First proofs: First proofs will be emailed to the corresponding author after acceptance. Contributors should ensure that they are available to check their first proofs and answer any queries that have arisen during copyediting and typesetting.
Supplying corrections: Authors should mark up the corrections to their article by using the online proofing interface. Full details on how to send corrections will be given in the first proof email. Please note that it is the author's responsibility to check the proof carefully; errors not found may appear in the published article. Authors will receive a link to the PDF of their final article, along with a shareable link.
For more details on the Cambridge production process see the comprehensive set of FAQs.
Fast-Track Publication
Papers which the editors feel warrant fast-track publication will be expedited through the publication process. A fast track publication process may be requested by submitting authors in their cover letter if it is believed that the paper could immediately improve clinical practice or public policy. The decision to "fast-track" papers lies with the Editors.