In this paper, we study the transverse vortex-induced vibrations of a cylinder with
no structural restoring force (k = 0). In terms of the conventionally used normalized
flow velocity, U*, the present experiments correspond to an infinite value (where
U* = U/fND, fN = natural frequency, D = diameter). A reduction of mass ratios m*
(mass/displaced mass) from the classically studied values of order m* = 100, down to
m* = 1, yields negligible oscillations. However, a further reduction in mass exhibits a
surprising result: large-amplitude vigorous vibrations suddenly appear for values of
mass less than a critical mass ratio, m*crit = 0.54. The classical assumption, since the
work of den Hartog (1934), has been that resonant large-amplitude oscillations exist
only over a narrow range of velocities, around U*∼5, where the vortex shedding
frequency is comparable with the natural frequency. However, in the present study,
we demonstrate that, so long as the body’s mass is below this critical value, the regime
of normalized velocities (U*) for resonant oscillations is infinitely wide, beginning at
around U*∼5 and extending to U*→∞. This result is in precise accordance with
the predictions put forward by Govardhan & Williamson (2000), based on elastically
mounted vibration studies (where k > 0). We deduce a condition under which this
unusual concept of an infinitely wide regime of resonance will occur in any generic
vortex-induced vibration system.