cyrillic script.]Google Scholar
Ratsek, V. I. Dinamika naledey Vostochnogo Pamira [Dynamics of icings of the eastern Pamir]. Izvestiya Vsesoyuznogo Geograficheskogo Obshchestva, Tom 108, Vyp. 4, 1976, p. 32933. [Account of periodic observations of river-valley icings since 1886.]Google Scholar
Reger, R. D., and Péwé, T. L. Cryoplanation terraces: indicators of a permafrost environment. Quaternary Research, Vol. 6, No. 1, 1976, p. 99109. [Discusses origin and development, based on extensive field work in northern hemisphere.]Google Scholar
Romanovbkiy, N. N. The scheme of correlation of polygonal wedge structures. Biuletyn Peryglacjalny, No. 26, 1976, p. 28794. [Study of ice wedges and their development.]Google Scholar
Scott, W. J., and Hunter, J. A. Applications of geophysical techniques in permafrost regions. Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences, Vol. 14, No. 1, 1977, p. 11727. [Describes techniques used to map location of permafrost zones (including sub-sea bottom ), measure thickness and identify ice-rich ground in Canadian Arctic.]Google Scholar
Seguin, M. K. Détermination de la géométrie et des propriétés physiques du pergélisol discontinu de la region de Schefferville. Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences, Vol. 14, No. 3, 1977, p. 43143. [Permafrost studies at Schefferville, P.Q., Canada.]Google Scholar
SeppÄlÄ, M. Seasonal thawing of a palsa at Enontekiö, Finnish Lapland, in 1974. Biuletyn Peryglacjalny, No. 26, 1976, p. 1724. [Presents results of study of speed of melting of active layer of single small palsa during thaw period. Greatest in June and July.]Google Scholar
StÄblein, G. Periglaziale Höhenstufen zwischen Subarktis und Äquator. Bericht über das geomorphologische Symposium der Akademie der Wissenschaften in Göttingen, 19. bis 23. September 1976. Die Erde, Jahrg. 108, Ht. 12, 1977, p. 15153. [Brief outline of papers presented at this symposium on periglacial altitude zones from sub-Arctic to equatorial regions.]Google Scholar
Svensson, H. Fossila iskilspolygoner i nordvästra Skåne. Suensk Geografisk Årsbok, Årg. 51, 1975, p. 191200. [Relict patterns of ice wedge polygons in north-western Skåne. Sweden. English abstract, p. 191.]Google Scholar
Svensson, H. Pingo problems in the Scandinavian countries. Biuletyn Peryglacjalny, No. 26, 1976, p. 3340. [Observations on variants of permafrost mounds, in Norway, Sweden and Denmark.]Google Scholar
Takashi, T. Seiken Reiki, Ltd., Japan. Biuletyn Peryglacjalny, No. 26, 1976, p. 16265. [Describes recent research into frozen soil carried out in this laboratory.]Google Scholar
Tufnell, L. Ploughing block movements on the Moor House reserve (England), 196575. Biuletyn Peryglacjalny, No. 26, 1976, p. 31117. [Study of displacement by frost of these blocks.]Google Scholar
Vyalov, S. S., and Porkhayev, G. V., ed. Handbook for the design of bases and foundations of buildings and other structures on permafrost. Translated by Poppe, V. Canada. National Research Council. Technical Translation 1865, 1976, [288] p. [Translation of Posobiye po proyektirouaniyu osnouaniy i fundamentou zdaniy i sooruzheniy na uechnomerzlykh gruntakh. Moscow, Izdatel’stvo Literatury po Stroitel’stvu, 1969. Of interest to investigators of permafrost and building problems in northern Canada.]Google Scholar
Washburn, A. L. University of Washington, Quaternary Research Center, Periglacial Research Laboratory. Biuletyn Peryglacjalny No. 26, 1976, p. 14647. [Brief description of laboratory.]Google Scholar
White, S. E. Rock glaciers and block fields, review and new data. Quaternary Research, Vol. 6, No. 1, 1976, p. 7797. [Describes characteristics and origins.]Google Scholar
Wood, J. L. Influence of repetitious freeze–thaw on structure and shear strength of Leda (Massena) clay. Dissertation Abstracts International, B. Vol. 37, No. 4, 1976, p. 1808-B. [Behaviour of clay studied by means of laboratory tests. Abstract of Ph.D. thesis, Clarkson College of Technology, 1976. University Microfilms order no. 7622493.]Google Scholar
Yong, R. N. McGill University, Soil Mechanics Research Laboratory. Biuletyn Peryglacjalny, No. 26, 1976, p. 15961. [Summarizes research projects.]Google Scholar

Meteorological and Climatological Glaciology

Allison, I., and Kruss, P. Estimation of recent climate change in Irian Jaya by numerical modeling of its tropical glaciers. Arctic and Alpine Research. Vol. 9, No. 1, 1977, p. 4960. [Carstensz and Meren glaciers, Papua New Guinea.]Google Scholar
Atlas, D. The paradox of hail suppression. Science. Vol. 195, No. 4274, 1977, p. 13945. [Although some projects for hail suppression by cloud seeding report success. others report failure or even increased hail. The reasons are discussed.]Google Scholar
Changnon, S. A. jr On the status of hail suppression. Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, Vol. 58, No. 1, 1977, p. 2028. [Assessment of the future potential of hail suppression in United States.]Google Scholar
Grams, G., and Fiocco, G. Equilibrium temperatures of spherical ice particles in the upper atmosphere and implications for noctilucent cloud formation. Journal of Geophysical Research, Vol. 82. No. 6. 1977. p. 96166. [Theoretical calculation of temperature of ice spheres gives a saturation vapour pressure that can sometimes exceed atmospheric pressure. This sets limits for existence of such clouds.]Google Scholar
Gzirishvill, T. G., and Kharchilava, J. F. O vozmozhnoy roli ozona v yavlenii l’doobrazonvaniya v oblakakh [On the possible role of ozone in the phenomenon of ice formation in clouds]. Izuestiya Akademii Nauk SSSR. Fizika Almosfery i Okeana, Tom 13. No. 1. 1977, p. 10002.Google Scholar
Hahn, D. G., and Shukla, J. An apparent relationship between Eurasian snow cover and Indian monsoon rainfall. Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences, Vol. 33, No. 12, 1976, p. 246162. [Inverse relation indicated.]Google Scholar
Harris, F. I. The effect of evaporation at the base of ice precipitation layers: theory and radar observations. Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences, Vol. 34, No. 4, 1977, p. 65172. [Theoretical and Doppler radar study of precipitation and velocity structures.]Google Scholar
Heymsfield, A. J. Precipitation development in stratiform ice clouds: a microphysical and dynamical study. Journal of the At nospheric Sciences, Vol. 34, No. 2, 1977, p. 36781. [Aircraft and Doppler radar measurements. Parameters of clouds and conditions for occurrence of liquid water and for ice nucleation discussed.]Google Scholar
Libby, L. M., and Pandolfi, L. J. Climate periods in tree, ice and tides. Nature, Vol. 266, No. 5601, 1977, p. 41517. [Ten climate period, found in O and Hisotope ralios of 1800-year-old tree agree with periods from Greenland ice cores and computed tidal streses.]Google Scholar
Mather, G. K., and others. An observed relationship between the height of the 45 dBZ contours in storm profiles and surface hail reports, [by] Mather, G. K. and Treddenick, D. Parsons, R. Journal of Applied Meteorology, Vol. 15, No. 12, 1976, p. 133640. [Correlation observed which can be used for deciding whether to seed for hail suppression.]Google Scholar
Miller, G. H. Glacial and climatic history of northern Cumberland Peninsula, Baffin Island, Canada, during the last 10,000 years. Dissertation Abstracts International, B, Vol. 36, No. 5, 1975, p. 2121-B. [Abstract of Ph.D. thesis, University of Colorado, 1975. University Microfilms order no. 75-23623.]Google Scholar
Newman, M. J., and Talbot, R. J. Jr. Solar neutrinos and solar accretion of interstellar matter. Nature, Vol. 263, No. 5569, 1976, p. 55960. [This has implications for solar neutrino output and a drop in this could trigger the onset of glacial periods.]Google Scholar
Pal, S. R., and Carswell, A. I. The polarization characteristics of lidar scattering from snow and ice crystals in the atmosphere. Journal of Applied Meteorology, Vol. 16, No. 1, 1977, p. 7080. [Measurements. Snow shows considerable variations.]Google Scholar
Paterson, W. S. B., and others. An oxygen-isotope climatic record from the Devon Island ice cap, Arctic Canada, [by] Paterson, W. S. B. [and 7 others]. Nature, Vol. 266, No. 5602, 1977, p. 50811. [Two cores provide well-dated record for past 5000 years. Ice more than 10000 years old is compressed into few metres near glacier bed and so record is less detailed.]Google Scholar
Schnell, R. C., and Delany, A. C. Airborne ice nuclei near an active volcano. Nature, Vol. 264, No. 5586, 1976, p. 53536. [Upwind of St Augustine Island, Alaska, the effluent plume was not contributing significantly to background atmospheric ice nuclei.]Google Scholar
Suarez, M. J. An evaluation of the astronomical theory of the ice ages. Dissertation Abstracts International, B, Vol. 37, No. 9, 1977, p. 4371-B. [Model of the global energy balance developed and effect of perturbations of solar radiation analysed. Positive feedback due to high albedo of snow and sea ice incorporated. Orbital variations of last 150 000 years give fluctuations qualitatively similar to geologic record. Abstract of Ph.D. thesis, Princeton University, 1976. University Microfilms order no. 77-4800.]Google Scholar
Treshnikov, A. F., and Voskresenskiy, A. V. Klimat zony dreyfuyushchikh l’dov [Climate of the drifting ice zones]. Voprosy Geografii, Sbornik 101, 1976, p. 8797. [Relationship between ice and climate. English summary, p. 172.]Google Scholar
Vliet-Lanoë, B. Van. Traces de ségrégation de glace en lentilles associées aux sols et phénomènes périglaciaires fossiles. Biuletyn Peryglacjalny, No. 26, 1976, p. 4155. [Shows how microscopic studies of frozen ground, supported by field observations, permit reconstruction of palaeoclimatology.]Google Scholar
Weiss, R. R., sr., and others. Deduction of ice particle types in the vicinity of the melting layer from Doppler radar measurements, [by] Weiss, R. R. Sr., Locatelli, J. D. and Hobbs, P. V. Journal of Applied Meteorology, Vol. 16, No. 3, 1977, p. 31416. [Technique to identify graupel from ice crystals, and, under certain conditions, further detail.]Google Scholar


Adams, W. P. Areal differentiation of snow cover in east central Ontario. Water ResourccS Research, Vol. 12, No. 6, 1976, p. 122634. [Studies variation of depth, mean density, and water equivalent among seven vegetation types in area where vegetation is dominant control of areal variation of snow cover.]Google Scholar
Akif’yeva, K. V., and Labutina, I. A. Deshifirovaniye snezhnikov vysokogor’ya pri sozdanii topograficheskikh kart [Interpretation of upland snow-patches when making topographical maps]. Vestnik Moskovskogo Universiteta. Seriya 5. Geografiya, 1976, No. 2, p. 6469. [Interpretation and selection of snow-patches from air photographs for topographic mapping. English summary, p. 69.]Google Scholar
Anderson, E. A. A point energy and mass balance model of a snow cover. Dissertation Abstracts International, B, Vol. 36, No. 12, Pt. 1, 1976, p. 6034-B. [Model developed, tested and verified. Abstract of Ph.D. thesis, Stanford University, 1976. Univenity Microfilms order no. 7612972.]Google Scholar
Armstrong, R. L. The application of isotopic profiling snow gauge data to avalanche research. Proceedings of the Western Snow Conference, 44th annual meeting, 1976, p. 1219.Google Scholar
Bissell, V. C. Accuracy evaluation of airborne snow water equivalent measurements using terrestrial gamma radiation spectral peaks. Dissertation Abstracts International, B, Vol. 37, No. 3, 1976, p. 1357-B. [Tested in conditions normal to United States. Abstract of Ph.D. thesis, University of Maryland, 1975. University Microfilms order no. 7617779.]Google Scholar
Bogdanova, E. G. Sposob rascheta doli tverdykh, zhidkikh i smeshannykh osadkov v ikh mesyachnoy norme [A way of calculating the share of solid, liquid and mixed precipitation in the monthly norm]. Materialy Glyatsiologicheskikh Issledovaniy. Khronika. Obsuzhdeniya, Vyp. 26, 1976, p. 20207. [Accuracy of ±10. English summary, p. 207.]Google Scholar
Bogdanova, E. G., and Sokolova, G. P. Raspredeleniye tverdykh osadkov po zemnoy sharu [Distribution of solid precipitation about the Globe]. Materialy Glyatsiologicheskikh Issledovaniy. Khronika. Obsuzhdeniya, Vyp. 26, 1976, p. 20712. [Presents world map showing distribution, compiled from data from 360 stations. English summary, p. 212.]Google Scholar
Bozhinskiy, A. N. O kharakteristikakh struktury snega [On the properties of snow structure]. Materialy Glyatsiologicheskikh Issledovaniy. Khronika. Obsuzhdeniya, Vyp. 25, 1976, p. 11621. [English summary, p. 121.]Google Scholar
Cailleux, A. Mesure simple de l’albédo dans les sciences de la nature. Notes et Documents de Recherche (Université Laval, Département de Géographic), No. 5, 1975, 18 p. [Presents details of method for measuring albedo of surfaces, using snow as one example.]Google Scholar
Carroll, T. An estimate of watershed efficiency for a Colorado alpine basin. Proceedings of the Western Snow Conference, 44th annual meeting, 1976, p. 6977. [More than two-thirds of seasonal stream flow volume was generated during five-week period, June-July. Snow melt produced virtually all run-off from basin.]Google Scholar
Cox, L. M., and Zuzel, J. F. A method for determining sensible heat transfer to late-lying snowdrifts. Proceedings of the Western Snow Conference, 44th annual meeting, 1976, p. 2328. [Describes field method suitable for late-season snow-packs.]Google Scholar
Deleur, M. S., and others. Primeneniye sputnikovoy informatsii v izuchenii dinamiki snegotayaniya [Application of satellite information to the study of snow melting dynamics]. [By] Deleur, M. S. Babkina, L. P. Pankratova, Ye. I. Materialy Glyatsiologicheskikh Issledovaniy. Khronika. Obsuzhdeniya, Vyp. 26, 1976, p. 21621. [Presents studies arising fr om use of satellite data obtained 1971–74 over European U.S.S.R. English summary, p. 22021.]Google Scholar
Dikikh, A. N. Raspredeleniye snezhnogo pokrova v vysokogornoy zone khrebtov prilegayushchikh k Issyk-Kul’skoy kotlovine [Distribution of snow cover in the alpine zone of ranges abutting on the Issyk-Kul’ basin]. Materialy Glyatsiologicheskikh Issledovaniy. Khronika. Obsuzhdeniya, Vyp. 26, 1976, p. 22629. [Discusses factors affecting distribution and duration of snow cover in this part of Kirgizhskaya S.S.R. English summary, p. 229.]Google Scholar
Dolov, M. A. Kizucheniyu vzaimodeystviya snezhnogo obraztsa s rezhushchimi profilyami pri razlichnykh skorostyakh v laboratornykh usloviyakh [On the laboratory study of interaction of a snow sample with cutting profiles, working at speeds). Materialy Glyatsiologicheskikh Issledovaniy. Khronika. Obsuzhdeniya, Vyp. 25, 1976, p. 12129. [Laboratory experiments on deformation of snow. English summary, p. 129.]Google Scholar
Dolov, M. A., ed. Fizika snega i snezhnykh lavin [The physics of snow and snow avalanches]. Vysokogornyy Geofizicheskiy Institut. Trudy, Vyp. 30, 1975, [192] p. [Collection of articles based on research in Caucasus.]Google Scholar
Dyunin, A. K., and others. Mekhanika sil’nykh meteley i osobennosti issledovaniya metelevogo rezhima v gorakh [Mechanics of snow-storms and peculiarities of the studies of snow-storm regime in mountains]. [By] Dyunin, A. K. Anfilof’yev, B. A. Istrapilovich, M. G. Kvon, Ya. Mamayeva, N. T. Materialy Glyatsiologicheskikh Issledovaniy. Khronika. Obsuzhdeniya, Vyp. 26, 1976, p. 16571. [Describes laboratory studies on severe snow-storms, comparing Australian and Soviet theories. English summary, p. 171.]Google Scholar
Emerick, J. C. Effects of artificially increased winter snow cover on plant canopy architecture and primary production in selected areas of Colorado alpine tundra. Dissertation Abstracts International, B, Vol. 37, No. 4, 1976, p. 1538-B39-B. [Abstract of Ph.D. thesis, University of Colorado, 1976. University Microfilms order no. 7623605.]Google Scholar
Fedulov, I. Ya., and Vilesov, Ye. N. O velichinakh sezonnogo snegonakopleniya v O lastyakh akkumulyatsii Chilikskikh lednikov [On seasonal amounts of snow in the accumulation area of the Chilik glaciers]. Materialy Glyatsiologicheskikh Issledovaniy. Khronika. Obsuzhdeniya, Vyp. 25, 1976, p. 5056. [Very heavy snowfall recorded during winters 1968–69 and 1969–70 on southern slopes of Zailiyskiy Alatau, particularly in case of largest glacier, Lednik Korzhenevskiy. English summary, p. 5556.]Google Scholar
Ffolliott, P. F., and Thompson, J. R. Snow damage in Arizona ponderosa pine stands. U.S. Dept. of Agriculture. Forest Service. Research Note RM-322, 1976, 2 p. [Damage in three Cutover Pinus ponderosa stands was evaluated following year of record snowfall. Damage and subsequent recovery was related to tree size and stand density.]Google Scholar
Fitzharris, B. B. Snow accumulation and deposition on a west coast midlatitude mountain. Dissertation Abstracts International, B, Vol. 36, No. 7. 1976, p. 3279-B. [Study of variations in accumulation and deposition due to elevation and after storms. Abstract of Ph.D. thesis, University of British Columbia, 1975. Microfiche copies obtainable from National Library of Canada, Ottawa.]Google Scholar
Flock, J. W. The influence of snow cover and soil moisture on bryophyte and lichen distribution, Niwot Ridge, Boulder County, Colorado. Dissertation Abstracts International, B, Vol. 37. No. 4, 1976, p. 1539-B40-B. [Abstract of Ph.D. thesis, University of Colorado, 1976. University Microfilms order no. 7623609.]Google Scholar
Föhn, P. Analyse der Beziehungen zwischen Witterung, Schneedeckenaufbau und Grosslawinen am Biespiel der Katastrophenlawinen vom April 1975. Winterbericht des Eidg. Institutes für Schnee- und Lawineforschung, Nr. 39, 1976. p. 20918. [Analyses relationship between weather, building up of snow cover and major avalanches, using as an example the avalanche catastrophes of April 1975 in Austrian Alps.]Google Scholar
Gand, H. In Der. Waldschadenlawinen und Waldscådcn der Lawinenkatastrophe vom April 1975. Winterbericht des Eidg. Institutes für Schnee- und Lawinenorschung, Nr. 39, 1976, p. 21830. [Discusses damage to forests caused by major avalanche catastrophe of April 1975 in Austrian Alps.]Google Scholar
Grudinin, G. V. Issledovaniye snezhnogo pokrova stepnykh geosistem yuga Minusinskoy kotloviny [Studies of snow cover of steppe geosystems of the southern Minusinsk basin]. Materialy Glyatsiologicheskikh Issledovaniy. Khronika. Obsuzhdeniya, Vyp. 26, 1976, p. 14550. [Regional and topographic factors affecting distribution of snow cover. Krasnoyarskiy Kray. English summary, p. 150.]Google Scholar
Gus’kov, A. S. Issledovaniya v gorno-lednikovom basseyne r. Bol’shaya Khadata na Polyarnom Urale v 1972/73 balansovom gody [Glaciological studies carried out in the Bol’shaya Khadata river basin, Polyarnyy Ural, 1972/73 balance year). Materialy Glyatsiologicheskikh Issledovaniy. Khronika. Obsuzhdeniya, Vyp. 25, 1976, p. 16975. [Measurements of run-off in relation to snow surveys. English summary, p. 175.]Google Scholar
Hinkley, T. K. Weathering mechanisms and mass balance in a high Sierra Nevada watershed—distribution of alkali and alkaline earth metals in components of parent rock and soil, snow, soil moisture and stream outflow. Dissertation Abstracts International, B, Vol. 36, No. 5, 1975, p. 2119-B. [K, Rb, Cs, Ca, Sr and Ba analysed. Abstract of Ph.D. thesis, California Institute of Technology, 1975. University Microfilms order no. 7524775.]Google Scholar
Hoham, R. W. The effect of coniferous litter and different snow meltwaters upon the growth of two species of snow algae in axenic culture. Arctic and Alpine Research, Vol. 8, No. 4, 1976, p. 37786. [Concluded that material leached from dust and litter contribute to chemical composition of snow and to growth of snow algae, particularly Chloromolnas pichinchae.]Google Scholar
Isayenko, E. P. Iskusstvennoye regulirovaniyc snezhnykh otlozheniy na gornykh sklonakh [On the artificial regulation of snow deposits on mountain slopes]. Materialy, Glyatsiologicheskikh Issledovaniy. Khronika. Obsuzhdeniya, Vyp. 25, 1976, p. 13845. [Discusses use of snow fences. English summary, p. 145.]Google Scholar
Jackson, M. C. A classification of the snowiness of 100 winters—a tribute to the late Bonacina, L. C. W. Weather, Vol. 32, No. 3, 1977, p. 9197. [From records kept from winter 1875–76 to winter 1974–75 by Bonaeina in the British Isles, a complete list is presented showing qualitative degree of snowiness, months with notable falls, and outstanding features of falls.]Google Scholar
Jackson, M. C. The occurrence of falling snow over the United Kingdom. Meteorological Magazine, Vol. 106, No. 1254, 1977, p. 2638. [Presents statistics referring to 1941–70 period and suggests their value to civil and municipal engineers.]Google Scholar
Janz, B. Synoptic patterns associated with heavy spring snowfalls in southwestern Alberta. Proceedings of the Western Snow Conference, 44th annual meeting, 1976, p. 4855. [Topography also plays an important part in main precipitation patterns.]Google Scholar
Kerr, W. E. Snow pillow experiences in a prairie (Alberta) environment. Proceedings of the Westem Snow Conference, 44th annual meeting, 1976, p. 3947. [Describes site selection and operation and costs of equipment. Snow pillows may be used to measure shallow snow-pack water equivalents.]Google Scholar
Khapayev, S. A. Osobennosti skhoda snezhnykh lavin v Teberdinskom zapovednike i ikh vliyaniye na prirodnyye kompleksy [Peculiarities of avalanching and their effect upon natural complexes in the Teberda reservation]. Materialy Glyatsiologicheskikh Issledovaniy. Khronika. Obsuzhdeniya, Vyp. 25, 1976, p. 199204. [Presents some figures for avalanche occurrence in this area of the Caucasus. English summary, p. 204.]Google Scholar
Khapayev, S. A. Rol’ dvizheniya snega v sozdanii razlichnykh tipov deformatsiy derev’yev (po issledovaniyam v basseyne r. Teberdy) [The role of snow movement in the occurrence of different tree trunk deformations (the studies of the Teberda river basin)]. Materialy Glyatsiologicheskikh Issiedovaniy. Khronika. Obsuzhdeniya, Vyp. 25, 1976, p. 20408. [Effects of avalanches. English summary, p. 208.]Google Scholar
Khmelevskoy, I. F. Khod nakopleniya snega na territorii lesnoy zany Mezhdurech’ya Obi i Irtysha [The course of snow accumulation in the forest region of the Ob’-Irtysh interfluve]. Materialy Glyatsiologicheskikh Issledovaniy. Khronika. Obsuzhdeniya, Vyp. 25, 1976, p. 20813. [Comments upon importance of snow drifting. English summary, p. 213.]Google Scholar
Körner, H. J. Reichweite und Geschwindigkeit von Bergstürzen und Fliessschneelawinen. Rock Mechanics, Vol. 8, 1976, p. 22556. [Proposes method for calculating debris and extent of landslides and avalanches.]Google Scholar
Kölomyts, E. G. Kolichestvennaya otsenka metamorfizma i strukury snezhnogo pokrova [Quantitative estimate of the metamorphism and structure of snow cover]. Izvestiya Akademii Nauk SSSR. Seriya Geograficheskaya, 1976, No. 1, p. 58Å72. [Considers various methods.]Google Scholar
Komarov, A. A., and Al’tshuler, Z. Ye. Osobennosti perenosa snega v gornykh rayonakh [Peculiarities of snow transport in mountain areas]. Materialy Glyatsiologicheskikh Issledovaniy. Khronika. Obsuzhdeniya, Vyp. 26, 1976, p. 17278. [Effects of wind, degree of saturation and topography. Studies in northern U.S.S.R. English summary, p. 178.]Google Scholar
Krimmel, R. M., and Meier, M. F. Measuring snow-covered area to predict reservoir inflow. U.S. Geological Survey. Professional Paper 929, 1976, p. 17375. [Forecasting run-off with the aid of ERTS images.]Google Scholar
Künzi, K. F., and Staelin, D. H. Measurements of snow cover over land with the Nimbus-5 microwave spectrometer. Proceedings of the tenth International Symposium on Remote Sensing of Environment ... 1975. ... Ann Arbor, Center for Remote Sensing Information and Analysis, Environmental Research Institute of Michigan, Vol. 2, [1975], p. 124553. [Emissivity at 31.4 GHz lower by 10% than at 22.2 GHz, while emissivities for uncovered land are about 0.95 at both frequencies. Maps for snow cover over land are generated for northern hemisphere and compared with data obtained by visible light imagery.]Google Scholar
Kuvayeva, G. M. Osobennosti ispareniya i transformatsii snezhnogo pokrova v zavisimosti ot mikroklimaticheskikh usloviy sklonov i dna doliny [Peculiarities of evaporation and transformation of snow cover in relation to the microclimatic conditions of valley slopes and bottoms]. Materialy Glyatsiologicheskikh Issledovaniy. Khronika. Obsuzhdeniya, Vyp. 26, 1976, p. 22938. [English summary, p. 238.]Google Scholar
Kuvayeva, G. M., and others. Physical properties of snow cover of the Greater Caucasus. [By] Kuva[y]eva, G. M. Sulakvelidze, G. K. Chitadze, V. S. Chotorlishvili, L. S. and El’mesov, A. M. Translated from Russian. New Delhi, Indian National Scientific Documentation Centre for the U.S. Dept. of Agriculture, Forest Service and the National Science Foundation, Washington, D.C., 1975. iv, 309 p. [Translation of Fizicheskiye svoystva snezhnogo pokrova Bol’shogo Kavkaza. Rezul’taty Issledovaniy po Programme Mezhdunarodnogo Geofizicheskogo Goda. Glyatsiologiya. IX Razdel Programmy MGG, No. 17, 1967.]Google Scholar
Letvak, D. B. Metrication of British Columbia snow survey operations. Proceedings of the Western Snow Conference, 44th annual meeting, 1976, p. 3638. [Metrication of equipment may be greatest problem and biggest expense.]Google Scholar
Lipovskaya, V. I. Kharakteristiki sil’nykh snegopadov [Characteristics of heavy snowfalls]. Materialy Glyatsiologicheskikh lssledovaniy. Khronika. Obsuzhdeniya, Vyp. 26, 1976, p. 21216. [Discusses heavy snowfalls in East Siberia. English summary, p. 216.]Google Scholar
Liser, I. Ya. Kharakteristika maksimal’nogo snegonakopleniya v yuzhnoy chasti Obskogo basseyna (bez Gornogo Altaya) [Characteristics of maximum snow accumulation in the southern part of the Ob’ basin (excluding the Altay mountains)]. Zapadno-Sibirskiy Regional’nyy Nauchno-Issledovatel’skiy Gidrometeorologicheskiy Institut. Trudy, Vyp. 17, 1975, p. 12434.Google Scholar
Lyons, R. O. The SIMPAK program; application to simplified streamflow forecasting. Proceedings of the Western Snow Conference, 44th annual meeting, 1976, p. 8793. [Programme has use in analysing effects of snow melt.]Google Scholar
McCammon, B. P. Snowpack influences on dead fuel moisture. Forest Science, Vol. 22, No. 3, 1976, p. 32328. [Large (3.8 to 7.6 cm diameter) dead branches approached fibre saturation during snow-pack accumulation with little uptake during melt.]Google Scholar
Markgren, M. Winterly ground water Auctuations at Umeå. 1971–1975—a detai l of current research. Svensk Geograjisk Årsbok, Årg. 51, 1975, p. 12937. [Includes study of connection with snow cover.]Google Scholar
Matviyenko, V. S. Teoreticheskaya model’ snezhnykh otlozhenii na gornom podvetrennom sklone [Theoretical model of snow deposits on a wind-exposed mountain slope]. Materialy Glyatsiologicheskikh lssledovaniy. Khrollika. Obsuzhdeniya, Vyp. 26, 1976, p. 17983. [Derives model for snow accumulation. English summary, p. 183.]Google Scholar
Meyer, R. L. Snow creep investigations near the Snettisham transmission line in southeast Alaska near Juneau. Proceedings of the Western Snow Conference, 44th annual meeting, 1976, p. 2935. [Discusses causes of failure of three towers on power transmission line, February 1974.]Google Scholar
Miller, L., and others. Avalanche atlas San Juan Country, Colorado, by L. Miller, B. R. Armstrong and R. L. Armstrong. University of Colorado. Institute of Arctic and Alpine Research. Occasional Paper No. 17, 1976, 232 leaves. [Presents catalogue of avalanche activity from late 1870’s to 1975 along Highways 550 and 110 by means of maps, photographs and avalanche summary sheets.]Google Scholar
Morrison, R. B. Enhancement of topographic features by snow cover. U.S. Geological Survlry. Professional Paper 929, 1976, p. 7275. [Winter ERTS images of Nebraska, U.S.A.]Google Scholar
Morrison, R. G. Nuclear techniques applied to hydrology. Proceedings of the Western Snow conference, 44th annual meeting, 1976, p. 16. [Mentions successful use of nuclear unit in measuring water equivalent of snow.]Google Scholar
Mustapha, A. M., and others. Flood forecasting–Oldman River basin, by Mustapha, A. M. Samide, G. W. and Kuhnke, W. K. Proceedings of the Western Snow Conference, 44th annual meeting, 1976, p. 10105. [Southwestern Alberta, Canada. Annual run-off comprised mainly of snow melt.]Google Scholar
Nakagawa, M., and others. Tateyama no sekisetsu no seishitsu no kenkyū [Physical properties of the snow cover on Mt. Tateyama in central Honshu, Japan]. [By] Nakagawa, M. Kawata, K. Okabe, T. Shimizu, H. Akitaya, E. Seppyō, Vol. 38, No. 4, 1976, p. 15764. [Describes changes in nature of snow cover during winter from observations made over three winters, 197275. English summary, p. 164.]Google Scholar
Nefed’yeva, Ye. A. Vliyaniye sllezlmogo pokrova na landshaftnyye svyazi [The influence of snow on topography interrelations]. Moscow, “Nauka”, 1975. 79 p. [Interrelations of physical and meteorological conditions and snow cover and its effect on topography.]Google Scholar
Obedkoff, W. Grid square runoff model. Proceedings of the Western Snow Conference, 44th an nual meeting, 1976, p. 94100. [Technique derived for analysing run-off to Okanagan River basin, British Columbia, Canada, which is largely derived from high-altitude winter snow-packs.]Google Scholar
Ohlson, B. Skogens, viddernas och stadens snötäcke. Nordenskiöld-Samfundets Tidskrift, Årg. 36, 1976, p. 6280. [General account of various aspects of snow cover in forests, open country and towns.]Google Scholar
Pahaut, E. Les cristaux de neige et leurs métamorphoses .... Secrètariat d’État aux Transports. Direction de la Météorologie Nationale. Monographie No. 96, 1975, 58 p. [Descriptions, augmented by good photographs, of snow crystals in the air, on the ground, and melting.]Google Scholar
Peev, C. D. Izmeneniya v prirodnoy srede pod vozdeystviyem snega i lavin [Changes in the natural environment under the influence of snow and avalanches]. Izvestiya Akademii Nauk SSSR. Seriya Geograficheskaya, 1976, No. 2, p. 3541. [Influence of avalanches on the environment in southern Bulgaria.]Google Scholar
Quervain, M. R. De. Snow and avalanches. (In Fuchs, V. E., ed. Forces of nature. London, Thames and Hudson, 1977, p. 81104.) [Popular article on causes of avalanches and rescue routines.]Google Scholar
Rango, A. Operational applications of satellite snowcover observations project. Proceedings of the tenth International Symposium on Remote Sensing of Environment . . . 1975. ... Ann Arbor, Center for Remote Sensing Information and Analysis, Environmental Research Institute of Michigan, Vol. 2, [1975], p. 136776. [Describes project to evaluate use of satellites for streamflow forecasts.]Google Scholar
Rango, A., and Itten, K. I. Satellite potentials in snowcover monitoring and runoff prediction. Nordic Hydrology, Vol. 7, No. 4, 1976, p. 20930. [Describes and reviyws techniques and results.]Google Scholar
Rist, S. SnjóflóṾaannáll áranna 1972 til 1975. fökull, Ár 25, 1975 [pub. 1976], p. 4771. [Presents details of avalanches in Iceland during the period 1972 to 1975, and discusses some of their characteristics. English summary, p. 71.]Google Scholar
Rougier, H. Les chutes de neige et les avalanches du printemps 1975 dans les Grisons (Suisse). Revue de Géographie Aline, Tom. 63, Fasc. 4, 1975, p. 55560. [Describes and discusses abnormally heavy fall of snow in mid-April in this part of eastern Switzerland.]Google Scholar
Rzhevskiy, B. N. K voprosy o maksimal’nykh lavinnykh v Khibinakh [On the maximum avalanche load in Khibiny]. Materialy Glyatsiologicheskikh Issledovaniy. Khrollika. Obsuzhdeniya, Vyp. 25, 1976, p. 18183. [Theory of avalanche air waves. English summary, p. 183.]Google Scholar
Rzhevskiy, B. N. Lavinnye vozdushnye volny v Khibinakh [Avalanche-born air waves in Khibiny]. Materialy Glyatsiologicheskikh Issledovaniy. Khronika. Obsuzhdeniya, Vyp. 25, 1976, p. 18789. [Presents details of impact of one particular avalanche. English summary, p. 189.]Google Scholar
Rzhevskiy, B. N., ed. Issledovaniya snega i lavin v Khibinakh [Studies of snow and avalanches in the Khibiny moutain area]. Leningrad, Gidrometeoizdat, 1975. [176] p. [Papers on snow and avalanche studies in Murmanskaya Oblast’ presented in 1972 at Khibiny glaciological symposium held in Kirovsk.]Google Scholar
Rzhevskiy, B. N., and others. Izmeneniye lavinnogo rezhima v Khibinakh pod vliyaniyem vozdeystviya cheloveka na okruzhayshchuyu sredu [Changes in the avalanche regime of Khibiny brought about by the effect of human activity upon the environment]. [By] Rzhevskiy, B. N. Chadayev, V. I. Guseva, A. I. Materialy Glyatsiologicheskikh Issledovaniy. Khronika. Obsuzhdeniya, Vyp. 25, 1976, p. 18486. [Includes mining, explosions, and avalanche fences. English summary, p. 186.]Google Scholar
Shcheglova, O. P., and Gapishko, V. G. Printsipy krupnomashtabnogo kartirovaniya snegozapasov na osnove aerofotos” yemok [Principles of large-scale mapping of snow storage on the basis of air surveys]. Materialy Glyatsiologicheskikh Issledovaniy. Khronika. Obsuzhdeniya, Vyp. 26, 1976, p. 22126. [Air surveys of transient snow-line enable water equivalents of snow to be mapped. Maps of river basin in Tyan’ Shan’ presented as example. English summary, p. 226.]Google Scholar
Seifert, R. D., and others. Hydrologic studies in Alaska using NOAA VHRR imagery, by Seifert, R. D. Kane, D. L. and Carlson., R. F. Proceedings of the tenth International Symposium on Remote Sensing of Environment ... 1975. ... Ann Arbor, Center for Remote Sensing lnformation and Analysis, Environmental Research Institute of Michigan, Vol. 2, [1975], p. 126372. [Study of spring snow melt, 1974 and 1975 seasons, at two interior rivers (Tanana and Chena) and two Arctic ones (Colville and Sagavanirktok).]Google Scholar
Shantykova, L. N. Kolichestvo tverdykh osadkov na lednikakh tsentral’nogo Altaya [The amount of solid precipitation on the glaciers of the Altay]. Materialy Glyatsiologicheskikh Issledovmliy. Khronika. Obsuzhdeniya, Vyp. 25, 1976, p. 5661. [Presents contour map showing precipitation for alpine zone. English summary, p. 61.]Google Scholar
Solomon, R. M., and others. Computer simulation of snowmelt, [by] Solomon, R. M. Ffolliott, P. F. Baker, M. B. Jr. and Thompson, J. R. U.S. Dept. of Agriculture. Forest Service. Research Paper RM-174, 1976, [ii], 8 p. [Presents modification of previously developed computer model of snow melt, which now provides for modelling intermittent snow-packs and is more generalized than original programme.]Google Scholar
Sommerfeld, R. A. Classification outline for snow on the ground. U.S. Dept. of Agriculture. Forest Service. Research Paper RM-48, 1969 [re-issued unchanged 1976], 24 p. [Based on physical processes which result in various forms of snow particles. Should be aid in understanding physical processes in snow metamorphism.]Google Scholar
Stashko, E. V. Water in freshly-fallen snow. Proceedings of the Western Snow Conference, 44th annual meeting, 1976, p. 2022. [Appears that densities of freshly fallen snow can be estimated from surface air temperature as long as snow-flake size is considered also.]Google Scholar
Steppuhn, H. Areal water equivalents for prairie snowcovers by centralised sampling. Proceedings of the Western Snow Conference, 44th annual meeting, 1976, p. 6368. [Describes quick method for snow covers less than 1 m in depth.]Google Scholar
Storr, D., and Golding, D. L. Comparison of precipitation-gauge and snowpillow data from a severe April snowstorm in a mountain watershed. Proceedings of the Western Snow Conference, 44th annual meeting, 1976, p. 7886. [No serious conflict found between data from snow-storm in Alberta, April 1974.]Google Scholar
Strommen, N. D. Seasonal change in the axis of maximum lake-snow in western lower Michigan. Dissertation Abstracts International, B, Vol. 36, No. 9, 1976, p. 4363-B. [Seasonal shift in area of maximum lake effect snowfall investigated. Abstract of Ph.D. thesis, Michigan State University, 1975. University Microfilms order no. 76-5655.]Google Scholar
Svatkov, N. M. Sovremennoye oledeneniye ostrova Vrangelya i zavisimost’ yego rezhima ot kolebaniy klimata [Present-day glacial cover of Ostrov Vrangelya and the dependence of its regime on climatic va riations]. Materialy Glyatsiologicheskikh Issledovaniy. Khronika. Obsuzhdeniya, Vyp. 26, 1976, p. 8996. [Comments upon effects of snow-storms, snow drifting and variation in annual precipitation on dimensions of glaciers. English summary, p. 96.]Google Scholar
Takeuchi, M., and Fukuzawa, Y. Fubuki-toki ni okeru hikari no messui to shitei [On light attenuation and visibility in drifting snow]. Seppyō, Vol. 38, No. 4, 1976, p. 16570. [Presents results of field studies made near Hokkaido, Japan, winter 197475. English summary, p. 170.]Google Scholar
Thompson, L. G., and Dansgaard, W. Oxygen isotope and microparticle studies of snow samples from Quelccaya ice cap, Peru. Antarctic Journal of the United States, Vol. 10, No. 1, 1975, p. 2426. [Discusses unusual results.]Google Scholar
Tsuchiya, I. Iide-san Gassan-Chokai-san no tairyō sekisetsu oyobi shōkibō hyoga genshō hassei ni tsuite no johō [[Airborne photogrammetrical estimations of] extraordinary snow depths in Mts. Iide, Gassan and Chokai and a preliminary report on the birth of a small glacier). Seppyō Vol. 38, No. 4, 1976, p. 17887. [Describes results of air survey carried out in April 1974 after abnormally heavy winter snowfalls. English summary, p. 187.]Google Scholar
Tushinskiy, G. K., and Fleyshman, S. M. Geograficheskiye issledovaniya snezhnykh lavin i seley [Geographical research into snow avalanches and mud flows]. Vestnik Moskovskogo Universiteta. Serrya 5. Geografiya, 1976, No. 3. p. 6269. [Discusses main aspects of Soviet research since 1964. English summary, p. 69.]Google Scholar
Van Haveren, B. P., and Striffler, W. D. Snowmelt recharge on a shortgrass prairie site. Proceedings of the Western Snow Confiference, 44th annual meeting, 1976, p. 5662. [Discusses influence of topography and vegetation on soil water recharge from snow melt.]Google Scholar
Vozovik, Yu. I., and Salova, T. A. Paleodinamika lavin i seley v severnom priyel’brus’ye [Palaeodynamics of avalanches and mudflows in northern parts of the Elbrus a rea]. Materialy Glyatsiologicheskikh Issledovaniy. Khronika. Obsuzhdeniya, Vyp. 25, 1976, p. 13337. [Presents evidence from which occurrences of avalanches may be deduced from the sixteenth century to the present. English summary, p. 137.]Google Scholar
Wiesnet, D. R., and McGinnis, D. F. Mapping snow extent in the Sierra Nevada of California. U.S. Geological Survey. Professional Paper 929, 1976, p. 17677. [Use of ERTS images.]Google Scholar
Yong, R. N., and Fukue, M. Compression shear performance of snow. McGill University. Dept. of Civil Engineering and Applied Mechanics. Soil Mechanics Research Laboratory. Soil Mechanics Series No. 35, 1976, i 1., 30 leaves. [Related to behaviour of wheels on snow.]Google Scholar