The nitrogen distributions in 62 samples of whole morning milk covering a range of solids-not-fat content from 6·5 to 9·0 per cent, are discussed.
Samples high in solids-not-fat showed greater constancy in nitrogen distribution over a consecutive range of samples than those low in solids-not-fat.
Rich samples were characterised by high total nitrogen, low non-protein nitrogen and high casein nitrogen. Poor samples were characterised by low total nitrogen, high and variable non-protein nitrogen, low casein and consequently high albumin and globulin nitrogen. In samples low in solids-not-fat the albumin and globulin distribution was variable.
The casein/albumin/globulin ratio was roughly 14:2·5:1 for samples high in solids-not-fat, but the casein dropped in its proportion to globulin as the solids-not-fat decreased and the albumin showed also a slight parallel decrease.
The samples low in solids-not-fat which were studied appeared to be abnormal secretions, since they showed increased albumin, globulin and chloride contents.
The thanks of the author are due to C. E. Lesser and A. WagstafE for the figures for fat and solids-not-fat.